That incident had introduced Amy to the Sheik's number two wife Rijn. Rijn had been one of the women present. Unlike the others though, Rijn had been less angry than excited by the delightfully shaped blonde woman.
Rijn was a Lesbian. This was not something that was generally accepted in the Arab world, but Rijn was one of Abdul's current favorites, having borne him four sons in the last ten years. She could, to
a small extent, get away with things that would lead to death for other women.
It was still too dangerous for her to practice what her countrymen considered sexual perversions openly, so she made use of some of the slaves from Abdul's harem.
When Amy had arrived in answer to a summons to find, not a man, but a heavily robed woman instead, she had almost turned and fled in panic.
It had only been a week since her run-in with the women of the palace, and the bruises were only now fading from her lovely white skin.
"Stand still girl." Rijn had snapped as she saw the fear on the shivering blonde woman's face. Amy had obediently held herself still and erect. Her stiff upright posture pushed her breasts further out into the sheer nylon fabric of her see-through body stocking.
The stocking, sort of a neck to toes version of panty hose, was colored a light shade of blue, and concealed nothing. Beneath it she wore a darker colored blue g-string, that concealed slightly more than nothing. As always, she felt embarrassed standing like this before one of the heavily robed Arab women.
Rijn stared at the blonde, her eyes roaming up and down the lush body, admiring the beautifully coiffed blonde hair that hung down past the girl's shoulders.
"You are truly beautiful girl." she said. "What is your name?" she asked, though she already knew. "I am called Amy, mistress." the blonde replied shakily, her head bowed, eyes staring at the floor as she'd been taught. "Raise your head girl." Rijn demanded.
Amy looked up at the woman, who stared back at her, completely covered in a dark black robe that showed only her dark brown eyes.
Then the robe opened, the hood going back and off, revealing a beautiful Arab woman in her mid thirties. The woman had long black hair, how long Amy couldn't see as it disappeared into her robe.
She stepped closer to Amy, her right hand rising to cup the blonde woman's left breast through the sheer fabric. "Such leetle nipples." she mused, her fingers sliding lightly across the tiny pink bud.
"I shall have you for mine girl." she sighed. "You shall belong to me alone." Her hand squeezed Amy's breast less gently, then slid downward, roaming along her belly down to her crotch, sliding under and between her legs to cup the crotch experimentally.
Then both hands moved between Amy's breasts, to where the fabric was held tautly out away from the blonde's body. Her nails dug in and holed the thin material, and then tore it open, ripping it down the middle to leave Amy bare chested.
Now both her hands held Amy's breasts, caressing the soft white skin. Rijn's eyes eyed the twin mounds as her fingers mashed the malleable flesh this way and that, creating deep depressions in the surface as the squeezed down repeatedly.
Rijn slid her hands around Amy's waist inside the material of the body stocking. Her fingers slid downward onto the blonde's behind, rubbing and kneading the flesh there.
She pulled Amy toward her, then kissed her on the lips, first lightly, then-more deeply, with greater and greater passion. Her right hand slid down Amy's ass cleavage, and went under the woman, to squeeze her pubic mound from behind.
She pulled back, her hands catching the material and tearing it apart, pulling it free from the blonde woman's warm flesh so only shreds hung from her shoulders and covered her arms.
Her fingers pulled on the thin string holding Amy's g-string together, and ripped it, pulling the small piece of material up and eying the triangular covering. She dropped it, then stepped back.
Her fingers unfastened the cord holding her rope in place and the garment dropped to the floor. She was nude beneath. Her breasts, though not as big as Amy's, stood high and proud on her chest. The moved in and out quickly, with the woman's rapid excited breathing. Her brown skin shone with the warmth beneath it.
Rijn stepped back several feet to admire the girl's nudity. Amy swallowed several times, her skin still flushed from embarrassment, and from the igniting heat between her legs. "Lie on the bed girl." Rijn told her, motioning toward the big four poster double bed behind her.
Amy obediently moved to the bed, laying down on her back. Rijn moved to the head of the bed, and pulled something out from behind the headboard. She lifted Amy's right hand up above her head, and fastened a very thick rubber wristlet around it.
