
The extra vowels æ, ø and å belong at the end of the Norwegian alphabet but, for the purposes of word order in this index, æ and å have been treated the same way as a, and ø has been treated as o.

9/11 see September 11 attacks

22 July Commission

300 (film, 2006)

2083 (compendium) manuscript

as adaptation of Breivik's own upbringing

on being mentally prepared for attacks

on bombing of Serbia

as Breivik's ‘masterpiece’

comments on Tove

completion of

conspiracy and castration in

construction of victim narrative in

consumer zombie turning into violent, terrorist monster

diary portrait of Breivik himself

digital publication

and ‘doctrine of Las Vegasism’

on gang incident

hatred of the city

ideas concerning the 1968 generation

ideology and politics in

Internet as source of material

jihadi racist attacks

Justiciar Knight Andrew Berwick

lies in

on mandatory knitting and sewing courses

martyrdom, suicide, executions and death

morality and killing

motivation for moving back home

occidentalist logic in

paranoia in

reasons, methods and tools for Utøya massacre

sadistic and aggressive impulse in

self-portrait as homo consumens

on sex and women

significance of title (2083)

on Somalis

style and content

subtitled A European Declaration of Independence

terminology in

uniforms and the SS

use of opposed concepts

view of Sex and the City lifestyle

on ‘the world picture’

A Gang

Abbas, Mahmoud

Acta Dialog company

Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission

Afghanistan, war in

Aftenposten newspaper

Aftonbladet newspaper

Age of Conan (computer game)

Ahmad, Najmuddin Faraj (Mullah Krekar)


al-Zaqawi, Abu Musab


Ali, Arshad Mubarak

Andersen, Kent

Anderson, Pamela


anti-Islamic blogosphere


Arab Spring

Arnesen, Marius

Arntzen, Wenche Elizabeth

Aspaas, Agnar

Assassin's Creed (computer game series)

Åsta website

Atta, Mohammad

attachment theory

AUF [Workers' Youth League]

Aukrust, Åsmund

Aurora, Colorado

Avatar (film, 2009)


Ayia Napa

B Gang

Bali bombings (2002)

Barak, Ehud

Barnevernet [Child Welfare Service]

Baron-Cohen, Simon

Barzingi, Dana

Bassel (boy from Lebanon)

Bauman, Zygmunt

BBC World Service Television

Behring, Wenche

Benson, Henry see Breivik, Anders Behring

Berg Upper Secondary School

Bergens Tidende newspaper

Berwick, Andrew see Breivik, Anders Behring

Beslan school hostage crisis (2004)

Bhatti, Arfan

bin Laden, Osama

Blücher, Erik

Bøksle, Helene

Borgen, Johan

De mørke kilder [The dark sources]

Lillelord [Little lord]

Vi har ham nå! [We've got him now!]

Bøsei, Monica, ‘Mother Utøya’


Brændshøi, Christian

Breivik, Anders Behring

acquires weapons

alcohol and drugs

as ‘Andrew Berwick, Justiciar Knight’

arrival on Utøya

author observations on

becomes a hip-hopper

believes he is from the West End

believes himself to be the greatest monster since Quisling

business ventures

as career cynic

categorization of ‘traitors’

character and description of

comments on SSBU papers

criticizes ‘mainstream media’

declares he will be famous

describes self as ‘the cool potato’


exercise and plastic surgery

family background, break-ups and difficulties

favourite films, people and possessions

feigned, aversive smile noted


as ‘Henry Benson’

ideology and political views

influence of Fjordman on

influence of Rustad on

interest in knights

Internet activities

joins the Tåsen Gang

as keen gamer

killing spree on Utøya

as ‘Martin Nilsen’, PST officer

media response to

as ‘Morg’ the tagger

moves back into his mother's flat

online propaganda video

as outsider

personality change noticed

plagiarizes Kaczynski's manifesto

planned ‘martyr's mass’

