The entries in this glossary are drawn from the following index to Jünger’s original German journals: Tobias Wimbauer, Personenregister der Tagebücher Ernst Jüngers (Schnellroda: Edition Antaios, 2003), revised and expanded edition. Emendations and corrections have been made where necessary.


Abetz, Suzanne (d. 1958), née de Bruycker, married to Otto Abetz, secretary

Abt, captain, World War II

Abt, war comrade of Friedrich Georg Jünger

Adler, Cavalry captain [Rittmeister], General Staff, Paris, World War II

Ahasver (c. 486–465 BCE), Xerxes, king, symbolic figure for the Wandering Jew

Ahlmann, Wilhelm (1895–1944), banker, uncle of Klaus Valentiner

Ahrends, see Arendts, Wilhelm

Aksakov, Sergey Timofeyevich (1791–1859), Russian writer

Alain-Fournier, Henri-Albin (1886–1914), French author

Albert I (1875–1934), king of Belgium

Alerme, Marie Marcel Etienne Michel (1878–1949), French colonel, head of Clémenceau’s cabinet during World War I

Alexander, see Jünger, Alexander Carl

Alexander the Great (356–323 B. C. E.), king of Macedonia

Alhoy, Philadelphe Maurice (1802–1856), French author

Alighieri, Dante (1265–1321), Italian poet

Andois, lieutenant colonel, World War II

Andreyev, Daniel Leonidovich (1906–1959), Russian writer, son of L. N. Andreyev

Andreyev, Leonid Nikolayevich (1871–1919), Russian writer

Andromeda, see Geyr von Schweppenburg, Sophia Reichsfreiin [Baroness] von

Andronikos I, Komnenos (1122–1185), Byzantine emperor

Angelis, Maximilian de (1889–1974), general, World War II, in command of the Forty-Sixth Army Corps

Annunzio, Gabriele d’ (1863–1938), Italian writer

Antinous (c. 110–130 CE), favorite of the Roman Emperor Hadrian

Antoinette, Marie (1755–1793), queen of France

Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love

Apollo, Phoebus, Greek god of the sun

Arendts, Wilhelm (b. 1883), colonel on General Staff in France, World War II

Aretz, Heinrich von, captain, World War II, member of the resistance group F. Hielscher

Arland, Marcel (1899–1986), French author

Arletty (1898–1992), recte Léonie Bathiat, French film actress

Armance, E. J.’s pseudonym for Florence Gould

Armand, unidentified acquaintance of E. J., Paris (1942)

Arnim, Bettina von (1785–1859), German writer

Arnim, von, noble family, originally from Brandenburg

Artaxerxes, Persian king

Arthur (c. 500 BCE), legendary British king

Asclepius, Greek god of healing

Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom, daughter of Zeus

Attila (c. 450 CE), king of the Huns, character in the Middle High German epic Das Nibelungenlied

Assadoulaeff, Umm-El-Banine (1905–1992), French writer of Azerbaijani descent

Aubrincourt, d’ (seventeenth century), recte François Calvi

Autement, Elisabeth, unidentified

Averroes, Ibn Ruschd abu el-Walid Muhammad (1126–1198), Arabic philosopher

Avicenna, Ibn Sina Abu Ali el-Husain (980–1037), Arabic doctor and philosopher


Baader, Franz Xaver von (1765–1841), German Catholic philosopher, theologian, and engineer

Baartmann, Sara “Saartjie” (c. 1790–1815), the “Hottentot Venus” in the Musée de l’Homme

Baeumler, Alfred (1887–1968), writer, philosopher, teacher, see Kastor

Bakunin, Mikhail (1814–1876), Russian revolutionary, leading anarchist

Baldass, Ludwig (1887–1963), Austrian art historian

Baluze, Étienne (1630–1718), librarian of the Bibliotheca Colbertina

Balzac, Honoré de (1799–1850), French author

Banine see Assadoulaeff

Bannier, Jean, bookseller, Paris

Banville, Théodore de (1823–1891), French poet

Barabbas, murderer, New Testament

Bargatzky, Walter (1910–1998), president of the German Red Cross, on the General Staff in Paris, World War II

Bariatinski, princess

Barlach, Ernst (1870–1938), German sculptor, graphic artist, and dramatist

Barrès, Maurice (1862–1923), French author

Bashkirtseff, Marie (1860–1884), French painter

Baudelaire, Charles (1821–1867), French poet

Bauer, Bruno (1809–1882), Protestant theologian

Baumgart, Fritz Erwin (1902–1983), art historian, ordnance officer stationed in Paris, World War II

Beckmann, Max (1884–1950), German graphic artist and painter

Begbie, Harold (1871–1929), English writer and journalist

Bellini, Vincenzo (1801–1835), Italian composer

Bekker, Balthazar (1634–1698), Dutch theologian

Benningsen, Rudolf von (1824–1902), politician

Benoist, Charles (1861–1936), French journalist and politician

Benoist-Méchin, Jacques de (1901–1983), French writer and politician

Benvenuti, Italian pianist

Bérard, Chistian Jacques (1902–1949), French painter

Berdyaev, Nikolai Alexandrovich (1874–1948), Russian philosopher

Bergmann, Gustav von (1878–1955), physician

Bergson, Henri (1859–1941), French philosopher

Berlioz, Louis Hector (1803–1869), French composer

Bernanos, Georges (1888–1948), French writer

Bernasconi, Parisian bookbinder

Berry, André (1902–1986), French poet

Bertram, Ferdinand (1894–1960), doctor

Besançon, Jean Julien (1862–1952), French doctor and writer

Best, Werner (1903–1989), administrative head, General Staff, Paris; “Beust”

Bettina, see Arnim, Bettina von

Betz, Maurice (1898–1946), French translator

Beust, see Best, Werner

Bias (sixth century BCE), Greek statesman, one of the Seven Sages of Greece

Biéville de Noyant, count, Paris

Bignou, Etienne (d. 1950/51), art dealer in Paris

Bismarck, Otto von (1815–1898), chancellor of the German Empire

Bloy, Jean Baptiste, French official, father of Léon Bloy

Bloy, Léon Marie (1846–1917), French writer

Blum, J., Dr., unidentified

Bodemeyer, Bodo Eduard Wilhelm Leopold von (1883–1929), entomologist and traveler

Boëthius, Anicius Manlius (c. 480–524), Roman statesman and philosopher

Bogo, recte Friedrich Hielscher

Böhme, Jacob (1575–1624), German philosopher and mystic

Boineburg-Lengsfeld, Hans Freiherr von (1889–1980), lieutenant general, commander of Greater Paris

Boissière, Jean Stanislas Jules (1863–1897), French journalist and writer

Bokelson, Jan (1509–1536), Johann von Leyden, Anabaptist leader

Bon, Henri (1844–1894), French missionary, martyr, and botanist

Bonnard, Abel (1883–1968), French writer and politician

Bonnard, Pierre (1867–1947), French painter and graphic artist

Bonaparte, Napoléon (1769–1821), emperor of France

Bontekoe, Willem Ysbrandsz (1587–1647[?]), ship’s captain

Bosch, Hieronymus (1450–1516), Netherlandish painter

Boudot-Lamotte, Madeleine, Gallimard’s secretary, wife of Horst Wiemer

Bouet, Madame, E. J.’s French tutor in Paris

Boulanger, Georges E. J. M. (1837–1891), French general and politician

Bourdin, Paul, correspondent for the Frankfurter Zeitung

Bourget, Paul (1852–1935), French writer

Bousquet, Marie-Louise, unidentified; “Masketta”

Bouyer, Frédéric Marie (b. 1822), French explorer, ship’s captain

Braque, Georges (1882–1963), French painter

Bréguet, Louis Charles (1880–1955), French automobile and aircraft mechanic

Breitbach, Joseph (1903–1980), writer; “José”

Breker, Arno (1900–1991), sculptor

Brennus (fourth century BCE), chieftain of the Gauls

Brinon, Fernand de (1885–1947), ambassador, French diplomat, head of the Comité France-Allemagne in Paris

