"Well, awake l see." she noted. The woman was very beautiful. She had long dark hair that came down to her waist, and was wearing a blue jumpsuit, with a white apron around it. Amy guessed she was around thirty.
"Since you're awake you can sit up and make this easier for me." she said, motioning at the girl. Amy fought weakly to raise herself, and the woman moved forward to help her, until she was sitting on the edge of the table.
"Why am I all wet?" she asked timidly.
"1 just gave you a bath." the woman answered, as she turned on the hair dryer. She worked it on Amy's hair until it hung in sleek waves around her shoulders and fell in cute bangs to just above her eyes. Amy sat quietly, swaying slightly, as the effects of the drug wore off. The woman finished and stepped back.
"Okay. You're done." she said. She helped Amy stand and walk out of the room into another. There were a number of gold chains and bracelets laying on a table there. The woman picked up the bracelets and began fastening them on Amy's wrists and ankles.
Amy gazed at them interestedly. They were all simple bands, about three inches wide, without decoration except for a round loop protruding from one side. She tugged at one experimentally. It wouldn't come off. It was locked tightly somehow she couldn't figure.
The explanation for bands came quickly enough. A thin, but strong gold chain was pushed through the holes. It ran from her collar, down to her right wrist, down to a thinner metal band that was placed about her waist, to her right ankle.
Another chain was looped between her ankles, and ran up the side of her left leg to fasten to the waistband, and then up to the collar again.
Amy stared down at the chains in dismay. She could only move her hands out together a foot or so. She could move one out further so long as she kept the other against her waist.
Another person came into the room, and inspected her. She was a huge ugly fat woman, and wore weird looking purple robes. "Goot." she said. "Come."
Amy obediently trailed behind her as she walked out of the room and down several narrow corridors. The chain between her ankles made her shuffle rather than walk. All her chains tinkled slightly as she moved.
Every few yards stood a soldier in full dress uniform. They stood unmoving as Amy shuffled by, but their eyes never left her. The woman led her to a wide pair of doors guarded by two more soldiers and knocked. Amy squirmed a little under the studious glare of the two soldiers. Somehow it seemed different than the eyes of the men she was used to. The sounds of laughter and music began to appear as the door opened.
She stopped next to the doors and turned to her. "You listen carefully girl." she said in a strangely accented voice. "I take you inside where people are and show you to Prince. You do what he tell you. Understand?" Amy nodded dumbly.
The woman grabbed her arms in her thick hands and squeezed until Amy yelped in pain, then she shook the blonde. "You obey him! You die otherwise! He order you kill!"
Amy cowered back, as the woman opened the door further and pulled her through.
Amy was led into an enormous room, that she at first thought was a ballroom. There were hundreds of people, all Arabs, wandering about or simply standing still talking. The woman led her up a wide aisle.
Amy's bare feet felt cold on the stone floor, and made little slapping noises as she walked slowly along. Every eye in the place turned to stare at her as she moved down the aisle.
Her old easiness at nudity began to evaporate quickly as the people watched her every move. Some stared hungrily, while others glared, or scowled. Some of them, such as the women simply sniffed, and turned away.
Everyone seemed decorously clothed except her. The men and women covered from head to toe in long robes of assorted colours. The women wore veils to cover their faces as well.
Amy felt her skin redden under their intense and often hostile scrutiny. She was bewildered by all of this. Nothing in her training had prepared her for a situation like it and the confused and embarrassed girl didn't know how to react.
As they reached the front of the room they climbed three steps onto a raised section where a man sat on a huge chair, like a throne she thought. Amy burned in embarrassment as everyone turned to watch her slow approach. "That is Prince Abdul, your master." the woman hissed to her.
She felt hundreds of eyes behind her as she shambled slowly forward, her chains clinking. She lowered her eyes, embarrassed at facing the splendidly dressed group of people gathered around Abdul.
The woman brought her to a halt a few feet in front of where he sprawled indolently on his throne, and stepped back to stand stolid and impassive a few feet away.
The room was oppressively hot, and Amy found herself sweating, not just from the heat, but from nervousness and apprehension.
Her skin crawled from the continuous unfriendly attention payed her by the big crowd throughout the room, she felt their eyes sliding up and down her nude body.
A man dressed in a blue silken robe standing next to Abdul said something to him in Arabic and he answered. The two eyed her closely, talking to each other, and were joined by several other men in their conversation.
Amy had no idea what they were saying except it was probably about her. She kept her head down, trying to ignore them and everyone else. Then a louder than normal voice caught her attention. By it's tone it was an order of some sort.
