Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.

Abetz, Otto, xvi

Abetz, Suzanne, 276

abnormalities, 106–7

Abt (captain), 55, 144

Abu Telfan (Raabe), 132

Acts of the Apostles, 294

Adah, 371

Adam, 205, 235, 302, 370

Adler (Cavalry captain), 345

Adventures of Lazarillo de Tormes, The (Les Aventures de Lazarille de Tormes), 162

Adventurous Heart, The (Jünger, E.), xii, xiv, xxv

Africa, x–xi

African Games (Afrikanische Spiele), xiv

Afterwards (Apres Coup) (Man), 321, 332

Against the Grain (À Rebours) (Huysmans), 384

Agamemnon, 347–48

Aksakov, Sergey Timofeyevich, 186

Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, 22

Alain-Fournier, Henri-Albin, 284–85, 286

alchemy, 352

Alerme, Marie Marcel Etienne Michel, 291, 292

Alexander the Great, 361

Alhoy, Maurice, 219, 225

Altar of the Last Judgment (Bosch), 287

anarchy, 135; nihilism and, 290

ancestor-worship, 198

Ancien Régime, 104

Andere Sette (The Other Side) (Kubin), 54

Andronikos I, Komnenos, 58

Angelis, Maximilian de, 137

Annunzio, Gabriele d’, 93

Anticatones, 20

anti-Semitism, xvi, 242, 372, 406n21

Apocalypse, 325

Apocrypha, 187, 194, 198, 249

Appeal (Jürgen, E.), 227–28, 229, 231, 232, 234, 236, 241, 248–49, 256, 272, 274, 276, 286, 307, 316; for Ziegler, 344, 346

“Appeal to the Youth of the World” (Jünger, E.), xix

Arbeitsdienst, 400

Aretz, Heinrich von, 264–65, 266

Aristogeiton, 39

Aristotle, 261

Arland, Marcel, 338

Arletty (actress), 23

Armand (acquaintance), 42

Art Nouveau, 242

Art of the Duel, The (L’Art du Duel) (Tavernier), 92

Assadoulaef, Umm-El-Banine (Banine), xviii, 108, 181, 190, 191, 197, 222, 241, 306

Assassination Attempt by Fieschi, The (L’Attentat de Fieschi) (Burnand), 294–95

astrology, 24–25, 27, 306

atheism, 187, 229

Atlantis Before Its Destruction, 45

Auber, Madame, 84

Aubrincourt, d’, 98

Autement, Elisabeth, 347

Authentic Narrative of the Loss of the American Brig “Commerce” (Le Naufrage du Brigantin Américain Le Commerce) (Riley), 64–65

autographs: of Proust, 50; of Wilder, 181

automatism, 68

Axel (L’Isle-Adam), 110

Baader, Franz Xaver von, 376

Baal, 59, 352

Baartmann, Sara “Saartjie,” 243–44

Baeumler, Alfred (Kastor), 107

Bagnes, Les (Alhoy), 219, 225

Baldass, Ludwig, 287

Balzac, Honoré de, 78, 334

Banine. See Assadoulaef, Umm-El-Banine

Bannier, Jean, 106

Banu, Peri, 210, 311

Banville, Théodore de, 347

Bargatzky, Walter, 276

Bariatinski (princess), 57, 62

Barlach, Ernst, 282

Barre, Chevalier de la, 9

Barrès, Maurice, 194

Bashkirtseff, Marie, 169

“Bateau Ivre” (Rimbaud), 164

Baudelaire, Charles, xxv, 3, 59, 74, 187; grave of, 81; Schmid and, 88

Bauer, Bruno, 251, 300

Baumgart, Fritz Erwin, 172, 178, 180, 195, 235, 256, 269, 315, 327; chess with, 234

Bäumler, Alfred, 408n60

Becerillo (dog), 317

Beckmann, Max, 200

beetles, 4, 17, 18, 43, 164, 183, 212, 239–40, 250, 296, 311, 325, 345, 348–49, 362, 393, 394–95; dream of, 253; happiness from, 178; in Russia, 148–49

Begbie, Harold, 96–97

Bekker, Balthasar, 202

Bellarmin, 286, 418n121

Belle Epoque, 242

Bellini, Vincenzo, 248

Benito Cereno (Melville), 26, 251

Benjamin, Walter, xxvi, 406n26

Benn, Gottfried, xiii, xiv

Benoist, Charles, 236

Benoist-Méchin, Jacques de, 93, 191–92, 273; death of, 346

Benvenuti (Italian pianist), 283

Bérard, Christian Jacques, 171

Berdyaev, Nikolai Alexandrovich, 186, 202

Bergson, Henri, 25, 242

Berlioz, Louis Hector, 258

Bernanos, Georges, 60

Bernasconi (bookbinder), 256, 272

Bernhardt, Sarah, 25

Besançon, Jean Julien, 293

Best, Werner, xv

Betz, Maurice, 38–39, 40, 66

Bible, 94–95, 102–3, 301; Vulgate, 236. See also New Testament; Old Testament; specific books

Biéville de Noyant (count), 221

Bignou, Etienne, 269

birds, 120, 125; dreams of, 358; pigeons, 98

Birotteau, César, 202, 214

birth, x

Bismarck, Otto von, 288, 383

Black Front (Schwarze Front), 226, 415n58

Blitzmädchen, 8

blood and soil (Blut und Boden), xiv, 203

Blood Beacon (Blutleuchte) (George and Schuler), 201

Blood of a Poet (Le Sang d’un Poete) (film), 172

Bloy, Léon, 25, 70, 73, 80, 102, 105–6, 162, 169, 171, 194, 201, 217, 238, 308, 335, 351–52, 365, 367, 375, 403; on death, 190; diaries of, 364; Georget and, 322; as inhuman, 282. See also specific works

Bluebeard, 69

Blum, J., 148

Blumentritt, Günther, xxi

Blunck, Hans Friedrich, xii

Blut und Boden (blood and soil), xiv, 203

Bodemeyer, Bodo von, 280

Boëthius, Anicius Manlius, 84–85, 231, 260, 303, 422n58

Bogo, 266–67, 292, 308

Böhme, Jakob, 204, 376

Bohrer, Karl-Heinz, xii

Boissière, Jean Stanislas Jules, 33, 35

Bon, Henri, 120

Bonnard, Abel, 193–94, 245, 276, 291, 316

Bonnard, Pierre, 239

Book of Baruch, 214

Bosch, Hieronymus, 9, 37, 149, 206, 287, 297, 365, 418n122

Boudot-Lamotte, Madeleine, 46, 51, 59, 62, 66, 71, 289

Bouet (madame), 230

Bourdin, Paul, 291

Bourget, Paul, 109

Bousquet, Jacques, xvi

Bousquet, Marie-Louise, xvi, 171, 173, 181, 188, 268–69

Bouyer, Frédéric, 54

Boyen Fortress, 120

Braque, Georges, 259, 261–62

Brasillach, Robert, xv

Brave New World (Huxley), xiii, 222, 229, 354

Brazen Lady (Madame Sans-Gene) (film), 23

Brecht, Bertolt, xiii

Bréguet, Louis, 333

Breitbach, Joseph, xiii, xvii, 26

Breker, Arno, 47, 276

Brief Histories (Historiettes) (Tallemant des Réaux), 84

Brinon, Fernand de, 23

Brisson, Adolph, 333

Bronnen, Arnolt, xiii

Brontë, Emily, 172, 269

Brontë Family, The (La Famille Brontë) (Traz), 83

brothels (hôtels de passe), 11

Browne, Thomas, 148

Brown Revolution, xiii

Brown Shirts, xiii

Bruck, Moller van den, xi

Brueghel, Pieter, 149

Büchner, Georg, 172

Bullock, Marcus, xii

Bülow, Bernhard Fürst von, 232

Bunyan, John, 222, 223

Burckhardt, Carl Jacob Christoph, 44, 90, 271, 367

Burnand, Robert, 294–95

butterflies, xvi, xx, 12, 60, 91, 242, 256, 262

Byron, Lord, 307, 309, 310, 311

Caesar, 220, 258, 295, 361

Cailaux, Henriette, 99

Caillot, Jacques, 24

Cain, 205, 372

Calmette, Gaston, 99

Calvet (acquaintance), 50

Cange, Charles du Fresne Du, 218

cannibalism, 177, 310; mythology and, 353–54; with shipwrecks, 384–85

Capoceda, Giulio, 76

Captain Raggad, the Mountain Splitter, 210

Capua, 213

Cardot, Jeanne, 239

Cargouët (comtesse), 72

Carthage Punique (Punic Carthage) (Lapeyre and Pellegrin), 184

Carus (imaginary son), 42, 389

Casanova, Giacomo Giovannie chevalier de Seingalt, 202, 245

Cashel Byron’s Profession (Shaw), 238

Catalogue of Coleoptera (Catalogus Coleopterorum), 256

Cathedral, The (Huysmans), 368

“Cats, The” (Baudelaire), 74

Causes Celebres (Richet), 265–66

Cazotte, Jacques, 85, 210

Ceillier, Raymond, 221

Céline, Louis Ferdinand, xvi, 191–92; Gould and, 174. See also Merline

Cellaris. See Niekisch, Ernst

cemeteries, 33, 81, 82–83, 282, 342, 352; American pilots in, 363, 366; of Bashkirtseff, 169; with Charmille, 76–77; for dogs, 317; of father’s grave, 160–61; Feast of the Assumption and, 236; flowers in, 82, 209–10; in Russia, 119, 127–28, 134, 137, 148; secret, 173; Verlaine in, 287