possible child sexual abuse of

preparations for terrorist actions

in prison and famous

quantifying with percentages

as regular at Skaugum bar

relationship with Tove

sadistic and violent tendencies

security pact with with Pakistani friend

sequence of killings on Utøya

sets up social media accounts

sex and women

social skills

speaks at meeting of Friends of

SSBU childhood report on

statements to police and court-appointed forensic psychiatrists

step-mother (Tove)

suffers from allergies

surrenders to the Delta Unit officers

trial of

use of aliases, nicknames and avatars

use of the word taqiyya

walk home after visit to Skaugum bar

withdraws from outside life

witnesses cat having her kittens

see also 2083 (compendium) manuscript; Breivik's psychiatric profile

Breivik, Jens

Breivik's psychiatric profile

aggressive sadistic impulse

alexithymia (inability to express emotions)

Asperger's syndrome

attachment disorder

avatar beliefs

deficit of care

emotional and sexual abuse

gardening impulse

genetic disposition towards mental illness

mother–son relationship

narcissistic personality

paranoid schizophrenic, psychotic, criminally insane

possibility of analgesia (inability to feel pain)

pseudologia fantastica

serious empathy deficit


Brenna, Tonje

Brooks, Charles

Brundtland, Gro Harlem

Brussels Journal blog

Buruma, Ian

Bush, George W.

Butler, Gerard

Buynaksk bombing (1999)


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (computer game)

Cameron, James

Cap (New York tagger)

Castro, Fidel


Cervantes, Miguel de, Don Quixote

Chapman, Mark David


child sexual abuse

Christian IV, king of Denmark–Norway (1588–1648)

Christian Democratic Party



Church, Michael

Churchill, Winston

City Group company

CNN International

Coderock (graffiti artist)

Communist Party of Norway

computer games


‘cultural conservatism’, ‘cultural conservatives’

‘cultural Marxism’, ‘cultural Marxists’

Czech Republic

Dagbladet newspaper

Dar es Salaam bombing (1998)

‘Dekor’ (member of the Tåsen Gang)

Delta Unit

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders website

Direkte Respons-Senteret (DRS) company

Djoukaev, Anzor website


E-Commerce Group company

Easter Rebellion (1958)

Electricians' and IT Workers' Union

‘Elin’ (associate of the Tåsen Gang)

Engh, Inga Bejer

English Defence League


Eurabia conspiracy theory


Farmers' Party

fear and panic

Fight Club (book and film)

Fjalestad, Hanne

Fjordman (Peder Are Nøstvold Jensen)

Folketeaterbygningen [the People's Theatre building]

Folkets Hus [the People's House]

Fonagy, Peter

Fox News

FpU [the Progress Party's Youth]

Freedom Flotilla II

Freud, Sigmund

Fritt Ord [Freedom of Expression Foundation]

Frogh, Even

Frogh, Stian

Fromm, Erich

Frydenlund, Hans Jacob

Frydenlund, Knut

gangs and groups

Garløv, Ida

Gates of Vienna blog

Geller, Pamela

Gerhardsen, Einar


Gleffe, Marcel

Glucksmann, André

graffiti see tagging

Grieg, Nordahl, ‘Til ungdommen’ [To the youth]

Grøholt, Berit

GSV (tagging crew)

The Guardian

Haakon Magnus, crown prince of Norway (1991–)


Hagen, Carl I.