Amy looked up at the thing curiously. It was thickly padded, and about four or five inches long. It fastened tightly though not uncomfortably to her wrist. Rijn fastened a similar wrist band to her other wrist, then brought her hands up above her head.
Amy heard a click, and Rijn walked down around the bed to the other side. When she attempted to move her right hand down, Amy discovered the wristband was now attached to a thick length of some kind of cord, which tied it to the comer post.
Rijn pulled her left wrist upward towards the other comer post, and Amy saw another cord attached to that post. "What are you doing?" she asked, in a quavering voice. "Do not fear girl, this will prevent you to disturb my work.
Amy was trying to figure out what that meant, as Rijn moved to the foot of the bed, and started attaching another pair of the padded rubber restraints to her ankles. She was worried, even a little frightened as Rijn completed fastening the ankle bands onto her.
Rijn attached her right ankle to the bottom post, then she seemed to pull tightly on the cord, stretching Amy's body down and to the right. "Oohhh!" she exclaimed, feeling the tightness as her body was stretched.
Rijn pulled even tighter on the cord, jerking the blonde tight against the cords holding her wrists. When Rijn seemed satisfied, she locked the cord into place and moved to her left ankle. She pulled this as tightly as she had the other one, jerking Amy to the left this time. Amy felt the pressure on her wrists grow as the woman pulled her downward. She felt the padded wristlets dig into her wrists, holding her in place against the woman's insistent pressure.
Then Rijn locked her left ankle into place, and Amy found herself stretched tightly between the four comers of the bed. The pressure on her wrists and ankles was heavy, but not painful. She felt all four limbs stretched tightly, and couldn't move her arms or legs even an inch.
Rijn stood at the foot of the bed admiring the beautiful tableau. She watched the sexy young blonde woman pull experimentally at her bonds, admiring the play of muscles behind the soft white skin.
Amy gasped in fear as she realized the full extent of her position. Her arms were stretched above her and her legs were spread far apart and locked in place. She felt totally vulnerable and open. She could see Rijn looking down at her from the foot of the bed, and imagined the image she must make like this.
Then Rijn left the room for a few minutes. Amy was left there, wondering anxiously what the woman had in store for her. She was afraid of another pain filled lesson', and quivered slightly from anticipation of the unknown.
When Rijn returned Amy gasped audibly at the transformation. The woman's hair, previously hanging straight down to her waist, was tied together over her head in a severe bun.
She wore a tight leather bustier that pushed her swollen breasts up and out without covering a single inch of them. She wore a leather g-string and leather boots with six inch heels that came up past her knees, almost to her crotch.
The look on her face was far from loving, it was cold, determined and haughty. She moved toward the bed with a slow graceful movement. Her boots squeaking slightly. She stood beside the bed, then sat slowly onto the mattress beside the bound girl.
Her hand slid ever so lightly across the hot skin of Amy's belly, rubbing in slow circles.
"You are such a dirty little slut Amy." she said conversationally. Amy looked up at her in confusion. "You like to suckle on men's penis, do you not Amy?" she queried.
"No! 1 don't… "
Rijn's hand slapped her face lightly. It brought a startled gasp from the girl. "You enjoy taking man's penis into your mouth do you not Amy?" Rijn demanded. Amy nodded dumbly, her cheek smarting slightly.
"I now that you love to drink the sperm from the penis. Would you desire me to bring male slaves so they can fuck you?" she hissed. Amy shook her head in denial. Rijn slapped her face again, a little harder. "You love to have many mens push their penis inside you, into your… your cunt… your cunt hole would you!?"
Her hand was still sliding over Amy's skin but had moved higher, and was now over her chest. Amy groaned as Rijn's hand slid over her breasts in a slow circle.
"You wish to be sexed by many many men Amy?" NOooo!" Amy moaned.
Rijn slapped her face again, harder still.
"You wish them to fuck you in the anus do you not Amy?" Amy was breathing in air in great gulps as she stared up at the glaring face of the woman. "I asked you a question Amy!"
"No, I wouldn't!" Amy gulped.
Again Rijn slapped her, her palm cuffing the right side of the girl's face, knocking her head to the side. Then she slapped the other side, knocking her head the other way. "Do not lie to me you little whore!" she hissed. "Tell me how you like to have men fuck you!"
