
The exhibition tent was smaller than Skinner recalled from his last visit to an Open Championship, but nonetheless, an impressive number of clothing and equipment manufacturers and dealers had been gathered together by the SSC team who had organised the event.

The policeman wandered from stand to stand, testing the balance and weight of the high-tech clubs on show, continuing his impossible quest to find the ideal putter, and judging the effectiveness of the rainproof garments which make year-round golf possible in Scotland.

Eventually, just after 11.30 a.m., he settled on a pullover-style garment which proclaimed itself `Made in Scotland' and 'Guaranteed Weatherproof.

He had just paid for his purchase and stepped off the manufacturer's stand when he was hailed from the other side of the tent. 'Bob, hello!' He turned to see Henry Wills making his way through the crowd.

`Henry. What are you doing here? I thought that you were detecting this morning in New Register House.'

`Yes, I was. I made an early start, and I was completely successful.' Henry Wills, in a grey three-piece business suit, looked completely out of place among the garish colours which were normal dress in the big tent. 'I was looking for Miss Rose, but since you're here, I'll tell you all about it.'

Skinner put up a hand to stop him. `No, don't do that. I need all my concentration for golf, and anyway, Maggie's been making the running on this. If you've got good news for her it's only right that she hears it first.'

Wills looked only slightly crestfallen. `Can you tell me where she is?'

The ACC glanced at his watch. `Probably well into the back nine by now. She's walking round with the Nakamura team.'

`Back nine? Nakamura? I'm terribly sorry, Bob, but all this is virgin territory to me. I know nothing about golf, I've never been to one of these events in my life before, and the only player I could name is Young Tom Morris, because I saw his grave once in St Andrews Cathedral and read his sad story. You couldn't just tell me a place where I might find Maggie?'

Skinner laughed. `See you city folk! OK Henry, the best thing you can do is to go and sit in the big stand beside the eighteenth green. That's the one to the right, looking from the clubhouse. If you find a place there, then in around an hour she'll be..

`Reginald!' Wills's start and his sudden shout, took Skinner completely by surprise. He turned to follow his friend's gaze, but saw no answering reaction from anyone in the milling crowd.

The only familiar figures were Sandro Gregory and Darren Atkinson, twenty yards away and deep in conversation as they stepped down from the Shark's Fin golf equipment stand, to disappear among the throng.

`Bob, how rude of me to interrupt you,' said Wills. I'm terribly sorry; it's just that for a second I was certain that I saw an old student of mine across there. I must have been wrong though, he didn't react at all. It has been around fifteen years since I taught the chap. But I was so certain; it was just an instinctive thing. That's why I shouted; I couldn't help myself.'

Skinner smiled. 'There can't be too many Reginalds around, my friend. If it had been the right bloke, he would surely have reacted.'

Wills nodded. 'I suppose so. But come to think of it…' he raised a finger in an almost theatrical gesture… I recall now that he hated the name. It would annoy him terribly whenever I used it.'

`So, should you have called "Reg", or "Reggie"?'

`No, that wouldn't do either. He went by one of these awful modern pop-star corruptions, but it quite escapes me. I refused to use it, any more than I would have allowed anyone to call me

"Hank", or the like.

Anyway, back to Miss Rose. Be in the stand in around an hour, you say?'

`Yes. Wait for the first match coming in and look among the gallery. You should find her there.'

Wills looked perplexed once more. I'm sorry Bob, but which gallery is this? Is it beside the stand?'

Skinner shook his head. 'Tell you what, Henry. You just stand high up on the grandstand gangway wearing that suit. That way Maggie'll find you!'
