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22 Sheela Na Gig, Kilpeck, Herefordshire: Kilpeck church, twelfth-century (© Nessy-Pic, Wikicommons).
27 The School of Venus, or The Ladies Delight (London, 1680).
29 ‘Les charmes de Fanny exposés’ (plate VIII) by Édouard-Henri Avril, 1887. First published in an illustrated edition of Fanny Hill by John Cleland. Art Collection 4 / Alamy Stock Photo.
31 Tait, Lawson, Diseases of Women and Abdominal Surgery (Philadelphia: Lea Brothers, 1889). Gibson1 / Alamy Stock Photo.
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45 Roman fresco from the Terme Suburbane in Pompeii (Wikicommons).
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72 ‘The Hottentot Venus’, Belfast Commercial Chronicle, 15 January 1816. Newspaper image © The British Library Board. All rights reserved. With thanks to The British Newspaper Archive (
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75 Oosterhoff, Inge, ‘Greetings from the Colonies: Postcards of a Shameful Past’, Messy Nessy Chic, 2015
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76 Delacroix, Eugène, Jewish Wedding in Morocco (Paris: Louvre Museum, 1841). Age footstock / Alamy Stock Photo.
79 O’Neil, Henry, Jephthah’s Daughter Contemplating her Virginity and her Imminent Death, Surrounded by Woeful Attendants with Musical Instruments (London: Wellcome Collection, 1846, CC BY).
81 1960s advert for Pursette tampons (Woman’s Day, May 1962).
84 Saja, Pietro, Vestal Virgin Condemned to Death (Caserta: Palazzo Reale, 1800). akg-images / MPortfolio / Electa.
86 Dou, Gerrit, A Physician Examining a Urine Flask (London: Wellcome Collection, seventeenth century, CC BY).
89 Painting on a cowrie shell, ‘A man unlocking a chastity belt of a reclining woman’ (London: Wellcome Collection, CC BY).
91 Monk of the Order of St Francis, Nocturnal Revels: Or, the History of King’s-Place, and Other Modern Nunneries (London: M. Goadby, 1779).
93 Goya, Francisco, A Young Woman Casting Aside her Virginity to Become a Prostitute (London: Wellcome Collection, 1798, CC BY).
102 Seminal Emission Moxibustion Point Chart. Caption: Jinggong (Palace of Essence/Semen), C19 Chinese MS moxibustion chart: Seminal emission point by Zhang Youheng (London: Wellcome Collection, CC BY).
103 Chinese woodcut: Jiang niu zhuo yue (Dismounting from the ox to catch the moon), Qigong exercise to treat involuntary seminal emission (London: Wellcome Collection, 1513, CC BY).
105 A giant penis copulating with a female devil. Gouache painting. c.1900 (London: Wellcome Collection, CC BY).
108 Milton, John Laws, ‘Four Pointed Urethral Ring’, in On the Pathology and Treatment of Gonorrhoea and Spermatorrhoea, originally published in New York: Wood 1887 (London: Wellcome Collection, CC BY).
109 Brodie, R.J., The Secret Companion: A Medical Work on Onanism or Self-Pollution (London, 1845).
111 Milton, John Laws, ‘Toothed Urethral Ring’, in On the Pathology and Treatment of Gonorrhoea and Spermatorrhoea originally published in New York: Wood 1887 (London: Wellcome Collection, CC BY).
112 ‘The Electric Alarum’, On the Pathology and Treatment of Gonorrhoea and Spermatorrhoea originally published in New York: Wood 1887 (London: Wellcome Collection, CC BY).
115 Portrait of Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard (Bethesda: National Library of Medicine, Science Source).
116 Portrait of Dr Serge Abrahamovitch Voronoff (Washington: Library of Congress collections).
121 Eugen Steinach. Photograph by J. Scherb after a painting (London: Wellcome Collection, CC BY).
124 Reports of the case of testicular theft, Dundee Evening Telegraph, 16 October 1922). Newspaper image © Successor copyright holder unknown. With thanks to The British Newspaper Archive (
126 ‘Rejuvenating Tablets’, Sporting Times, 13 February, 1926. Newspaper image © Successor copyright holder unknown. With thanks to The British Newspaper Archive (
126 ‘Anti-ageing face cream made from glands’, Britannia and Eve, 1 December 1938. © Illustrated London News/Mary Evans Picture Library.
128 Beuckelaer, Joachim, Brothel (Baltimore: Walters Art Museum, 1537).
140 One man makes dough as another stokes the fire for the oven, there is bread on the tables and trays and baskets are piled in stacks. Sixteenth-century coloured etching (London: Wellcome Collection, CC BY).