Cetti, Francesco, 244

Chamfort. See Roch, Nicholas-Sébastien

chance, 85

Charcot, Jean Martin, 281

Charet, Jean, 323

Charmille (Sophie Ravoux), 34, 39, 41, 42, 43–44, 75, 89, 98, 170; Bagatelle, and, 91–92; cemetery with, 76–77; departure from, 113; farewell to, 339; flowers and, 93, 111; on flying dreams, 44; at Renaud et Armide, 185; Spleen de Paris from, 236; on yellow stars, 69–70

Charterhouse of Parma, The, 366

Charybdis, 141

Chateaubriand, François René viconte de, 318

Chavan, A., 258

Cheka, 52

Cherubini, Luigi, 77

chess, 172, 234; dreams, 360–61

chickens, 95–96

China in Miniatures (La Chine en Miniature) (Breton), 106

Chinese Characteristics (Les Moeurs curieuses des Chinois) (Smith), 307, 309

Chirico, Giorgio de, 77

Christianity, xix–xx, 70; of Germanic tribes, 50; names in, 256; reversion to in lost cause, 185

Christmas: in Paris, 283; in Russia, 141–43, 147; at war’s end, 355

Cicero, 61; Jouhandeau, M., and, 253

City and Republic of Venice, The (La Ville et la République de Venise) (Limojin de Saint-Didier), 76

civil defense (Volkssturm), xxiii, 350–51, 376, 400, 401; Schmitt in, 384

Classic Fossils (Fossiles Classique) (Chavan and Monotoccio), 258

Clausewitz, Carl von, xvii, 137, 154, 169

Clémenceau, Georges Benjamin, 11, 217, 292

Closais, des (unidentified), 80, 84–85

Cocteau, Jean, xv, xvi, xvi–xvii, 32, 33, 35, 40, 62, 66–67, 86, 172, 185, 226, 275; with Calvet, 50; on Proust, 192; Renaud et Armide by, 46

coincidence, nihilism and, 303

collaboration with the Holy Spirit (collaboration du Saint-Esprit), 22

Colored Stones (Bunte Steine) (Stifter), 360

Colshorn, Frau, 117

Condition of the Working Class in England, The (Engels), 410n40

Confession (Kanne), 40

Conrad, Joseph, 87, 290, 385

Conservative Revolution, xii

Consolation of Philosophy, The (Boëthius), 422n58

consonants, 103; vowels and, 215

Contemporary History (Zeitgeschichte) (Sild, M., and Sild, T.), 195

Contes Noirs (Saint-Albin), 56

Counterfeiters (Faux-Monnayeurs), 62

Cranach, Lucas, 149

Crapouillot, 260

Crébillon, Claude Prosper Jolyot, 105

Crimean War, 280, 399, 412n26

Crisenoy, Baron de, 92

Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy, The (Schmitt), xii

Crome, Hans, 185

Cuchet, Gasper Joseph, 55

cult of self (Ichbezogenheit), xxiv

Cupid, 293

Damiens, Robert François, 112

Damned, The (La Bas) (Huysmans), 389

Damrath, Rudolf, 308, 327

Dangerous Liaisons (Les Liaisons Dangereuses), 72

Darwin, Charles (and Darwinism), 207, 301, 343, 357–58

Daudet, Léon, 281

David, 57

Day in the Life of the Aged Goethe, A (Ein Tag aus dem Leben des alten Goethe) (Mann), 23

Days of Man, The (Les Jours de l’Homme) (Besançon), 293

Dead Souls (Gogol), 142, 164

Déat, Marcel, 218

Death and Its Problems (La Mort et ses Problèmes) (Bon), 120

“Death of Ivan Ilyich, The” (Tolstoy), 64

Deborah, 387

Debussy, Claude-Archille, 25, 101–2

Decimus Junius, 409n10

Decline of the West, The (Spengler), xi, 251, 416n83

Defoe, Daniel, 241

Deguerry, Gaspard, 289

Dejean, Pierre François Auguste comte de, 253

Delacroix, Eugéne, 182, 271

Delitzsch, Franz, 372

Delvau, Alfred, 223

Democracy in America (Democratie en Amerique) (Tocqueville), 251, 299

Demolition Contractor (“Entrepreneur de Demolitions”) (Bloy), 322

demonic power, 186

Deperthes, Jean Louis Hubert Simon, 377–78

De Profundis, 387

Desbordes, Jean, 255

désinvolture (detachment), xxv–xxvi, 58

Dessau, Leopold von, 308

detachment (désinvolture), xxv–xxvi, 58

Deuteronomy 28:33, 45

Devëria, Eugène François Marie Joseph, 196

Devil in Love, The (Diable amoureux) (Cazotte), 85

Dezäire, Joseph (Le Zaire), 176

Dictionary of the Green Language; a Comparison of Parisian Argots (Dictionnaire de la Langue Verte. Argots Parisiennes Compares) (Delvau), 223

Didier, Edouard, 274, 321, 328

Didier, Lucienne, 274, 321, 323, 324, 327, 328

Didot (publishing company), 104, 162

Diels, Rudolf, 400, 421n19

Dietloff (captain), 126

Dietrichsdorf (major), 120

Disasters of War (Desastros de la Guerra) (Goya), 56, 409n49

discharge, 351

Dix (sergeant), 148

Döblin, Alfred, xiv

Doctoresse (Sophie Ravoux), xviii, 26–27, 32, 34, 38, 40, 47, 59–60, 75, 82, 90, 102, 254, 260, 275, 292, 330; cooking by, 104; final breakfast with, 338; flowers and, 109, 255, 316; husband of, 203, 272; police and, 199–200; Schlumberger and, 192, 268; sciatica of, 50; Valentiner, K., and, 49, 80, 110, 184; Vernes and, 306–7; at The Wise Women, 58

Doctrines of the Dying (Doctrina Moriendi) (Gerson), 75

Dodsley, Robert, 411n71

dog cemetery, 317

Donders, Adolf, 255

Don Juan (Byron), 310, 311

Donoso (friend), 42

Don Quixote, 100, 106, 311

Donysos (Otto), 376–77

Dostoevsky, Fyodor Michaelovitch, 59, 65, 135, 152, 267, 276–77, 356; Huxley and, 255

Down There (La-Bas) (Huysmans), 182

Doyle, Conan, 104

dreams, 414n16; abnormalities in, 106–7; of air raids, 117; of beetles, 253; of birds, 358; of bookplate, 86; of caves on Crete, 116; of Cellaris, 377; chess, 360–61; of climbing mountain, 91; of clouds, 91; of corpse of murdered man, 205; of doctors, 110; of examinations, 367–68; of father, 108–9, 238, 242–43, 289, 348, 364; of fish in a pond, 48; on fish physiology, 63; of flying, 44; of Gothic buildings, 76; of grandfather, 264; of guestbook, 258; of Head Forester, 332; of insects, 253; of Japan, 313; of Jouhandeau, M., 285; of Jünger, Ernstel, 400; of Jünger, F. G., 110–11, 147, 368; of Kniébolo, 186, 396; of Li-Ping, 284; meanings of, 47; of Perpetua, 178, 246, 363; prophetic, 83, 86, 152–53; of racing cars, 384; in Russia, 151, 152–53; of salamander, 57–58; Schmitt and, 162; of snakes, 81, 246; of Socrates, 271; solipsism and, 94; with thoughts and no images, 92; of trenches of World War I, 85–86; of wall of ancient fortification, 71; of worlds advanced as ours, 305

Drescher, Maggi, 39, 56, 62

Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von, 398

Du Bos, Charles, 55

Ducasse, Isidore, 164

Duk-Duk dancers, 28

Dumas, Alexander, 70, 72

Dumont-d’Urville, Jules Sébastian César, 69

Duse, Eleanora, 44–45

Ecclesiastes 10:1, 251, 417n85

Eckelmann, Hermann, 228

Eckermann, Johann Peter, 184, 301

Eckhard, Meister, 284

Ėducation Sentimentale (Sentimental Education) (Flaubert), 25

Eichhof, 158, 190, 413n39

Eisvogel” (“Ice Bird”) (Jünger, F. G.), 162

Eliade, Mircea, 118, 318

Elijah, 392

Elisabeth Linne Phenomenon, The (Das Elisabeth Linne-Phanomen) (Thomas, A. W.), 280

Elisha, 392

Emanations (Strahlungen) (Jünger, E.), xv

enchanted gardens, 189

Enchanted World (Verzauberte Welt) (Bekker), 202

Encounters: Drugs and Intoxication (Annäherungen: Drogen und Rausch) (Jünger, E.), xxvi

