Shadows in Zamboula (Тени в Замбуле)

1. A Drum Begins (Барабан начинает /бить/)

"Peril hides in the house of Aram Baksh (опасность таится в доме Арама Бакша)!"

The speaker's voice quivered with earnestness (голос говорящего задрожал с = от искренности) and his lean, black-nailed fingers clawed at Conan's mightily- muscled arm as he croaked his warning (и его тощие, с черными ногтями пальцы вцепились в очень мускулистую руку Конана, когда он прокаркал свое предупреждение). He was a wiry, sunburnt man with a straggling black beard (он был жилистым, загорелым мужчиной с растрепанной черной бородой), and his ragged garments proclaimed him a nomad (а его истрепанное одеяние объявляло его кочевником = свидетельствовало, что он кочевник). He looked smaller and meaner than ever in contrast to the giant Cimmerian (он выглядел меньше и более худым, чем когда-либо = чем на самом деле из-за контраста с гигантским киммерийцем) with his black brows, broad chest, and конечностями). They stood in a corner of the Sword Makers' Bazaar (они стояли в углу Базара Оружейников), and on either side of them flowed past the many- tongued, many-colored stream of the Zamboulan streets (а на каждой стороне = с обеих сторон от них проплывал мимо многоязычный, разноцветный поток замбульских улиц), which are exotic, hybrid, flamboyant, and clamorous (которые экзотичны, разнородны, цветисты и крикливы; clamor — шум, крик, ор).

peril [ˈperɪl], earnestness [ˈə: nɪstnɪs], wiry [ˈwaɪərɪ]

"Peril hides in the house of Aram Baksh!"

The speaker's voice quivered with earnestness and his lean, black-nailed fingers clawed at Conan's mightily-muscled arm as he croaked his warning. He was a wiry, sunburnt man with a straggling black beard, and his ragged garments proclaimed him a nomad. He looked smaller and meaner than ever in contrast to the giant Cimmerian with his black brows, broad chest, and powerful limbs. They stood in a corner of the Sword Makers' Bazaar, and on either side of them flowed past the many-tongued, many-colored stream of the Zamboulan streets, which are exotic, hybrid, flamboyant, and clamorous.

Conan pulled his eyes back from following a bold-eyed, red-lipped Ghanara whose short skirt bared her brown thigh at each insolent step (Конан оторвал /свои/ глаза от слежения = провожавшие взглядом красногубую Ганарку с дерзким взглядом: «дерзко-взглядная», чья короткая юбка обнажала ее коричневое бедро при каждом кичливом шаге), and frowned down at his importunate companion (и нахмурился = хмуро посмотрел на своего назойливого собеседника).

"What do you mean by peril?" he demanded (что ты подразумеваешь под опасностью? — спросил он).

The desert man glanced furtively over his shoulder before replying, and lowered his voice (человек пустыни посмотрел украдкой через /свое/ плечо, прежде чем ответить, и понизил /свой/ голос).

whose [hu: z], frown [fraun], mean [mi: n]

Conan pulled his eyes back from following a bold-eyed, red-lipped Ghanara whose short skirt bared her brown thigh at each insolent step, and frowned down at his importunate companion.

"What do you mean by peril?" he demanded.

The desert man glanced furtively over his shoulder before replying, and lowered his voice.

"Who can say (кто может сказать)? But desert men and travelers have slept in the house of Aram Baksh and never been seen or heard of again (но люди пустыни и путники спали в доме Арама Бакша, и их никогда больше не видели и не слышали о них: «никогда были видены и слышаны о снова»; to see — видеть; to hear — слышать). What became of them (что стало из = с ними)? He swore they rose and went their way — and it is true that no citizen of the city has ever disappeared from his house (он клялся, /что/ они встали и ушли своей дорогой — и /это/ правда, что ни один горожанин из города никогда /не/ исчезал из его дома). But no one saw the travelers again (но никто /не/ видел странников снова), and men say that goods and equipment recognized as theirs have been seen in the bazaars (и люди говорят, что товары и снаряжение были увидены = видели на базарах). If Aram did not sell them, after doing away with their owners, how came they there (если Арам не продал их, покончив с их владельцами, как они попали туда; to do away with — покончить с; to come — придти, попасть)?"

who [hu: ], house [haus], equipment [ɪˈkwɪpmənt]

"Who can say? But desert men and travelers have slept in the house of Aram Baksh and never been seen or heard of again. What became of them? He swore they rose and went their way — and it is true that no citizen of the city has ever disappeared from his house. But no one saw the travelers again, and men say that goods and equipment recognized as theirs have been seen in the bazaars. If Aram did not sell them, after doing away with their owners, how came they there?"

"I have no goods," growled the Cimmerian (я имею никаких товаров = у меня нет товара, — прорычал киммериец), touching the shagreen-bound hilt of the broadsword that hung at his hip (касаясь обмотанной шагреневой кожей рукоятки палаша, который висел на его бедре). "I have even sold my horse (я продал даже мою лошадь; to sell — продавать)."