Brinon, Lisette de, née Franck, wife of Fernand de Brinon

Brinvilliers, Marie Madeleine marquise de (1630–1676), French poisoner

Brisson, Adolphe (1860–1925), French journalist

Brock, Erich (1889–1976), Swiss philosopher and literary historian

Brockes, Barthold Heinrich (1680–1747), German writer of the early Enlightenment

Brontë, Emily Jane (1818–1848), English writer

Brother Physicus, see Jünger, Hans Otto

Browne, Thomas (1605–1681), English theologian and writer

Brueghel, Pieter (1520/25–1569), Netherlandish painter; “The Elder”

Brueghel, Pieter (1564–1638), Netherlandish painter; “The Younger”

Bruno von Querfurt (c. 977–1009), missionary bishop and martyr

Büchner, Georg (1813–1837), German author and dramatist

Bülow, Bernhard Fürst von (1849–1929), German chancellor

Bünger, Wilhelm (1870–1937), jurist, presiding judge at the trial following the Reichstag fire (February 1933)

Buonarotti, Michelangelo (1475–1564), Italian painter and sculptor

Bunyan, John (1628–1688), itinerant English pastor, preacher, and author

Burckhardt, Carl Jacob Christoph (1818–1897), Swiss historian

Burnand, Robert Eugène (1882–1953), French historian

Byron, George Gordon Noel, Lord (1788–1824), English poet


Caesar, Julius (100–44 BCE), Roman emperor

Caillaux, Henriette (1894–1943), née Clarétie, married to Joseph Caillaux, murderer of Calmette

Caillot, Jacques (1592–1635), French graphic artist

Calmette, Gaston (1858–1914), French journalist

Calvet unidentified, Paris

Calvin, John (1509–1564), French theologian and religious reformer

Cange, Charles du Fresne Du (1610–1688), French lexicographer and orientalist

Capoceda, Giulio (1630–1701), recte Gregorio Leti, Italian writer

Cardot, Jeanne, recte J. Cohen, bookseller, Paris

Cargouët, comtesse de

Carus, E. J.’s imaginary son

Casanova, Giacomo Giovanni chevalier de Seingalt (1725–1798), Venetian writer and adventurer

Cazotte, Jacques (1719–1792), French general and author

Ceillier, Raymond, French admiral

Céline, Louis-Ferdinand (1894–1961), recte Louis Destouches, French writer and physician; “Merline”

Cellaris, recte Ernst Niekisch

Celsus, pseudonym for Parow, Johann Heinrich

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547–1616), Spanish author

Cetti, Francesco (Abbé) (1726–1728), Italian zoologist and mathematician, author of a natural history of Sardinia

Chamfort (1741–1794), recte Nicholas-Sébastien Roch, French writer and aphorist

Chamisso, Adelbert von (1781–1838), German writer

Charcot, Jean Martin (1825–1893), French neurologist

Charet, Jean, probably Jean-Baptiste Charcot (1867–1936), French Antarctic explorer

Charlemagne (742–814), king of the Franks, Holy Roman emperor

Charles II, the Bald (823–877), West Frankish king, Holy Roman emperor

Charmille, recte Sophie Ravoux

Chateaubriand, François René viconte de (1768–1848), French writer

Chavan, André, French paleontologist

Cherubini, Luigi (1760–1842), Italian composer

Chevrolat, Louis Alexandre Auguste (1799–1884), French tax official and entomologist

Chirico, Giorgio de (1888–1978), Italian painter

Choltitz, Dietrich von (1894–1966), general, last commander of German troops in Paris; sometimes hailed as savior of Paris for his role in preventing its destruction

Chopin, Frédéric (1810–1849), Polish composer and pianist

Chrysippos (c. 280–205 BCE), Greek philosopher

Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer (1874–1965), English statesman

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106–43 BCE), Roman orator

Clausewitz, Carl von (1780–1831), Prussian general and military theorist

Clémenceau, Georges Benjamin (1841–1929), French statesman

Closais, des, unidentified

Coburg-Gotha, Prince of, aviator, World War II

Cocteau, Jean (1889–1963), French writer

Colbert, Jean Baptiste (1619–1683), French statesman

Coleman, Edward (1636–1678), courtier under Charles II of England, executed under false accusations on charges of conspiracy to murder the king

Colshorn, Frau, neighbor in Kirchhorst

Conrad, Joseph (1857–1924), recte Teodor Jozef Korzeniowski, English novelist

Copernicus, Nicholas (1473–1543), astronomer

Cortés, Hernando (1485–1587), Spanish conquistador

Cramer von Laue, Constantin (1906–1991), captain, personal advisor to Adenauer; later in the German Ministry of Justice

Cranach, Lucas (1472–1553), painter and graphic artist

Crébillon, Claude Prosper Jolyot de (1674–1762), French writer

Crisenoy, Baron de [bookplate], noble French family

Crome, Hans (1900–1997), major on General Staff, Paris, World War II

Cuchet, Gasper Joseph (d. 1779), French publisher

Cumanus, Ventidus (c. 50 BCE), Roman procurator in Judea


D., unidentified

Damiens, Robert François (1714–1757), French assassin

Damrath, Rudolf, Protestant military chaplain, pastor of the garrison church, Potsdam

Dancart, E. J.’s pseudonym for Ravoux, Paul

Dancart, Mme., E. J.’s pseudonym for Ravoux, Sophie

Darwin, Charles Robert (1809–1882), English naturalist

Daudet, Alphonse (1840–1897), French author

Daudet, Léon (1867–1942), French journalist and author

Daumier, Honoré (1808–1879), French artist and sculptor

Déat, Hélène, married to Marcel Déat

Déat, Marcel (1894–1955), French politician

Debussy, Claude-Archille (1862–1918), French composer

Deffand, Marie marquise du (1697–1780)

Defoe, Daniel (1660–1731), English politician and author

Deguerry, Gaspard (1797–1871), French priest

Dejean, Pierre François Auguste comte de (1780–1845), French soldier and entomologist

Delacroix, Eugène (1798–1863), French graphic artist and painter

Delitzsch, Franz (18113–1890), Protestant theologian

Delius, see Diels, Rudolf

Delvau, Alfred (1825–1867), French historian and writer

Deperthes, Jean Louis Hubert Simon (1730–1792), French writer and lawyer

Desbordes, Jean (1906–1944), French writer

Devéria, Eugène François Marie Joseph (1805–1865), French painter

Dezaïre, Joseph, Jesuit priest, former missionary in China, resident of Moisson, French philosopher and writer; “Le Zaïre”

Didier, Edouard (b. 1895), Belgian-French publisher

Didier, Lucienne (b. 1902), née Bauwens, married to Edourd Didier, French sculptor

Didot, French publishing family founded by François Didot (1689–1757/59)

Diels, Rudolf (1900–1957), Gestapo leader; pseudonym “Delius”

Dietloff, captain, managed an estate in the Caucasus

Dietrichsdorf, Major

Dix, sergeant

Doctoresse, recte Sophie Ravoux

Don Capisco, E. J.’s pseudonym for Schmitt, Carl

Donati, noble Florentine family

Donders, Adolf (1877–1944), dean of the cathedral, Münster (Germany)

Dönitz, Karl (1891–1980), grand admiral, Navy; Hitler’s successor as Reich president

Donoso Cortés, Juan Francisco Maria de la Salud (1809–1853), Spanish politician

Donoso, unidentified friend of Armand, Paris

Dorothea, E. J.’s dream character

Dostoevsky, Fyodor Michaelovitch (1821–1881), Russian author

Doyle, Arthur Conan (1859–1930), English author

Drescher, unidentified

Drescher, Maggi, sculptress

Drieu La Rochelle, Pierre (1893–1945), French writer

Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von (1797–1848), German poet

Du Bos, Charles (1882–1939), French writer

Ducasse, Isidore, see Lautréamont

Dumas, Alexandre, Sr. (1802–1870), French author

Dumont-d’Urville, Jules Sébastian César (1790–1842), navigator and Arctic explorer