Engels, Friedrich, 410n40

Epting, Karl, 218, 338, 406n20

Erdmannsdörffer, Bernhard, 258

Eros, 39, 90, 210, 293

Eschmann, Ernst Wilhelm, 192; Valentiner, K., and, 184

Essay of Indirect Criticism (Essai de Critique Indirecte) (Cocteau), 86

“Essay on Peace” (Jünger, E.), 401

“Essay on the Destruction of Hamburg” (Friedrich, A.), 322

Essays Toward a General Esthetic (Essais pour une Esthetique Generale) (Migot), 328

Esther, Book of, 78, 249

Ethics (Spinoza), 256

Eugénie (empress), 345

Europe and the Soul of the East (Europa und die Seele des Ostens) (Schubart), 272

evil, 38

evolution, 29

executions, 13–15, 175–76; in Les Bagnes, 219; during bombings, 327; by horse butchers, 175; of hostages, 36, 37, 238, 409n26; of Jews, 267–68; of Maximilian, 172; measuring and weighing in, 29; of officers, 333; in Russia, 153; by SS, 271; by State Police, 356

Exhortation to Martyrdom (Origen), 311

Expanse of Africa, The (Weites Land Afrika) (Mohr), 215

Ezekiel, Book of, 147

Fabre-Luce, Alfred, 231, 251

Falstaff, 208

Faulkner, William, 210, 212

Faust (Goethe), 200, 420n157

Faustine, La (Goncourt, E.), 48

Feast of the Assumption, 236

Federici, Federico, 83

Feldmeister, 400, 403, 422n52

Ferrandi, Gebhardt on Rue Jean, 252

Festival of Lights (Lichtweih), 266

Feuerblume. See Neumann, Marliese

Fieschi, Joseph, 295, 337

Fieseler Storch, 154

Filon, Pierre Marie Augustin, 345

Flaubert, Gustave, 25

Flegeljahre, 207–8

Fleurs du Mal, Les (The Flowers of Evil), 68

floods, 37, 133

flowers, 2, 16, 21–22, 67, 76, 80, 86, 91, 116, 171, 186, 196, 323, 394, 399–400; in cemeteries, 82, 209–10; Charmille and, 93, 111; Doctoresse and, 109, 255, 316; insects in, 184; in On the Marble Cliffs, 129; Monet and, 335; Neuhaus and, 188–89

Flowers of Evil, The (Les Fleurs du Mal), 68

flying dreams, 44

flying fish, 302

Fontane, Theodor, 95

Foreign Legion, x–xi, xxiv

Foucault, Michel, xxvi

Fouquier, Marcel, 295

Four Years in Captivity at Cochons-sur Marne (Quatre Ans de Captivite a Cochons-sur-Marne) (Bloy), 171

France, Anatole, 16

Francs-tireurs, 351, 420n12

Frank, Walter, 187

Frederick the Great, 162

free will, 359

Freikorps, xi

Freisler, Roland, xxi–xxii

French Cook, The (Le Cuisinier Francais) (Guégan), 214

French Guyana (La Guyane Française) (Bouyer), 54

French Revolution, 99, 342

Freud, Sigmund, 242

Freya, 266, 417n105

Freyhold, Rudi von, 148

Friedrich, Alexander, 322

Friedrich Wilhelm I, 308, 338

Fritsch, Werner Freiherr, 44

From Midshipman to Field Marshal (Vom Seekadetten zum Feldmarschall) (Wood), 399, 402

Fuchs (doctor), 101, 138–39

Fumeurs d’Opium (Boissière), 33, 35

Funder, Tronier, 235

future unknown, 85

Fuye, Maurice de La, 342, 343

Gachet, Paul Ferdinand, 213

Gaia, 370

Galliffet, Gaston Alexandre Auguste marquis de, 194, 269, 399

Gallimard, Gaston, xvi, 32, 47, 59, 64

Galvani, Luigi, 328, 420n158

Gambetta, Léon, 217

Garden of Earthly Delights (Poe), 287

Garden of Paradise, 189

Garden of Torments, The (Le Jardin des Supplices) (Mirbeau), 2

“Garden Party, The” (Mansfield), 288

Gardens and Streets (Gärten und Straßen) (Jünger, E.), xv, 38–39, 45, 148, 228; Jünger, F. G., on, 46; review of, 235

gas masks, 228

Gate of the Humble, The (La Porte des Humbles) (Bloy), 105–6

Gautier, Théophile, 124

Gebhardt, Hans, 57, 193

Général de Galliffet, Le (Thomas, L.), 117

General History of Thieves (Histoire Générale des Larrons) (d’Aubricourt), 98

General Outline of an Ecology of Chinese Reptiles (Grundzuge einer Okologie der chinesischen Reptilien) (Mell), 357

Genesis, Book of, 205, 370–73

Gentz, Friedrich von, 89

Geoffrin, Marie-Thérèse, 195

Geographie linguistique (Dauzat), 343

Georg, Friedrich, 259, 263, 297, 322

George, Stefan, 201, 414n36

Georget, Abbé, 321–22

Gerbe, La, xvi

Gerlach, Erwin, 42

German Greeting, 160

German Institute, 35, 276, 406n20

Germanophilia, 238

German salute, 337, 413n40

Gerson, Jean de, 75

Gerstberger, Karl, 53

Gevers, Marie, 258

Geyer, Hermann, 202

Gide, André, 193–94, 201, 221, 301; Huxley and, 255

Giono, Jean, 17

Girandoux, Jean, 181, 217; Bousquet, M., and, 188

Girls, The (Les Jeunes Filles) (Montherlant), 70–71, 72

Goebbels, Joseph, xiii, xxi, xxiii, 386

Goerdler, Carl Friedrich, 307

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 66, 131, 200, 234, 255, 301, 323, 358, 398, 412n17, 420n157; color theory of, 185; Schiller and, 284

Gogol, Herbert, 142, 148, 164

Goldberg, Oskar, 372

Golden Calf, 352

“Golden Shell, The” (Jünger, E.), 306

Goncourt, Edmond de, 48, 55, 281, 334

Goncourt, Jules Alfred de, 55, 281

Göpel, Erhard, 30, 200–201, 203, 213, 274, 287, 292, 297, 314, 346; Heller, G., and, 257

Göring, Hermann, 410n37, 421n19

Gould, Florence, xvi, 60, 173, 181, 201, 212, 217, 226, 231, 233, 268, 271, 275, 328, 330, 338; at birthday, 308; Céline and, 174; Georget and, 321–22; Heller, G., and, 171, 274, 331; Jouhandeau, M., and, 251, 292, 318; Léautaud and, 333–34, 362; Vernes and, 303–4, 318

Goya, Francisco, 56, 212, 409n49

Goys de Mezeyrac, Louis Marie Joseph, 333

Grabbe, Christian Dietrich, 300

Gracq, Julien, xvi

Grand Inquisitor, 282

Grävenitz, von (doctor), 124

Greek Gods (Griechische Götter) (Jünger, F. G.), 81–82, 90

Grewe, Wilhelm G., 194

Grillparzer, Franz, 62, 420n170

Grimm, Friedrich Melchior Baron von, 92

Grimmelshausen, Johann Jacob Christoffel, 300

Grothius, Hugo, 199

Groult (art collector), 334

Gruel, Léon, 191, 214

Grunert, Christian, 148

Grüninger, Horst, 15, 26, 30, 33, 42, 56–57, 74, 211, 253, 264, 272–73, 320; anecdotes of, 55; arrest of, 354; on evil, 38; letters from, 64, 65, 148, 217–18

Grüninger, Maggi, 72, 74

Gubernatis, Angelo de, 119

Gudin, Théodore, 244, 245

Guelph, 229, 309, 416n63

Guérin, Maurice de, 95

Guiche, Armand de Gramont Comte de, 93

Guitry, Lucien, 25

Guitry, Sacha, xv, xvi, 23, 25, 44, 281

Güllich, Hans, 221

Günther, Albrecht Erich, 162, 190, 219; death of, 194

Günther, Gerhard, 359

Günther, Johann Christian, 397, 398

Guyane Française, La (French Guyana) (Bouyer), 54

Hach (professor), 128

Hadenburg, Friedrich Leopold Freiherr von. See Novalis

hallucinogenic drugs, xxv–xxvi, 97–98

Hamann, Johann Georg, 95, 175; Kant and, 255, 268

Hammer of Witches (Malleus Maleficarum) (Sprenger), 108

Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph Freiherr (Baron) von, 337

Hannibal, 185

Hansjakob, Heinrich, 81

Happy Days of Yesteryear (Jours Heureux d’Autrefois) (Fouquier), 295

Harmodios, 39

Hasdrubal, 184

Hattingen, Max, 41, 183

Haug, Johan Christoph Friedrich, 70, 348

Haumont, Jacques Paul Louis, 274

Häussler (first lieutenant), 138, 141, 142, 260

Head Forester, 46, 288, 352; dream of, 332

Head Ranger, xiv

Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 87

Hebbel, Christian Friedrich, 134, 188

Heinse, Johann Jakob Wilhelm, 395–96

Heinsheimer, Friedrich. See Husser, Fernand

Heller, Gerhard, 39, 47, 56, 60, 61–62, 89, 168, 203, 231, 291; Bousquet, M., and, 188; Göpel and, 257; Gould and, 171, 274, 331; Jouhandeau, M., and, 174; Poupet and, 99; Siegler and, 102; Thomas, H., and, 201; Valentiner, K., and, 184