"But it is not always rich strangers who vanish by night from the house of Aram Baksh!" chattered the Zuagir (но /это/ не всегда /только/ богатые чужеземцы, /которые/ исчезают ночью из дома Арама Бакша! — застрекотал зуагир). "Nay, poor desert men have slept there — because his score is less than that of the other taverns — and have been seen no more (нет, бедные люди пустыни спали там — потому что его счет меньше, чем таковой = счет в других тавернах — и их больше не видели). Once a chief of the Zuagirs whose son had thus vanished complained to the satrap, Jungir Khan (однажды вождь зуагиров, чей сын исчез таким образом, пожаловался сатрапу, Джунгир Хану), who ordered the house searched by soldiers (который приказал обыскать дом солдатам: «приказал дом обысканный солдатами»)."

growl [ɡraul], even [i: vn], chief [ʧi: f]

"I have no goods," growled the Cimmerian, touching the shagreen-bound hilt of the broadsword that hung at his hip. "I have even sold my horse."

"But it is not always rich strangers who vanish by night from the house of Aram Baksh!" chattered the Zuagir. "Nay, poor desert men have slept there — because his score is less than that of the other taverns — and have been seen no more. Once a chief of the Zuagirs whose son had thus vanished complained to the satrap, Jungir Khan, who ordered the house searched by soldiers."

"And they found a cellar full of corpses?" asked Conan in good-humored derision (и они нашли подвал, полный трупов? — спросил Конан с добродушной насмешкой).

"Nay! They found naught (нет, они /не/ нашли ничего)! And drove the chief from the city with threats and curses (и выгнали вождя из города с угрозами и проклятиями)! But" — he drew closer to Conan and shivered — "something else was found (но, — он придвинулся ближе к Конану и затрясся, — было найдено кое-что еще)! At the edge of the desert, beyond the houses, there is a clump of palm trees, and within that grove there is a pit (на краю пустыни за домами есть заросли пальм, и в той роще есть яма). And within that pit have been found human bones, charred and blackened (а в той яме были найдены = нашли человеческие кости, обугленные и почерневшие). Not once, but many times (не один раз, а много раз)!"

found [faund], naught [nɔ: t], bone [bəun]

"And they found a cellar full of corpses?" asked Conan in good-humored derision.

"Nay! They found naught! And drove the chief from the city with threats and curses! But" — he drew closer to Conan and shivered — "something else was found! At the edge of the desert, beyond the houses, there is a clump of palm trees, and within that grove there is a pit. And within that pit have been found human bones, charred and blackened. Not once, but many times!"

"Which proves what?" grunted the Cimmerian (которое доказывает что = и что это доказывает? — пробурчал Конан).

"Aram Baksh is a demon (Арам Бакш — демон)! Nay, in this accursed city which Stygians built and which Hyrkanians rule (нет, в этом проклятом городе, который построили стигийцы, и которым правят гирканцы) — where white, brown, and black folk mingle together to produce hybrids of all unholy hues and breeds где белые, коричневые и черные народы смешиваются друг с другом, /чтобы/ плодить гибридов всех нечестивых / жутких оттенков и племен) — who can tell who is a man, and who is a demon in disguise (кто может сказать, кто — человек, а кто замаскированный демон)? Aram Baksh is a demon in the form of a man (Арам Бахш — демон в обличье человека)! At night he assumes his true guise and carries his guests off into the desert (ночью он принимает свой истинный вид и уносит своих постояльцев в пустыню; guise — внешний вид, наружность; вид, видимость; личина), where his fellow demons from the waste meet in conclave (где его приятели-демоны из пустыни встречаются на сборище)."

prove [pru: v], brown [braun], folk [fəuk]

"Which proves what?" grunted the Cimmerian.

"Aram Baksh is a demon! Nay, in this accursed city which Stygians built and which Hyrkanians rule — where white, brown, and black folk mingle together to produce hybrids of all unholy hues and breeds — who can tell who is a man, and who is a demon in disguise? Aram Baksh is a demon in the form of a man! At night he assumes his true guise and carries his guests off into the desert, where his fellow demons from the waste meet in conclave."

"Why does he always carry off strangers?" asked Conan skeptically (почему он всегда уносит чужеземцев? — спросил Конан скептически).

"The people of the city would not suffer him to slay their people (люди города = жители города не потерпели бы его убивать их людей = чтобы он убивал их людей = их близких), but they care nought for the strangers who fall into his hands (но им совершенно наплевать на чужеземцев: «они заботятся ничего для чужеземцев», которые попадают в его руки). Conan, you are of the West, and know not the secrets of this ancient land (Конан, ты с Запада, и не знаешь секретов этой древней земли). But, since the beginning of happenings, the demons of the desert have worshipped Yog, the Lord of the Empty Abodes (но с начала событий = сущего демоны пустыни поклоняются Йогу, Владыке Пустых Обиталищ), with fire — fire that devours human victims (с /помощью/ огня — огня, который пожирает человеческие жертвы).

always [ˈɔ: lwəz], people [pi: pl], secret [ˈsi: krɪt]

"Why does he always carry off strangers?" asked Conan skeptically.

"The people of the city would not suffer him to slay their people, but they care nought for the strangers who fall into his hands. Conan, you are of the West, and know not the secrets of this ancient land. But, since the beginning of happenings, the demons of the desert have worshipped Yog, the Lord of the Empty Abodes, with fire — fire that devours human victims.

