Chapter 2

I met Elena exactly two months and two weeks after that phone call; believe me I wasn't looking for anyone, I hadn't touched Zola in all this time, she'd tried a few times but I'd convinced her I still had my problem and that I was too embarrassed to go to the doctor so I was trying things I found online, she grouched a little but in the end she had her boss's stick to ride so she wasn't too put out.

Elena was rushing somewhere when I was coming out of my favorite restaurant where I'd just had a late lunch, we collided and I remember thinking she had the softest firmest breasts I'd ever felt.

We both apologized profusely until I got a good look at her. Gorgeous; long curly black hair and the most piercing green eyes I'd ever seen. She had pits in her cheeks they were too deep to be called mere dimples and what they did for her smile. It went right through me.

We'd both laughed in embarrassment to be caught staring, I guess she liked what she saw as well.

"I'm sorry I should've been looking where I was going."

Her voice was like warm caramel, smooth, dark and sweet, it did something to my nerve endings, some kind of tingling shock.

"Are you in a rush to get somewhere?"

"Yes my English lit class."

"Oh you're taking evening classes at the U." She just said she was in a hurry Zane let her go.

"Yes I'm a student at the U going for my BA in early childhood education."

"Very impressive, I'm Zane Cordon by the way."

I saw her throat work at that.

"You're…?" She turned to crane her neck to look at my high rise office buildings that took up half the block across the street.


"And you are?"

"Ahem, I'm ElenaPatriakis."

"Pleased to meet you Elena, don't let me keep you, wouldn't want you to be late."

"Oh right sure…" She seemed really shy all of a sudden as she dropped her head and walked off. When she was about twenty feet away I called out to her. I wasn't sure what I was going to do but somehow I knew I couldn't just let her walk away out of my life.

"I would love it if you joined me for dinner some time." I held a card out which she returned to retrieve. Her cheeks were pink and cute as she smiled shyly before putting the card away in her bag.

“You better hurry don’t want to be late for class.”

“Yes sir.”

My cock actually jumped when she said that, what the fuck?

I let it go for now and just watched her ass twitch in her soft jeans that did amazing things for her ass as she walked away once more.

For the first time in too long I felt real interest in a woman, shit it had been almost thirteen years since I’d fucked anyone other than the bitch, which burned my ass now that I knew she hadn’t been so discriminating, fucking bitch, I’m not bitter or anything though.

I stood there until she turned the corner before heading back to my office in the opposite direction my mind on my jumping cock.

Back in my office I put the beautiful Elena out of my mind and set about my last task for the day before heading home. I’d taken to conducting operation ‘fuck the bitch over’ from here since it was getting a bit risky to do at home. Suddenly she had become all clingy and wanting to spend more time together. I guess she noticed the distance growing between us and for whatever reason wanted to fix things not to mention the fact that I’ve been going home later and later every night. It was all I could do to be in the same house with her without killing her, I still puked my guts up every once in a while when I thought of what she’d done. I’d already mourned for my however many lost children, I’d put them to rest in my head and in my heart after asking them forgiveness for not being a good enough dad to protec›

I hadn’t looked at anyone, believe it or not I’d felt weird, like I was cheating or something, breaking my vows until I realized those shits were now null and void.

Now I have this new development on my hand, the case of the jumping dick; I hope that bitch hadn’t warped me or some shit because the truth of the matter is when I looked at the sweet young Elena my mind went to complete domination. I don’t mean tie her up spank her domination I mean if I was ever gonna go there with a woman again, I had to be in complete control and she looked perfect for the part. She was petite with just that little hint of shy innocence in her, I could see her under me taking my ten inches just how I wanted her to, and that sir shit, oh hell yeah I could definitely work with that. I’m such an ass I hadn’t thought to get her number, what if she didn’t call? Or I never ran into her again?

I felt a slight sadness at the thought but quickly brushed it aside, no way I was gonna play the sap again, fuck that.