Heller, Marie-Louise, 274, 275

Henri, Florence, 71, 76

Henry IV, 295

Heracles at the Crossroads (Poussin), 32

Heraclitus, 247, 386; Hamann and, 255

Hércule (unidentified), 89, 171, 221

Hérisson d’Irisson, Maurice conte d’, 301

Herodotus, 78, 118; Hamann and, 255

Hesiod, 358, 360

Heydrich, Reinhard, xv, 267

Hielscher, Friedrich, xii, xxi–xxii, 148, 190, 262, 288, 292. See also Bogo

High Wind in Jamaica, A, 69

Hildesheim Chronicle, 310

Himmler, Heinrich, 307

Hindenburg, Paul von, 44, 203, 356, 381

History in a Nutshell (Historia in Nuce) (Jünger, E.), 283

History of Charles XII (Voltaire), 275–76

History of Saint Louis, The (Joinville), 329

History of Shipwrecks (Deperthes), 377–78

History of the Greeks (Jäger), 161

History of the Spanish Conspiracy Against Venice, 275

Hitler, Adolf, xvii, 27, 41, 53, 66, 217, 266–67, 299, 319; appeal for civil defense, 350–51; assassination attempt on, xx, 336; bad signs for, 275; Cainites and, 372; charisma of, 203; as chosen by world spirit, 280; command by, 335; diabolical greatness of, 198; discredit of good ideas by, 252; dreams of, 186, 396; driver of, 273; as example, 353; executions under, 175; eyes of, 228; handwriting of, 211; Hindenburg and, 381; ill health of, 370; intransigence of, 308; lack of sympathy for, 170; Mars and, 257; “Night and Fog Decree” of, 203, 229, 414n39; oath of allegiance to, 324; objectives of, 49; order to blow up bridges by, 341–42; overestimations of, 197; photograph of, 329; planned removal of, 308; prediction of victory by, 330; shift from Diabolus to Santanas by, 60; speeches of, 274, 375; Speidel, H., and, 331–32; Stülpnagel, H., and, 327; symbolism of, 235; theft of law by, 247; on verdicts of military tribunals, 215

Hitler, ein deutsches Verhangnis (Hitler, a German Disaster) (Niekisch), 401

Hofacker, Cäsar von, xx, xxi, 307–8, 315, 336

Hoffman, Albert, xxvi

Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm, 172, 261

Hohes Ufer, 279

Hohly, Richard, 185, 211–12

Hölderlin, Friedrich, 286, 418n121

Höll, Werner, 12–13, 16, 20, 99; letters from, 148

Holle (school principal and teacher), 326

Holofernes, 189

Holstein, Friedrich von, 232

Homer, xi, 39, 95, 141

Horion, Adolf, 228

horoscopes. See astrology

hostages, 52; executions of, 36, 37, 238, 409n26

hôtels de passe (brothels), 11

Houdon, Jean Antoine, 58, 69, 386

hourglass, 297

House of the Dead, The (Dostoevsky), 135

Houssaye, J. G., 76

Hufeland, Christoph Wilhelm, 293

Hugo, Victor, 318

Human Condition, The (La Condition Humaine) (Malraux), 23

Humm, Albert, 93, 342

Husser, Fernand, 262–63, 266, 275, 329, 330

Huxley, Aldous, xiii, xvi, 222, 229, 242, 246, 248, 250, 252, 253, 354; nihilism and, 255

Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 27, 182, 368, 384, 389

Hymns to the Night (Novalis), 397

Hyperion or The Hermit in Greece (Hyperion oder Der Eremit in Griechenland) (Hölderlin), 418n121

Ichbezogenheit (cult of self), xxiv

I. G. Hamann, eine Festrede gehalten am 27. Januar 1916 in der Aula der westfalischen Wilhelms-Universitat zu Munster von Julius Smend,” 255

Illusions of Technology (Illusionen der Technik) (Jünger, F. G.), 90, 150, 175, 368

individuality, 51

individuation, 177

inner emigration, xiv

In Praise of Vowels (Jünger, E.), 415n42

insects, 4, 17, 18, 34, 273, 280, 310–11; diversity of, 344; dream of, 253; in flowers, 184. See also beetles; butterflies

insemination, spirituality of, 179

intelligence, 365–66; of women, 28

intoxication, productivity and, 163

Irving, Washington, 184, 212, 231

Isaiah, Book of, 109, 110, 130, 281

Island of Ceylon and Its Natural Curiosities, The (L’Ile de Ceylan et ses Curiosites Naturelles) (Sachot), 347

jack-of-all-trades, 99–100

Jäger, Oskar, 161

James, Thomas, 378

James I, 231

Janin, René, 221

Japan: dream of, 313; snakes and, 37

Jeannel, Rénée Gabriel, 348

Jehovah, 59

Jeinsen, Gretha von, xii

Jeinsen, Kurt von (brother-in-law), 45

Jeremiah, Book of, 120, 130

Jessen, Peter Jens, 47, 307, 315

Jewish Peril, The (Le Péril Juif), xvi

Jewish War (Josephus), 279, 280–81

Jews, xvii–xviii, 78, 338; anti-Semitism against, xvi, 242, 372, 406n21; arrests of, 76; cleverness of, 204; as eternal, 372; executions of, 267–68; in ghettos, 267–68; Nebel and, 102; in Russia, 152; yellow stars on, 69–70

“Jews and the National Question” (Jünger, E.), xiii

Job, Book of, 83

Jodl, Alfred, 49

Joffre, Joseph Jacques Césaire, 81, 333

John, Gospel of, 288, 290, 294

Joinville, Jean de, 329

Jomini, Antoine Henri baron de, 221

Josephus, Flavius, 279, 280–81

Jouhandeau, Elisabeth, 174, 233

Jouhandeau, Marcel, xv, xvi, 60–61, 171, 173, 174, 192, 226, 233–34, 237–38, 248, 284; at birthday, 308; Braque and, 261; Cicero and, 253; dream of, 285; Gould and, 251, 292, 318; on his marriage, 201–2; Michelangelo and, 304; Saint-Gellais and, 250

Journal (Gide), 301

Journal of an Interpreter in China (Journal d’un Interprete en Chine) (Hérisson), 301

Journal of Scientific Entomology (Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Insektenbiologie), 279

Journal of the Plague Year, A (Defoe), 241

Journals (Byron), 309

Judith, Book of, 189

Jünger, Alexander Carl (son), 205, 310–12, 313, 346, 387; courage of, 355; fairytale by, 396; journal of, 362

Jünger, Christian Jakob Friedrich “Fritz” (grandfather), 132, 237, 279; dream of, 264

Jünger, Ernst. See specific topics and works

Jünger, Ernstel (son), xxii, xxiii, 37–38, 279, 296, 312–13, 350; arrest of, 297–99; death of, 379–81; dream of, 400; letter from, 301, 357, 366; memorial for, 380, 383; new assignment for, 346–47, 351, 357; photography of, 381

Jünger, Ernst Georg (father): death of, 160–61, 288, 378; dreams of, 238, 242–43, 289, 348, 364; illness of, 158; Jünger, F. G., on, 207

Jünger, Friedrich Georg (brother), xii, xiv, 81–82, 85, 103, 150, 175, 193, 194, 197, 208, 224, 293, 311, 352; Abt and, 55; dreams of, 110–11, 147, 368; on father, 207; at father’s funeral, 161; on Gardens and Streets, 46; letters from, 57, 72, 90, 111, 148, 165, 178, 201, 207, 211, 228, 368, 392; mythology and, 199; poems by, 48, 74, 116–17, 125, 131, 162, 220, 228, 385–86; technology and, 163

Jünger, Gretha Lidy Toni Margrete Anni (wife, Perpetua), xii, xviii–xix, 118, 119, 164, 167, 210, 227, 278; birthday of, 392; Christmas cake from, 147; dreams of, 178, 246, 363; on father’s death, 160; on gas masks, 228; gravitational pull of, 37; on her brother’s death, 284; at home with, 63–65; letters from, 18–19, 39, 41, 72, 84, 100, 102, 148, 178, 215, 251, 270, 272, 284, 332; Menzel and, 374; present for, 258; son and, 297–98, 312; on son’s death, xxiii

