Chapter 6

I hated leaving her but I had something to do that could not wait so that evening after we’d moved her stuff to the penthouse I kissed her goodbye and told her I’d be right back, I could see from her frown that she wasn’t happy and I tried to explain.

“Beauty look at me…I’ll be back, I’m going to take care of something that will get us closer to me being divorced that’s all, there’s nothing for you to worry about.” She still didn’t answer me so I drew her up from the chair she’d been sitting in and into my arms.

“Come ‘ere, stop pouting baby, I made you a promise didn’t I?” She nodded her head and I kissed her forehead softly inhaling her scent.

“You look sexy as fuck in my shirt by the way, I’ll be right back I promise.”

“Do you still kiss her?” Her question stopped me at the door.

“No baby, I haven’t touched her since before I met you.” I looked at her sad little face which tore at my heart before heading out the door. It’s a good thing I had made up my mind not to spend another night away from her if she was this insecure with me just going for a few hours she’d probably have been a wreck if I’d had to spend the night. I held the papers that I needed signed as I made my way to the car, I’d thought long and hard about the best way to do what needed doing and had come up with the best solution.

Zola was sitting in the kitchen when I walked in, she looked up expectantly as I approached and I noticed for the first time that she looked haggard, almost ill. Good, I hope the bitch was suffering it can’t be easy living with someone who refused to touch you and even though she had no idea why she isn’t that stupid, she had to feel the rift that was there.

“Hey, something came up and I have to leave for a couple weeks at least.”

“What? This is crazy I feel like I haven’t seen you in weeks, it’s been months since you’ve even touched me and I can’t help but feel like we’re drifting apart somehow, now you tell me you have to leave for a couple of weeks what’s going on Zane?”

“Nothing’s going on Zola in fact things are coming along just right, you know why we haven’t been intimate I told you.”

“Well is it better?”

“Not quite but it’s getting there, I finally decided to go see a doctor about it when I get back, by the way we need to sign some papers for the accountant something about the new tax breaks or some nonsense.”

I placed the papers in front of her with a pen and just as she was about to start reading I brought out the big guns.

“Speaking of doctors how did it go with that Dr. Sylvain guy? You never said anything.” Just as I knew it would she became distracted and her hands started signing as she thought up a decent lie.

“I heard that he wasn’t so good after all so I never even made the appointment, so you have to go away for a few weeks when will you be back do you have any idea?”

Nice way to change the subject, I watched her carefully to be sure she signed all the papers before taking them up from in front of her.

“I have no idea you know how these things work it’s some diplomat in Eastern Europe, wants top notch security and insisted I be there to oversee everything. He’s paying top dollar so I didn’t quibble too much, I have to get a move on the guys are going to be ready to head out soon.” Her greedy little eyes lit up at the mention of money and I turned and headed into the room I’d been occupying for the last little while. It was good that she didn’t follow me right away or she would’ve noticed that I was taking all my most important stuff, old memorabilia from my time in the marines, all my important documentation, I took only what clothes I will need for now, I’ll have a service come in and pack them up after she’d been evicted and give them to the Salvation Army or some shit. My Japanese buyer had come through he was only too happy to take possession earlier than planned the money should be in my offshore account in a few days.

She finally came into the room to see what I was doing but I had already zipped everything up nice and tight.

“That’s a lot of stuff for a single trip.”

“Like I said I have no idea how long this thing will take so I’d rather be prepared.” She came towards me and my stomach turned but I’d planned for even this. Reaching into my pants pocket I pressed a button and my phone rang. I help up a finger and answered.

“Hey Jace I’ll be there in a sec, just had to make sure I got everything, yeah the jet’s ready? Sorry about that had to take care of some last minute business I’ll be right there.” I kept the phone to my ear as I walked pass her for what would be the last time as her husband. I didn’t even stop to say bye just waved over my shoulder before grabbing mystuff and left the room, as I headed out the door I felt a slight pang but not for her, more for what had been destroyed. The look on her face was priceless, yeah bitch, the sap you married and fucked over was no longer. I didn’t give her a second thought as I loaded my stuff in the back of my car, I’ll have to see about getting my truck out of the garage while she was gone tomorrow.

I called the house as soon as I turned the corner. “Hey Zola I forgot in my rush, someone’s gonna come by tomorrow for the ruck it needs a tune up or some shit and I don’t want to wait until I come back just leave the garage unlocked but closed for me okay.”

“Sure.” She wasn’t sounding too sure there not that I cared, if she’d been a different person I would’ve felt sorry for her as it stood she was getting off lightly and that was only because I wanted her out of my life now more than I wanted revenge, I couldn’t see hurting my little Elena more than necessary just to exact vengeance on her ass.

When I got back to the penthouse I was met with a very excited young woman who ran to meet me at the door and throwing her arms around me peppered my face with kisses. I dropped my suitcases and picked her up turning her to the wall. Our mouths came together in a passionate kiss that went through me like liquid heat; my two realities couldn’t be more different. Elena I wanted to love and protect always, I will see to it that she was kept happy and satisfied, the age difference which should probably scare the hell out of me didn’t bother me in the slightest, in fact I loved it, she needed me to take care of her and I needed to be needed, it was the perfect match.