I… I… I 1… like to h… have men f… fuck me." Amy whimpered. Rijn's hands were now squeezing her breasts tightly. "You wish them to fuck you up your anus do you?" Rijn gritted. Her fingers dug into the white tit flesh, digging deep furrows in the upturned mounds.
"Y… Yesssss!" Amy gasped.
"Tell me how you like to be sodomized!" Rijn ordered.
"I… I love to get… I love to have men f… fuck my asshole!!" she whined.
"How many men have fucked you in your asshole?" Rijn demanded, her hands squeezing and twisting the girl's breasts tightly, painfully, distorting their roundness."
T… Please Mistresssss!" Amy whimpered.
Rijn grabbed her hair and jerked it tightly back, bringing a cry of pain from the blonde girl.
"Tell me how many mens have assfucked you, slut!!" she yelled.
"Lots! Lots and lots… Lots of men have fucked me in the asshole!" Amy gasped.
"And you loved it did you, you little whore?" "Yes! I loved it! I love to be assfucked by men!"
Amy cried.
"Dirty little girl." Rijn hissed.
She climbed fully onto the bed, her body going over Amy's and straddling her belly. Amy felt the crinkly black hairs of Rijn's pussy as it settled down onto her belly. Rijn rubbed her cunt back and forth several times on the girl's soft stomach.
"You are bad girl." Rijn whispered, bending forward, her hands going down onto Amy's breasts, and her mouth coming down to kiss the girl's cheek.
Her mouth moved over Amy's face, her tongue licking her cheeks, her forehead, and down under her jaw. She kissed the blonde woman fully on the lips, her tongue sliding into the girl's mouth.
She rubbed her crotch against Amy's belly, feeling the girl's soft skin beginning to slicken from a mixture of sweat and Rijn's cunt juices. She sat up, glaring down at the gasping blonde.
Her hands slid over Amy's breasts lightly again, riding atop the firm swollen meat as it rose and fell rapidly with the girl's rapid breathing. She slid downwards further, then bent and began suckling at Amy's right breast.
She nipped lightly on the nipple, and licked her wet tongue over every square inch of tender tit meat. Her lips fastened around the nipple and sucked it in, chewing lightly. Amy groaned, and tried to hump her groin upward, but was held tightly by the restraints.
Rijn moved down the girl's body, her tongue sliding along Amy's belly, tasting her own cunt juices there, then down further, moving through the light thatch of cunt hair, and then down to the cunt slit, already moist and glistening from excitement.
Amy groaned as she felt Rijn's tongue slide into her slit, and scoop out her bubbling juice. Her cunt and crotch felt hyper-sensitive because of the way her legs were held open like this. She tried to push her cunt upward into Rijn's face but could hardly move more than an inch.
Rijn's tongue worked in her slit, moving up to rasp over her sparking clitty, and sending the blonde into a jerking twitching orgasm. Rijn grinned upward at Amy, loving the response she was getting from the girl. "You were born to be used by a woman Amy." she hissed.
She held three straightened fingers together and thrust them up into the little blonde cunthole, making Amy cry out in sudden shock, even as she quivered through her cum. Her tongue continued to lick away at Amy's cunt and clit as she thrust her fingers in and out of the girl's cunthole.
After a couple of minutes, Amy came again, moaning and whimpering unintelligible words to the ceiling. Rijn moved up Amy's body until she was squatting over the girl's chest. She lowered her tits so they hung over Amy's face.
The two fat meaty bags of flesh swayed gently above the slave's eyes, then lowered further. "Suckle my teets, you whore!" Rijn gritted.
Amy felt the fat hard nipple press against her lips and opened her mouth wide. The nipple slid between her lips and she closed them, suckling heavily on Rijn's sensitive nubs. She worked her tongue against the nipple as she sucked, and bit down lightly.
It felt extremely strange suckling at a tit like this, after all the men who'd used her, but Amy was overwhelmed with sexual heat for the woman above her. Rijn pulled her tit free and pressed the other one into Amy's face to be sucked.
After a minute she moved up, and squatted over the girl's blonde head. She looked down between her legs at the Amy's dazed eyes and open mouth, and then lowered her cunt down against them.
"Tongue my hole you dirty little whore!" she ordered.
"Lick it and make me cum!" She rubbed her crotch against the girl's face, feeling Amy's nose dig into her wet slurpy cunt hole as she slid over it.