Dussarp, bookseller, Paris


Eckart, Meister (1260–1329), mystic and theologian

Eckelmann, Hermann, administrative chief of the Commandant of Paris

Eckermann, Johann Peter (1792–1854), German writer, Goethe’s private secretary and biographer

Eliade, Mircea (1907–1986), Romanian writer and scholar of religion; editor of Zalmoxis

Emmel, officer, World War II

Ensor, James (1860–1949), Belgian painter

Epting, Karl (1905–1979), head of the German Institute in Paris, scholar of French culture

Erdmannsdörffer, Bernhard (1833–1901), historian

Ernstel, see Jünger, Ernst

Eschmann, Ernst Wilhelm (1904–1987), German writer, sociologist, and playwright

Eshmunazar (d. c. 525 BCE), Phoenician king of Sidon

Eugene, Franz (1663–1736), prince of Savoy-Carignan, French-Austrian field marshal and statesman


Fabre-Luce, Alfred (1899–1983), French author

Falkenhausen, Alexander von (1978–1966), lieutenant general, military commander of Belgium, World War II

Faulkner, William (1897–1963), American novelist

Federici, Federico, Italian translator

Feltesse, Emil (b. 1881), French illustrator and engraver

Feuerblume, see Neumann, Marliese

Feydeau, Ernest-Aimé (1821–1873), French dramatist

Fieschi, Joseph (1790–1836), Italian assassin, attacked King Louis Philippe

Filon, Pierre Marie Augustin (1841–1916), French pedagogue and writer

Fischer, Ernst Hugo (1897–1975), philosopher; “Magister”

Flaubert, Gustave (1821–1880), French novelist

Fontane, Theodor (1819–1898), German writer

Fouquier, Marcel Michel Louis (1866–1961), French author

France, Anatole (1844–1924), recte Jacques-Anatole Thibault, French writer

Frank, Walter (1905–1945), German historian

Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939), Austrian neurologist, founder of psychoanalysis

Freyhold, Rudi von, unidentified

Friedrich, Alexander, unidentified, author

Friedrich II (The Great), (1712–1786), king of Prussia

Friedrich Wilhelm I (1688–1740), king of Prussia; “The Soldier Kin”

Friedrich Wilhelm III (1770–1849), king of Prussia

Friedrich Wilhelm IV (1795–1861), king of Prussia

Fritsch, Werner Freiherr von (188–1939), lieutenant general, commander-in-chief of the Army

Fuchs (d. 1943, killed in action), military doctor

Fuchs, Hermann (b. 1896), librarian

Funder, Tronier, unidentified, Berlin


Gachet, Paul Ferdinand (1828–1909), van Gogh’s doctor, sculptor and painter

Gachet, Paul Louis (1873–1962), son of the Paul Ferdinand Gachet

Galliffet, Gaston Alexandre Auguste marquis de (1830–1909), French general

Gallimard, Gaston (1881–1975), French publisher

Galvani, Luigi (1737–1798), Italian naturalist and doctor

Gambetta, Léon (1838–1882), French statesman, prime minister

Gautier, Théophile (1811–1872), French poet

Gebhardt, Hans, probably Hans-Berndt (1915–1995), sculptor

Gentz, Friedrich von (1764–1832), journalist

Geoffrin, Marie-Thérèse (1699–1777), unidentified

Goerdler, Carl Friedrich 1884–1945), politician in the Resistance

George, Stefan (1868–1933), German poet

Georget, French priest

Gerhard, unidentified

Gerlach, Erwin (1894–1957), colonel, quartermaster

Germaine, unidentified

Gerschell, André, French photographer

Gerson, Jean de (1363–1429), recte Jean Charlier, French theologian

Gerstberger, Karl (1892–1955), composer; “G”

Gevers, Marie (1883–1975), Belgian writer

Geyer, Hermann (1882–1946), German general, World War I and World War II

Geyr von Schweppenburg, Sophia Reichsfreiin [Baroness] von (1916–1978), “Andromeda”

Gide, André (1869–1951), French writer

Gilles, Werner (1894–1961), painter and graphic artist

Giono, Jean (1895–1970), French writer

Giraud, Henri Honoré (1879–1949), French general

Giraudoux, Jean (1882–1944), French author

Goldberg, Oskar (1885–1953), philosopher and mystic

Goebbels, Joseph (1897–1945), N.S. politician, minister of propaganda; “Grandgoschier”

Goecke, Hans (1892–1963), entomologist

Georget, French abbé, Paris

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832), German author and poet

Gogh, Vincent van (1853–1890), Dutch painter

Gogol, Herbert (d. 1942, killed in action), private

Gogol, Nikolai (1809–1852), Russian writer

Goncourt, Edmond Louis de (1822–1896), French writer

Goncourt, Jules Alfred de (1830–1870), French writer, brother of Edmond

Gondroxon, Saint-Michel, “Richardet”

Gonod, antiquarian bookseller in Paris

Göpel, Erhard (1906–1966), art historian

Gould, Florence (1895–1983), née Lacaze, wife of Frank J. Gould; “Lady Orpington,” “Armance,” and “Mme. Scrittore”

Gould, Frank J. (1877–1956), philanthropist, businessman, son of financier Jay Gould

Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de (1746–1828), Spanish painter and graphic artist

Goys de Mezeyrac, Louis Marie Joseph (1876–1967), French general

Grabbe, Christian Dietrich (1801–1836), German writer

Graff, Anton (1736–1813), painter

Grandgoschier, E. J.’s pseudonym for Goebbels, Joseph

Grävenitz, von (d.1963), doctor in Voroshilovsk

Grethe, neighboring family in Kirchhorst

Grewe, Wilhelm G. (1911–2000), legal scholar and diplomat

Grillparzer, Franz (1791–1872), Austrian dramatist

Grimm, Friedrich Melchior Baron von (1723–1807), diplomat and writer

Grimmelshausen, Johann Jacob Christoffel von (1622–1676), German writer

Groener, Wilhelm (1876–1939), General, politician, statesman

Gros-Meunier, recte Jacques de Benoist-Méchin

Gross, mask-carver, Hannover

Grotius, Hugo (1583–1645), recte Huigh de Groot, Dutch legal scholar and statesman

Groult, art collector, Paris

Gruel, Léon, bookbinder in Paris

Grunert, Christian (b. 1900), poet and gardener

Grüninger, Horst (b. 1900), first lieutenant

Grüninger, Maggi, married to Horst Grüninger, sculptor

Gubernatis, Angelo de (1840–1913), professor of Sanskrit and mythology in Florence

Gudin, Théodore (1802–1880), French painter of maritime scenes

Guénon, René (1886–1950), French author, metaphysician, theologian

Guérin, Maurice de (1810–1839), French poet

Guiche, Armand de Gramont Comte de (1638–1673), French nobleman-adventurer

Guitry, Sacha Alexandre-Pierre Georges (1885–1957), French writer and actor

Güllich, Hans, first lieutenant, World War II

Günther, Albrecht Erich (1893–1942), journalist and translator

Günther, Gerhard (1889–1976), writer and brother of A. E. Günther

Günther, Johann Christian (1695–1723), German poet


Hach, professor, director of the Plague Institute in Voroshilovsk, Stavropol Research Institute for Plague Control

Hamann, Johann Georg (1730–1788), German philosopher

Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph Freiherr (Baron) von (1744–1856), Austrian scholar of oriental studies, translator, diplomat

Hannibal (c. 247–183 BCE), Carthaginian general

Hansjakob, Heinrich (1837–1916), writer

Harry, unidentified

Hasdrubal [the Boetharch] (second century BCE), general of Punic forces in the Third Punic War (c. 146 BC)

Hattingen, Max (d. 1958), captain, district attorney, General Staff in Paris, head of the Department for Prisoners of War

Hauff, Wilhelm (1802–1827), German author

Haug, Johann Christoph Friedrich (1761–1829), writer; pseudonym “Hophthalmos”

