“Guys, I figured it out.”
It was lunchtime the next day, and the weather was finally warm enough that we could ditch the cafeteria and sit outside on the quad. We picked a sunny spot near a big oak tree—close enough to other people so that it didn’t look suspicious, but far enough away so that no one could hear what we were saying. The gentle breeze brushed against my cheeks, urging me to feel hopeful. But I kept replaying my conversation with Astaroth. Picturing Asher as my enemy filled me with dread. I had pushed him away—but I never dreamed I would push him that far.
“What?” Cassie asked between bites of her kale salad. My turkey and Swiss sandwich sat, untouched, on the tray by my feet.
“I had a visit from Astaroth last night.”
“What!” Ian’s head snapped up protectively.
“Not in person,” I said. “He was—this is weird—”
“Not any weirder than most of this stuff,” Dan mumbled.
“In my mind,” I finished, shooting him a look. “Last night, I was having trouble sleeping. I went out onto the roof to clear my head, and suddenly he was in my head.” Cassie’s eyes grew wide and concerned, and even Dan looked tense. Ian remained on high alert, his eyes darting around the quad for any sign of danger. Ellie, my former ski teammate, was sitting with a group of friends several feet away. She caught Ian looking and swept her blond corkscrew curls over her shoulder with a half-smile. Ian remained oblivious.
Cassie nudged him. “She thinks you’re looking at her.”
“What?” Ian blinked. “Who?”
“Ellie, you nimrod,” Dan said.
Ian glanced over at Ellie again.
“And from the looks of it,” Dan added, “she doesn’t seem too upset about it.”
Ian looked panic-stricken. “What should I do?”
“You could ask her to prom,” Cassie suggested.
“There’s that word again,” Dan muttered.
“I don’t know,” I said, trying to suppress a grin. “Ian shouldn’t be distracted with all that we have to work on right now.”
“That’s true,” said Cassie. “He has to stay focused.”
“What!” Ian protested. “That’s bullshit. Skye gets to cozy up to angels and you two can’t leave each other’s side for five seconds. Why can’t I have some fun, too?” And with that, he jumped up and marched over to where Ellie sat with her group of friends. Cassie and I beamed at each other, satisfied.
“That was some of the best reverse psychology I’ve ever seen,” said Dan. “You guys should work for the CIA.”
“Who’s to say I don’t already?” Cassie winked.
We watched Ian talk to Ellie, then shove his hands in his pockets and slink back to us.
“Aw, sorry buddy,” said Dan. “Next time, don’t listen to these two. They are evil, evil ladies.”
“Wow,” said Cassie. “I really thought those were come-hither eyes. I’m usually so spot-on about this stuff.”
“I am never listening to you guys again,” Ian muttered.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “But maybe what I have to say will put it in perspective?”
“Right,” Ian said gravely. “Tell us more.”
“Guys, it was like he controlled how I felt. Like there was no hope for our mission. I blocked him out, but by the time I succeeded I almost fell off the roof. It was scary. It definitely felt like an attack.”
Dan’s face clouded over. “So that’s what the Order is up to?”
I nodded.
“The Rebellion is attacking using their powers over the elements,” Ian said. “And the Order plans to shake you up from the inside out.”
I nodded again, goose bumps trickling up my arms. “I think that’s exactly right.”
“But how can you protect yourself from that?” Cassie asked.
I looked around at them. “Before you guys knew the truth about all this, Gideon was helping me to steel my mind against mental manipulation from the Order. Mainly, at the time, we were concerned about Devin and Raven and the Guardians at school. But I can use it now. If I practice, I can get better.”
Dan raised his hand. “Uh, not to sound slow or anything,” he said, “but Gideon’s a Rebel. How does he have mental powers?”