Amy looked up at the Arab's gaping cunt slit inches above her face, and the hairy furry cunt hair surrounding it. She had never seen a cunt up close like this before and was momentarily startled into inaction as her eyes observed the wrinkled folds of Rijn's asshole, the soft roundness of her ass cheeks, and the glistening pinkness of the slit.
Rijn slapped her breast, making Amy squeal in sudden shock, and pushed her cunt down against her face again. "Tongue me slut!" she growled. Amy opened her mouth and her tongue licked up tentatively against Rijn's slit. She slid her tongue along the slit to the top, and found Rijn's clitty.
She felt Rijn shudder briefly as her tongue rubbed against the clitty, and excitement filled her that she had done that to the woman. Her tongue raced back and forth against the little clit, moving like a hummingbirds wings as she slurped and licked at the bud.
She tried to get her teeth around the little bit of flesh as Rijn rubbed her cunt atop her face. She finally succeeded, and was grateful and satisfied to hear Rijn moan in pleasure. The cunt came down harder against her face as Rijn's excitement increased.
Rijn was humping her groin back and forth over Amy's face, her hands held tightly to the crossbar of the headboard, as she knelt, her legs to either side of Amy's head, and pushed her groin downward.
The feel of that soft, wet little tongue against her clit was driving her insane. She groaned and humped herself forward and back, then bounced atop the blonde.
"Lick me… lick me… lick me… Ouh hhhhhnnggg!" she moaned. "Yesssssssssss! You dirty… dirty g… girlllllll!!"
She threw back her head, and moaned long and low, her crotch pushing firmly down against the Amy's whipping tongue. Her body quivered and trembled in the heat and fire of sexual release, and then she let go of the headboard and fell backwards onto Amy's spreadeagled body.
She lay there for a minute gasping for breath, then rolled off and smiled down at the girl. "You dirty little cunt licker." she whispered.
She moved over to a bureau and pulled out what Amy first thought was a thick pair of panties. Then moved back to the bed. Amy now saw that the panties had a thick long horn, like a big cock sticking outward. She swallowed in consternation, fearing what Rijn was going to do with the thing.
Rijn slid her hands over the rod an grinned down at Amy. "Do you see my penis?" she smiled. "I use it to fuck slutty little girls like you until you scream and cry for mercy." She got into bed and lay atop Amy's tightly held body. "I shall fill this hot, dirty hole of yours Amy." she whispered.
Rijn grinned.
"I will use you so hard, your love hole will be as loose as if you had bome a score of babies! Then no man shall want you!"
With that she pressed down with the edge of the dildo.
Amy whimpered as she felt the hard knobby end pushing against the lips of her slimy cunt tunnel. She felt the lips pushed aside as Rijn worked the fake cock down into her. Her moans and weak garbled protests were completely ignored as the rubber prick moved down inside her body.
"Pleeasssssss!" she whimpered in protest. The cock worked into her remorselessly. With only four inches inside her, she felt like her cunt was about to tear apart. She grit her teeth and closed her eyes as she felt the hard, thick prong slide further and further along her swampy cunt tunnel.
"OOhhhhhhhh!" she groaned. She felt the cock filling every square inch of her cunt tunnel as it pressed downward. Her cunt walls were forced to open, and shoved aside to the full limit of their elastic ability by the thick dildo. It continued to sink down into her belly as Rijn pressed her hips down relentlessly.
Rijn's lower body seemed to lurch downward as several more inches of rubber cock thrust down into the blonde's tight pink hole.
Amy opened her mouth to scream but her lips were instantly covered by Rijn's as the woman sucked and mashed her lips against the helpless blonde. Rijn pulled her hips up a few inches, pulling the cock back down Amy's tortured cunt tunnel, then slammed herself down again, thrusting her dildo deep into the girl's hole.
"You like my penis, slut!" she whispered. Amy felt the end of the dildo pressing hard against something at the back of her cunt tunnel and moaned in pain and excitement.
Rijn pulled her hips back and then pushed down again. She started to fuck her groin slowly up and down, sliding the rubber dick in and out of Amy's tight little quim.