Haumont, Jacques Paul Louis (1899–1975), French publisher

Häussler (Häußler), first lieutenant; World War II

Hebbel, Christian Friedrich (1813–1863), dramatist

Heinse, Johann Jakob Wilhelm (1746–1803), German writer

Heinsheimer, Friedrich (Fritz) (1897–1958), painter; pseudonym “Fernand Husser”

Heller, Gerhard (1909–1982), translator

Heller, Marie-Louise, née Knüppel, wife of Gerhard Heller (b. 1914)

Heraclitus (c. 544–483 BCE), Greek philosopher

Hércule, unidentified, Paris

Herder, Johann Gottfried von (1744–1803), German philosopher and theologian

Hérisson d’Irisson, Maurice conte d’ (1839–193), French officer, linguist, and traveler

Herodotus (c. 484–425 BCE), Greek historian

Hess, Rudolf (1894–1987), National Socialist politician and Hitler’s representative

Heydrich, Reinhard Tristan Eugen (1904–1942), chief of Reich Security Head Office and protector of Bohemia and Moravia

Hielscher, Friedrich (1902–1990), writer, journalist

Himmler, Heinrich (1900–1945), National Socialist Politician, Reichsführer SS; E. J.’s pseudonym “Schinderhannes”

Hindenburg, Paul von (1847–1934), field marshal and Reich president

Hitler, Adolf (1889–1945), politician and dictator; E. J.’s pseudonym “Kniébolo”

Hofacker, Caesar von (1896–1944), lieutenant colonel, co-conspirator in the 20 July 1944 plot against Hitler

Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm (Amadeus) (1776–1822), German author, dramatist, and music critic

Hohly, Richard (1902–1995), German painter

Hölderlin, Johann Christian Friedrich (1770–1843), German poet

Höll, Werner (1898–1984), captain, artist

Holle, E. J.’s school principal and teacher

Holofernes, Old Testament, Nebuchadnezzar’s general

Holstein, Friedrich von (1827–1909), German diplomat

Homer (eighth century BCE), Greek epic poet

Horion, Adolf (1888–1977), pastor and entomologist, monsignor

Horst (d. 1943), father of Max Horst

Horst, Max (b. 1903), administrator on the General Staff, Paris, World War II

Houdon, Jean Antoine (1741–1828), French sculptor

Houssaye, J. G. (nineteenth century), French writer and traveler

Huebner, Friedrich Markus (1886–1964), translator

Hufeland, Christoph Wilhelm (1762–1836), physician

Hughes, Richard (1900–1976), English novelist

Hugo, Victor (1802–1885), French novelist

Humm, Albert (d. 1945), soldier

Husser, Fernand, see Heinsheimer, Friedrich

Huxley, Aldous Leonard (1894–1963), English author

Huysmans, Joris-Karl (1848–1907), recte Charles Maria Georges, French writer


Ingres, Jean-August-Dominique (1780–1867), French painter

Irving, Washington (1783–1859), American writer


Jacqueline, Parisian milliner

Jäger, Oskar (1830–1910), teacher.

James, Thomas (1782–1847), English captain

Janin, René, unidentified, Paris

Jeanette, unidentified, Paris

Jeanne d’Arc (1412–1431), French national heroine; the “Made of Orléans”

Jeannel, Rénée Gabriel (1879–1965), French entomologist

Jean Paul (1763–1825), recte Jean Paul Friedrich Richter, German writer

Jeinsen, Emmy von (1879–1955), mother of Gretha Jünger

Jeinsen, Harry von (1877–1948), father of Gretha Jünger

Jeinsen, Kurt von (1902–1943), brother of Gretha von Jeinsen, first wife of Ernst Jünger, engineer

Jeinsen, Viktoria von (b. 1926), niece of Gretha Jünger, kindergarten teacher, married to Heinz Witthuhn

Jessen, Peter Jens (1895–1944), economist

Joan of Arc, see Jeanne d’Arc

Jodl, Alfred (1890–1946), lieutenant general, chief of Operations Staff of the Wehrmacht

Joinville, Jean de (1224–1317)

Joffre, Joseph Jacques Césaire (1852–1931), French marshal

Jomini, Antoine Henri baron de (1779–1869), general and writer on military subjects

Jordaens, Jakob (1593–1678), Flemish painter

José, see Breitbach, Joseph

Josephus, Flavius (37–100 CE), Jewish historian

Jouhandeau, Elisabeth (1888–1971), recte Elisabeth Claire Thoulemon, French dancer; wife of Marcel Jouhandeau, “Caryathis”

Jouhandeau, Marcel (1888–1979), recte M. Provence; French writer, “Calandrus”

Jünger, Alexander Carl (1934–1993), physician, E. J.’s son

Jünger, Anna Hermine Margrete (1839–1923), née Walters, E. J.’s grandmother

Jünger, Christian Jakob Friedrich “Fritz” Clamor (1840–1904), schoolteacher, E. J.’s grandfather

Jünger, Ernst Georg (1868–1943), E. J.’s father

Jünger, Ernst (1926–1944), E. J.’s son; “Ernstel”

Jünger, Friedrich Georg (1898–1977), poet and writer, E. J.’s brother

Jünger, Gretha Lidy Toni Margrete Anni (1906–1960), née von Jeinsen, E. J.’s wife; “Perpetua”

Jünger, Hans Otto (1905–1976), physicist, E. J.’s brother; “Brother Physicus”

Jünger, Johanna Hermine (1899–1984), E. J.’s sister; “Hanna”

Jünger, Karolina (1873–1950), née Lampl, E. J.’s mother; “Lily”

Jünger, Wolfgang Wilhelm (1908–1975), geographer, E. J.’s brother

Juvenal, Decimus Junius (c. 60–140 CE), Roman satirist


K., unidentified, major in Wehrmacht, World War II

Kafka, Franz (1883–1924), Austro-Czech author

Kang-Hsi, Emperor (1654–1722), emperor of China

Kanne, Johann Arnold (1773–1824), writer, philologist, mythographer

Kant, Immanuel (1724–1894), German philosopher

Karl XII (1682–1718), king of Sweden

Karamsin, Nikolai Michailovitch (1766–1826), Russian historian

Karsch, Ferdinand Anton Franz (1853–1936), entomologist, pseudonym “Canus”

Kastor, pseudonym for Alfred Baeumler

Keiper, Wolfgang (1911–1981), antiquarian bookseller

Keitel, Wilhelm (1882–1946), field marshal and chief of staff, Wehrmacht

Keyserling, Hermann Graf [Count] von (1880–1946), cultural historian

Keyserling, Manfred Graf [Count] von

Khayyam, Omar (1027–1123), Persian poet and naturalist

Kiderlen-Wächter, Alfred von (1852–1912), German diplomat and politician

Klaebisch, Gustav, unidentified

Klages, Ludwig (1872–1956), philosopher and psychologist

Kleist, Ewald von (1881–1954), general, field marshal

Kleist, Heinrich von (1777–1811), German author and dramatist

Klinger, Friedrich Maximilian von (1752–1831), German poet

Klostermann, Vittorio (1901–1977), publisher

Kluge, Hans Günther von (1882–1944), general, field marshal, commander-in-chief of Wehrmacht West

Kniébolo, E. J.’s pseudonym for Adolf Hitler

Konrad, Rudolf (1891–1964), general, commander of the Caucasus front (1943)

Kossmann, Karl-Richard (1899–1969), major general, chief of staff under Heinrich von Stülpnagel

Kranzberger, see Kranzbühler, Otto

Kranzbühler, Otto Heinrich (1907–2004), German Naval judge on Dönitz’s staff

Kraus, ballistics expert, friends with Hans Jünger

Krause, lieutenant colonel, participant in the legendary Eichhof Conference

Kräwel, Kurt von, colonel, World War II

Kreitz, Werner (1899–1957), host of the Eichhof Conference

Kretzschmar, corporal, telephone operator, World War II

Kretszchmer, Eberhard (b. 1909), literary historian, biographer of Schiller (1938)