"Be warned (будь предупрежден = осторожен)! You have dwelt for many moons in the tents of the Zuagirs, and you are our brother (ты прожил много лун в палатках зуагиров, и ты наш брат)! Go not to the house of Aram Baksh (не ходи в дом Арама Бахша)!"

"Get out of sight!" Conan said suddenly (уйди из виду = скройся! — сказал вдруг Конан). "Yonder comes a squad of the city watch (вон идет отряд городской стражи). If they see you they may remember a horse that was stolen from the satrap's stable (если они увидят тебя, они могут вспомнить лошадь, которая была украдена из конюшни сатрапа; to steal — красть) —»

The Zuagir gasped and moved convulsively (зуагир открыл рот и судорожно дернулся). He ducked between a booth and a stone horse trough (он отступил /в пространство/ между палаткой и каменным желобом-поилкой для лошадей), pausing only long enough to chatter: "Be warned, my brother (остановившись лишь достаточно долго = настолько, /чтобы/ прострекотать: будь осторожен, мой брат)! There are demons in the house of Aram Baksh (в доме Арама Бахша /там есть/ демоны)!" Then he darted down a narrow alley and was gone (затем он бросился по узкой аллее и пропал: «был пропавшим / ушедшим»; to go — уходить, уезжать, идти, ехать).

stable [steɪbl], trough [trɔf], dart [dɑ:t]

"Be warned! You have dwelt for many moons in the tents of the Zuagirs, and you are our brother! Go not to the house of Aram Baksh!"

"Get out of sight!" Conan said suddenly. "Yonder comes a squad of the city watch. If they see you they may remember a horse that was stolen from the satrap's stable —»

The Zuagir gasped and moved convulsively. He ducked between a booth and a stone horse trough, pausing only long enough to chatter: "Be warned, my brother! There are demons in the house of Aram Baksh!" Then he darted down a narrow alley and was gone.

Conan shifted his broad sword-belt to his liking (Конан сместил свой широкий пояс для меча поудобнее: «на свой вкус») and calmly returned the searching stares directed at him by the squad of watchmen (и спокойно ответил на ищущие взгляды, направленные на него отрядом стражников) as they swung past (когда они проходили мимо мерным шагом; to swing — проходить мерным шагом). They eyed him curiously and suspiciously (они разглядывали его с любопытством и подозрением), for he was a man who stood out even in such a motley throng as crowded the winding streets of Zamboula (так как он был человеком, который выделялся даже в такой пестрой толпе, как = которая запрудила извилистые улицы Замбулы). His blue eyes and alien features distinguished him from the Eastern swarms (его голубые глаза и чуждые /для этих мест/ черты /лица/, выделяли его из восточной толпы), and the straight sword at his hip added point to the racial difference (а прямой меч у /его/ бедра добавлял пунктик = /еще одну/ черту к расовому отличию).

calmly [ˈkɑ:mlɪ], return [rɪˈtə: n], crowd [kraud]

Conan shifted his broad sword-belt to his liking and calmly returned the searching stares directed at him by the squad of watchmen as they swung past. They eyed him curiously and suspiciously, for he was a man who stood out even in such a motley throng as crowded the winding streets of Zamboula. His blue eyes and alien features distinguished him from the Eastern swarms, and the straight sword at his hip added point to the racial difference.

The watchmen did not accost him but swung on down the street, while the crowd opened a lane for them (стражники не пристали к нему, но прошествовали дальше по улице к центру, в то время как толпа открывала тропинку для них = расступалась перед ними; down the street — по улице к центру города; up the street — по улице от центра города). They were Pelishtins, squat, hook-nosed, with blue-black beards sweeping their mailed breasts (они были пелиштинцы, приземистые, крючконосые с иссиня-черными бородами, охватывающими их грудь в кольчуге) — mercenaries hired for work the ruling Turanians considered beneath themselves (наемники, нанятые для работы, /которую/ правящие туранцы считали ниже себя = своего достоинства), and no less hated by the mongrel population for that reason (и не менее ненавидимыми нечистокровным населением по этой причине).

Conan glanced at the sun, just beginning to dip behind the flat-topped houses on the western side of the bazaar (Конан посмотрел на солнце, как раз начинающее заходить за дома с плоскими крышами на западной стороне базара), and hitching once more at his belt, moved off in the direction of Aram Baksh's tavern (и подтянув еще раз свой ремень, двинулся в направлении таверны Арама Бахша).

down [daun], population [pɔpjuˈleɪʃn], reason [ˈri: zn]

The watchmen did not accost him but swung on down the street, while the crowd opened a lane for them. They were Pelishtins, squat, hook-nosed, with blue- black beards sweeping their mailed breasts — mercenaries hired for work the ruling Turanians considered beneath themselves, and no less hated by the mongrel population for that reason.

Conan glanced at the sun, just beginning to dip behind the flat-topped houses on the western side of the bazaar, and hitching once more at his belt, moved off in the direction of Aram Baksh's tavern.