“He was kidnapped and tortured during the last war between the sides. They used their mental manipulation to try to get him to reveal the Rebellion’s plans. But he wouldn’t cave, and the tactics they used got worse.” I grimaced. “Guys, I’ve felt what it’s like to have your mind messed with. It takes something from you, leaves you cold. He’ll always carry that darkness around in him. I don’t know if you ever shake it.” I shook my head, trying to erase the memory of what it felt like to have Astaroth in there. “Anyway, during his capture, he taught himself how to protect his mind against them. He’s the only Rebel who’s been able to do so.”
The group looked at me, the mood subdued.
“So now I’m on the lookout for visions about elemental attacks, and I also have to block my mind from invasions by the Order.” I sighed. “Sorry I always have to be such a downer.”
“Skye.” Cassie put her arm around me. “You’re not a downer. You’re just doing your job. And we’re going to help you, no matter what. Even if it’s just making you laugh a little.”
I felt a little better knowing Astaroth was wrong about at least one thing. My friends were awesome. And nothing in the world could make me question that.
School was tense during the next few weeks. It seemed like everywhere I went, I stumbled into Ardith, Devin, and Gideon. I couldn’t shake the feeling that every time I ran into Gideon, he averted his gaze so we didn’t make eye contact. At first I thought it might just be that he felt bad about being on opposing sides. But then he showed up one day with a slight—but noticeable—tweak to his appearance.
Gideon had replaced his usual wire-rimmed glasses with dark aviators. He wore them everywhere—not just outside on the quad or shuffling down Main Street with Ardith by his side—but roaming the halls at school, too. I almost didn’t think much of it. But then I remembered the first, and last, time we made eye contact since the Uprising began. The way his eyes burned red when he looked at me.
Like the sun. Like fire.
What was Gideon hiding?
If it was something to do with the attacks the Rebellion was planning, I had to figure out what it was. But it was going to be difficult. Ardith never left his side. And something told me she would be ruthless about protecting him.
Every night, the gang gathered at my house. Even though we were preparing for battle of some kind, part of me loved that we always had a full house. Aunt Jo was in her cooking element, making all of my favorites—and some new recipes, too. I watched her and Aaron with fascination. She seemed to want to impress him, and he, in turn, appeared to want the same. He’d cleaned up a little since that night Raven and I flew to Rocky Pines. His hair was combed and the stubble was gone. He shaved pretty much every day now, and someone had given his hair a trim. Maybe people can change, I thought. Maybe they were both working to undo the mistakes of the past. I watched the way they were with each other. Sometimes, when they thought no one was looking, Aaron would put his hand on the small of her back, and Aunt Jo would lean against him, gently.
“Do you think my dad and your aunt are going to get married?” Earth and I were spread out on the floor of my room. I was going through the journal for the thousandth time, looking for some clue to James’s whereabouts. She was lying on her stomach by my feet, studying an astronomy chart.
“You like the stars, huh?” I asked, nudging her.
“You didn’t answer my question.” She chewed thoughtfully on the end of her colored pencil.
I stared her down, one eyebrow raised. I had a feeling I’d met my match in Earth. Just like the real earth and sky, she kind of kept me grounded. I wondered if her name was a coincidence.
“Do you want them to get married?”
Earth seemed to consider this. “I want a mom again,” she said.
“Me too.”
“You have a mom.”
“No, I don’t. My mom died. And left me with this.” I gestured around me to the sea of papers, childhood artifacts, the little wooden box. “Riddles.”
“But you have Aunt Jo,” Earth argued. “You’re lucky. She makes such good cookies.”
“I can’t argue with that,” I said, watching her. “You seem really lucky to have your dad, too.”
“He’s all right,” she rolled her eyes. Then she seemed to grow serious. “I don’t think he’s happy.” It was a shocking thing to hear out of a seven-year-old’s mouth.
“How do you know?” I asked.
She looked thoughtful. “I can just tell.”
“Are you?” I asked her carefully.
“I want a family.” She sighed, studying her star chart.
“Me too, Earth,” I said. “Me too.”
“Do you think they’re in love?”
“They sure look like it.” I put the notebook down.