Krüger, professor, unidentified, France

Kubin, Alfred (1877–1959), surrealist graphic artist, writer

Kügelgen, Gerhard von (1772–1820), painter

Kuhn, Hans (1905–1991), painter, corporal, World War II

Kutscher, first lieutenant, World War II


L., Madame, Paris, presumably a prostitute

Labric, Roger (b. 1893), French author

Laclos, Pierre Ambroise François Choderlos de (1741–1803), French author

Ladurée, Louis Ernest (nineteenth century), innkeeper, Paris; also the name of his inn

Lady Orpington, see Gould, Florence

Lahmann, unidentified, neighbor in Kirchhorst

Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste Antoine de Monet de (1744–1829), French naturalist

Lampe, Ursula, art historian

Landru, Henri Désiré (1869–1922), French murderer

Lapeyre, Gabriel Guillaume (b. 1877), French historian

Lapeyrouse, unidentified

Larcher, Pierre Henri (1726–1812), French classical scholar

La Rochefoucauld, François de (1613–1680), French writer and aphorist

Latreille, Pierre Henri (1762–1833), French entomologist

Laue, Max Theodor Felix von (1879–1960), German physicist, Nobel Prize laureate

Laurencin, Marie (1885–1956), French painter and poet

Lautréamont, comte de (1847–1870), recte Isidore Lucien Ducasse, French poet

Laval, Pierre (1883–1945), French politician, premier

Lawrence, David Herbert (1885–1930), English novelist

Lawrence, Thomas Edward (1888–1935), English adventurer, archaeologist, and author; “Lawrence of Arabia”

Lazarillo de Tormes (sixteenth century), fictional character in an anonymous Spanish novel

Léautaud, Paul Firmin Valentin (1872–1956), French writer

Lechevalier, Paul, French publisher and bookseller, Paris

Leinert, Robert (1873–1940), mayor of Hannover

Leleu, Jean (b. 1912), French traveling cloth salesman

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (1870–1924), recte W. I. Ulyanov, architect of the Russian Revolution

Leo, Hans, major, member of the Command Staff in Paris, World War II

Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519), Italian painter, sculptor, architect

Leopold I of Anhalt-Dessau (1676–1747), Prussian field marshal and military reformer

Lermina, Jules Hippolyte (1839–1915), French writer

Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph (1742–1799), physicist, writer, aphorist

Ligne, Charles Joseph prince de (1735–1814), Belgian officer and writer

Limojin de Saint-Didier, Alexandre Toussaint (1630–1689), French diplomat

Lindemann, Friedrich (1896–1986), writer, philosopher, and astrologer; “Fritz”

Linné, Carl von (1707–1778), Swedish doctor and naturalist; “Linnaeus”

Linné, Elisabeth Christina (1743–1782), Swedish botanist, daughter of C. Linné

Linstow, Hans Otfried von (1899–1944), colonel, chief of staff in Paris, World War II

Liszt, Franz von (1811–1886), Hungarian composer and pianist

Litzmann, Karl (1850–1936), General and politician

Loehning, Paul (1889–1971), major general in Wehrmacht, commander of Hannover, World War II

Longus (second or third century CE), Greek poet, creator of the pastoral romance

Löns, Hermann (1866–1914), German writer

Lottner, head of the customs office, Paris

Louis IX, Saint (1214–1270), king of France

Louis XIV (1638–1715), king of France; “Sun King”

Louis XVI (1754–1793), king of France

Ludendorff, Erich (1865–1937), German general and politician

Luther, Martin (1483–1546), German religious reformer

Lyautey, Louis Hubert Gonçalve (1854–1934), French marshal and politician


MacDonald, James Ramsay (1866–1937), British politician

Macrobius, Ambrosius Teodosius (fl.400), Latin author and philosopher

Madame Scrittore, see Gould, Florence

Magister, see Fischer, Ernst Hugo

Magius, Girolamo (1523–1572), recte G. Maggi, Italian writer, architect, and mathematician

Maillol, Aristide (1861–1944), French sculptor, painter, and graphic artist

Maiweg, Herr, engineer, leader of a Technical Petroleum Brigade

Mallarmé, Stephane (1842–1898), French poet

Malraux, André (1901–1976), French writer and politician

Malthus, Thomas Robert (1766–1834), English economist and historian

Man, Hendrik de (1885–1953), Belgian politician and de facto prime minister under the German occupation

Mann, Thomas (1875–1955), German author and winner of Nobel Prize for Literature, emigrated from Germany in 1933

Mansfield, Katherine (1888–1923), New Zealand writer

Marais, Jean (1913–1998), recte J. Alfred Villain-Marais, French actor

Marat, Jean-Paul (1744–1793), radical politician during the French Revolution

Marcus Aurelius (121–180), Roman emperor

Marckord, Justus, recte Karl Ley, writer Gebete eines Ungläubigen [Prayers of an Unbeliever] (1938); opponent of the NS regime

Marcks, Otto (1905–1978), lieutenant colonel, brother of General Marcks, World War II

Marcu, Valeriu (1899–1942), Romanian writer

Mariaux, Franz (1898–1986), journalist, correspondent for Cologne Newspaper

Marius, Gaius (156–86 BCE), Roman military leader

Marmontel, Jean-François (1723–1799), French author

Marteau, de, unidentified; “Martöchen”

Marwitz, Friedrich August Ludwig von der (1777–1837), soldier and politician

Marx, Karl (1818–1883), political philosopher

Massenbach, unidentified

Maulnier, Thierry (1909–1988), recte Jacques Louis André Tallegrand, French writer

Maupassant, Henri-René-Albert-Guy de (1850–1893), French writer

Maurras, Charles (1868–1952), French writer and politician

Médan, Pierre (murdered, 1944)

Mégret, Christian (1904–1987), French novelist

Meinert, Klaus, German soldier, World War II

Mell, Rudolf (1878–1970), zoologist

Melville, Herman (1819–1891), American author

Memling, Hans (c. 1433–1494), Flemish painter

Menge, Hermann August (1841–1939), Bible translator, school principal

Menzel, Hanne, unidentified, Paris

Mercier, Dr., unidentified, Kirchhorst

Mergener, captain, commander of combat unit in Caucasus

Merk, Ernst (b. 1903), lieutenant colonel, quartermaster

Merline, E. J.’s pseudonym for Céline, Louis Ferdinand

Méryon, Charles (1821–1868), French engraver

Merz, unidentified, officer on the General Staff in Paris

Metternich, Franz Graf [count] Wolff (1893–1978), art historian

Meyer, Fritz, unidentified, neighbor in Kirchhorst

Michelet, Jules (1798–1874), French historian

Migot, Georges Albert (1891–1976), French composer

Millet, Jean-François (1814–1875), French painter and graphic artist

Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, conte de (1749–1791), French statesman

Mirbeau, Octave (1848–1917), French writer

Mohr, Fridtjof Lous (c. 1888–c. 1942), Norwegian explorer

Molière (1622–1673), recte Jean Baptiste Poquelin, French writer of comedies

Moltke, Helmuth Graf [count] von (1800–1891), Prussian field marshal

Mommsen, Theodor (1817–1903), historian

Monet, Claude (1840–1926), French painter

Monfreid, Henry de (1879–1974), French writer and traveler

Mons, unidentified military chaplain, World War II

Montherlant, Henry Millon de (1896–1972), French writer

Morand, Hélène (1888–1975), née Chrysolevony, previously Princess Sturdzo from her first marriage, wife of Paul Morand; “F”

Morand, Paul (1888–1976), French writer and politician; “F”

More, Thomas (1478–1535), English humanist and statesman

Morin (d. 1943), antiquarian bookseller, father of Charles Morin, Le Mans

Morin, Charles, antiquarian bookseller, Paris

Morris (b. 1874), unidentified, Paris

Mortier, Edouard Adolphe Casimir Joseph duc de Trévise (1768–1835), French marshal