She peered up to see an angry faced man next to Abdul staring at her. He repeated the order, whatever it was, but Amy could only stare in confusion.
At last he clicked his teeth in annoyance and strode forward, his arm going to her head and gripping a chunk of her golden blonde locks tightly. He jerked her forward, and down to her knees before Abdul, cursing in his strange tongue.
She knelt uncertainty, her knees pressed against the harsh stone, and her back straight as she had been taught. The men continued to eye her with dislike, and talk amongst themselves. Then she was pushed down to the floor with a harsh shove against her back.
Her sweating breasts chilled with contact against the seemingly icy stone. More harsh guttural cries erupted amongst the men, increasing her anxiety. She could hear the murmur of many voices behind her as well.
They grumbled and chattered with each other for several minutes as Amy lay there getting more and more miserable. Then Abdul spoke to her in english at last.
"You! American!" he sneered. Amy dared to look up from her study of the stone floor.
He eyed her nastily. "You will demonstrate your obedience to my people if you wish to live. You will crawl forward on your belly, and place your lips against my heel." he held his foot up.
Amy gulped in dismay, even the limited pride she retained balking at crawling across the cold dirty stone to kiss this Arab pig's feet, especially in front of so many people!
Her conditioning however, fought the very idea of resisting an order, and was joined with her fear at what might happen to her if she did. She trembled in dread, as the menacing looking group before her grew angrily impatient.
Then she slowly extended her right arm a few inches, then her left. She heard the murmur of the crowd quiet, and her skin stood on edge as she crawled forward across the short expanse of floor toward Abdul's chair.
She felt the gritty dirt of the floor scraping across her breasts, and belly as she hesitantly crawled forward until her face was inches from his foot.
She gritted her teeth against the humiliation she was feeling, and forced herself to inch her face forward and plant a kiss against the side of his dirty bare foot.
"Now your tongue woman!" Abdul hissed commanded. Amy licked her tongue out tentatively, hating the dreadful foul taste that came to her mouth as her tongue made contact with the side of his foot.
He lifted his foot then and placed it atop her head, forcing her down against the floor. His foot pressed down against her head, forcing her to turn her head sideways to stop her face getting squished.
She felt his gritty dirty foot against the side of her face as he yelled something to the crowded room.
"Clean my foot woman!" he hissed menacingly. "Use your tongue to bathe my feet and show your abasement."
Amy blinked back tears as the crowd yelled it's approval at whatever Abdul had said. She grimaced and raised her head as Abdul's foot came off it.
She gripped his foot in her two hands and slowly rasped her soft tongue across it. Starting at the sides and working her way down along to his toes. She tried to shut off her sense of taste as she worked her tongue in amongst his dirty toes, and then along to the bottom of his foot, to lick off the dirt and grit there.
When she finished she was forced to clean the other foot in a similar fashion. Then Abdul held his feet up for the crowd to see and said something derisively in Arabic. The crowd roared in agreement and laughter.
Abdul stood up and moved over the little blonde. She gasped as his hand gripped her hair and pulled her to her knees.
He placed her on her hands and knees, her behind facing the crowd and said something else very loudly, again bringing laughter. Then his hand slid up and down her ass cheeks, squeezing them tightly, before sliding between her legs to grip her pubic mound.
Again he spoke laughingly to the crowd who responded in kind with laughter and whistles. Amy knelt there submissive and miserable, for the millionth time cursing her sex.
Abdul twisted her about sharply by the hair so she was facing the crowd, then hauled her hair up and back so she fell on her back. He reached down and unfastened one end of the chain connecting her ankles and kicked her legs wide apart, giving everyone a good view of her exposed pussy slit. There was an increase in laughter and catcalls from the crowd below.
He said something, which Amy at first didn't hear for the laughing.
She blinked up at him uncertainly. "Abuse yourself!" he commanded. Amy still didn't understand.
His foot came forward and rubbed against her cuntslit.
"Abuse yourself American!" he glared. "My people wish to see how sluttish American women behave."
At last she understood.
– "If I repeat once more, I have you raped by a donkey before them!" he hissed.
Amy slowly moved her hands down between her legs. She felt her tender cunt mound, cold and gritty from the stone floor. Slowly she worked her fingers up and down the slit as the crowd quieted and stared mesmerized.
Her legs sprawled apart, she began rubbing and stroking her cuntslit, and clitty. She dropped her head back, trying to ignore the crowd as she stared upward at the ceiling high above.
