LENNON HEARD THE second shot as he lowered his feet from the kitchen sink to the tiled flooring. The third followed moments later.

“You’re a fucking idiot,” he told himself again.

An idiot for going in alone after he heard the first shot. An idiot for not turning around and getting out when he heard the next two. He had advised himself of his own stupidity several times in the last few minutes, yet his higher mind seemed unwilling or unable to accept guidance from his gut instincts.

Jack Lennon was an idiot when he joined the police. He was an idiot when he refused to accept a commendation for saving the life of a fellow officer under fire. He was an idiot when he left his unborn daughter when she was still in the womb. He was an idiot when he drove a killer called Gerry Fegan across the border to settle a score.

Lennon knew he had been an idiot all his life, but it never stopped him. He drew his pistol and made his way deeper into the house.