Moult, Eugène le (1882–1967), French entomologist

Mossakowski, see Syben, Friedrich

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–1791), Austrian composer

Mühsam, Erich (1878–1934), German writer and anarchist

Müller, Johan Ludwig (1892–1972), major general, World War II

Münchhausen, von (d. 1943), first lieutenant, stationed in France

Murat, Joachim-Napoléon (1767–1815), king of Naples, marshal of France

Murray, Thomas Boyles (1798–1860), English pastor

Mussolini, Benito (1883–1945), Italian dictator; “Il Duce”


N., “our old comrade,” unidentified

Naisen, Monika (d. 1626), one of the “Martyrs of Japan,” beatified 1867

Napoléon, see Bonaparte

Napoléon III (1808–1873), French emperor

Naumann, Johannes Andreas (1744–1826), naturalist, ornithologist

Nawe-Stier, unidentified

Nay, Ernst Wilhelm (1902–1968), German painter

Nebel, Gerhard (1903–1974), writer; “Outcast of the Islands”

Nebuchadnezzar II (c. 605–562 B. CE), Babylonian king

Neuhaus, Alfred Hugo (b. 1892), major on the General Staff in Paris

Neumann, Marlise (d. 1943), “Feuerblume”

Niedermayer, Oskar Ritter von (1885–1945), general, World War II

Niekisch, Anna (1892–1973), teacher, wife of Ernst Niekisch

Niekisch, Ernst August (b. 1916), physicist, son of Ernst and Anna Niekisch

Niekisch, Ernst Karl August (1889–1967), politician and journalist; “Cellaris”

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm (1844–1900), philosopher

Nigrinus, E. J.’s pseudonym for Schwarz, Manfred

Noailles, Anna-Elisabeth, Contesse de, French writer

Noël, Marie (1883–1967), recte Marie Mélanie Rouget, French writer

Nostitz-Walwitz, Helene von (1878–1944), née von Beneckendorff-Hindenburg, German writer

Novalis (1772–1801), recte Friedrich Leopold Freiherr von Hadenberg, German Romantic poet

Nüssle (d. 1943, killed in action), junior officer


Oertzen, Louise von (1897–1965), director, Nurses’ Branch German Red Cross

Oetinger, Friedrich Christoph (1702–1782), Protestant theologian

Oldekopp (sixteenth century), city architect, Hildesheim

Oldekopp, Johannes (sixteenth century), son of the city architect, Hildesheim

Omar, Azerbaijani man, Caucasus

Oppen, Alexander (Axel) von (1906–1984), colonel, son of Gustav von Oppen

Oppen, Gustav von (1867–1918), colonel

d’Orves, Henri Louis Honoré d’Estienne (1901–1941), Naval officer, hero of French Resistance

Otte, Kurt (1902–1983), pharmacist and art collector


P., see Pétain, Phillippe Henri

Palffy, countess, see Vilmorin, Luise de

Parow, Johann Heinrich (d. 1936), German-Norwegian doctor

Pascal, Blaise (1623–1662), French philosopher and mathematician

Patrouix (b. c. 1862), French engineer

Paul I (1754–1801), Russian czar

Paul, Jean, see Jean Paul

Paulhan, Jean (1884–1968), French writer

Pégoud, Adolphe (1890–1915), French aviator

Pellegrin, Arthur Auguste (1891–1956), French author

Pellico, Silvio (1789–1854), Italian author

Pepys, Samuel (1633–1703), English diarist

Pétain, Philippe Henri (1856–1951), French marshal and president

Perpetua, E. J.’s pseudonym for his wife, see Jünger, Gretha

Perré, Jean-Paul (b. 1893), French battalion commander

Peter (b. 1941), child evacuee taken in by the Jüngers

Petronius, Gaius (first century CE), Roman poet

Pfaffendorf, Hermann (1896–1969), mayor of Goslar, E. J.’s comrade in World War I

Philippe II (1674–1723), Duke of Orléans, son of Liselotte von der Pfalz

Phillipps, unidentified, Paris

Philo of Alexandria (c. 20 BCE–30 CE), philosopher

Philomela, Ste., see Philomena

Philomena, Ste. credited with curing diseases of the heart

Picasso, Pablo Ruiz y (1881–1973), Spanish artist

Pilate, Pontius Roman procurator in Judea (New Testament).

Pillet, Maurice Pierre (1881–1964), French Egyptologist

Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858–1947), German theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize laureate

Platen, August Graf [count] von (1796–1835), German poet

Plato (427–347 BCE), Greek philosopher

Pliny the Younger, Plinius Gaius Caecilius Secundus (61–113 CE), Roman administrator and historian

Plon, Henri Philippe (1806–1872), French publisher

Podewils-Juncker-Bigatto, Clemens Graf [count] (1905–1978), journalist and writer

Podewils, Sophie Dorothee (1909–1979), née Baroness von Hirschberg, wife of Clemens Podewils, German writer; “The Green Princess”

Poe, Edgar Allan (1809–1849), American author

Poincaré, Raymond (1864–1934), French politician, president

Polignac, marquise de, unidentified

Popitz, Johannes (1884–1945), minister of finance for the State of Prussia, arrested and executed for his connection with the 20 July plot against Hitler

Potard, see Silberberg

Poupet, Georges, editor at the Plon Publishing House, Paris

Poursin, André (d. 1969), French bookdealer, Paris

Poussin, Nicolas (1594–1665), French painter

Prévaux, Blandine Ollivier de (1894–1981), great-granddaughter of Liszt

“Princess, the green,” E. J.’s pseudonym for Podewils, Sophie Dorothee

“Princess, the black,” E. J.’s pseudonyms for Transvaal

Profillet, Charles (b. 1824), French priest and author

Proust, Marcel (1871–1922), French novelist

Prunier, unidentified, Paris

Pückler-Muskau, Hermann, Prince of (1785–1871), landscape architect and writer

Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevitch (1799–1837), Russian writer

Pythagoras (c. 580–496 BCE), Greek philosopher


Quincey, Thomas de (1785–1859), English writer

Quintilian, Marcus Fabius (35–96 CE), Roman writer

Quinton, René (1866–1925), lieutenant colonel, French writer


Raabe, Wilhelm (1831–1910), German writer

Rademacher, Otfried (1905–1968), journalist; “Dr. Weber”

Rahmelow, lieutenant, World War II

Ransonnette, Pierre Nicolas (1745–1810), French illustrator

Rantzau, Abel, unidentified

Rathke, Anton (1888–1945), colonel, lieutenant general in the German Army

Ravachol (1859–1892), recte François Claudius Königstein, French anarchist

Ravaillac, François (1578–1610), fanatical Catholic, regicide, murderer of Henri IV

Ravoux, Sophie (1906–2001), physician; “Mme. Dancart,” “Charmille,” “Camilla,” “Doctoresse,” “Mme. D’Armenonville”

Ravoux, Paul (d. 1957), husband of Sophie Ravoux; “A,” “R”

Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas-François (1713–1796), French abbé, Enlightenment thinker

Réau, Louis (1881–1961), French writer

Reese, major, World War II

Régimbart, Maurice Auguste (1852–1907), French entomologist

Rehbock, neighbor in Kirchhorst

Rehm, E. J.’s aide-de-camp

Reiners, Jakob (1917–1940), lieutenant

Reitter, Emmerich (1880–1929), German entomologist

Renan, Joseph Ernest (1823–1892), French orientalist and philosopher

Renée, shopkeeper in Vincennes

Reverdy, Pierre (1889–1960), French poet

Reyès, Salvador (1899–1970), Chilean writer and diplomat

Richelet, Madame, unidentified

Richelieu, Louis François Armand Vignerot du Pléssis (1696–1788), French duke, soldier, and statesman

Richet, M. (eighteenth century), parliamentary attorney, France

Rictus, Jehan (1867–1933), recte Gabriel Randon de Saint-Armand, French poet

Riley, James (1777–1849), American sailor and writer

Rimbaud, Jean Nicolas Arthur (1854–1891), French poet

Rinne, Friedrich Wilhelm Berthold (1863–1933), mineralogist

Rivarol, Antoine conte de (1753–1801), French writer

Rivière, Jacques (1886–1925), French author

Robespierre, Maximilian de (1758–1794), French revolutionary leader

Rochefort, Henri (1830–1913), French politician

Rodin, Auguste (1840–1917), French sculptor and graphic artist

Rodolphe, see Schlichter, Rudolf

Röhricht, Edgar (1892–1967), chief of the General Staff, commander of the First Army, World War II

