Chapter 73: The Raid

(Saturday, November 13th Game Day / Friday, April 16th Real Day)

Once we had reached the open water, a strong tailwind had taken us on course. A calm night with a good breeze, the waves that crashed against the walls of the ship were small and harmless. The ice cold froth hitting our faces was nothing more than a reminder of what it felt like to be alive.

The stars were out, guiding us on our voyage if by chance we lost sight of the mainland. That wasn't a worry though, for the clouds had parted and let the full moon illuminate the way. A beam of light, pointing us in the direction that we needed to go.

The heavens and the Gods of the North were on our side tonight.

Men and women alike were waiting, eager and ready in the silence.

The rolling of the ship did little to dull the mood as the waves had started to pick up. Coming closer to the shore, a village had appeared on the horizon. It wouldn't be long now. The voyage had been a long one, some two-hundred miles by sea but it was a peaceful one. The calm before the storm had eased our hearts and minds.

Seagulls squawking in the distance gave the coast away.

As if the moon hadn't done enough.

And then the moment came when we knew we were blessed.

As the clouds closed and focused the moonlight onto a single opening. The mouth of the river that we needed to take. Riding the waves into outgoing freshwater, the sudden change in tidal forces rocked the boat slightly but it was nothing to worry over.

Gliding over the turbulence, we were soon sailing up the river and towards our destination. The village in the distance, completely fortified with wooden walls all the way around and torches burning every twenty feet was easy to spot.

We knew what it looked like.

There was no mistaking it.

Men and women were now preparing for the beaching.

Hot pitch had been prepared for every individual onboard, as all had learned the basics of the magical lighter specifically for this event.

We were less than a few minutes out, now.

Now, it was time to begin.

"Five minutes," I said quietly but clearly for all to hear. "Once we land, you have five minutes. We start from the far side, light the buildings and cut back to the ship. Stick to your unit, stay tight. Cut down those who are in your way, ignore the rest."

This had been drilled into them for days.

It was verbatim.

But I repeated it anyways.

The Longship continued to sail up the river as the buildings had taken shape. The village's wooden walls stopped precipitously at the water's edge as if they were inviting us in. The walls were easily ten feet high if not more and would have posed a problem.

Of course, we didn't need to go through or over those walls.

We went through the river.

Sailing into the western edge of the village we beached the ship and immediately hopped overboard and into the waist deep water with soft splashes no louder than the lapping water hitting the river bank. We remained silent as we filed out along the walls and behind the thatch buildings that had been shoddily assembled.

Men, women, and children occupied those buildings.

Enemies, all of them.

Signaling the units to move, they fanned out three to the left and two to the right. I would occupy the middle alone while Katherine watched the boat. Sneaking through the village, the occasional wandering NPC or Player was found and quickly silenced.

Standing behind a corner, I waited as a man was pacing by.

Drunk, he was oblivious to his surroundings.

Silencing my breathing and honing my senses, I could hear every footstep as it started to close the distance. Soft footsteps in the night, hardly discernible from the river waves and the squawking gulls. I waited, patiently for the man to come.

And then, as he passed within my range, I struck.

Shooting forth with an arm stretched out, I clasped my hand around his mouth as I ran my knife into his throat. The man's legs and arms jumped in shock and horror as his eyes screamed for all of two seconds. Then, turning the man around, I dragged his body around the corner and laid it down in the shadows.

The process was repeated, silently.

Two minutes had gone by as we had finally reached the eastern edge of the village. A total of ten NPCs killed with no Players yet alerted. Giving the signal, the hot pitch that every man and woman had on their company was lit aflame and tossed onto the roof of a building.

In an instant, the village had started to smoke.

After seconds, the village had woken.

By the third minute of our visit, half the town had been engulfed in flame as raiders hastily ran through the village and lit every non-burning building on fire. Shouts had filled the air as people screamed out.


Embracing the chaos I turned out into the middle of the village where other players had gathered. Standing tall at the center with my dire wolf pelt concealing my face and body. My eyes a solid red with a lingering reddish-orange trail as I began to pace.

"INTRUDER KILL HIM!" another man shouted as he pointed his finger at me.

A minute and forty-five seconds to go, I engaged.

With my bearded axe at my side, I flash stepped into the crowd of players and quickly swung with all my might, impacting an unaware caster in the side of the arm and cleaving all the way through into his chest.

The hit so solid that my axe was stuck in the corpse as I was forced to kick it free. Breaking my weapon out, I rapidly turned to deflect the sword thrust of a woman as another man attacked me from behind. Utilizing a backstab he attempted to land a critical blow as I twisted in the loose gravel and brought my axe to a high-guard.

Dropping the axe down in the blink of an eye, the rogue's eyes opened as the steel axe-head cut through his leather jerkin and left him crawling on the floor. The woman resumed her attack as she tried to slice me, only to bounce off my hardened leather with a glancing blow as I contorted my body.

Fire immediately soared past me as I flicked my head back in reaction, then rain started to fall on my pelt as the ground began to turn to frost. Surrounded by shield-bearers, rogues, spearmen, swordsmen, mages, and archers, I was now ready.

They charged blindly with weapons drawn as I immediately tucked in and began to draw an electric current. My body convulsing with electricity as the men closed the distance. Then at the last moment before they reached me, I exploded with electrical brilliance as bodies were flung back in every which direction.