With a hillman's stride he moved through the ever-shifting colors of the streets (широким шагом горца он двигался сквозь постоянно меняющиеся цвета улиц), where the ragged tunics of whining beggars brushed against the ermine- trimmed khalats of lordly merchants (где поношенные туники хныкающих попрошаек задевали отороченные горностаем халаты надменных купцов), and the pearl-sewn satin of rich courtesans (и расшитые жемчугом атласа богатых куртизанок). Giant black slaves slouched along (гигантские черные рабы шли сутулясь), jostling blue-bearded wanders from the Shemitish cities (расталкивая синебородых странников из шемитских городов), ragged nomads from the surrounding deserts, traders and adventurers from all the lands of the East (оборванных кочевников из окружающих пустынь, торговцев и авантюристов из всех стран Востока).

through [Ɵru: ], ermine [ˈə: mɪn], adventurer [ədˈvenʧərə]

With a hillman's stride he moved through the ever-shifting colors of the streets, where the ragged tunics of whining beggars brushed against the ermine-trimmed khalats of lordly merchants, and the pearl-sewn satin of rich courtesans. Giant black slaves slouched along, jostling blue-bearded wanders from the Shemitish cities, ragged nomads from the surrounding deserts, traders and adventurers from all the lands of the East.

The native population was no less heterogeneous (местное население было не менее разношерстным). Here, centuries ago, the armies of Stygia had come, carving an empire out of the eastern desert (сюда, века назад пришли армии Стигии, создавая империю из восточной пустыни). Zamboula was but a small trading town then, lying amidst a ring of oases, and inhabited by descendants of nomads (Замбула был тогда лишь маленьким торговым городом, лежащим среди кольца оазисов и населенным потомками кочевников). The Stygians built it into a city and settled it with their own people, and with Shemite and Kushite slaves (стигийцы построили его = превратили его в большой город и заселили его своими людьми: шемитскими и кушитскими рабами). The ceaseless caravans, threading the desert from east to west and back again (непрерывные караваны, пронизывающие = пересекающие пустыню с востока на запад и снова назад; thread — нитка, нить), brought riches and more mingling of races (привозили богатства и большее смешение рас; to bring — приносить, привозить). Then came the conquering Turanians, riding out of the East to thrust back the boundaries of Stygia (потом пришли завоеватели- туранцы, прискакав с востока, /чтобы/ отбросить назад границы Стигии), and now for a generation Zamboula had been Turan's westernmost outpost, ruled by a Turanian satrap (и теперь уже /целое/ поколение Замбула является самым западным аванпостом Турана, управляемым туранским сатрапом).

The native population was no less hetrogeneous. Here, centuries ago, the armies of Stygia had come, carving an empire out of the eastern desert. Zamboula was but a small trading town then, lying amidst a ring of oases, and inhabited by descendants of nomads. The Stygians built it into a city and settled it with their own people, and with Shemite and Kushite slaves. The ceaseless caravans, threading the desert from east to west and back again, brought riches and more mingling of races. Then came the conquering Turanians, riding out of the East to thrust back the boundaries of Stygia, and now for a generation Zamboula had been Turan's westernmost outpost, ruled by a Turanian satrap.

The babel of a myriad tongues smote on the Cimmerian's ears (вавилонский галдеж мириады языков ударил по ушам киммерийца) as the restless pattern of the Zamboulan streets weaved about him в то время как беспокойная картина замбульских улиц сплеталась вокруг него) — cleft now and then by a squad of clattering horsemen (рассекаемая то и дело отрядом грохочущих всадников), the tall, supple warriors of Turan (высоких гибких воинов Турана), with dark hawk-faces, clinking metal, and curved swords (с темными ястребиными лицами, звенящим металлом и кривыми саблями). The throng scampered from under their horses' hoofs, for they were the lords of Zamboula (толпа выскакивала из-под копыт их лошадей, так как они были владыками Замбулы). But tall, somber Stygians, standing back in the shadows, glowered darkly, remembering their ancient glories (но высокие, мрачные стигийцы, держась сзади в тени, зыркали зловеще, вспоминая свою древнюю = былую славу). The hybrid population cared little whether the king who controlled their destinies dwelt in dark Khemi or gleaming Aghrapur (смешанное население мало заботило, живет ли король, который управлял их судьбами, в темном Кеми или в блистающем Аграпуре; to dwell — жить, проживать). Jungir Khan ruled Zamboula (Джунгир Хан правил Замбулой), and men whispered that Nafertari, the satrap's mistress, ruled Jungir Khan (и люди шептали, что Нафертари, возлюбленная сатрапа, правила Джунгир Ханом); but the people went their way но люди шли по своим путям = жили по своим привычкам / традициям), flaunting their myriad colors in the streets (щеголяя своей мириадами цветов на улицах), bargaining, disputing (заключая сделки, споря), gambling, swilling, loving (играя в азартные игры, выпивая, любя; to swill — полоскать, обливать водой; жадно пить, лакать), as the people of Zamboula have done for all the centuries its towers and minarets have lifted over the sands of the Kharamun (как люди Замбулы делали на протяжении всех столетий, /как/ их башни и минареты поднялись над песками Кхарамуна).

pattern [ˈpætən], supple [sʌpl], metal [metl]

The babel of a myriad tongues smote on the Cimmerian's ears as the restless pattern of the Zamboulan streets weaved about him — cleft now and then by a squad of clattering horsemen, the tall, supple warriors of Turan, with dark hawk- faces, clinking metal, and curved swords. The throng scampered from under their horses' hoofs, for they were the lords of Zamboula. But tall, somber Stygians, standing back in the shadows, glowered darkly, remembering their ancient glories. The hybrid population cared little whether the king who controlled their destinies dwelt in dark Khemi or gleaming Aghrapur. Jungir Khan ruled Zamboula, and men whispered that Nafertari, the satrap's mistress, ruled Jungir Khan; but the people went their way, flaunting their myriad colors in the streets, bargaining, disputing, gambling, swilling, loving, as the people of Zamboula have done for all the centuries its towers and minarets have lifted over the sands of the Kharamun.