Jünger, Karolina (mother), 118, 207; letters from, 147

Jünger, Wolfgang (brother), 39

Jürgens, Grethe, 371

justice, style and, 51

Kabbala, 85

Kafka, Franz, 282–83

Kama Sutra, 289

Kang-hsi (emperor), 109

Kanne, Johann Arnold, 40

Kant, Immanuel, 255, 268

Karamsin, Nikolai Michailovitch, 168

Karneval, 241

Karsch, Ferdinand, 348

Kastor. See Baeumler, Alfred

Kathchen von Heilbronn (Kleist, H.), 172

Keiper, Wolfgang, 359

Keitel, Wilhelm, xxi, 228

Keyserling, Hermann Graf, 49

Khayyam, Omar, 307, 323

Kiderlen-Wächter, Alfred von, 232

Kings, Book of, 392

Kipling, Rudyard, 87, 290, 393

Klaebisch, Gustav, 341

Klages, Ludwig, 201, 315

Kleist, Ewald von, 124, 159, 370

Kleist, Heinrich von, 172

Klinger, Friedrich Maximilian von, 172

Klostermann, Vittorio, 81, 293

Kluge, Hans Günter von, xxi

Kniébolo (pseudonym). See Hitler, Adolf

Knochen, Helmut, xxi

Kölnische Zeitung, 93

Königstein, François Claudius (Ravachol), 182

Konrad, Rudolf, 154

Kossmann, Karl-Richard, 62, 67, 108, 113, 220, 336

Kraus (ballistics expert), 215, 330

Krause (lieutenant colonel), 158, 234

Kräwel, Kurt von, 228

Kreitz, Werner, 190

Kretzschmar (corporal), 215, 297

Kronos, 370

Krüger (professor), 327

Kubin, Alfred, xxvi, 34, 41, 54, 128, 185, 213–14, 282–83, 323, 331; letters from, 305

Kügelgen, Gerhard von, 102

Kuhn, Hans, 168

Kulaks, 141, 412n23

Kutscher (first lieutenant), 227

Laban, 372–73

L’Admirable, Ruysbroeck, 94

Lahmann (unidentified), 364

Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste Antoine de Monet de, 256, 358

Lamech, 371

Lamentation of the Sword (Lamentation de l’Epee) (Bloy), 375

Lampe, Ursula, 195, 235, 244, 343

Landru, Henri Désiré, 69

Landskneccht, 78

Landwehr, 404

Lange, Horst, 282–83

language, 295–96

Lapeyre, Gabriel Guillaume, 184

Larcher, Pierre Henri, 199

La Rochelle, Drieu, xvi, 23, 62

Latrelle, Pierre Henri, 82

Laue, Cramer von, 272, 276–77, 280, 370

Laurencin, Marie, 174, 271, 275

Lautréamont (comte de), 76, 77; Surrealists and, 172

Lawrence, T. E., 181

League of Nations, xvii

Léautaud, Paul, xvi, 315, 318, 319, 323; Gould and, 333–34, 362

Leaves and Stones (Jünger, E.), xxiv–xxv

Leinert, Robert, 237

Leleu, Jean, 246, 282

lemures, 35, 59, 62, 65, 72, 87, 338, 381

Lenin, Vladimir, 122, 337

Leo, Hans, 194, 283

Leonardo da Vinci, 288

Lermina, Julius, 2

Letters and Journals (Byron), 307

Letters from Mondello (Briefe aus Mondello) (Georg), 259

Letters from Norway, 101, 411n75

Lettres Françaises, xvi

Léutaud, Paul, xv

Leviticus, Book of, 376

Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph, 111, 172, 175, 238

Lichtweih (Festival of Lights), 266

Life of Guy de Maupassant, The (Vie de Guy de Maupassant) (Morand, P.), 92

Life of Henri Brulard, The (Stendhal), 418n126

Life of Jesus, The (Das Leben Jesu) (Renan, J.), 83

“Lighthouses, The” (“Les Phares”) (Baudelaire), 59

Ligne, Charles Joseph prince de, 201, 274

Limojin de Saint-Didier, Alexandre Toussaint, 76

Linnaeus, 40, 101

Linné, Elisabeth von, 280, 418n116

Li-Ping (princess), 206–7, 215; dream of, 284

Litzmannstadt, 267–68

Lizst, Franz von, 258

Loehning, Paul, 282, 297, 301–2, 314, 336–37, 346, 400; State Police and, 354–55

Löns, Hermann, 147, 276, 364; Weniger and, 241–42

Loose, Gerhard, xxiv

Louis XV, 112

Louis XVI (Fuye), 342, 343

Loves of Carlo Gonzaga, The (Les Amours de Charles de Gonzague) Capoceda), 76

LSD, xxvi

Lucinda (Schlegel), 89

Ludendorff, Erich, 202

Luke, Gospel of, 283

Luther, Martin, 301

Lyautey, Louis Hubert Gonçalve, 221

Macrobiotik (Hufeland), 293

Magical Stories (Contes Magiques) (Soung-Lin), 173, 175

Magic Flute, The, 183

Magic of Serenity, The (Jünger, E.), xxvi

Magius, Girolamo, 112, 197

Maillol, Aristide, 214–15

Maimonides: Critique of Jewish Doctrine (Maimonides. Kritik der judischen Glaubenslehre) (Goldberg), 372

Maiweg, Herr, 151–52

Malachi, Book of, 187

Mallarmé, Stephane, 17, 369

Malraux, André, 23, 60, 221

Man, Hendrik de, 274, 321, 332

Mann, Thomas, xiv, 23

Mansfield, Katherine, 288

Marais, Jean, 47, 66

Marat, Jean-Paul, 29, 372, 421n33

Marckord, Justus, 148

Marcu, Valeriu, 338

Marcus Aurelius, 113

Maria Magdalena (Hebbel), 134

Mariaux, Franz, 93

Marie Antoinette, 182

Marital Chronicles (Chroniques Maritales) (Jouhandeau, M.), 60, 171, 192

Marmontel, Jean-François, 323

marriages of convenience, 187

Mars, 257

Marteau, de (unidentified), 147, 148

Martyrdom of the Church in Japan, The (Le Martyrologue de l’Ėglise du Japon) (Profillet), 70

Marx, Karl, 242

“Masque of the Red Death, The” (Poe), 241

Massenbach (unidentified), 153

materia prima (primal material), 25

Matthew, Gospel of, 51, 180, 258, 260, 263, 290, 417n93, 421n29, 421n31

Maulnier, Thierry, 221

“Maundy Thursday” (“Grundonnerstag”) (Droste-Hülshoff), 398

Maupassant, Henri-René-Albert-Guy de, xxv, 93, 97

Maximilian, 172

Maya, 103

Meaulnes the Great (Le Grand Meaulnes) (Alain-Fournier), 284–85, 286

mechanical prayer, 376

Méchin, Benoist, xvi

Médan, Pierre, 338

Meditations of a Solitary Man (Meditations d’un Solitaire) (Bloy), 335

Meeres und der Liebe Wellen, Des (Grillparzer), 420n170

Mégret, Christian, 172, 182

Meinert, Klaus, 264

Mell, Rudolf, 357

Melville, Herman, 26, 251

Melville: A Novel (Pour saluer Melville) (Giono), 17

Memling, Hans, 101, 394

Memoirs from Beyond the Grave (Memoires d’Outre-Tombe) (Chateaubriand), 318

Memoirs of a Physician (Erlebnisse) (Veressayev), 280

Memorials of Venus (Memoires sur Venus) (Larcher), 199

memories, 73

Menge, Herman, 327

mentally ill, sterilization and extermination of, 59

Menzel, Hanne, 321, 364, 376; Perpetua and, 374

Mercier (doctor), 403

Mercure de France, 318

Mergener (captain), 143

Merk, Ernst, 126

Merline (pseudonym for Louis Ferdinand Céline), 35

Merz (officer), 41, 283

Metternich, Franz Graf, 193

Meyer, Ftiz, 399–400

Michelangelo, 304

Michelet, Jules, 99

Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare), 277

Migot, Georges, 328

military tribunals, 215

Millet, Jean-François, 325

Minerva Armed for Battle (Minerve sous les Armes) (Perré), 333

mines, 144, 151–52

Mirabeau (Erdmannsdörffer), 258

Mirabeau, Octave, 2, 23, 25, 60, 281, 291

miracles, parables and, 290–91

Mirror of Eternal Salvation (L’Admirable), 94

mirrors, 315

Moby Dick, 69

Mohr, Fridtjof, 215

Molière, 268, 276

Mommsen, Theodor, 44

Monet, 335

Monfreid, Henry de, 2

Mon Journal (Bloy), 70, 73, 365

Monograph on Tea (Monographie du Thé) (Houssaye), 76

Monotoccio, M., 258

Mons (unidentified), 215

Montherlant, Henry de, xv, xvi, 70–71, 72, 346; Valentiner, K., and, 92–93

Morand, Hélène, 68, 84, 88–89, 93, 191, 193, 195

Morand, Paul, xv, xvi, 32, 68, 84, 92, 93, 191, 193, 245

Morin (father and son booksellers), 112, 196–97, 236, 246, 247, 276, 330

Moses, 358

Mossakowsky. See Syben, Friedrich

Moult, Eugène le, 91

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 182

Mühsam, Erich, xiii

Müller, Erich, 226

Müller, Johan Ludwig, 152

mummies, 88, 91, 258; in museum, 125; of Tutankhamun, 187

Münchhausen, von (first lieutenant), 178, 179–80, 285

Murat, Joachim-Napoléon, 326

Murray, Thomas Boyles, 390

Musa, Emir, 46, 65

mushrooms, 104, 192–93, 348

Mussolini, Benito, 231, 252

My Prisons (Pellico), 291

Myrdun (Jünger, E.), 305, 411n75

mythology, 141, 347–48; cannibalism and, 353–54; Jünger, F. G., and, 199; science and, 352

