Chapter 6

Our days and nights settled into a routine, when she wasn’t following me to the track she stayed home and did who knows what; she’d decided to wait for the next semester to sign up so she had a little time before we had to take care of that. I’d taken her to my guy the third day she was here to have her tatted with my name in some kind of fancy lettering that she picked out, I had to hold her hand the whole time because she’s scared stiff of needles but all in all it turned out well. I’m not going to talk about the pride I felt seeing my stamp of ownership marked into her skin or how every time I fucked her doggie style now I was harder than I’ve ever been seeing that shit. It is what it is. Lately she’s been moving around the house more like she lived here than like an unwanted guest, the cleaning service was even now in the habit of dealing with her instead of me thank fuck. She did the food shopping and I still hadn’t taken her shopping for new clothes, which I decided to take care of this weekend. Her new little BMW that I got her as a surprise was cute as hell even though she gave me shit for buying it; I just ignored her ass and did my thing. It was getting easier having her in my life, she was so unassuming that I actually found myself going above and beyond to draw her out. I had no doubt tomorrow would be like pulling teeth but I was resigned to it.

“Drake I really don’t need new things.”

“Cherrybabe we’ve been over this shit a hundred times kill it.”

“But I’m perfectly fine with what I have, you’ve already got me that new car and a new home that doesn’t leak when it rains and there’re no broken windows and stuff, I don’t think I need anything else. Besides you give me an allowance shouldn’t I be using that to go shopping?”

“No, that’s for you to do girly shit with, like going out with your girls and shit, or picking up little odds and ends that you like, shit I don’t know. I do know it’s my responsibility to clothe, shelter and feed you so let it go already because I’m still going to do what I want in the end so you might as well give it up. Now come here let me get some sleep, your pussy wore me out.”

“She did not.” She punched my shoulder playfully before laying her head on my chest getting settled in for sleep. Every night it was the same routine, she’d trace my tats until she fell asleep at my side but somehow I always woke up in the morning to find her on my chest curled up like a little kitten.

After boning her twice in the morning it was time to hit the road, she wanted to head to the next town over but I nixed that shit, I knew what she was up to. She didn’t want anyone seeing us together, she had some stupid ass idea that she was sullying my reputation or some shit and no matter how much I told her different it didn’t make a lick of difference to her stubborn ass.

“We have the same stores right here no dice, and stop looking like you’re going to the gallows, no one is going to say shit to you.”

We did get some stares and a few mumbled asides but nothing for me to worry about, she tried walking ahead or behind me but each time I caught her at it I’d drag her back under my arm. She’d mumble something smart under her breath but each time she did I’d kiss her and make her blush. There was only one fly in our ointment and that came in the form of my ex cousin in law, the one I’d caught in my bed. I hadn’t seen his ass since that night and hoped never to see his ass again. The guy was a Billy Ray Cyrus wanna be who got stuck in the eighties, in other words a joke; I wonder if I should’ve been more insulted that she’d chosen that to screw around with but then again she’d fucked some other more upstanding citizens as well so maybe not. I wasn’t even going to acknowledge his ass until he eyed my woman up and down with a smirk on his face. I’d already seen her aversion to confrontations so I really didn’t want to start anything with him but I thought it prudent to have a word with him all the same.

“What are you looking at asshole?”

The fucker had the nerve to smirk at me what the fuck?

“I’m checking out my next conquest.”

You’ve got to be shitting me, okay granted I haven’t spent much time in my hometown since going away to college and then being on the racing circuit my whole adult life, so maybe people might be under the impression that I was a chump. Fuck that I had his ass laid out on the floor and was crouching down over him when the crowd started to gather. Babygirl was trying to pull me off of him but no dice; this shit was a long time coming. Funny how hours after catching him with my wife he’d ceased to matter but the fact that he’d said that shit about Cherry had me ready to commit murder.

“Listen up asshole, the reason you were able to fuck your cousin is because you are both low life scum, not because you are a better man than me, not even close. She’s not Dana, neither does she need a dog to do the job for her, or should I say she doesn’t need a man who needs a dog to do the job for him. What’s the matter Dwayne, dick too short? It amazes me that you who have to resort to fucking your own cousin could even think that you could ever be man enough to best me. Go home to your dog and your bitch and if I ever see you again I’ll beat you to within an inch of your pathetic life.” I said all this out of hearing of the people who had gathered but I think Cherry might’ve heard if the expression on her face was anything to go by. I stood up from over him and took her elbow leading her away.

“Sorry about that babe let’s go get you some shoes.”

“I’m sorry.” She was near tears.

“What are you sorry for babygirl?”

“That they did that to you, you didn’t deserve that.” She said it with such conviction it hit me in the gut, I could only look at her before bending to kiss her forehead.

“Leave it for now baby lets go shopping.”

After that day I noticed a change in Cherry Ann, she was more clingy but without being annoying, she followed me to the garage more often instead of staying home and seemed genuinely interested in what I was doing, before long I found myself teaching her the ins and outs of the business. I did draw the line at letting her get behind the wheel though and when I caught her buttering up Clancy who she’d grown very close to I threatened his ass with mayhem, the old codger just laughed and walked away. The guys knew better than to fuck with her after the whole Don incident so she was a lot more relaxed because for the first time in her life she was being treated with respect.

Our life together was settling into a nice little routine I got used to having her there and she seemed to blossom; she still didn’t go into town too much and I didn’t push it as long as she was happy I was fine with it. Her mom hadn’t made an appearance and I had given up asking her where she was, she didn’t seem too worried about it so why should I?
