On Rosh Hashanah, which
means the head
of the year in that language the
new year in Heaven, which
does not know from new
years we still try to observe it’s
funny, our habits don’t
die like we do
On Rosh Hashanah,
which means the head of
the year in that language in
Heaven you can ask for
God for one thing
On Rosh Hashanah,
which means the Head
of the Year in that language
in Heaven you can ask
God for one favor,
one lack,
won’t insult Him by asking for that assuredly One thing only that might be missing,
that you might be missing,
even in a heaven that’s yours—
People ask for
Everything on that Day of Days,
Ask for bad knees again, bad teeth, ask for
Car problems, erectile dysfunction, ask for
Everything except what they