
The weather had moved from overcast to oppressive as Skinner climbed the steps to the mobile office. He felt the humidity hanging in the air, and the mounting heat even in mid-morning. The conditions were alien to the Scottish climate, particularly in September, and they added to the feeling of unreality which gripped him.

Alison Higgins, Maggie Rose, Mario McGuire and Neil Mcllhenney were waiting inside as he stepped through the door, with Andy Martin, in plain clothes, on his heels. To the Inspector and the two Sergeants, their arrival together rang of a reunion, but none voiced their thoughts.

Skinner looked around his grim-faced colleagues.

`Well people, it's been quite a week, hasn't it? Just when we were hoping it was over, we've lost another. But that's it, I promise you. It stops today.'

He turned towards Higgins, kindly. 'Superintendent, you've done a bloody good job. But it's been an impossible one. I believe I know the whole story, now. I still have to put it to the test, but I'm certain of it. There's no need for watchers on the course any more. Richard Andrews was found this morning, and he's out of the picture. I know who we're after, and how we'll find him.

Alison, I only came upon the truth through an incredible piece of luck, but once that happened, the whole thing came together, as clear as crystal. There was no step you didn't take, nothing you could have done that would have brought us to it any sooner. Knowing it's one thing though. Proving it will be something else again. Still, we'll see what the day brings.

There are a couple of traps I can set. One of them's already in place.'

He looked across at McGuire. The other one, that's a backstop, and for it, Mario, I need you to make a purchase for me. This is what it is.' As he gave the Sergeant-turned-caddy his instructions, even Andy Martin looked puzzled.
