“Okay, listen up!” Gil said, taking a seat on the edge of the table. “Tonight we execute the illegal abduction of an American citizen. We will be breaking the law. This means we have zero room for error. Is that understood?”

Every one of the team members nodded his head, all of them steely eyed and focused.

“The plan is simple and straightforward. Four of us will enter the Luxor casino. We will be escorted by a CIA plant working as a hotel concierge to Muhammad Faisal’s suite’s elevator, which opens up just outside his door on the twentieth floor. When we arrive, we will blow the door and sweep the room, killing his entire five-man security team. Once Faisal is secured—alive—we will bring him directly back here for interrogation.”

Crosswhite cleared his throat. “Sorry, but do we plan on shooting our way out of there? Because that casino is wall to wall with security.”

Gil grinned. “Did I not say, simple?”

“Yeah, and that doesn’t sound too simple to me. Then again, I’m not a navy man.”

Gil got up and put out his hand for a cigarette. “The sheriff and the head of casino security have been advised that we have a FISA warrant for this guy — which isn’t exactly true — and they have both agreed to help. So there won’t be any trouble with security on the way in or out, neither with the cops or hotel security.”

“Who explains the bodies we leave behind?”

“Can any of you think of a better cover story than to blame it on the bastards who hit us in Benghazi? The State Department’s going to blame Faisal’s abduction on AQAP… Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula… the sworn enemy of the Saudi royal family.”

“Wow!” someone said. “Threaten us with a nuke, and our moral ethics go right out the fuckin’ window.”

Everyone laughed.

“Lying to the Saudis,” the SEAL went on, shaking his head in disappointment. “Tell me it isn’t so.” His name was Clancy, the team prankster.

Gil drew from the cigarette. “I think you’ll get over it.” He waited a moment for the men to regain their focus before continuing. “We’ll wear shemaghs and carry AK-47s, using hand signals to communicate, jabbering in gutter Arabic to make sure any witnesses we leave behind will corroborate our terrorist cover story.”

“What about the five million security cameras?”

“Pope’s hacked into their system. He’s going to make sure nothing is recorded. Once we’ve got Faisal, we stuff his ass in a laundry cart, and the CIA man brings us back down in a service elevator. Then we bring him back here and find out what he knows… by whatever means necessary.”

“And the president knows about all this?” Alpha asked dubiously.

“Given the briefing I received from Pope, I’m left with that assumption, yes. However, do not forget that every man in this room has a well-documented history of acting against orders. This means we could all be disavowed very easily without the president taking any damage if he chooses to double-cross us. Regardless, once the op jumps off, we’re in it to the last man. Nothing and no one can or will be allowed to prevent us from completing this mission.”

Tuckerman put up his hand.

“Yeah, Conman?”

“I don’t like to be the guy to point out the fly in the honey jar here, but how do we know the target will be in the room when the entry team makes the breach?”

“Actually, that’s where you come in. Like Pope said, he sprung your ass for a particular reason. It’s going to be your job to make sure Faisal’s in the room.”

“Excuse me?”

“Pope has secured you a one-million-dollar line of credit with the Luxor casino. He’s also secured you a seat at tonight’s high-stakes poker game. Muhammad Faisal will be at the same table.”

“No fuckin’ way,” Tuckerman said, laughing with nervous tension as everyone turned to look at him again.

“The son of a bitch never leaves the hotel these days,” Gil said. “Pope considers that an encouraging sign of his guilt.”

“Okay, so what am I supposed to do after I whip his ass at poker?”

“Con your way into his hotel suite and be ready to take his ass to the floor the second we blow the door. If he gets clipped, it’s game over.”

“Piss,” Tuckerman mumbled to himself. “It’s all gotta ride on me.”

“Hey, what about after the interrogation?” Trigg asked. “Suppose Faisal doesn’t know anything? I mean, we don’t have jack shit for evidence on the dude. It’s entirely possible he’s innocent. What happens to him then?”

Gil shrugged. “He can’t ever be allowed to tell the Saudi royal family that we took him — or what we did to him afterward. No matter what he knows… or doesn’t know… the royal family will be told that he was killed in a terrorist attack executed by AQAP. So if he is innocent — well, that’s just something we’ll have to live with.”