Stepping over the nearest body I dropped my axe into his face as I sidestepped another fireball. The freezing rain had proved useless as the frost mage used a [Flash Frost] to seal my movements.

Feet frozen to the ground, I struggled to break free as a [Heavy Thrust] from a spear flew towards my body. Unable to reposition I brought my axe in and swung with a short-arc, deflecting the spear as two more came from behind.

Jumping forward with all of my might the frost shattered as I tumbled on the ground and met a claymore with my nose. Blood dripping into my eyes I rolled once more as I used a [Leg Sweep] and dismembered the man where he stood.

Collapsing to the ground without feet he tried to stand up but found a knife lodged into the base of his skull. Yanking my knife free I dove forward as fire erupted behind me and singed the back of my legs.

An arrow hit me in the side at the same time as one whizzed past my face. Dodging and ducking as I continued to move with sidesteps and tumbles, I began to retreat towards the ship as fifteen or so players gave chase.

Rounding a corner, I stopped for a second as I dropped my axe and began to chant. "Through power, darkness turns to light, render all to ash," I whispered as I started to gather four distinct lightning bolts between my hands. Entwining and entangling while spinning rapidly in between my palms, I watched as the group of players turned the corner and with a quick extension, I released.

"CHAIN LIGHTNING!" I yelled with a thunderous roar that was only matched by the crack of thunder itself. Lightning surging out of my hands and into the unsuspecting players. As it bounced and arced between them I picked up my axe and charged right into the horde with my eyes burning a flashy red.

Swinging wildly and with reckless abandon I hacked through the first man only to clip the girl behind him. Her face crushed by the blow she fell harmlessly to the floor as I pulled my hand-axe and parried a sword. Another sword came as it sliced my arm but with a quick step back I threw out an [Arc Lightning] that brought the man to his knees.

Pulsating lightning burning the man internally as he fell defenseless to the dirt, I continued to deflect the oncoming blows of the other two with my other free arm.

Pulling back, I leaped and as I hit the ground with a roll I kicked out at the collapsed man. Knocking him back while getting back to my feet, I took my knife and threw it into his exposed neck.

Reaching for my bearded axe, my left hand disappeared as it fell into the darkness. The shimmer of a sword flashing and reflecting the fires that burned all around. Ignoring the wound, I turned and with one hand gathered lightning in my palm.

His eyes widening at the sight, he realized too late what was about to come.

Dashing forward and attempting to land a fatal blow to my skull my one-handed [Lightning Bolt] slammed into his chest as he fell haplessly in front of me. Quickly placing my hand on his head, I grabbed his hair as I slammed a knee into his face.

Blood covering my knee and my forearm bleeding profusely, I grabbed my axe and executed the man clutching his nose as another arrow hit me in the neck. Turning my head slightly I caught sight of the man and flashed in front of him. Grabbing him by the collar I threw him onto the ground as I raised my axe and brought it down once again.

Then, an explosion of fire and frost rang out all around me as the casters had found me once again. Breaking into a sprint I charged blindly at them while swinging weakly with my one good arm. My blows were shallow and only served to wound as casters broke rank and ran in every which direction.

A quick look towards the river and I was the last one left.

Ignoring the players that were running about in a panic, I spit on the ground as I began to run back towards the ship. Fifteen seconds were left.

It was four minutes and forty-five seconds now.

Time was up.

Then something caught my eye.


Milly was standing in the distance with sword and dagger drawn.

I stopped for a second to stare at her, as she locked eyes with me.

She began to shake in fear.

A fireball exploded on my back but I shrugged off the impact and continued my stare. She was the cause of all of this… she deserved to die. Walking towards her, my anger and rage were overtaking what little sanity I had left.

Breaking into a run straight in her direction she stood her ground as she trembled and dropped her dagger to the ground. With one sword held limply in her right hand she extended it out as if she could defend herself.

Standing in front of her, she had practically pissed herself.

Then I realized it wasn't worth it anymore.

Shaking my head with a tsk escaping my mouth, I turned away and utilized a [Flash Step]. My body instantly reconstructing as a lightning bolt and cutting through the air in a literal flash, only to rematerialize thirty feet away and in the middle of a sprint.

Five seconds until departure.

"GO, NOW," I shouted as I ran.

The men started rowing as the boat began to pull out, heading back out onto the river from where we came, out towards the ocean, where we would be safe.

I was still running when the time ran out and the boat was already fifteen feet from the shoreline. Katherine stared with empty eyes as she watched the village burn behind me. My silhouette blocking a small portion of the orange sea that was raging only a few feet away. My red eyes, clearly visible.

And then as the tenth second passed and the boat was nearly thirty feet away.

I flashed again.

Reappearing on the boat with electricity discharging off my body and static popping in the air, I had made it.

Not bothering to look back at the village that was burning to the ground, I sat down on my wooden box and grabbed an oar. Joining in the silent rowing that had been taking place. Sail cutting into the wind, we rowed through the mouth of the river and up and through the clashing waves.

We rowed until the flames were no longer visible and the gulls couldn't be heard.

And then after an hour had passed, a voice broke the silence.

"Are we heading home, Sigurd?" asked Katherine.

"Yeah," I calmly replied. "We're heading home."

(End Volume 2)