Mythology of Plants, The (La Mythologie des Plantes) (Gubernatis), 119

Mythus (Rosenberg), 107

Naisen, Monika, 70

names, 255–56

Nami (Assadoulaef), 108, 181

Napoleon, 25, 130, 198, 276–77, 294–95

National Bolsheviks, xii

Natural Daughter, The (Naturliche Tochter) (Goethe), 358

natural laws, 87, 117

Nawe-Stier (unidentified), 143

Nay, Ernst Wilhelm, 196, 197, 235, 245

Nebel, Gerhard, xxiv, 23, 33, 38, 39, 46, 51, 102; Valentiner, K., and, 92–93

Nebuchadnezzar, 130

Neuhaus, Alfred Hugo, 113, 232, 241, 307, 342; flowers and, 188–89

Neumann, Marliese (Feuerblume), 41, 45, 213; death of, 324

New Commentary on Genesis, A (Commentar uber die Genesis) (Delitzsch), 372

New Nationals, xi

New Testament, xvii, 248, 325; translation of, 327. See also specific books

New Year’s: in Russia, 152–53; at war’s end, 375

Niedermayer, Oskar Ritter von, 320, 337

Niekisch, Ernst (Cellaris), xii, 185, 190, 211–12, 215, 226, 401; dreams of, 377

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, xxvi, 3, 90, 276–77, 322, 408n60

“Night and Fog Decree,” 203, 229, 414n39

Night Shift (L’Equipage de la Nuit) (Reyès), 289–90

Nigromontanus, 243, 416n76

nihilism, 35–36, 147; anarchy and, 290; Bloy and, 322; coincidence and, 303; Huxley and, 255

Noël, Marie, 288

Norvalis, 95

Nostitz-Walwitz, Helene von, 49

Nostradamus, 119

nouns, verbs and, 219

Nouvelle Revue Française, 23

Novalis, 397

numbing, 145

Nüssle (junior officer), 211

Oberg, Carl-Albrecht, xxi

Odes Funambulesques (Banville), 347

Odysseus, 141, 286, 347–48

Odyssey, The (Homer), 141

Oeconomy of Human Life, The (Dodsley), 90, 411n71

Oertzen, Louise von, 275

Oetinger, Friedrich Christoph, 179

Offensive Stories (Histoires Désobligéantes) (Bloy), 162

Official Guide to Air Travel (Guide Officiel des Voyages Aeriens), 333

Oldekoppe (architect), 310

Old Testament, xvii, 26, 59, 298, 387. See also specific books

On Bells (De Tintinabulis) (Magius), 112, 197

Oncle Henri (Jouhandeau, M.), 284

One Thousand and One Nights, 34, 45, 46, 85, 210, 238, 275, 280, 311

On Prayer (Origen), 364

On Secrets (De Secretis) (Weckerus), 112

On the Marble Cliffs (Marmorklippen) (Jünger, E.), xiv, 38, 40, 59, 64, 162, 201, 221, 336, 419n145; flowers in, 129; Picasso and, 78; review of, 369; translation of, 51, 54; Überlingen and, 227

On the Puppet Theater (Marionettentheater) (Kleist, H.), 172

On the White Stone (Sur la Pierre Blance) (France), 16

On tue les nôtres. (They are killing our own.), 24

Operation Barbarossa, xviii

Operation Sea Foam, 229

Operation Sea Lion, 26

Operation Valkyrie, xx–xxii

Oppen, Alexander von or Gustav, 125

Oppenheim (banker), 203

Origen, 311, 364

d’Orves, Henri Louis Honoré d’Estienne, 30

Other Side, The (Andere Sette) (Kubin), 54, 323

Othfried, 126–27

Otte, Kurt, 245

Otto, Walter F., 376–77

“Pagan Year, The,” 266

Palffy (countess), 191

Palinurus, 352

parables, miracles and, 290–91

Parerga (Schopenhauer), 111

Parmenides, 120

Parow, Johann Heinrich, 305

Partisan’s Handbook, 320

Partners in Crime (Die Mitschuldigen) (Goethe), 358

Pascal, Blaise, 26, 130, 201, 268, 281

Pastime, Hobby (Passe-Temps) (Léautaud), 315, 319

past perfect tense, 350

Path of Masirah (Jünger, E.), 126–27, 292, 347, 350, 361–62

Patrouix (Monsieur), 16

Paul (saint), 268, 298, 302, 306

Paulhan, Jean, xvi

Peace, The (Jünger, E.), xvii, xix

“Peacocks” (Jünger, F. G.), 48

Pégoud, Adolphe, 69

Pélleas et Mélisande (Debussy), 101–2

Pellegrin, Arthur Auguste, 184

Pellico, Silvio, 291

Pen, The (La Plume), 375

Penicion Aktion, 222

Pensées (Pascal), 281

People’s Court (Volksgerichtshof), xxi–xxii, 356, 421n20

Pepys, Samuel, 300

Père, Dumas, 23

Peri Banu, 46

Péril Juif, Le (The Jewish Peril), xvi

Perpetua. See Jünger, Gretha Lidy Toni Margrete Anni

Perré, J., 333

Persian Wars, 145

Peter (saint), 252

Petronius, 395–96

Philipp of Macedon, 185

Philo of Alexandria, 300

“Philosophizing with a Hammer” (Nietzche), 322

photography, 329; of Jünger, Ernstel, 381

Physicus, Brother, 119, 215, 225, 330, 392

Picasso, Pablo, xvi, xxvi, 78, 80, 197, 259; Braque and, 261

pigeons, 98

Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan), 222, 223

Pillet, Maurice, 258

Pitcairn, the Island, the People, and the Pastor (Murray), 380

Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig, 359

Platen, August Graf, 90

Plato, 90, 163, 293

Pleasure of Meteors, The (Plaisir des Meteors) (Gevers), 258

Pliny, 65

Pliny the Younger, 331, 420n163

Podewils, Clemens, 12, 15, 26, 39, 61–62, 201, 319, 320, 335; letter from, 73, 363; on Maillol, 214–15

Podewils, Sophie Dorothee, 33, 40, 61–62, 320, 335, 363

Poe, Edgar Allan, 31, 43, 65, 215, 241, 268, 287, 288

Poincaré, Raymond, 291

Point Counter Point (Huxley), 242

Polignac, Marquise de, 89

Pontius Pilate, 53, 263

Popitz, Johannes, 47, 307, 315

Porta Westfalica, 277

possessions, 152–53, 322–23

Potard. See Silberberg

Pots Cassés (Broken Earthenware) (Begbie), 96–97

Poupet, Georges, 33, 39, 40, 62, 66, 89, 172; Bousquet, M., and, 188; Calvet and, 50; Heller, G., and, 99; Mégrets and, 182; Valentiner, K., and, 105

Pour le Mérite, xi, xxiii, 162

Poursin, André, 219

Poussin, Nicolas, 32

power, 38; demonic, 186

prayer, 353; mechanical, 376

Prayers of an Unbeliever (Gebete eines Ungläubigen) (Marckord), 148

Preface to a Future Book (Préface a une live future) (Lautréamont), 76, 77

Preussen, Albrecht von, xi

Prévaux, Blandine Ollivier de, 188

primal material (materia prima), 25

Primal Words (Urworte Orphisch) (Goethe), 234, 398

Prince Bismarck; the Psychology of the Strong Man (Le Prince de Bismarck; Psychologie de l’Homme Fort) (Benoist), 236

