Chapter 7

It was two months after she moved in and four months after we’d started messing with each other that I woke up in the middle of the night to find her sitting in the living room in the dark crying. What the fuck?

I’d turned over and she wasn’t there so of course I’d woken up and searched for her, when she wasn’t in the bathroom or anywhere upstairs I’d panicked before running downstairs for the kitchen. Maybe she’d gotten hungry and went for a late night snack, but she wasn’t there. It was only as I was returning up the stairs to get my keys to go searching for her, my heart in my throat that I’d seen her cowering in the dark.

“Baby what the fuck?”

She wouldn’t even look at me at first and I started to worry, she was really crying and from the looks of it she’d bitten her lip hard enough to draw blood so she wouldn’t make any noise. Sitting down next to her I drew her into my lap and held her until she settled.

“Drake I’m so sorry.”

My heart started that sickening thump in my chest, you know the one, the one everyone gets when they know something bad is coming.

“What are you sorry about baby?”

She started to shake and cry harder this time not bothering to hide the sounds of distress.

Without saying a word she lifted her hand and showed me the wand like thing she was holding, at first I had no idea what it was but then I saw the pink line and my heart started beating faster for a whole different reason.

“Is that…are you?” I couldn’t remember words for shit, I think my vision went a little cloudy there for a minute and I had to calm down before I gave myself a stroke.

“Baby, are you pregnant?” She nodded her head against me.

“What you don’t want to have my kid?” If she said no I swear I was gonna lose my shit.

“It’s not that, I didn’t plan it I swear it just happened, I didn’t know…”

I tried to process what she was telling me, but it wasn’t making any sense, by now the news was sinking in, I was going to be a dad. Instead of the abject fear I expected I felt…relief, what the fuck? Not only that, I was happy, I wanted to laugh and shout and twirl her around and call mom and dad. What an ass.

“What do you mean plan it baby what’re you talking about?” I’m a clueless fuck so sue me.

“I don’t want you to think that I did it on purpose…I don’t want to be like my mother please…”

“Be like your mom what…what the hell are you talking about babygirl how are you like your mother? You know whose the father of your baby.”

“So does she.”

“What? I thought…”

“I can’t talk about it but please don’t throw me out, I’ll take care of the house, I’ll do everything you want just please don’t’ throw me and my baby away.”

“What the fuck are you insane?” I had to push her away so I could look at her.

“What the hell ever gave you that idea?” This girl was going to make me crazy I swear.

“You never said that you wanted to have kids and I know you don’t want to get married ever again after the last time.”

“What happened the last time has nothing to do with us babe, you’re not her thank heavens, now stop all this crying nonsense it can’t be good for my lil man.” I felt warm inside, fucking amazing, I’m going to be a dad. Dana had always had an excuse why we shouldn’t have kids, I was away too much and she didn’t want to raise them alone, we’ll wait until I was settled and no longer racing which was going to be never the bitch. I’m happy as fuck now that we never did I can’t imagine having to deal with her ass for any reason.

“We have to get married before the baby gets here.” For some reason that made her cry harder, women.

“What is it now?” I held her closer running my hand up and down her back trying to soothe her.

“You’re going to hate me, I’m forcing you into a marriage that you don’t want.”

“Babe seriously how far along are you?”

“I think it happened the first time why?” She sniffled as she studied me warily.

“About four months then, I think your hormones are out of whack because you’re not making any sense.”

“What do you mean, what if you meet someone and fall in love?” The waterworks started up again and I was looking at her like she’d lost her damn mind.

“What do you mean meet someone and fall in love, what the fuck do you think we’ve been doing here?” Now it was her turn to look at me like I was crazy.

“But you said, in the beginning you said…”

“Who the fuck knows what I said? I don’t even know what I said I was in a bad place back then baby ignore that shit.”

“But how can you love me? You’ve never said it.”

“Of course I have babygirl, what time do I go to work in the morning?”

She scrunched up her forehead as if thinking and wondering what the hell that had to do with anything.

“Nine sometimes nine thirty.”

“What time did I used to go to work the first week you were here?”

I see the light was dawning but not fully.

“Five.” Her voice got soft.

“Babe I love cars more than anything in the world, the fact that I spend an extra four hours everyday with you instead of there with them should tell you something. The fact that I spend those four hours buried balls deep inside you should be even more telling.”

“But that’s just sex right…isn’t it?”

“Baby, no one fucks that long and that often for just sex, that’s me marking you, claiming you, you’re so green baby.”

“Am not.”

“As a sapling.”

“So…you love me?” She’s driving me batty.

“Yeah Cherry I love you.”

“Well why didn’t you ever say anything do you know how scared I was? I thought I was going to lose you forever.”

“Fuck babe, you pack a wallop.” I wasn’t expecting the punch to the gut.

“Serves you right.”

“Don’t get too tough lil mama, I can sill turn you over my knee without hurting our baby.”

“Yeah yeah yeah big talk.” She put her head back down on my chest but I had other ideas, as I sat there the image of her swollen with my child inside her came to me and I was hornier than a ten horned toad. I rubbed my dick against her ass just in case she missed it.

“You done crying?”

“Yes.” She gave me my favorite smile and turned her lips up all puckered and ready for my kiss.

Silver, Jordan

Sweet Redemption (The Pregnancy Affair Book 3