Almost automatically, her fingers began to dip gently inside her slit, darting in and out as she squeezed her cunt mound repeatedly. Her mind sought to escape as she numbly followed the Arabs orders and fondled herself.
She withdrew into herself, her mind obscuring the monstrous ordeal. Her body was on automatic pilot as she fantasized about her childhood. Her movements indifferent and lethargic.
Her body, left on it's own began to react as it was conditioned to. Her cunt began to warm then ignite. Hot juices flowed down into her tunnel and her breathing grew shallow and quick. Her groin began to hump up against her hands, much to the excitement and derision of the watching crowd.
Her eyes closed as her disconnected mind fought off the sensations washing over her. Her hips rose from the floor repeatedly then began slowly circling in mid-air. Her fingers danced over her pubic mound, jabbing furiously in and out of her cuntslit. Her breathing came in uncertain gasps as her tit mounds swelled and her body trembled with unrestrained sexual fire.
Slowly, but surely, fighting every step of the way, Amy's mind was dragged kicking and screaming back to the here and now, back to the room full of hooting whistling Arabs who heaped their derision on her writhing body.
A terrible sob escaped her lips in between her grunts of pleasure. Her conditioning was unstoppable as she was pulled fully awake into a body, shuddering on the edge of orgasm.
No matter who or what or where, she had no power to stop herself as her fingers pushed into her cunt tube, first one, then two then three.
She thrust them roughly inside, as her thumb rubbed insistently across her throbbing clitoris. Her hips continued to gyrate uncontrollably, spinning and circling, and humping up and down as the mortified girl worked herself against her fingers.
She snivelled in despair, then her body shuddered and then strained tautly. Her fingers plunged down her cunt hole, to meet a sluicing flood of cunt juice as she rocked to a huge orgasm there in front of the incredulous crowd.
Her legs collapsed dropping her ass back onto the stone floor, where she rocked back and forth before groaning in satiated bliss. She lay there gasping for breath, arms and legs sprawled apart, cunt dripping, as the crowd showered abuse upon her.
She heard the voices of the nearby men, louder than the background crowd. They jabbered something to each other. Amy was picked up and pulled over to a low wide marble table that sat to the left of the throne, and pushed up on it so she sat on the edge.
There was laughter from the men around her, and then one of the men pushed forward to generous chuckles and cackles.
His hands pushed her chest so she fell back to lie flat on the table, and he pushed her legs far apart. He turned to the crowd and said something and they screamed with laughter. Amy closed her eyes in trepidation.
The man forced her legs way back until they were parallel with the edge of the table. Amy grunted in pain as her thigh muscles strained against the pressure. He let go of one leg to position his cock and the leg moved forward, bending. He cursed and slapped her face, rocking her head to one side.
He fastened her ankle bracelets to some kind of hooks in the edge of the table, which held her legs tightly open. Her wristbands were latched together, and pulled above her head to click tightly against a bracket there.
The fat erection was placed against her slit and Amy squealed in pain as he rammed it unceremoniously inside.
The crowd let out a cheer as the man slammed his hips forward, burying nearly half the massive cock in her fuckhole. He pulled back a a little and then hammered his cock, balls deep inside her, bringing another cheer from the crowd.
His hands slid up and down her smooth flat belly, kneading and massaging the soft skin, sliding up to her upturned breasts and squeezing them ruthlessly. Amy looked up dully. She knew there was absolutely nothing she could do to influence anything.
The man began pumping his meat in and out of her tightly clutching tunnel, wiggling his hips at the crowd and bringing whistles and yells. His cock slid up and down Amy's fuck chute, buffing and rubbing her cunt walls, grinding against her cervix and massaging her clitoris.
Amy began to get excited once more. Her cunt flame ignited and began burning higher and higher. The pressure of a cock absolutely filling her cunt, forcing the tight walls as far apart as they could go, was like heaven to her.
No matter who was watching she couldn't help reacting to it. She groaned and whimpered softly, then her chest lifted slightly off the table in time to one particularly savage thrust. Her head rolled back and forth and her breath came in short gasps.
Each time the mighty prong slammed into her belly she grunted in pleasure. "YES!" she thought, "YES!! I LOVE IT!!!" She moaned to herself as the sweating man hammered his fuck wand in and out of the blonde's slit. The people around her began noticing her reaction and laughed in amusement.
