LENNON SENT THE image to Connolly’s phone as soon as he was back in his car, along with instructions on what to do with it.

While he waited, he thought about his next act. Logically, he should have gone straight to Maxie’s Taxis to see what he could find out there, but he couldn’t help but think about Ellen. Less than ten minutes would get him over to Susan’s flat, with traffic thinning away from the city center. Then he could cut across the river toward the Holywood Road.

His phone rang. The display said “Number Blocked,” just as it would from the station.

Lennon thumbed the button and asked, “Did you get the picture?”

“How’re ya, Jack?”

Lennon stopped breathing.

“You there, Jack?”

The voice, its thick southern accent a mockery of sweetness.

“I’m here,” Lennon said.

“You get my card?”

Lennon’s fingers still felt dirty where he’d touched it.

“Yes.” “What’d you think? Did you put it up?”

“No,” Lennon said. “I tore it up and threw it away.”

“That’s not nice, Jack. There’s me all thoughtful, and you just throw it away. I’m sure your mother raised you better.”

“I don’t—”

“Is that how you’re raising that wee girl?”

“Shut your mouth.”

“She’s a pretty wee thing. Pity her ma didn’t get out like you and me did.”

“Stay away from my daughter.”

“Or what?”

“Or I’ll kill you.”

“You killed me already, Jack. Remember? In that big house near Drogheda. You put a bullet in me and left me to burn. You don’t get a second go. Not with me, you don’t.”

“Stay away from—”

“Next time you see me, Jack, it’ll be too late for anything. All you can do is pray I make it easier for you and your wee girl than you made it for me.”

“You fucking—”

“Or maybe I’ll burn that child, leave her all scarred and twisted like me. Then I’ll give you a year or two to watch her suffer before I put you out of your misery. How’s that sound, Jack?”

“I’ll kill you.”

“So you said. Merry Christmas, Jack.”

The phone died.

Lennon dropped it on the passenger seat, wiped the heat from his eyes, and started the engine. He ignored the blaring of horns as he accelerated into the traffic, visions of Ellen in flame behind his tearful eyes.
