Luxor Hotel

With word of the shooting on the twentieth floor quickly spreading throughout the hotel and casino, Sheriff Moleska’s men were already flooding inside by the time the service elevator reached the ground floor. He stood beside Pope directly outside the service entrance, where the SEALs were now loading the mysterious laundry cart into the back of a white van with US Government plates. They climbed in after it, and Gil slammed the door. Beside the van, two Vegas paramedics loaded Tuckerman’s body into the back of an ambulance.

Moleska looked at Crosswhite. “How big of a mess did they leave up there? I’m already getting reports of a bloodbath.”


Gil turned to the sheriff. “Five or six unknown gunmen rushed us from the stairwell and killed my man. They’re all dead. A hooker took an errant round to the head. She’s dead too. Also, the hotel concierge. All on the twentieth floor.” He looked at Crosswhite. “We gotta roll.”

“Hold on a minute,” Moleska said. “What about the gunmen? Were they Faisal’s people or somebody else?” Pope had shared Faisal’s identity, since the sheriff would have learned it soon anyhow. “I need to know whatever you people can tell me right now, because once you disappear, I’ll be on my own to sort this mess out.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but those concerns don’t fall within my mission profile.”

Gil went around the driver’s side and got in behind the wheel. Crosswhite climbed into the passenger seat, and the van pulled out.

Pope offered the sheriff his hand. “Sheriff Moleska, thank you. If we find the nuke in time, you’ll be the man this nation has to thank for it — though I’m afraid that’s going to have to remain a perpetual secret.”

The sheriff only half shook his hand, realizing he was being treated like a schmuck but not really knowing what to do about it. “This is pure bullshit, you know that?”

Pope walked off, but not before promising that the president would personally be helping clean up the mess.
