
BARBARA WOKE UP BEFORE DAWN. VlTTORIO WAS SLEEPING soundly beside her. She picked up her handbag, then walked to where Vittorio's bag stood open and felt inside, coming up with the Federal Express envelope. She took it into the bathroom, locked the door and turned on the light.

It was just an ordinary FedEx shipping envelope; he hadn't affixed the label, yet. She pulled the tab that opened it and removed the signed blank sheets of paper inside. Then she opened her large handbag and took out the FedEx envelope and blank paper she had gotten from the bank. She stuffed the blank sheets inside, sealed it, then put the old envelope and the signed sheets into her handbag. Then she switched off the light, unlocked the door and tiptoed to Vittorio's bag. She put the FedEx envelope containing the blank sheets into the bag, then crept back into bed. "What?" Vittorio said.

"Nothing," she said. "I just went to the bathroom."

He reached for her, and she melted into his arms, feeling for his crotch. Gotta keep him sweet, she thought, and she ducked under the covers, giving herself to the enterprise.

WHEN SHE WAS DONE, she nestled in his arms.

"That was wonderful," he said.

"You know what would be wonderful?"


"If we could just stay down here."

"In Mexico?"

"Yes. I like it down here, and you can live dirt cheap."

"Your three hundred grand wouldn't last all that long."

"I've got more coming," she said. "A lot more."

"From where?"

"From Ed," she said.

"I don't think that's going to happen," he said.

"It'll happen, if you don't FedEx him those signed sheets."

"That wouldn't work," he said.

"Why not?"


"What about him?"

"He wouldn't sit still for that."

"So, don't tell him. We can just send him on his way."

"But when Eagle doesn't get the signatures, he'll put Cupie on us. Cupie is very smart; he'd find us again."

She wondered if she could talk him into killing Cupie. Probably not. "I guess you're right," she said. She turned over, putting her back to him. He reached for her ass, but she removed his hand.

"Look, baby," he said, "I took the man's money; I have to finish the job."

"You took my money, too."

"And I'm going to finish that job. I'll get you back to the States."

She said nothing.

"And then there's the Mexican police: they're still looking for you."

He had a point. She couldn't stay in Mexico. But if he sent Ed those blank sheets, the hunt would be on again, at least until this guy Pepe did the job. If he did the job. There were too many loose ends to this; she was going to have to think of a way to tie some of them up. When Eagle was dead, then she'd have everything she needed.

What she had to do now was buy time, until Pepe did his work. If Eagle died without a signed settlement agreement, she'd get his estate and the life insurance. That was the best way.

CUPIE PUT HIS BAG in the trunk of the Toyota, then leaned against it, gazing out across the Pacific. Something was wrong, he figured, maybe a lot. First, he had to get straight with Vittorio, then they could discuss the rest.

Vittorio came out of the casita, carrying his and Barbara's luggage, and put it into the trunk.

"We've gotta talk," Cupie said.

"I'm listening," Vittorio replied.

"Your new, ah, relationship with the lady is screwing up this job."


"She's gonna try to talk you out of going through with it, and I'll be left with an angry client."

"She's not going to talk me into anything," Vittorio replied. "I'm getting laid; I'm enjoying it. All I have to do to complete the job is to FedEx Eagle those signatures, then get the lady to the U.S. Eagle will be happy, and she'll be happy, then we can all say bye-bye."

"Has she asked you yet not to send Eagle the signatures?"

"Of course, but I'm going to anyway. I'll find a shipping office in Mazatlan and FedEx them from there. That will take care of our client, Ed Eagle, then all we'll have to do is take care of our client, Barbara Eagle."

"You're sure you're on board for this?"

"I'm on board, Cupie. Besides, I wouldn't want you dogging my ass."

"Then there's something else we have to talk about," Cupie said.


Barbara came out of the casita and headed for the car.

"We'll talk later," Cupie said.


They got into the car, and Vittorio started the engine.

Cupie was looking at the map. "I got an idea," he said.

"What's that?" Vittorio asked.

Cupie pointed at the map. "You see this dotted line that runs from Mazatlan over to La Paz, in Baja, California?"


"That means there's a ferry. Instead of driving straight up the road to Tijuana, why don't we take the ferry and drive up the Baja peninsula. It won't take much longer, and the policia won't be expecting it."

"I like it, Cupie; good thinking." Vittorio turned and looked at Barbara in the back seat. "You okay with that?"

"Good idea," she said. Barbara thought it was a really good idea, but not for the reason Cupie and Vittorio did.