Bronze lanterns, carved with leering dragons, had been lighted in the streets before Conan reached the house of Aram Baksh (бронзовые фонари с выгравированными злобными драконами, были зажжены на улицах, до того как Конан добрался до дома Арама Бахша). The tavern was the last occupied house on the street, which ran west (таверна была последним обитаемым домом на улице, которая шла на запад). A wide garden, enclosed by a wall, where date palms grew thick, separated it from the houses farther east (обширный сад, огороженный стеной, где густо росли финиковые пальмы, отделяла его от домов дальше на востоке). To the west of the inn stood another grove of palms, through which the street, now become a road, wound out into the desert (к западу от гостиницы стояла еще одна роща пальм, сквозь которую улица, теперь ставшая дорогой, вилась /и уходила/ в пустыню; to stand — стояться; to wind — извиваться, виться). Across the road from the tavern stood a row of deserted huts, shaded by straggling palm trees and occupied only by bats and jackals (через дорогу от таверны стоял ряд брошенных хижин, затененных разбросанными пальмами и населенных только летучими мышами и шакалами). As Conan came down the road, he wondered why the beggars, so plentiful in Zamboula, had not appropriated these empty houses for sleeping quarters (когда Конан шел по дороге, он удивлялся, почему нищие, такие многочисленные в Замбуле, не присвоили /себе/ эти пустые дома для ночлежек). The lights ceased some distance behind him (огни закончились на некотором расстоянии позади него). Here were no lanterns, except the one hanging before the tavern gate (здесь не было фонарей, за исключением одного = фонаря, свисающего перед воротами таверны): only the stars, the soft dust of the road underfoot, and the rustle of the palm leaves in the desert breeze (только звезды, мягкая пыль дороги под ногами и шорох пальмовых листьев на пустынном ветерке).

lantern [ˈlæntən], palm [pɑ:m], jackal [ˈʤækɔ: l]

Bronze lanterns, carved with leering dragons, had been lighted in the streets before Conan reached the house of Aram Baksh. The tavern was the last occupied house on the street, which ran west. A wide garden, enclosed by a wall, where date palms grew thick, separated it from the houses farther east. To the west of the inn stood another grove of palms, through which the street, now become a road, wound out into the desert. Across the road from the tavern stood a row of deserted huts, shaded by straggling palm trees and occupied only by bats and jackals. As Conan came down the road, he wondered why the beggars, so plentiful in Zamboula, had not appropriated these empty houses for sleeping quarters. The lights ceased some distance behind him. Here were no lanterns, except the one hanging before the tavern gate: only the stars, the soft dust of the road underfoot, and the rustle of the palm leaves in the desert breeze.

Aram's gate did not open upon the road but upon the alley which ran between the tavern and the garden of the date palms (ворота Арама не открывались на дорогу = открывались не на дорогу, но на аллею, которая бежала между таверной и садом с финиковыми пальмами; to run — бежать). Conan jerked lustily at the rope which dangled from the bell beside the lantern (Конан дернул энергично за веревку, которая свисала с колокольчика за фонарем), augmenting its clamor by hammering on the iron-bound teakwood gate with the hilt of his sword (усиливая его звяканье ударами по обшитыми железом воротам из тика рукояткой своего меча; to hammer — молотить). A wicket opened in the gate, and a black face peered through (в воротах открылось окошко, и черное лицо выглянуло через /него/).

"Open, blast you," requested Conan (открывай, будь ты проклят: «да разорвет тебя», — потребовал Конан). "I'm a guest (я постоялец). I've paid Aram for a room, and a room I'll have, by Crom (я заплатил Араму за комнату, и комнату я буду иметь = комната у меня будет, /клянусь/ Кромом)!"

augment [ˈɔ: ɡmənt], blast [blɑ:st], guest [ɡest]

Aram's gate did not open upon the road but upon the alley which ran between the tavern and the garden of the date palms. Conan jerked lustily at the rope which dangled from the bell beside the lantern, augmenting its clamor by hammering on the iron-bound teakwood gate with the hilt of his sword. A wicket opened in the gate, and a black face peered through.

"Open, blast you," requested Conan. "I'm a guest. I've paid Aram for a room, and a room I'll have, by Crom!"