Amy gasped as the cock worked in and out of her. Slowly the pain receded. She could feel the rubber dong moving inside her. She sighed as the bumps on the dildo rasped over her clitty. Her cunt began to tingle in arousal now.
She could feel her cunt walls clasping down against the thick intruder as it rode back and forth inside her body. Rijn was kissing and licking at her face again, her hands fondling and kneading her outraged tit meat.
Amy closed her eyes and just floated through the pleasured sensations now coming up from her body. Her tits twitched and sparkled with sensations of feverish need, continually met by Rijn's kneading, squeezing, twisting, pinching fingers.
Her cunt was spasming electrically around the thrusting rubber prick that rubbed back and forth inside her. Her belly seemed to cramp and churn as the cock moved inside it. She wondered dazedly, how that huge thing had gotten all the way inside her little cunt.
Then the soft enveloping sensations of pleasure seemed to explode suddenly into a blitzing wildfire of electric heat that locked the breath in Amy's throat and made her whole body stiffen. Her cunt and belly seemed to burst with excitement. Sensations of ecstatic release flooded her body.
Amy's mouth and eyes opened wide and she gurgled in surprise and pleasure. Rijn fucked the cock into. her with renewed vigour, watching with interest as the girl trembled violently in her restraints. She plunged her hips down forcefully, her cunt ramming into Amy's crotch as the dildo skewered the girl's cunthole.
"You like that girl? I will fuck you to death!" she hissed. She bounced her hips atop the girl, jamming her rubber phallus in and out of Amy's cunthole furiously. Amy came again, and then again as Rijn ripped the thick dong in and out of her.
The problem was that Rijn became angry, sometimes violently so, when she discovered how men were still making use of the girl. Despite her making her desires clear that no other should touch the blonde, Amy's allure was irresistible to many of the palace's functionaries. Others made use of her simply to annoy Rijn.
Since there was absolutely nothing Amy could do about this, she couldn't understand why Rijn blamed her for it, nor why she punished her.
Did you enjoy being used by those men!!?" Amy nodded wordlessly, which did nothing to ease Rijn's anger. Amy had been the focal point of a party for one of the Sheik's brothers. She had been screwed by half a dozen men today.
Rijn gripped the girl's hair and yanked her about, bringing a yelp of pain from the blonde girl.
"You dirty little fucking whore!!" she yelled at Amy. She sat down in a hard wooden chair, dragging the trembling girl across her lap. "Perhaps I should put a metal chain over your love hole?!!" she cursed. "Perhaps I shall have you sold to a brothel! You would enjoy this!? Suckling men's cocks in the alleys!!"
Her hand slapped down hard on the upturned ass cheeks. It made a loud crack, and brought a cry of pain from the blonde. "You dirty girl!!" she hissed, cracking her hand down against Amy's behind again, then again. "I will show you to obey, slutty bitch!" she sneered jealously.
Her left arm held Amy's wriggling hands together behind her back as her right hand slapped down again and again on the blonde woman's soft upturned ass cheeks.
Noisy slaps and cracks filled the room, combined with yelps and squeals and cries from the helpless writhing girl.
"Dirty fuckmeat!"Crack! Crack! Crack! "Slut!" Crack! Crack! "Whore!" Crack! "Cunt!" Crack! "Fuckwhore!" Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!
Amy's ass cheeks turned red as the spanking continued. She sobbed and wept on Rijn's lap as the arab woman slapped her burning ass cheeks repeatedly. "You need something to fill your dirty little cunt!!??" Rijn cursed. "I shall give you something for your cunt!!"
She punched Amy's puffy red cunt crack with her fist, bringing an even louder cry from the girl. Rijn ground her knuckles against the tightly closed slit, pushing down with brutal pressure. Her fist pushed aside the blonde's cuntlips and encountered the copious amounts of cock and cunt juice still filling the pussy tunnel. That only made her angrier.
She jammed her fist into the thrashing girl's cunt, pushing harder and deeper, tearing open the exhausted cuntlips and pushing far down into the girl's well worn cunt tunnel.
"You like this!? You like this!?" she hissed, punching her fist deeper into the groaning gasping girl's belly. She could feel the warm heat of Amy's body all around her hand as she drove it even further into the crotch hole.