“I don’t think that when you love somebody, it ever really goes away,” Earth said, looking out the window. “It’s like riding a bike. You can decide you don’t like bike riding any more, and do soccer for a while, but then when you get back on a bike, it’s like your body remembers how to do it without you even having to think about it.” She looked up at me. “I think love is like that.”
I felt surprising tears prick at the backs of my eyes, and swallowed.
“You’re a smart kid, Earth,” I said. “Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you don’t know what’s up.”
“No one ever does.” After a beat, she said, “Well, maybe I could give you advice.”
“What about?”
“How do you know about Asher?”
“Cassie told me,” she said casually.
“Of course she did.”
“No, really,” Earth said, turning to me. She was excited now. “Let me help you. I’m good at this. When Mom and Dad used to fight, I always helped them meditate.”
“I think you mean mediate.”
“That’s what I said.” She grinned. “Dad says I have a gift for making people feel better. It’s like a special power.”
A power. It sounded like Earth had inherited some powers from her father’s half-Rebel blood after all. But what kind of power was making people feel better? Was that something the Rebels had control over?
“Well,” I said finally, trying to figure out how best to phrase this. “Asher and I have to fight for different sides. And he promised that when this is all over, we’d find a way to be together. He seemed so certain.”
Earth frowned at me. “But you’re not sure,” she said, her eyes glazing over. “And you think there’s something wrong with you that you’re not as certain as he is.”
I looked at her in surprise. “Did Cassie tell you that?”
“No,” she said. Her eyes had a faraway look in them. “I just knew.”
“It’s just that I know how people are. They say one thing and do another. And I know that love can change the outcome of a war. But also . . . I think war can change the outcome of love, too. What if Asher thought he loved me, but it turns out he believes in his cause more than he believes in us?”
“Are you saying that because you think that’s how he feels?” Earth asked. “Or because you’re secretly scared that’s going to happen to you?”
“Uh . . .” I gaped at her. “Man, you’re good.”
“I know.” She smiled hazily. She was sitting there with me, but her mind was somewhere else entirely. “So am I right?”
I sighed. “My parents were so in love that they gave up everything to be together. They didn’t have to question how they felt. How come I can’t be that sure? How come Asher can?”
“You’re both kind of stubborn,” said Earth, wrinkling her nose. “My dad says I am, too. Also, you’re proud.”
“But what if I never know a hundred percent if he’s worth fighting for?”
Earth shrugged.
“That’s it? That’s your advice?”
She went back to drawing. “Hello, you’re never going to just know,” she said with exasperation. “You have to take a risk.”
I paused. “And if I make a huge mistake?”
She put down her colored pencil and looked at me seriously. “You have to trust yourself.”
“Are you sure you’re only seven?”
“I get that a lot.”
And that was it. I’d been schooled by a seven-year-old.
I felt tiny arms wrap around my waist, and looked down to see a messy light brown set of pigtails nestling into the crook of my arm.
“I’m glad we’re here,” she said softly.
“Me too,” I whispered. “Me too.”
That night at dinner, I watched Aunt Jo and Aaron carefully. If all this ended well—if the Uprising worked—would Aaron and Earth go back to Rocky Pines? Or would they stay here with us, for good? Was Earth right—were they going to get married? Maybe what I’d always wanted was on the verge of coming true. Maybe I was going to have a complete family again. They could never be a replacement for my parents. But Aunt Jo and I wouldn’t be lonely anymore. And that was a start.
Raven excused herself to stalk the perimeters of our property, keeping an eye out for danger. Aaron and Aunt Jo went to assess the damage from the fire at Into the Woods. Earth helped me clear the dishes, trailing behind me with a stack taller than her head.
“Don’t drop those,” I said over my shoulder.
“I have impeccable balance,” she piped back. We rinsed the dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher.
“Hey, Earth,” I said, turning around to face her. “This, um, power of yours.” I thought for a minute. “Want to see if there’s anything else you can do?”
Earth grinned up at me mischievously.