The black craned his neck to stare into the starlit road behind Conan (черный вытянул свою шею, /чтобы/ всмотреться в освещенную звездами дорогу за Конаном); but he opened the gate without comment and closed it again behind the Cimmerian, locking it and bolting it (но он открыл ворота без комментария и закрыл ее снова за киммерийцем, закрывая их на замок и на засов). The wall was unusually high (стена была необычно высокой); but there were many thieves in Zamboula (но в Замбуле было много воров), and a house on the edge of the desert might have to be defended against a nocturnal nomad raid (и дом на краю пустыни, возможно, приходилось защищать: «мог иметь быть защищенным» от ночных набегов кочевников). Conan strode through a garden Конан прошел через сад; to stride — идти большими шагами), where great pale blossoms nodded in the starlight (где огромные бледные цветы раскачивались: «кивали» в звездном свете), and entered the taproom (и вошел в пивную), where a Stygian with the shaven head of a student sat at a table brooding over nameless mysteries (где стигиец с бритой головой ученого сидел за столом, размышляя о неизвестных тайнах), and some nondescripts wrangled over a game of dice in a corner (а несколько человек неопределенного вида и рода занятий спорили над игрой в кости в углу).

road [rəud], thieves [Ɵi: vz], defend [dɪˈfend]

The black craned his neck to stare into the starlit road behind Conan; but he opened the gate without comment and closed it again behind the Cimmerian, locking it and bolting it. The wall was unusually high; but there were many thieves in Zamboula, and a house on the edge of the desert might have to be defended against a nocturnal nomad raid. Conan strode through a garden, where great pale blossoms nodded in the starlight, and entered the taproom, where a Stygian with the shaven head of a student sat at a table brooding over nameless mysteries, and some nondescripts wrangled over a game of dice in a corner.

Aram Baksh came forward, walking softly (Арам Бахш вышел вперед, мягко шагая), a portly man, wih a black beard that swept his breast (полный мужчина с черной бородой, которая свисала на его грудь; to sweep — мести; простираться, тянуться), a jutting hooknose (выступающим крючковатым носом), and small black eyes which were never still (и маленькими черными глазами, которые никогда не были неподвижными = вечно бегающими маленькими черными глазами).

"You wish food?" he asked (вы желаете пищи = поесть? — спросил он). "Drink (выпить)?"

"I ate a joint of beef and a loaf of bread in the suk," grunted Conan (я съел кусок говядины и буханку хлеба в харчевне, — проворчал Конан; suk — базар; постоялый двор (на Востоке)). "Bring me a tankard of Ghazan wine — I’ve got just enough left to pay for it (принеси мне кружку газанского вина — у меня как раз осталось достаточно, /чтобы/ заплатить за это)." He tossed a copper coin on the wine-splashed board (он швырнул медную монету на залитый вином стол).

walk [wɔ: k], breast [brest], beef [bi: f]

Aram Baksh came forward, walking softly, a portly man, with a black beard that swept his breast, a jutting hooknose, and small black eyes which were never still.

"You wish food?" he asked. "Drink?"

"I ate a joint of beef and a loaf of bread in the suk," grunted Conan. "Bring me a tankard of Ghazan wine — I’ve got just enough left to pay for it." He tossed a copper coin on the wine-splashed board.

"You did not win at the gaming tables (ты не выиграл за игорными столами)?"

"How could I, with only a handful of silver to begin with (как я мог, лишь с пригоршней серебра для начала)? I paid you for the room this morning, because I knew I'd probably lose (я заплатил тебе за комнату сегодня утром: «этим утром», потому что я знал, /что/ я возможно проиграю). I wanted to be sure I had a roof over my head tonight (я хотел быть уверен, /что/ у меня есть крыша над головой сегодня ночью). I notice nobody sleeps in the streets of Zamboula (я замечаю = заметил, /что/ никто /не/ спит на улицах Замбулы). The very beggars hunt a niche they can barricade before dark (самые нищие попрошайки ищут нишу, /которую/ они могут забаррикадировать до темноты). The city must be full of a particularly bloodthirsty band of thieves (город, должно быть, полон особенно кровожадной бандой = кровожадными бандами воров; blood — кровь; thirsty — жаждущий)."

lose [lu: z], tonight [təˈnaɪt], dark [dɑ:k]

"You did not win at the gaming tables?"

"How could I, with only a handful of silver to begin with? I paid you for the room this morning, because I knew I'd probably lose. I wanted to be sure I had a roof over my head tonight. I notice nobody sleeps in the streets of Zamboula. The very beggars hunt a niche they can barricade before dark. The city must be full of a particularly bloodthirsty band of thieves."

He gulped the cheap wine with relish and then followed Aram out of the taproom (он выпил дешевое вино залпом с удовольствие и потом последовал = вышел вслед за Арамом из бара). Behind him the players halted their game to stare after him with a cryptic speculation in their eyes (позади него игроки прекратили свою игру и посмотрели ему вслед со скрытой догадкой). They said nothing, but the Stygian laughed, a ghastly laugh of inhuman cynicism and mockery (они ничего не сказали, а стигиец засмеялся, отвратительным смехом нечеловеческого цинизма и насмешки). The others lowered their eyes uneasily, avoiding one another's glance (остальные опустили /свои/ глаза в тревоге, избегая смотреть друг на друга). The arts studied by a Stygian scholar are not calculated to make him share the feelings of a normal being (науки, изучаемые стигийским ученым, не рассчитаны /на то, чтобы/ заставить = научить его разделять чувства нормального человека; to share — разделять, делиться).

cheap [ʧi: p], eye [aɪ], laugh [lɑ:f]

He gulped the cheap wine with relish and then followed Aram out of the taproom. Behind him the players halted their game to stare after him with a cryptic speculation in their eyes. They said nothing, but the Stygian laughed, a ghastly laugh of inhuman cynicism and mockery. The others lowered their eyes uneasily, avoiding one another's glance. The arts studied by a Stygian scholar are not calculated to make him share the feelings of a normal being.