Hagen, Even Aleksander

Håheim, Stine Renate

Hamsun, Knut, Victoria

Harald V, king of Norway (1991–)

Harald Fairhair, king of Norway (872–930)

Hayashi Yoken

Hennie, Aksel

Hermansen, Benjamin

Herostratic fame


Hess, Rudolf

Himmler, Heinrich

hip-hop culture

Hitchens, Christopher

Hitler, Adolf

Hitman (computer game series)

Holmes, James

Holmes, Ronald

Holmes, Stephen


Hosseini, Mani

Hoxha, Enver

Huffington Post

Human Rights Service

Husby, Torgeir

Ibsen, Henrik, An Enemy of the People

Idrettslaget Heming (sports club)

Ila Detention and Security Prison

immigration, multiculturalism and racism

Inspire (al-Qaeda magazine)

Institute of Norwegian Occupation History


Iraq War


Islamic extremism

Islamic University of Medina


Jacobsen, Roy

Jenkins, Simon

‘Jens Erik’

Jensen, Allan Søndergaard

jihad, jihadists

Johansen, Raymond

Juggernaut (Marvel Universe character)


Kaczynski, Ted, the ‘Unabomber’

KAP (tagging crew)

Karadžić, Radovan

Karlsen, Faltin

Karpe Diem (rap group)

Karterud, Sigmund

Kaur, Prableen

‘Kebab Norwegian’ (multi-ethnolect slang)

Kernberg, Otto

Khmer Rouge

Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah

Kinkaku-ji (Temple of the Golden Pavilion)

Kipling, Rudyard, ‘If–’

Kleppen, Even

Klovner i kamp (hip-hop group)

Kohut, Heinz


Kvisler, Nicolai


Langeland, Nils Rune


Larsen, Gry

Lebara Group telecommunications company

Left Communist Youth League

Lennon, John

Levi, Primo, If This Is a Man

Lévy, Bernard-Henri


Libya, war in

Lie, Haakon

Lien, Inger Lise

Lind, William S., Political Correctness: A Short History of an Ideology

Lippestad, Geir

Loe, Erlend


London bombings (2007)

Lyn Football Club

Lyng, Arne

Lyng, John

Madrid bombings (2004)

Malt, Ulrik Fredrik

Manus, Max

Mao Zhedong

Margalit, Avishai

Marvel Comics, Marvel Universe

The Matrix (film, 1999)

Max Manus: Man of War (film, 2008)


Media Group company

Meinhof, Ulrike

Mill, John Stuart

Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

Ministry of Trade and Industry


Mishima, Yukio, The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

Mjøen, Jon Alfred

Mohammad, Mohyeldeen

‘Mono’ (tagger)


monuments and memorials

‘Morg’ (tagger) see Breivik, Anders Behring

Morg (Marvel Universe character)

Moscow bombing (1999)

MS Thorbjørn

multiculturalism see immigration, multiculturalism and racism

Mumbai attacks (2008)

Museveni, Yoweri

Muslim Brotherhood


Nairobi bombing (1998)


Nasjonal Samling [National Unity] (fascist party)

Natia (girl from Georgia)

National Socialist Underground (NSU)

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)



‘the new Norwegian we’

New York Times

Nilsen, Martin see Breivik, Anders Behring

Nissen Upper Secondary School website

Nore, Aslak

Norges Bank (Norway's central bank)


Norse mythology

Norwegian Advisory Board for Racial Hygiene

Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK)

Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions

Norwegian Conservative Party

Norwegian Directorate of Immigration

Norwegian Home Guard

Norwegian Labour Party

see also AUF

Norwegian Liberal Party

Norwegian Naval Academy (Bergen)

Norwegian News Agency (NTB)

Norwegian People's Aid

Norwegian Police Security Service (PST)

Norwegian Social-Democratic Youth League

NRK see Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation

Nuremberg Trials

Obama, Barack

Obstfelder, Sigbjørn, ‘Jeg ser’ [‘I see’]


in (the compendium)

Norwegian style

Occidentalism: A Short History of Anti-Westernism (Buruma & Margalit)

Offler (former World of Warcraft guildmate of Breivik)

Oklahoma City bombing (1995)

Olsen, Johnny

online radicalization


bombing in the government district

East End

West End

Oslo and Akershus Trade Union Confederation

Oslo Commerce School

Oslo Public Transport Administration

Øvergaard, Erik

Palahniuk, Chuck, Fight Club


‘Paul’ (friend of Breivik)

