Chapter 72: A State of War

(Wednesday, November 10th Game Day / Thursday, April 15th Real Day)

The game was no longer innocent.

What started as an adventure game, filled with immersion and world discovery was now a series of conflicts. The innocence was long gone and even I had realized that. A part of me wanted to believe some of it remained.

That, maybe, things could go back to being peaceful.

I realized that was foolhardy though.

The Central Kingdoms had been warring for at least a month now. The North and South had both experienced their share of blood too. War, had spilled across the continent. We were all at war now, with each other.

This was essentially the beginning of the first war of The Dragon's Wrath.

Whether it became a Great War or one that fizzles out shortly, was yet to be seen.

I expected it, somewhat welcomed it, but I didn't think it would come quite so soon. My village was still developing, players were still learning the system, and over half of the continent had yet to be explored.

Yet, already, guilds were waging war.

They wanted to claim territory and solidify themselves for the future.

It was reasonable.

That was what the game was for.

Simulated Fantasy Warfare.

Whether that was warfare against the Environment or against Players didn't matter. Monsters or creatures or humans, didn't matter. There was a singular goal in a lot of games, and this one was no different.

Everyone wanted to live their dreams.

To be the best.

[FWB] thought the same way.

They wanted to eliminate the competition.

I, was the competition.

Now, they would pay the price for their transgressions.

War had come to The North.

War, was not something I would shy away from.

No, not at all.

"Set out, Eindride," I said calmly to the man next to me.

"All hands, row!" he yelled to the men.

Our Longship was departing now.

Filled with twenty of my strongest warriors, mages, and priests along with Katherine and I plus two sailors. All of them equipped with the best weapons and armor I could produce and acquire. All of them highly trained in group tactics and coordination. Yeah, they were all developed as well.

A priest, two mages, and two warriors per group.

They learned how to train together, they learned how to hunt together, and then they learned how to fight together. Now, they would get the chance to test their mettle.

Some, would get the chance for revenge.

Vengeance was on our minds.

A long time coming.

It would be swift.

It would be deadly.

It would be… remorseless.

I was a monster after all.