Conan followed Aram down a corridor lighted by copper lamps (Конан последовал за Арамом вниз по коридору, освещенному медными лампами), and it did not please him to note his host's noiseless tread (и он с неудовольствием заметил: «это не понравилось ему заметить» бесшумную поступь своего хозяина). Aram's feet were clad in soft slippers and the hallway was carpeted with thick Turanian rugs (ступни Арама были обуты в мягкие шлепанцы, а коридор был устлан толстыми туранскими коврами); but there was an unpleasant suggestion of stealthiness about the Zamboulan (но был неприятный намек на скрытность в отношении = неприятное ощущение скрытности в поведении замбулийца).

please [pli: z], feet [fi: t], tread [tred]

Conan followed Aram down a corridor lighted by copper lamps, and it did not please him to note his host's noiseless tread. Aram's feet were clad in soft slippers and the hallway was carpeted with thick Turanian rugs; but there was an unpleasant suggestion of stealthiness about the Zamboulan.

At the end of the winding corridor, Aram halted at a door (в конце извилистого коридора Арам остановился у двери), across which a heavy iron bar rested in powerful metal brackets (поперек которой покоился тяжелый железный засов в мощных металлических скобах). This Aram lifted and showed the Cimmerian into a well-appointed chamber (его Арам поднял и провел киммерийца в хорошо обустроенную комнату), the windows of which, Conan instantly noted, were small and strongly set with twisted bars of iron, tastefully gilded (окна которой, сразу заметил Конан, были маленькими и крепко заделаны витыми решетками из железа, украшенными со вкусом; to set — установить, поставить; taste — вкус). There were rugs on the floor, a couch, after the Eastern fashion, and ornately carven stools (/там/ были ковры на полу, кушетка по восточной моде и витиевато резные табуретки). It was a much more elaborate chamber than Conan could have procured for the price nearer the center of the city (это была гораздо более изысканная комната, чем Конан мог раздобыть по такой цене ближе к центру города; elaborate — искусно сделанный; тонкой работы) — a fact that had first attracted him (факт, который сначала привлек его), when, that morning, he discovered how slim a purse his roistering for the past few days had left him (когда в то утро он обнаружил, насколько тощий кошелек оставил ему его кутеж в течение прошедших нескольких дней). He had ridden into Zamboula from the desert a week before (он прискакал в Замбулу из пустыни неделю назад; to ride — скакать, ехать верхом).

heavy [ˈhevɪ], iron [ˈaɪən], couch [kauʧ]

At the end of the winding corridor, Aram halted at a door, across which a heavy iron bar rested in powerful metal brackets. This Aram lifted and showed the Cimmerian into a well-appointed chamber, the windows of which, Conan instantly noted, were small and strongly set with twisted bars of iron, tastefully gilded. There were rugs on the floor, a couch, after the Eastern fashion, and ornately carven stools. It was a much more elaborate chamber than Conan could have procured for the price nearer the center of the city — a fact that had first attracted him, when, that morning, he discovered how slim a purse his roistering for the past few days had left him. He had ridden into Zamboula from the desert a week before.

Aram had lighted a bronze lamp, and he now called Conan's attention to the two doors (Арам зажег бронзовую лампу, и он теперь привлек внимание Конана к двум дверям). Both were provided with heavy bolts (обе были снабжены тяжелыми засовами).

"You may sleep safely tonight, Cimmerian," said Aram (ты можешь спать в безопасности сегодня ночью, киммериец, — сказал Арам), blinking over his bushy beard from the inner doorway (подмигивая через /свою/ кустистую бороду из /внутреннего/ дверного проема).

Conan grunted and tossed his naked broadsword on the couch (Конан заворчал и швырнул свой обнаженный палаш на кушетку).

"Your bolts and bars are strong (твои засовы и решетки крепки); but I always sleep with steel by my side (но я всегда сплю со сталью под /моим/ боком)."

attention [əˈtenʃn], beard [bɪəd], steel [sti: l]

Aram had lighted a bronze lamp, and he now called Conan's attention to the two doors. Both were provided with heavy bolts.

"You may sleep safely tonight, Cimmerian," said Aram, blinking over his bushy beard from the inner doorway.

Conan grunted and tossed his naked broadsword on the couch.

"Your bolts and bars are strong; but I always sleep with steel by my side."