141 ‘A baker is loading uncooked dough into an oven, as baked loaves are carried away by a woman’, by J. Amman, Der Beck from Jost Amman’s Stände und Handwerker, (London: Wellcome Collection, CC BY).
145 ‘Sixteenth-century woodcarving of two people making bread’. Two people are making bread in a great brick-built oven. Process print (London: Wellcome Collection, CC BY).
149 ‘Illustrations of six types of shellfish’ by Shizhen, Li, in Compendium of Materia Medica, Bencao Gangmu – c.16 Chinese materia medica, Shellfish (London: Wellcome Collection, 1596).
150 Botticelli, Sandro, The Birth of Venus (Florence: Uffizi Gallery, 1484). The Picture Art Collection / Alamy Stock Photo. By permission of the Ministry for Cultural Assets and Activities.
152 ‘Oyster’ (Tzomqe/
154 ‘A young girl is selling oysters to a customer in the street’, nineteenth-century coloured lithograph, J. Brydone & Sons (London: Wellcome Collection, CC BY).
156 Molly Milton, the Pretty Oyster Woman (London: British Museum, 1788). © The Trustees of the British Museum. All rights reserved.
158 A woman, with light shining on her face from a lamp, standing in front of a barrel of oysters, opening one with a knife. Wood engraving by H. Linton after H. Morland (London: Wellcome Collection, CC BY).
160 Nakhshabi, Ziya’ al-Din, Lizzat Al-Nisa (Pleasures of Women) (London: Wellcome Collection, 1824, CC BY).
162 Reynolds, John, et al., A Discourse upon Prodigious Abstinence (London: R.W., 1669).
165 Title page for Women’s Petition Against Coffee (Houghton Library, Harvard University, 1674).
167 Portrait of John Harvey Kellogg (Washington: George Grantham Bain Collection at the Library of Congress).
175 Granville, Joseph Mortimer, ‘Granville Hammer’, in Nerve-Vibration and Excitation as Agents in the Treatment of Functional Disorder and Organic Disease (London: Churchill, 1883).
176 ‘VeeDee’ Mechanical vibrator, London, England, 1900–1915 (London: Science Museum CC BY).
181–3 Pelvic massage illustrations from Dr A. Jentzer, Die Heilgymnastik in der Gynaekologie: und die mechanische Behandlung von Erkrankungen des Uterus und seiner Adnexe, nach Thure Brandt (Leipzig: Verlag Von Johann, 1895).
194 Illustration of a ‘Draisine’ (Wikimedia Commons, 1817).
195 ‘Rover Ladies Safety Bicycles’, designed by John Kemp Starley (Wikimedia Commons, c.1889).
203 ‘Bicycle face’, from Derry Journal, 23 September, 1895. Newspaper image © The British Library Board. All rights reserved. With thanks to The British Newspaper Archive
204 Ferris Good Sense Corset Waist advert, 1901.
205 ‘A “lady cyclist” is attacked by a mob for wearing socks’, Illustrated Police News, 9 October 1897. Newspaper image © The British Library Board. All rights reserved. With thanks to The British Newspaper Archive (
206 Opper, F., ‘The “New Woman” and Her Bicycle, There will be Several Varieties of Her’, in Puck (New York: Published by Keppler & Schwarzmann, 1895 June 19. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540).
208 Aberdeen Press and Journal, 14 April, 1888. Newspaper image © The British Library Board. All rights reserved. With thanks to The British Newspaper Archive.
211 ‘Early twentieth-century image of a man copulating with a model of a woman and models of penises mounted on a board’ (London: Wellcome Collection, 1900, CC BY).
213 Cnidus Aphrodite, Roman copy of fourth-century Greek original, Ludovisi Collection (National Museum, Palazzo Altemps, Rome).
219 Kokoschka, Oskar, Alma Doll (Private collection, Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images, 1919).
221 Inflatable vinyl sex doll (Wikicommons).
229 Filippuccio, Memmo di, Erotic scenes fresco (Musei Civici di San Gimignano, c.1300).
231 Prior, T.A. after Thomas Allom, ‘Outer cooling room of a Turkish bathhouse’, in Constantinople and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor originally published by Fisher and Sons, 1838 (London: Wellcome CC BY).
232 Japanese Men and Women Washing in a Traditional Bath House, Utagawa, Yoshitora (London: Wellcome Collection, 1860 CC BY).
234 Benham, Sebald, Fountain (London: Wellcome Collection, sixteenth century CC BY).
244 Rowlandson, Thomas, The Hairy Prospect or the Devil in a Fright (London: British Museum, 1800). © The Trustees of the British Museum. All rights reserved.