Pedersen, Eskil

personality disorders


Progress Party

see also FpU

PST see Norwegian Police Security Service

Putin, Vladimir

Quake (computer game series)

Quisling, Vidkun

Qutb, Sayyid

racism see immigration, multiculturalism and racism

‘Rafik’ (friend of Breivik)

Rashid, Bano

Ready Football Club

Red Army Faction

Reidun (partner of Allan Søndergaard Jensen)

Reiulf (boat)

Richard I, king of England (1189–99) website

Rindal, Eivind

Rinnan, Henry Oliver

Ris School

Ritah (girl from Uganda)

Røkke, Kjell Inge

RTM (tagging crew)

Rushdie, Salman

Rustad, Hans

‘Sex som våpen’ [Sex as a weapon']

St Olav Upper Secondary School

Sam (boy from Uganda)

Schei, Martin

Sciences Po (Paris)

Second World War

Security Concept company

September 11 attacks (USA, 2001)


serial killers

SIAN [Stop the Islamization of Norway] organization

Sigurd I Magnusson, king of Norway (1103–30)

Sivle, Per

Skagen, Kaj

Skårderud, Finn

Skaugum bar (Palace Grill)

Skovly, Guttorm

Skøyen bus depot

Slemdal Primary School

Smestad Primary School

social media

see also Facebook; Twitter

Socialist People's Party

Socialist Student Group

Socialist Youth League (SUF)

Socialist Youth League (Marxist-Leninists) (SUF (m-l))

Sogn Upper Secondary School


Sommerschild, Hilchen

Sønsteby, Gunnar

Sørensen, Øystein

Sørheim, Synne

South Sudan

Spaghetti Crew (TSC; tagging crew)

Spanish Civil War (1936–9)

Sparta, Spartans

Spencer, Robert

Spengler, Oswald

Spjelkavik, Ida

‘Spok’ (tagger)

Sri Lanka

Stærk, Bjørn

State Centre for Child and Youth Psychiatry (SSBU)

Statistics Norway


Stavanger Aftenblad newspaper

Stavenes, Anne-Berit

Stoltenberg, Jens

Stoltenberg, Thorvald

Storberger, Knut

Stordalen, Petter

Støre, Jonas Gahr

‘Urolige tider’ [‘Uneasy times’] website


Style Wars (film, 1983)

Sundvolden Hotel

Svennungsen, Bjørn

‘The Tadpole Mafia’ (tagging crew) see RTM

tagging (or graffiti)

Tajik, Hadia


Tamta (girl from Georgia)

Tåsen Gang

Taylor, Charles


Thabile (girl from Swaziland)

Thomassen, Carsten

The Times

Tolkien, J. R. R., Lord of the Rings

Tørress, Liv

Tørrissen, Terje

Toska, David



Tveita Gang


Tybring-Gjedde, Christian


Uganda Young Democrats

Ullern School

University of Oslo

Urnes, Øyvind



anger and criticism concerning

Brundtland's visit to

camping life

early morning activities

ethos of

fear on

feelings concerning

gifted to AUF (1950)

location and description

massacre on

media coverage of

Middle East debate

multicultural aspects

participants at summer camp

participants learn of Oslo bomb

plaque unveiled to memory of lives lost in Spanish Civil War

police arrival on

political debates and visitors

as political home for social democrats

pump house and arrest of Breivik


Schoolhouse to Stoltenberget

Støre's musings on


workshops on


Vederhus, Håvard

VG newspaper


Vinderen School

Volgodonsk bombing (1999)

War on Terror

Washington Post

White Men Can't Jump (film, 1992)

‘Wick’ (tagger)

Wilberg, Theresa

Wolfenstein (computer game series)

Workers' Communist Party (Marxist-Leninists)

Workers' Youth League see AUF

World Health Organization

World of Warcraft (computer game)

Ye'or, Bat (Gisèle Littman), Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis

Young Guns gang