Roland, unidentified

Rommel, Erwin (1891–1944), German field marshal

Romney, George (1734–1802), English painter

Ronneberger, Friedrich August (1886–1968), chaplain, Wehrmacht pastor

Röpke, Wilhelm (1899–1966), economist

Roquelaure, Gaston-Jean-Baptiste, Marquis (duc) de (1617–1633), French nobleman

Rosanov, Vasily Vasilievich (1856–1919), Russian author

Rosen, Friedrich (1856–1953), German diplomat, foreign minister

Rosenberg, Alfred (1893–1946), politician, chief ideologue of National Socialism

Rosenkranz, Wilhelm, unidentified

Rossi, Giovanni Battista de (1822–1894), Italian archaeologist

Rossi, Pietro (1738–1804), Italian doctor and entomologist

Rousseau, Henri (1844–1910), French painter; “The Customs Agent”

Rousseau, Jean-Jacque (1712–1778), French-Swiss philosopher and writer

Roussel, Napoléon Charles Louis (1834–1854), French artist

Rouvier, Jean, unidentified

Rozanov, Vassily Vassilievich (1856–1919), Russian writer

Ruge, Friedrich Oskar (1894–1985), vice admiral, city counselor

Rundstedt, Gerd von (1875–1953), field marshal, commander-in-chief of Wehrmacht forces in the West

Ruoff, Richard (1883–1967), lieutenant general, World War II

Rupp, Ernst (1892–1943), general, division commander, World War II

Ruysbroec, Jan van (1293–1381), Flemish mystic


Saager, Adolf (1879–1949), journalist

Sabatier, Abbé (d. 1871)

Sachot, Octave Louis Marie (b. 1824), French translator and journalist

Sade, Donatien-Alphonse-François, Marquis de (1740–1814), French author

Saint-Albin, J. S. C. (1794–1881), recte Jacques Albin Simon Collin de Plancy

Saint-Gellais, Mellin de (1491–1558), French poet

Saint-Réal, César Vichard abbé de (1639–1692), French historian

Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy duc de (1675–1755), politician and writer

Salewski, first lieutenant, World War II

Salmanoff, Alexandre (1871–1964), French physician of Russian background

Salomon, Ernst von (1902–1972), German writer

Sarthe, René Levasseur de la (1747–1834), French surgeon

Sauckel, Fritz (1894–1945), National Socialist politician, Gauleiter [governor] of Thuringia, Reich director of labor (1942–1945)

Sauerbruch, Ernst Ferdinand (1875–1951), surgeon

Sauerwein, Jules (1880–1967), French journalist

Savigny, Jean Baptiste Henri (1793–1843), French shipwreck survivor

Schaer, Ernst, colonel, World War II, implicated in 20 July 1944 plot against Hitler as Stauffenberg’s informant but was released

Scharnhorst, Gerhard Johann David von (1755–1813), Prussian general

Schede, Wolf (b. 1888–1981), lieutenant general

Schenk, Gustav (1905–1969), botanist and writer

Schery, Friedrich Franz, Viennese musician

Scheuerlen, Ernst, admiral, commander-in-chief of the fleet stationed on the German Bight, World War II

Schewen, Werner von, colonel, head of the ILA [trade fair of the aerospace industry] in Paris; brother-in-law of Neuhaus

Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von (1759–1805), German dramatist and poet

Schinderhannes, E. J.’s pseudonym for Heinrich Himmler

Schlegel, Friedrich von (1772–1829), German philosopher and writer

Schleier, Rudolf (1899–1959), diplomat, ambassador in Paris

Schlichter, Rudolf (1890–1955), painter and draftsman; “Rodolphe”

Schlumberger, Jean (1977–1968), French writer

Schmid, Carlo (1896–1979), politician

Schmidt, captain, World War II, unidentified

Schmitt, Carl (1888–1985), jurist; “Don Capisco,” “C. S.,” “D. P.,” “D. T.”

Schmitt, Duschka (1903–1950), née Todorovich, wife of Carl Schmitt

Schnath, Georg (b. 1898–1989), archivist and historian

Schneider, dealer in musical literature, Paris

Schnitzler, Liselelotte (Lily) von (1889–1981), née von Malinkrodt, art collector

Scholz, unidentified

Schoor, Hilde, unidentified

Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788–1860), philosopher

Schrader, bathhouse attendant, Hannover

Schramm, Wilhelm Ritter von (1898–1983), writer and journalist

Schreck, Julius (1898–1936), NS functionary, later Hitler’s driver and bodyguard

Schröter, sergeant, World War II

Schubart, Walter (1897–c. 1941), German writer

Schuchardt, Karl (1893–1943), lieutenant colonel, World War II, on the General Staff

Schüddekopf, gravedigger

Schulenburg, Fritz-Dietlof count von der (1902–1944), jurist, president of the State of Silesia, in the resistance against Hitler; “Fritzi”

Schuler, Alfred (1865–1923), German religious mystic and visionary, neo-pagan

Schultz, Edmund (1901–1965), “Edmond”

Schultz, Edmund E. (b. 1931), son of Edmund Schultz

Schultz, Fritzi (1899–1975), sister of Edmund Schultz

Schwab, Gustav (1792–1850), German writer

Schwarz, Manfred (1914–1988), cultural editor for the Bavarian Broadcasting Company; “Nigrinus”

Schwarzenberg, Felix Fürst [Prince] zu (1800–1852), Austrian statesman

Scipio, Publius Cornelius Africanus (235–183 BCE), Roman general

Seeckt, Hans von (1866–1936), lieutenant general

Seidel, Ina (1885–1974), German writer

Seneca, Lucius Ennius (4 BCE–65 CE), Roman philosopher and politician

Seydlitz-Kurzbach, Walther Kurt von (1888–1976), general

Shakespeare, William (1564–1616), English dramatist and poet

Shaw, George Bernard (1856–1950), Anglo-Irish writer and playwright

Sieburg, Friedrich (1893–1964), writer and journalist

Siedler, Dr., member of Grand Admiral Dönitz’s legal staff

Silberberg, Jewish pharmacist, Paris; “Potard”

Sild, Meinhart (d. 1944), editor of the journal Zeitgeschichte [Contemporary History]

Sild, Traugott, co-editor of the journal Zeitgeschichte [Contemporary History]

Silesius, Angelus (1624–1677), recte Johann Scheffler, religious poet

Smend, Julius (1835–1909), clergyman

Smith, Arthur Henderson (1860–1941), English missionary

Sommer, unidentified, restaurateur in Paris

Sommer, first lieutenant World War II, served in Tank Brigade 106 “Feldhernhalle”

Soung-Lin, P’Ou (1640–1715), Chinese author

Spannuth, Franz, superintendant (i.e., high-level Lutheran administrator), unidentified

Speidel, Hans Emil (1897–1984), general, World War II

Speidel, Hans Helmut (b. 1938), diplomat, brigadier general, son of Hans Emil Speidel

Speidel, Ina Rose (b. 1927), daughter of Hans Speidel

Speidel, Ruth (1897–1990), née Stahl, married to Hans Speidel

Spengler, Oswald (1880–1936), philosopher

Sperling, captain, battalion commander, Caucasus (1942)

Spinoza, Benedictus (Baruch) de (1632–1677), Dutch philosopher

Sprenger, Jakob (1436–1495), inquisitor, co-author Malleus Malificarum [Hammer of Witches]

Stameroff, Kyriak, director of the publishing house Gallimard, Paris

Stapel, Wilhelm (1882–1954), journalist

Stauffenberg, Claus Graf [count] Schenk von (1907–1944), colonel, would-be assassin of Hitler