248 Goya, Francisco, The Nude Maja (Madrid: Prado Museum, 1797).
252 Ashes depilatory cream advert that ran in Harper’s Bazaar, 1922.
256 Miniature: Clyster with Pear-Shaped Douche in Use (London: Wellcome Collection, fifteenth century CC BY).
258 ‘Vaginal Douche’, Handbook of Obstetric Nursing, 1902, by Francis W. N. Haultain and James Haig Ferguson (London: Young J Pentland, 1898).
260 ‘Lysol douche advertisement’, in McCall’s Magazine, July 1928.
261 ‘Zonite douche liquid advertisement’, in McCall’s Magazine, 1928.
262 ‘Dr Pierre’s Boro-Pheno-Form Feminine Hygiene Suppositories advertisement’, 1950. Published in Secrets magazine, July 1950, Vol. 28 No. 2.
268 D’Alton, C., ‘A watercolour of a man suffering from psoriasis and possibly syphilis’ (London: Wellcome Collection, 1866 CC BY).
270 ‘Re-usable condom in original’ (London: Science Museum / Science & Society Picture Library).
272 Grose, Francis, Guide to Health, Beauty, Riches, and Honour (London: S. Hooper, 1785).
275 ‘“Paragon” Re-usable condom in original’ (London: Science Museum / Science & Society Picture Library).
276 She May Look Clean (Bethesda: National Library of Medicine, 1940).
279 Late Nineteenth-Century Japanese Ukiyo-e Woodblock Print (London: Wellcome Collection CC BY).
280 ‘French periodical pills’, Boston Daily Times, 6 January 1845 (Washington: Library of Congress).
281 ‘Savin Juniper’, botanical illustration, W. M. Woodville, Medical Botany, vol. 2 (London: Wellcome Collection CC BY).
283 ‘Female Abortionist’, in National Police Gazette, 13 March 1847, p. 1.
286 ‘Hooked instrument once used for removing an aborted foetus’ (London: Wellcome Collection CC BY).
288 ‘Foundling hospital tokens’ © The Foundling Museum (London: Foundling Museum).
289 ‘This is a token’ © The Foundling Museum (London: Foundling Museum).
291 ‘Farr’s Patent Ladies’ Menstrual Receptacle’, American Druggist, January, 1884.
292 Páez Houses and Bridge, image showing menstrual hut (Washington: Smithsonian, 1946).
296 Berengario da Carpi, Jacopo, Isagoge Breves Prelucide Ac Uberime In Anatomiam Humani Corporis. A Communi Medicorum Academia Usitatam originally published by Benedictus Hector, 1522 (Wellcome Collection CC BY).
297 ‘Gynaecological acu-moxa locations for treating irregular menstruation’ (London: Wellcome Collection, 1591, CC BY).
299 Sears Catalogue, 1936 (Harry Finley, Museum of Menstruation).
300 Maygrier, J.P., ‘Vaginal examination in vertical position’, in Nouvelles Démonstrations D’accouchemens/Avec Des Planches En Taille-Douce, Accompagnées D’un Texte Raisonné Propre À En Faciliter L’explication (Paris: Béchet, 1822), plate XXIX. (London: Wellcome Collection CC BY).
303 Kotex advert, 1920 (Wikicommons).
308 Montano, A.A., ‘Image of a large native missionary family’ (Wikicommons, 1878).
314 Long, Edwin, The Babylonian Marriage Market (London: Royal Holloway College, 1875). Chronicle / Alamy Stock Photo.
315 Tissot, James, The Harlot of Jericho and the Two Spies (New York: The Jewish Museum, 1896).
316 ‘Two dancing girls’ (photograph by K.L. Brajbasi & Co., Patna, India, 1910).
320 ‘Tart cards’ (London: Wellcome Collection, c.1995).
321 ‘Tart cards in telephone box’ (Wikicommons).
322 Harris’s List of Covent-Garden Ladies: or, Man of pleasure’s kalendar (London: British Museum, 1733).
324 Hogarth, William, A Harlot’s Progress, Norton Simon Art Foundation, 1732 (London: Wellcome Collection CC BY).
327 Blue Book, Tenderloin 400 (New Orleans: The Historic New Orleans Collection, 1969.19.4).
329 Image by E. J. Bellocq © Lee Friedlander, courtesy Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco.
330 Miss Fernande, Jean Agélou (c.1910) (Wikicommons).
332 Gillman & Co., Oscar Wilde and Lord Alfred Douglas (photograph, date unknown, 1882–1910, Wikicommons).
335 Villain, François, Ann Zingha, Queen of Matamba (New York: New York Public Library, 1800).
337 Greek ceramic (Paris: Louvre Museum, 480 BC).
344 ‘The West End Scandals, some Further Sketches’, Illustrated Police News, 4 December 1889. Newspaper image © The British Library Board. All rights reserved. With thanks to The British Newspaper Archive (
351 ‘Sargent Adams and the Law of Kissing’, The Pilot, 1837.