When Ward got home at five- thirty there was a message on the answering machine from Natasha. “I won't be home before eight, so I guess you better fend for yourself for dinner.” He replayed the message twice, listening closely. Each time her clinical delivery left him cold. These days she left messages, even though she knew he always carried his cell phone.

Ward took a long cool shower, changed into a T-shirt and shorts, and turned on the television to the local news.

Ward's cell phone rang at a few minutes past seven. The caller ID showed a number he wasn't familiar with.

“Ward McCarty,” he said.

“Mr. McCarty, it's Todd Hartman. I hope this isn't a bad time.”

“No, it's a good time.”

“Just wanted to let you know I've tracked the young girl down.”

“That was fast,” Ward said.

“Alice Palmer. That's her name. She's eigh teen. Five five, ninety pounds, blond hair, green eyes. Her license picture fits your description. At tends UNCC, math major, with a petty rap sheet that points to a troubled, not a criminal, young woman. She lives with her mother in a three-quarter- million- dollar home in Dillworth. Her mother, Delores Palmer, sells high- dollar residential real estate and she makes mid- six figures. Drives the Porsche you saw to impress prospective clients, and has a large BMW to ferry clients around in. Alice travels to Vegas to see her father a few times a year. She probably doesn't know the monetary value of the car. This was probably for attention from someone. Maybe the parents.”

“What do you do next?”

“I'll catch her in the A.M. on her way to classes on campus. Lots of people around so it's a safe atmosphere for her. I'll talk to her and I'll know where we are.”

“Great work,” Ward said.

“Nothing to it. Just a short conversation with a friendly aviation employee I have on my Christmas list, followed by a computer search. I'll call after the meeting to let you know what happens.”

Ward hung up and his eyes came to rest on the calendar on the counter. He saw that Natasha had marked the anniversary of Barney's death with a red circle. He wondered why she'd have to mark the date to remember that day. While she hadn't mentioned anything to Ward, he couldn't help wondering what she had planned to do on the anniversary.
