
As mentioned in my Author’s Note, Marian ‘Molly’ Seibert, soloist and assistant choir director for the Medieval Women’s Choir, is the inspiration for her namesake in this book. Not only that, she helped me along the way by brainstorming with me at the beginning, suggesting appropriate pieces of music, reading the finished draft, and simply being her fabulous self. Dr Michelle Urberg, a fellow member of the choir with a PhD in medieval music from the University of Chicago, was the third part of the brainstorming team, generously loaning me books and suggesting others from the library as well as the music used in the book; later she read and commented on the finished draft and contributed to the Author’s Note. I am so grateful to both of them! I take full responsibility for any errors that crept in despite their care.

Deep thanks to my friend Dr Louise Hampson for fielding questions about scenes in and around York Minster and all things medieval York, as well as reading the final draft with an eagle eye watching for errors that might have crept in.

As ever, I am grateful to Dr Mary Morse for a careful edit of the complete manuscript and thoughtful comments. Professional editor, professor of medieval literature, manuscript scholar, musician, and good friend, she swept through the manuscript at the end, asking insightful questions and helping me tidy up.

I count on my agent Jennifer Weltz to read through the manuscript as a staunch advocate for my characters and the series. She’s always right, and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Huge thanks to my editor Kate Lyall Grant for her support, enthusiasm, and thoughtful questions and comments, and to all the team at Severn House.

On a sad note, I lost a dear friend and partner in crime, Joyce Gibb, on Christmas Eve 2019. First reader for almost all of my books, Joyce never held back when she thought I was going astray. There is more than a little of Joyce in Magda Digby. I miss her sorely.

For his beautiful maps and patience throughout the year helping me with systems issues, travel, and whatever comes up, I am always and forever grateful to Charlie Robb, my anchor, my best friend, the love of my life.
