Decisions are part of everyday life: Should we opt for the cheaper internet plan, or pay more and get unlimited data? Should we respond to this email now, or read these texts first? We confront decisions like these nearly every minute. But how can our brain cope with this non-stop flow of decisions when it originally evolved to process one idea at a time?
It’s simple: We can manage the flood of information by focusing our attention. But how, exactly?
As we learned in the previous blink, our brain instinctively concentrates on the information that is most important for us.
Here’s an example: Imagine you’re on a busy street, desperately looking for your lost dog. You automatically fade out all unnecessary details like the people, cars and buses, and only focus on things that are the same size and color as your dog. So unless there are a lot of other things on this street that are about knee-height, fluffy and brown, your brain immediately makes it easier to find your beloved pet.
This automatic process of honing our focus down to what’s necessary should also be reflected in our decision making. In other words, you shouldn’t spend too much time on less important everyday choices. Instead, find shortcuts and ways to simplify your decision making.
For example, one type of decision we often need to make is about purchasing products or services that can make our lives easier. A good way to analyze these decisions is by thinking about the monetary value of our own time, because it allows us to compare it to the benefit the product promises.
Let’s say you’re thinking about hiring someone to clean your home instead of doing it yourself. Just ask yourself: would you be willing to pay $50 for two extra hours of free time? If the answer is yes, then go for it without deliberating any further!
Now that we’ve learned how to streamline our decision making, the following blinks will consider how to organize more aspects of our lives in the most effective way.