Stellar, Georg Wilhelm (1709–1746), doctor and naturalist

Stemmermann, Wilhelm (1888–1944), general, World War II

Stendhal (1783–1842), recte Marie-Henri Beyle, French writer

Sternberger, Dolf (1907–1989), journalist and political scientist

Sterne, Laurence (1713–1768), English novelist

Stevenson, Robert Louis Balfour (1850–1894), Scottish writer

Stifter, Adelbert (1805–1868), Austrian writer

Straub, unidentified, Nussdorf

Strauss, David Friedrich (1808–1874), philosopher and theologian

Strecker, Karl (1884–1973), general at Stalingrad, World War II

Strindberg, Johan August (1849–1912), Swedish writer and dramatist

Strubelt, first lieutenant, World War II

Strünckmann, Karl-Christoph (1872–1953), recte Kurt van Emsen, German psychiatrist, pioneer in alternative medicine

Stucken, Eduard (1865–1936), writer

Stülpnagel, Carl Heinrich von (1886–1944), general, commander-in-chief of German Forces in France (1942–1944)

Stülpnagel, Helene von, née Baroness von Pentz

Stülpnagel, Otto von (1878–1948), general, commander-in-chief of German Forces in France (1940–1942); “Habakuk”

Sturm, Vilma (1912–1995), journalist

Suhrkamp, Johann Heinrich Peter (1891–1959), publisher

Suire, Karl von Le (1898–1954), colonel, World War II

Sulla, Lucius Cornelius (138–78 BCE), Roman statesman and military leader

Swammerdam, Jan (1637–1680), Dutch naturalist

Swift, Jonathan (1667–1745), Anglo-Irish writer

Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837–1909), English poet

Syben, Friedrich (1889–1969), journalist; “Mossakowski”


Tallemant des Réaux, Gédéon (1619–1692), French writer

Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de (1754–1838), French statesman

Tamerlane (1336–1405), recte Timur-Leng, Mongolian military leader

Tassencourt, Marcelle (1914–2001), theater director, wife of Jacques Talagrand (Thierry Maulnier)

Tavernier, Jean Baptiste baron d’Aubonne (1605–1689), French writer and diamond dealer

Tempelhof, Friedrich von (1878–1941), colonel, World War II

Tennent, James Emerson (1804–1869), English writer, traveler, and politician

Tevenar, Gerhard (Gerd) von (1912–1943), member of the resistance group Hielscher

Thérouanne, Pierre de (1891–1980), French painter

Thierry-Maulnier, see Maulnier

Thomas, Friedrich August Wilhelm (1840–1918), author of Das Elisabeth Linné-Phänomen (Jena, G. Fischer, 1914)

Thomas, Henri (1912–1993), French writer and translator

Thomas, Louis Auguste Georges Marie (1885–1962), French historian and writer

Thucydides (c. 460–399 BCE), Greek historian

Tippelskirch, Kurt von (1891–1957), colonel, World War II

Tirpitz, Alfred von (1849–1930), grand admiral of the German Navy, World War II

Tirpitz, Wolfgang (Wolf) von (1887–1968), corvette captain, son of the grand admiral

Titus, Flavius Vespasianus (39–81), Roman emperor

Titian (c. 1477–1576), recte Tiziano Vecellio, Italian painter

Tocqueville, Alexis Clérel conte de (1805–1859), French political theorist

Toepfer, Alfred Carl (1894–1993), merchant and patron

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich (1828–1910), Russian author

Trakl, Georg (1887–1914), Austrian lyric poet

Traz, Robert de (1844–1951), French writer

Trémoille, duchess de la, unidentified

Triller, Daniel Wilhelm (1695–1782), poet, doctor, philologist

Trott zu Solz, Heinrich von (1918–2009), lieutenant in the resistance against the NS regime; “Head Forester”; E. J. notes incorrectly that Heinrich von Trott zu Solz was executed after the 20 July 1944 assassination plot

Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich (1818–1883), Russian novelist, playwright

Turner, Joseph Mallord William (1775–1851), English painter


Uckel, captain, unidentified, Paris World War II

Unger, Johann Friedrich (1753–1804), book printer and calligrapher

Uslar-Gleichen, Günther Freiherr von (b. 1893), major, World War II


Valentiner, Klaus (d. 1945, presumed killed in action), interpreter

Valentiner, Max, antiquarian bookseller, brother of Klaus Valenteiner

Valentiner, Max (1883–1949), captain of a corvette and U-Boot commander

Valéry, Paul Ambroise (1871–1945), French poet and essayist

Valla, Laurentius (1405–1457), Italian humanist

Vallès, Jules (1832–1885), French writer

Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August (1785–1858), diplomat and writer

Velut, Pierre, unidentified acquaintance, Paris, 1944

Veressayev (1867–1945), recte Vikentii Vikentevich Smidovich, Russian doctor

Verlaine, Paul (1844–1896), French poet

Vernes, Arthur (1979–1976), French doctor, specialist in syphilis

Vernet, Joseph (1714–1789), French painter

Vico, Giovanni Battista (1668–1744), Italian philosopher

Victoria (b. 1926), unidentified doctor’s daughter, Caucasus

Viel-Castel, Graf [count] Horace de (1802–1864), French historian

Villiers de L’Isle-Adam, Jean Marie Philippe-Auguste conte de (1838–1889), French

Vilmorin, Luise de (1902–1969), Comtesse Palffy, French author

Vincent, Dominic, unidentified

Visconti, Giovanni Battista Primi (1648–1713), Italian writer

Vogel, aircraft engineer, World War II

Vogel, Emil Wilhelm (1894–1985), major general, commander of 101st Infantry Division in the Caucasus

Volckmar-Frentzel, Theodor (b. 1892), publisher, member of the Command Staff in Paris, World War II

Volhard, Edwald (b. 1900), naturalist

Voltaire (1694–1778), recte François Marie Arouet, French author and philosopher

Voss, Hans-Alexander von (1907–1944), major, General Staff in Paris


Wagner, Richard (1813–1883), German composer

Wallenstein, Albrecht Wenzel Usebius von (1583–1634), commander of the Imperial Forces in the Thirty Years’ War

Walther, Oswald Alwin (1898–1967), mathematician

Watteau, Jean-Antoine (1684–1721), French painter

Weber, Dr., see Rademacher, Otfried

Weckerus, Johan Jacob (1528–1586), physician and philosopher

Weihrauter, major, World War II

Weininger, Otto (1880–1903), Austrian psychologist and philosopher

Weinstock, Heinrich (1889–1960), teacher and philosopher, member of the General Staff in Paris, World War II

Weizsäcker, Viktor Freiherr [Baron] von (1886–1957), German doctor

Weniger, Erich (1894–1961), educational theorist

Werner, Carl Friedrich Heinrich (1808–1894), illustrator

Wepler, unidentified, Paris

Whitman, Walt (1819–1892), American poet

Wickenberg, Hanne, married to Hinnerk Wickenberg

Wickenberg, Hinnerk (d. 1945), neighbor in Kirchhorst

Wieland, Christoph Martin (1733–1813), German poet

Wiemer, Horst Eduard, editor

Wilde, Oscar (1854–1900), Anglo-Irish author and playwright

Wilder, Thornton (1897–1975), American writer

Wildermuth, Hermann-Eberhard (1890–1952), colonel, General Staff, Paris

Willems, Paul (1912–1997), Flemish civil servant, son of Marie Gevers

Wimpffen, Emanuel Félix de (1811–1884), French general

Winnig, August (1878–1956), German politician, participant in the Kapp putsch

Wolf, Erik (1902–1977), philosopher

Wolfe, Thomas Clayton (1900–1938), American writer

Wollny, lieutenant, World War II

Wood, Evelyn Henry (1838–1919), English field marshal


Xenophon (c. 430–354 BCE), Greek historian


Zaïre, Le, see Dezaïre, Joseph

Ziegler, Benno (1894–1949), German publisher of the Hanseatischer Verlagsanstalt

Ziegler, Leopold (1881–1958), cultural historian

Zola, Jean-Baptiste (seventeenth century), Jesuit priest
