I have received a lot of help and support in writing this book. Many people have taken the time to talk with me about difficult and occasionally hideous experiences. Some chose to speak anonymously, others came forward openly, but many people have contributed in their own way to telling me about a story that was both close to me and distant at the same time.
Arshad Mubarak Ali, Marius Arnesen, Christian Brændshøi, Anzor Djoukaev, Even Frogh, Stine Renate Håheim, Allan Søndergaard Jensen, Even Kleppen, Torstein Tvedt Solberg, Ida Spjelkavik, Anne-Berit Stavenes, Jonas Gahr Støre, Hadia Tajik, Erik Øvergaard and Tove Ø.: thank you all. Thanks also, among others, to Big Al from Hovseter, Dekor from Tåsen, Mono from Smestad and to a number of other people who gave accounts of the eighties and nineties.
Particular thanks go to the editor, Aslak Nore, for his enthusiastic reading and creative suggestions. Thanks also to Jan Swensson, editorial head of non-fiction, and to the publisher Gyldendal Norsk Forlag for getting the project going, and to Stiftelsen Fritt Ord [the Freedom of Expression Foundation] and the Norsk faglitterær forfatter- og oversetterforening [the Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers and Translators Association], who supported me financially.
For their advice, tips and suggestions, thanks also go to Stian Bromark, Ane Farsethås, Cathrine Grøndahl, Sturla Haugsgjerd, Andreas Hompland, Sigmund Karterud, Prableen Kaur, Ole Andreas Holm, Faltin Karlsen, Charlotte Lundgren, Jane Nordhagen, John Erik Riley, Finn Skårderud, Hilchen Sommerschild and Svein Østerud.
Even though many people have helped me en route, I take sole responsibility for the content of this book.