Then Amy came. Her back arched and her arms shook and rattled the chains holding them as she thrashed about on the table. Heat exploded in her mind, driving her into a whirling vortex of ecstatic pleasure. The man yelled in glee as did the crowd. Amy didn't care.
This is what she lived for! It was'nt training, or brainwashing or fear. It was her natural nature brought out into the open by the continued fucking and exploiting of her body by the men who had grabbed her and used her so well.
Amy's mouth opened and she whimpered in pleasure as the man rammed his cock deep into her and spewed his come down into her womb. He stepped aside and another man took his place. Amy welcomed him eagerly.
The crowd below was going wild as the second man stuck his fuck tool into her guts. She groaned in happiness as her cunt was abruptly tilled again with meat. The man cursed and ripped her legs free from the table, shoving her legs back against her chest and pounding his cock in and out of her slithole frenziedly.
"God! God! God!" she thought "I's so goooood!!"
Her body shook and shuddered through another orgasm as the man fucked into her. A third and a fourth and a fifth man fucked her there as the crowd watched in amusement. They loved seeing a slutty American girl come on an Arabs prick!
The next man dragged her off the table and onto the floor. He pushed her onto her knees, and knelt behind her right by Prince's feet. He said something loudly and slid his cock down into her asshole.
Amy sighed with pleasure, happy to have that hole filled again. She shoved her ass out and back, loving, reveling in the feeling of his fat cock running up and down her shithole. She knew just how to relax her muscles so her asshole was like a big gaping pit in her buttocks and the cock slid in and out unhindered.
Her ass mouth gripped the fat cock as it pummeled her insides with its hardness. Amy jerked back and forth, the man's hands on her hips. She grunted each time he slammed his hot meaty rod up into her guts. His strokes came faster, became almost a blur as he sodomized her with maniacal pistoning thrusts.
She whined in pleasure and came thunderously. Her arms collapsed and her face and chest dropped to the floor. The arab kept his fuckstick slamming into her asshole as the crowd screamed it's approval. Five more men sodomized her there or, the platform before she was dragged up onto her knees and over to the throne.
The prince opened his pants and pulled out a huge erection. Amy was thrown into his lap, her arms pulled behind her and hooked together so she wouldn't dirty his expensive clothes. Her mouth enveloped his cockmeat, sliding up and down several times before going down all the way and taking his cockhead down into her throat.
The Prince gasped in amazement as she deep throated him. He humped his hips up at her face in pleasure. She slid her lips over the cock sideways, playing it like it was a flute before gulping it deep and swallowing his juice.
The cum absolutely gushed down her throat and it was all she could do to swallow it all and not let it dribble out the sides of her mouth. The throng of onlookers cheered wildly at the display. There were whistles and catcalls directed at her from all over the great hall. Amy's mind roared in blistering fires of lust.
The lewdness, the utter depravity of her obscene exhibition brought soaring rushes of sinful desire surging through her naked body. She fell back on the rug, her hands sliding up and down over her trembling torso.
Her body seemed to undulate there before the enraptured crowd as her mind exulted in the eroticism of the moment. She felt so… so… carnal!… so sensual and slutty!. She lay on her back on the rug and spread her legs as far apart as she could, gazing up at the aroused men longingly. With a resounding curse, one of them flung off his robes and dropped down onto the passionate blonde woman. In seconds his raging hardon was sliding deep into her belly as the girl squealed in delight.
The man jammed his hands under her and gripped her soft rounded buttocks tightly yanking her trunk up against him as he pounded his cock up and down her tight, oily tube. Amy flung her arms and legs around the man, cooing in happiness and ramming her groin upward each time he slammed down.
Her eyes rolled back in her head, and loud involuntary grunts of pleasure emerged from her open mouth. She didn't care who watched, or what they thought. All she wanted or cared about was cock! She needed cock! She was like a junkie, a drug addict, desperate for raw bruising untamed sex!
An unearthly moan came from her quivering body as she came again. Her chest ached from the multiple cums she had had. She could hardly breath at times. She didn't care though, all she wanted was to be fucked. The man spurted his seed down into her body and rolled off gasping.
Another quickly took his place. Then another, then another. After a dozen more cocks, she was more or less unconscious. She knelt there in a dazed stupor, her head and shoulders grinding into the thick carpeting as a tall thin man with his arms around her belly, held her hips up in the air as he sodomized her.
She was half dragged, half carried out of the room and down a narrow hallway. She was almost insensible by then and ignored her surroundings. She was pushed into a room and flung onto a bed, and then left alone. She lay there numbly for some hours, before Abdul came in at last.