
The stories that appear in this work were originally published in the following periodicals and books, sometimes in different form:

“Wakefield,” “Edgemont Drive,” and “Assimilation” first appeared in The New Yorker.

“Heist” was published in The New Yorker and later adapted for the novel City of God.

“All the Time in the World” was published in The Kenyon Review.

An earlier version of “Liner Notes: The Songs of Billy Bathgate” appeared in The New American Review.

“Walter John Harmon,” “A House on the Plains,” and “Jolene: A Life,” first published in The New Yorker, were subsequently included in the book Sweet Land Stories.

“The Writer in the Family,” originally published in Esquire; “Willi,” originally published in The Atlantic; and “The Hunter” were all included in the book Lives of the Poets.