Proberts 11:11, 310

Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Stavropol, 1926 (Acta Societatis Entomologicae Stauropolitanae, 1926), 125

productivity, intoxication and, 163

Profillet, Abbé, 70

projection, 42–43

Proust, Marcel, 39; autograph of, 50; Cocteau on, 192

Psalms, Book of, 73, 94–95, 217, 398

Pylon (Faulkner), 210, 212

Pyrrhus (Crébillon), 105

Queen (Reine) (Lermina), 2

Querfurt, Bruno von, 120

Quincey, Thomas de, 93

Quintilian, 46

Quinton, René, 30

Quitt (Fontane), 95

Raabe, Wilhelm, 132

Rachel, 373

RAD. See Reichsarbeitsdienst

Rademacher, Otfried (Dr. Weber), 43, 185, 190

Rahmelow (lieutenant), 44

railroads, 265

rainbows, 12, 18, 20, 62, 282, 286, 345

raison d’état (reasons of state), 28

Ransonnette, Pierre Nicolas, 162

Rantzau, Abel, 56, 61–62, 66, 89; Valentiner, K., and, 184

Raskolnikov, 152, 412n37

Rathke, Anton, 160

Ravachol. See Königstein, François Claudius

Ravoux, Sophie, xviii–xix. See also Charmille; Doctoresse

Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas-François, 373–74

reasons of state (raison d’état), 28

Réau, Louis, 386

“Recollection of a Billard-Maker” (Tolstoy), 64

Red Cross, 98, 135, 275; in Russia, 141

Reese (major), 320

Régimbart, Maurice Auguste, 219

Rehm (aide-de-camp), 62, 65, 108, 109, 112, 115, 119, 306

Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD), 422n51

Reiners, Jakob, 148

Reitter, Emmerich, 42

Renaissance (Burckhardt), 44

Renan, Joseph Ernest, 83, 300, 325

Renan, Konstanz, 87

Renaud et Armide (Cocteau), 46, 185

Reprisal Weapon (Vergeltungswaffe), 331

Resistance, 211

Revelation, Book of, 127, 249, 321

Reverdy, Pierre, 168, 171

Reyès, Salvador, 289–90

Richardet (Madame), 5, 18–20

Richelieu, Louis François Armand Vignerot du Pléssis, 294

Richet, M., 265–66

Rictus, Jehan, 171

Riley, James, 64–65

Rimbaud, Arthur, xxv, 5, 17, 164, 168, 201, 273, 335

Rivarol, Antoine conte de, 117, 354, 391

Rivière, Jacques, 284

Robespierre, Maximilian de, 190, 367

Roch, Nicholas-Sébastien (Chamfort), 117, 319

Rochefort, Henri, 194

Rochefoucauld, Henri, 316

Rochelle, Pierre Drieu la, xv, xvi, 276, 346

Rodolphe. See Schlichter, Rudolf

Röhm Purge, xiii

Röhrict, Edgar, 44

Romanticism, 89–90, 200, 326

Roma Sotteranea (Rossi), 106

Rommel, Erwin, xv, xx, xxii, 315, 329, 336

Ronneberger, Friedrich August, 296

Röpke, Wilhelm, 356

Roquelaure, Gaston-Jean-Baptiste, Marquis de, 84

Rörecht (chief of staff), 42

Rosen, Friedrich, 232

Rosenberg, Alfred, 107

Rosenkranz, Wilhelm, 374, 392–93, 399

Rossi, Pietro, 106

Rousseau, Henri, 269

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 163–64, 320

Roussel, Napoléon Charles Louis, 81

Routes et Jardins, 66

Rozanov, Vassily Vassilievich, 186, 188, 389

Ruge, Friedrich Oskar, 332

Rundstedt, Gerd von, 308

Ruoff, Richard, 133

Rupp, Ernst, 142, 219

Russia, 115–65; beetles in, 148–49; cemeteries in, 119, 127–28, 134, 137, 148; Christmas in, 141–43, 147; comforts in, 151; corpses in, 146; dream in, 152–53; executions in, 153; Jews in, 152; mines in, 144, 151–52; New Year’s in, 152

Russland und das Germanentum (Russia and the Germanic Concept) (Bauer), 251

Russo-Japanese War, 145, 280, 399

Saager, Adolf, 235

Sabatier, Abbé, 220

Sachot, Octave, 347, 357

Saint-Albin, J. S. C., 56

Saint-Gellais, Mellin de, 250

Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy duc de, 80, 93, 297, 298

Salewski (first lieutenant), 314

Salmanoff, Alexandre, 179–80, 181, 185–86, 188, 202, 211, 222, 283, 285–86, 338

Salomon, Ernst von, xiii, 190

Salvation Army, 97

Samuel, Book of, 55, 57, 59, 389

Sancho Panza (fictional character), 43

Sappho, 39

Sarthe, Levasseur de la, 236

Sauerbruch, Ernst Ferdinand, 119

Saul, 57, 389

Savigny, Corréard, 209

Schaer, Ernst, 190, 192, 213, 333

Schauwecker, Franz, xii

Schede, Wolf, 18

Scheffler, Johann. See Silesius, Angelus

Schenk, Gustav, 347, 350, 351, 353

Schery, Friedrich Franz, 283

Scheuerlen, Ernst, 296–97, 313

Schewen, Werner von, 232, 241

Schiller, Johann, 134, 215, 234, 235, 255, 416n70; Goethe and, 284

Schlegel, Friedrich, 89

Schleier, Rudolf, 23

Schlemihl, Peter, 93, 275

Schlichter, Rudolf, 45–46, 85

Schlumberger, Jean, 8; Doctoresse and, 192, 268

Schmid, Carlo, 30, 58–59, 68, 74, 88, 197, 198

Schmidt (captain), 155–56

Schmitt, Carl, xii, xvi, 26, 37, 40, 118–19, 196, 245, 274, 299, 300; on Bauer, 251; dream and, 162; Heraclitus and, 386; letters from, 147, 251, 281, 288, 383–84; on nihilism, 147; Valentiner, K., and, 71, 178–79, 270–71

Schnath, Georg, 88, 237, 251, 253, 274, 291

Schnitzler, Liselelotte von, 314

Scholz (acquaintance), 65

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 111, 163, 202, 204, 217, 218

Schramm, Wilhelm Ritter von, 51

Schröeter (sergeant), 345

Schubart, Walter, 272, 276–77, 280, 388

Schuchardt, Karl, 125

Schulenburg, Fritz-Dietlof, 228, 262, 308, 315; execution of, 356

Schuler, Alfred, 201

Schultz, Edmund, 115, 292, 354

Schultz, Fritzi, 165

Schutzstaffel (SS), xiii, 271, 307; arrests of, 336

Schwab, Gustav, 347

Schwärmen, 170, 413n6

Schwarmgeister, 170

Schwarz, Manfred, 388, 400

Schwarze Front (Black Front), 226, 415n58

Schwarzenberg, Felix Fürst (prince), 184

science, mythology and, 352

Scrittore (Madame), 21–22

Scylla, 141

secret cemeteries, 173

Secret of Salt, The (Das Geheimnis von Salz) (Oetinger), 179

Secrets of the Red Sea, The (Die Geheimnisse des Roten Meeres) (Monfreid), 2

Seeckt, Hans von, 44

“Seekers of Lice, The” (“Chercheuses de Poux”) (Rimbaud), 273

Seidel, Ina, 27–28

Selbstbildnis” (“Self-Portrait”) (Jünger, F. G.), 162

self-education, 187

Sentimental Education (Ėducation Sentimentale) (Flaubert), 25

Septembriseurs, 90

sexual love, 163

Seydlitz-Kurzbach, Walther Kurt von, 296, 324, 331

Shakespeare, William, 263, 268, 276, 277, 284

Shaw, Bernard, 238

Shipwreck of the Medusa (Naufrage de la Medus) (Savigny), 209

shipwrecks, 373–74, 377–79, 382, 383; cannibalism with, 384–85

shock therapy, xi

Sicilian Letter (Sizilischer Brief) (Jünger, E.), 164

Sieburg, Friedrich, xvi, 24–25, 42

Siedler, Wolf Jobst, xxiii

Siegler (unidentified), 100, 102

Sievers, Wolfram, xxi–xxii

Silberberg (Jewish pharmacist, Potard), 82, 152, 229

Sild, Meinhart, 195

Sild, Traugott, 195

Silesius, Angelus, 282, 418n117

Simmel, Georg, xxiv

Sirach, Jesus, 198, 204

Sketchbook (Irving), 212, 231

sleep, 277

small coffins, 252, 257

Smend, Julius, 255

Smidovich, Vikentii Vikentevich. See Veressayev

S-mines, 144

Smith, Arthur Henderson, 307, 309

snakes, 31–32, 101, 102; dreams of, 81, 246; edible, 75; Japanese and, 37; in museum, 125; vaccinations for, 54

Social Crisis of Our Time, The (Die Gesellschaftskrisis der Gegenwart) (Röpke), 356

Socrates, 178; dream of, 271

solipsism, 94

Solitude (Esseulement) (Rozanov), 188

Sommer (restaurateur), 83

Songs from the Silver Thistle Refuge (Lieder aus der Silberdistelklause) (Georg), 297

Sophocles, 39

Soung-Lin, P’Ou, 173, 175

Spanish Journey, The (Swinburne), 112

Speidel, Hans Emil, xv, xvi, xx, 15, 22–23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 49, 148, 179, 201, 217–18, 253, 296, 315–16, 329, 335, 342; arrest of, 348; family of, 63; on hostages, 52; Keitel and, 228; Kniébolo and, 331–32; letters from, 148, 304, 377; release from prison, 377; Sternberger and, 60

Speidel, Ina, 354

Speidel, Ruth, 348

Spengler, Oswald, xi, 44, 107, 153, 251

Sperling (captain), 144–45

“Sphinx, The” (Poe), 43

Spinoza, Benedictus (Baruch) de, 256

spirituality: of insemination, 179; technology and, 168

Spleen de Paris, 236

Sprenger, Jakob, 108

SS. See Schutzstaffel

Staatspolizei (State Police), 354–55

Stahlhelm, xi

Stalino, 122

Stameroff, Kyriak, 59

Standarte, Die, xii

Stapel, Wilhelm, 148

State Police (Staatspolizei), 354–55

Stauffenberg, Graf von, xx, 336

Stavrogin, 38, 66, 90

Stendhal, 130, 418n126

Stepanovich, Pyotr, 38, 66

stereoscopic perception, xxv

Sternberger, Dolf, 60

Stevenson, Robert Louis Balfour, 290

Stifter, Adelbert, 111, 360

Stoicism, 337

Storm of Steel (In Stahlgewittern) (Jünger), xi

Strauss, David Friedrich, 300

Strubelt (first lieutenant), 137, 148

Strünkmann, Karl-Christoph, 212

Stucken, Eduard, 390

Stülpnagel, Heinrich von, xv, xx–xxi, 58, 133, 214, 252, 299, 307–8, 315, 327, 336