All around her fist was the oily juices of the men who had screwed the blonde girl. Rijn was enraged, jamming her fist far inside the squirming girl, and then jerking it back to a startled cry of pain from Amy. She punched forward again, cramming her hand up into the girl's belly once more, then pulled it out.
She pulled the fist out until it started to push against Amy's cuntmouth, then slammed it down again, burying it inside the girl's crotch. She fist fucked the trembling girl without mercy, ramming her fist up and down the length of the blonde's cunt as she angrily punished her.
She gripped Amy's hair, jerking the girl's upper body up into the air, and making her yell in pain. "Take this slut! Take my whole fuckeeng hand!" She punched forward, feeling the cuntlips rasp against her wrist as she drove her hand deep into the girl's guts.
Amy was twitching and shivering atop her, and her sweating trembling body began to jerk in something other than pain. Rijn's eyes narrowed as she recognized the signs of an impending orgasm on her lover's face. Amy humped down, trying to jam her ass back on the pumping hand.
"You dirty little fucking whore!!!" Rijn exclaimed. She dumped the girl forward so she collapsed on her face and shoulders on the other side of the chair. Rijn stood up, her fist still locked in the girl's cunt tube. Amy's legs were splayed apart, one on the chair and the other touching the rug beside her head.
Rijn slammed her whole arm up and down, almost lifting the girl up off the floor with her plunging thrusting strokes. Amy screamed and came, grunting and gasping in pleasure at the hand churning in her cunt.
Rijn fucked her fist down into the cuntcrack in a raging fury. Her fist pumped in and out like a toilet plunger as the girl's juices spurted and bubbled around her churning hand. Her hand and wrist were soaking in oily sperm and girl juices as she continued to punch deep into Amy's belly.
Rijn tore her arm upward, actually pulling the girl right off the floor, her cunt locked around the fist holding her in the air for a second before the fist started to pull free. The pressure of the fist shoving her cuntlips further open sent the twitching girl into an even higher state of orgasmic fever, and her mind exploded with furious electric bursts of intense pleasure.
Rijn's fist finally pulled free, dropping the blonde back to the floor where she sprawled twitching for several seconds before relaxing and starting to gasp for breath. "From now on, the only thing that goes up your slutty little hole is my hand and my penis!" Rijn glared down at the girl.
She reached down and grabbed a fist full of golden blonde hair. "Do you understand Amy!?" she hissed. "Yes Mistress." Amy gasped.
"If I ever catch you near a man's penis again I will have a camel fuck you!!" Amy nodded frantically.
"Did you suckle their cocks!?" Rijn demanded. Amy shook her head.
"Lucky for you. Now go into the bathroom and wash that filthy cock juice out of your holes." Amy sighed and got shakily to her feet, staggering to the bathroom. When she came out, Rijn was lying naked on the chesterfield. She waved Amy over and pointed between her legs. Amy knelt on the rug and began to lick the woman off.
Rijn pulled the teen's hands around behind her and cuffed them in place, then sat back in comfort, spreading and lifting her legs. She put her feet down on Amy's back, and pushed her hairy twat forward.
Amy obediently opened her mouth and began licking away at the Arab woman's pussy lips. She slid her tongue up and down on either side of the hairy cunt mouth, then darted it inside.
Rijn purred contentedly as the blonde girl began slurping and sucking at her cunt hole. Amy licked her tongue against Rijn's clitty, bringing a soft sigh from the woman.
In minutes Rijn was cumming, her cunt pushing forward, humping against the blonde's face as her hands gripped her hair tightly between them, holding her in place. "Lick it! Lick it you little sluuuuuttttt!!" she groaned.
Amy rasped her tongue quickly up and down over Rijn's cunt as the woman came against her, she darted her tongue deep into Rijn's cunt tube, digging out gobs of girl juices that she gulped down with pleasure.
When her groans subsided, Rijn pulled the girl up so she sat on her lap and petted her hair gently. Her hands stroked up and down over the Amy's soft, silky skin, caressing her stomach, and stroking her firm breast tissue. She slid her hand down between the girl's legs and palmed her soft meaty pubic mound, squeezing gently.
"Are you going to be a good girl from now on Amy?" she cooed.
"Yes Mistress." the girl responded.
"We don not want any more of those nasty cocks sliding in and out of you now do we?"
"No Mistress."