I knew it wouldn’t be hard for me to find a woman willing to lay down for me, shit when I was married they were all but throwing their panties at me. I’m not vain in the least but I’m not blind either I know what I was looking at when I looked in the mirror. My black hair was worn military short an old throwback to my days in the marines, that’s where I’d learned the special skills that made me one of the nation’s leading security specialists, my company was in high demand from people all over the world begging for my services and they didn’t come cheap.

My eyes were some kind of weird blue green color that could be turquoise one minute and teal the next or so I’ve been told, fuck if I know. I was a lean muscled six four with not an ounce of fat and my eight pack was still going strong, all in all not a bad package; I never even questioned why Zola had cheated on me, I didn’t really care and I’m sure if I’d planned to give her the chance that she would’ve come up with some doozies but by the time our divorce was final I would be long gone if all went as planned.

I sat back and brought her beautiful face to mind, those dimples alone was worth a shot.

“Are you really thinking of doing this Zane what’re you fuck stupid? She’s too young you’ll only be setting yourself up for more heartache.” I liked saying things out loud to myself these days, one of my new quirks.

At home that evening I dodged the bitch by claiming I had work to do.

“But Zane you’ve worked late every night for a month and we haven’t had sex in almost three.” She wrapped her reptilian limbs around me and I almost decked her, shit I’d been able to avoid any touching in all this time, I was a trained killer my thing was taking out all threats and this bitch was my number one enemy. It took every ounce of my willpower not to throw her across the room but thank heavens I was saved by the bell, literally. My phone rang and I breathed a sigh of relief as I pulled away from her and went to get it.

I walked into my office answering and came up short at the voice on the other end, she’d called after all.

“Are you married?”

Those were her first words to me it never crossed my mind to lie to her so I told her the truth.

“Not for much longer.”

“I bet all married men say that to gullible young girls just to get them into their beds.”

She sounded pissed and that got me to thinking, I’d been so caught up in my aversion to cheating I never stopped to question hers.

“If that’s the way you feel about it there’s nothing for me to say now is there? All I can tell you is that it’s the truth but it’s up to you if you believe me.”

“What does that mean not for much longer?”

I walked to the door to be sure Satan’s concubine wasn’t listening in before answering that very loaded question, verifying that the coast was clear I walked deeper into the room and ran my hand over my head as I tried to find the right answer.

“It means little girl that you came into my life at a very complicated time, it means that I’m married in name only for at least the next three or four months while my lawyers work things out so I don’t have to go through any more crap than necessary. There are some serious things involved here and I’d understand if you walk away but just know that you’re the first woman in almost fourteen years that I’ve had an interest in other than my soon to be ex, and the first to actually get a rise out of me in over two months.”

Shit I don’t think I’ve ever said so much all at once before in my life.

“Do you promise, you’re not just lying to get me into bed?”

“Yes baby I promise, when you get to know me, if you get to know me you’ll learn that that’s not the kind of man I am. Does that answer your question?”

“Yes, kinda I’m not sure this is all new for me too, I find myself attracted to you but I won’t have an affair with a married man, swear to me that you’re not married.”

Damn could she be any more perfect? A bit naive but perfect none the less after all I could tell her anything I wanted to.

“I promise Elena how was class tonight?”

“Class was fine I think I was born too late or in the wrong time period or something because I love those old classics, I love reading about their courtly ways and the chivalry…oh I’m sorry I’m probably boring you huh, I tend to do that sorry.”

“No you’re fine, I happen to love the classics as well maybe this summer we can do Shakespeare in the park or something would you like that?”

“I’d love it.” I don’t know what it was about her voice but it seemed to have a direct link to my dick, that breathy little sigh she did when she was excited was a total turn on and I wondered what it would do to my cock when I was balls deep inside her.

We stayed on the phone for almost two hours, it was the first time since high school that I’d whispered on the phone with a girl like that and it felt good. I went to sleep that night with a smile on my face, fucking sap, whatever happened to once bitten twice shy?