Stülpnagel, Otto von, xv, 52, 409n26

Sturm, Vilma, 83

Stürmer, Der, 198

style, 199, 222, 237; justice and, 51; of tenses, 333

Suhrkamp, Johann Heinrich Peter, 46

Suire, Karl von Le, 155

“Sundial” (Jünger, F. G., 48)

superman (Ubermensch), 69, 238, 333, 416n73

Surrealism, 172

Swammerdam, Jan, 33

Sweating Blood (Sueur de Sang) (Bloy), 351–52

Swift, Jonathan, 354

Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 112

Syben, Friedrich (Mossakowsky), 56

Symbolisme Aquatique, 118

symmetry, 306, 328

Symphonie Fantastique (Berlioz), 258

Symposium (Plato), 163, 293

Tallemant des Réaux, Gédéon, 84

Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de, 195

Tamerlane, 214

Tannenberg Memorial, 381, 421n39

Tantalus, 352, 354, 420n13

Tassencourt, Marcelle, 221

“Taurus, Der” (Jünger, F. G.), 125

Tavernier, Jean Baptiste baron d’Aubonne, 92

technology, 163, 265; spirituality and, 168

Tempelhof, Friedrich von, 332

Templars, 28

“Temptation of Saint Anthony” (Caillot), 24

tenses: past perfect, 350; style of, 333

teocallis, 372

Tevenar, Gerd von, 266

Thankless Beggar (Bloy), 367

Thebes: Palaces and Necropolises (Thebes, Palais et Necropoles) (Pillet), 258

Theodo, Der (Hansjakob), 81

Theory of Colors, The (Teoria dei Colori) (Jünger, E.), 58

Thérouanne, Pierre de, 196, 235

They are killing our own. (On tue les nôtres.), 24

Thibaut de Marly (saint), 87

Third Reich (Bruck), xi

Thirty Years’ War, xvii, xix, 154, 378

Thomas, A. W., 280

Thomas, Henri, 51, 54, 276; Heller, G., and, 201; Valentiner, K., and, 67, 74–75

Thomas, Louis, 117

Thoughts and Maxims (Rivarol), 391

“Three Worlds” (Schiller), 234

Tippelskirch, Kurt von, 192

Tirpitz, Alfred von, 291

Titanic (ship), 352

Titans, The (Die Titanen) (Jünger, F. G.), 117, 162, 193, 194, 197, 201, 208, 293

Tocqueville, Alexis Clérel conte de, 56, 251, 299, 388

Toepfer, Alfred, 190, 227, 343–44

Toller, Ernst, xiii

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich, 64, 399

“Total Mobilization, The” (Jünger, E.), xxv

Tower of Babel, 122–23, 189, 238; Titanic and, 352

Trakl, Georg, 282–83, 392–93

Traz, Robert de, 83

Treaty of Versailles, xi, xvii

Tresckow, Henning von, xxi

Trial of Sir Edward Coleman, Gentleman, Who Conspired to Kill the King of Great Britain, The (Le Proces du Sr. Edouard Coleman, Gentilhomme, pour avoir conspirer la Mort du Roy de la Grande Bretagne), 176

Trois Vallées, 314

Trost-Aria” (“Aria of Comfort”) (Günther, J.), 398

Trott, Heinrich von, 227

True Face of the Marquis de Sade, The (Le vrai Visage du Marquis de Sade) (Desbordes), 255

Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich, 272

Turner, Joseph Mallord William, 168, 169

Tutankhamun, 187

two-headedness, 125–26

Ubermensch (superman), 69, 238, 333, 416n73

Uckel (captain), 328–29

Underground Rome (Roma Subterranea) (Aringhus), 106

Urpflanze, 235

Uslar-Gleichen, Günther Freiherr von, 227

Utopianism, 90

Valentiner, Klaus (Claus), 48, 49, 51, 56, 61–62, 65, 66, 89, 99, 184, 193, 197, 215, 220, 338; at birthday, 308; des Closais and, 84–85; Doctoresse and, 80, 110; letters from, 64, 148; Montherlant and, 92–93; Nebel and, 92–93; Poupet and, 105; Schmitt and, 71, 178–79, 270–71; Thomas, H., and, 67, 74–75

Valentiner, Max, 338

Valla, Laurentius, 288

Vallès, Jules, 333

van Gogh, Vincent, 203, 213

Varnhagen von Esse, Karl August, 89

Velut, Pierre, 305

Venus, 293

verbs, nouns and, 219

Veressayev, 280

Vergeltungswaffe (Reprisal Weapon), 331

Verlaine, Paul, 226, 287

Vernes, Arthur, 303–5; Doctoresse and, 306–7; Gould and, 318

Verve, 168

Vico, Giovanni Battista, 99

Villiers de L’Isle-Adam, Jean Marie, 110, 163

Visconti, Primi, 93

Vogel (aircraft engineer), 233

Vogel, Emil Wilhelm, 138, 142, 337

Volckmar-Frentzel, Theodor, 194, 308

Volhard, Edward, 353

Völkischer Beobachter, xi, xiii

Volksgerichtshof (People’s Court), xxi, xxi–xxii, 356, 421n20

Volkspartel, 336

Volkssturm (civil defense), xxiii, 350–51, 376, 400, 401; Schmitt in, 384

Volkszeitung, 274

Voltaire, 9, 58, 69, 275–76

Voss, Hans-Alexander von, 50

vowels, consonants and, 215

Vulgate Bible, 236

Wagner, Richard, 3, 61

Wallenstein (Schiller), 235, 416n70

Wallenstein, Albrecht Wenzel Usebius von, 378

Walther, Oswald Alwin, 315

Wanderungen auf Rhodos (Hikes on Rhodes) (Georg), 259

Wandervogel movement, x

Wandsbecker Bote, 132

War (Rousseau, H.), 269

War Journals (Niekisch), xii

war reparations, 286

Waves of Sea and Love, The, 338

wealth, 116

Weber (doctor). See Rademacher, Otfried

Weber, Max, xxvi

Weckerus, Johan Jacob, 112

Wehrwolf, Der (Löns), 147

Weihrauter (major), 143

Weininger, Otto, 163, 302, 366; suicide of, 372

Weinstock, Heinrich, 40, 56, 90, 197; with Gebhardt, 57

Weizsäcker, Viktor Freiherr, 180

Weniger, Erich, 180, 196, 201, 237, 298, 327; Löns and, 241–42

Wepler (unidentified), 324

Werner, Carl, 82

Western Solution (Westlösung), xx

West-östlicher Diwan (Goethe), 131, 412n17

Westwind (Jünger, F. G.), 162

White Roses (van Gogh), 203

Whitman, Walt, 272

Wickenberg, Hanne, 354, 366, 396

Wieland, Christoph Martin, 253

Wiemer, Horst Eduard, 47, 51, 62, 71, 89; Calvet and, 50

Wilde, Oscar, 77

Wilder, Thornton, 181

Willems, Paul, 315

Will-o’-the-Wisp (Das Irrlicht) (Lange), 282–83

Wimbauer, Tobias, xix

Wimpffen, Emanuel Félix de, 77, 410n62

Wisdom of Solomon, The, 102, 190, 194

Wise Women, The (Les Femme Savantes), 58

With the Flow (A Vau l’Eau) (Huysmans), 27

Witzleben, Erwin von, 420n1

Wolf, Erik, 296

Wolfe, Thomas, 192

Wollny (lieutenant), 401

women, xix; beauty of, 372; Cainite, 372; friendship and love of, 199; happiness from, 223; intelligence of, 28; love of, 50; men’s position with respect to two, 172; passports for, 197–98; secretiveness of, 103; seduction of, 55; voices of, 124; as wives of prisoners of war, 191

Women Travelers (Voyageuses) (Bourget), 109

Wood, Evelyn Henry, 399, 401

Worker, The (Jünger, E.), xiii, 175, 195, 305

world spirit, 280

Wrecked on a Reef (Les Naufragés (Raynal), 373–74

Xenophon, 392

yellow stars, on Jews, 69–70

youth, 210, 218, 228

Zaire, Le. See Dezäire, Joseph

Zalmoxis, 118, 318

Zedekiah (biblical figure), 130

“Zelina” (Jünger, F. G.), 48

Ziegler, Benno, 20, 21, 186, 217, 218–19, 276, 288, 305, 386; Appeal for, 344, 346

Ziegler, Leopold, 392

Zillah, 371

Zola, Jean-Baptiste, 70