Aram made no reply (Арам не ответил: «не сделал никакого ответа»); he stood fingering his thick beard for a moment (он стоял, теребя пальцами свою густую бороду в течение короткого времени) as he stared at the grim weapon (/пристально/ глядя на грозное оружие). Then silently he withdrew, closing the door behind him (потом молча он ушел, закрыв дверь за собой; to withdraw — ретироваться, удаляться, уходить; to draw — тащить, тянуть). Conan shot the bolt into place, crossed the room, opened the opposite door, and looked out (Конан поставил засов на место, пересек комнату, открыл противоположную дверь и выглянул наружу). The room was on the side of the house that faced the road running west from the city (комната была на той стороне дома, которая выходила на дорогу, бегущую на запад от города). The door opened into a small court that was enclosed by a wall of its own (дверь открывалась в маленький дворик, который был обнесен своей собственной стеной). The end walls, which shut it off from the rest of the tavern compound (торцевые стены, которые закрывают его от остальных строений таверны: «от остатка строения таверны»), were high and without entrances (были высокие и без входа); but the wall that flanked the road was low (но стена, которая шла вдоль дороги, была низка), and there was no lock on the gate (и на воротах не было замка).

weapon [ˈwepən], court [kɔ: t], compound [kəmˈpaund]

Aram made no reply; he stood fingering his thick beard for a moment as he stared at the grim weapon. Then silently he withdrew, closing the door behind him. Conan shot the bolt into place, crossed the room, opened the opposite door, and looked out. The room was on the side of the house that faced the road running west from the city. The door opened into a small court that was enclosed by a wall of its own. The end walls, which shut it off from the rest of the tavern compound, were high and without entrances; but the wall that flanked the road was low, and there was no lock on the gate.

Conan stood for a moment in the door (Конан постоял минуту в дверях), the glow of the bronze lamps behind him (со светом бронзовых ламп позади него), looking down the road to where it vanished among the dense palms (глядя на дорогу до того места, где она исчезала среди густых пальм). Their leaves rustled together in the faint breeze (их листья шуршали непрерывно на слабом ветерке); beyond them lay the naked desert (за ними лежала голая пустыня). Far up the street, in the other direction, lights gleamed (далеко по улице в другом направлении мерцали огни) and the noises of the city came faintly to him (и шумы города доносились слабо до него). Here was only starlight, the whispering of the palm leaves (здесь был лишь звездный свет, шепот пальмовых листьев), and beyond that low wall, the dust of the road and the deserted huts thrusting their flat roofs against the low stars (а за той низкой стеной пыль дороги и пустые хижины, раскинувшие свои плоские крыши на фоне низких звезд). Somewhere beyond the palm groves a drum began (где-то за пальмовыми рощами начал бить барабан; to begin — начинать(ся)).

breeze [bri: z], roof [ru: f], began [bɪˈɡæn]

Conan stood for a moment in the door, the glow of the bronze lamps behind him, looking down the road to where it vanished among the dense palms. Their leaves rustled together in the faint breeze; beyond them lay the naked desert. Far up the street, in the other direction, lights gleamed and the noises of the city came faintly to him. Here was only starlight, the whispering of the palm leaves, and beyond that low wall, the dust of the road and the deserted huts thrusting their flat roofs against the low stars. Somewhere beyond the palm groves a drum began.

The garbled warnings of the Zuagir returned to him (искаженные предостережения зуагира вернулись к нему; to garble — подтасовывать, искажать, фальсифицировать), seeming somewhow less fantastic than they had seemed in the crowded, sunlit streets (кажущиеся = и казались как-то менее фантастическими, чем они казались на переполненных народом /и/ освещенных солнцем улицах). He wondered again at the riddle of those empty huts (он удивился снова загадке тех пустых хижин). Why did the beggars shun them (почему нищие остерегались их; to shun — избегать)? He turned back into the chamber, shut the door, and bolted it (он вернулся в комнату, закрыл дверь и запер ее на засов; to bolt — запирать на засов).

seem [si: m], those [ðəuz], shut [ʃʌt]

The garbled warnings of the Zuagir returned to him, seeming somewhow less fantastic than they had seemed in the crowded, sunlit streets. He wondered again at the riddle of those empty huts. Why did the beggars shun them? He turned back into the chamber, shut the door, and bolted it.

The light began to flicker, and he investigated (свет начал мерцать, и он занялся расследованием), swearing when he found the palm oil in the lamp was almost exhausted (выругавшись, когда /он/ обнаружил, /что/ пальмовое масло в лампе было почти израсходовано). He started to shout for Aram, then shrugged his shoulders and blew out the light (он начал звать Арама, потом пожал /своими/ плечами и задул свет; to blow — дуть). In the soft darkness he stretched himself fully clad on the couch (в приятной темноте он растянулся полностью одетый на софе), his sinewy hand by instinct searching for and closing on the hilt of his broadsword (его мускулистая рука инстинктивно поискала и сомкнулась на рукоятке его палаша; sinew — сухожилие). Glancing idly at the stars framed in the barred windows (глядя лениво на звезды, обрамленные зарешеченными окнами), with the murmur of the breeze through the palms in his ears (с шорохом бриза сквозь пальмы в /его/ ушах), he sank into slumber with a vague consciousness of the muttering drum (он погрузился в дрему с неясным осознанием глухо грохочущего барабана; to sink — погружаться, тонуть), out on the desert — the low rumble and mutter of a leather-covered drum (снаружи в пустыне — низкий рокот и грохот обтянутого кожей барабана), beaten with soft, rhythmic strokes of an open black hand (ударяемого = по которому бьет мягкими ритмичными ударами раскрытая черная рука; to beat — бить, ударять) …

blew [blu: ], stretch [streʧ], consciousness [ˈkɔnʃəsnɪs]

The light began to flicker, and he investigated, swearing when he found the palm oil in the lamp was almost exhausted. He started to shout for Aram, then shrugged his shoulders and blew out the light. In the soft darkness he stretched himself fully clad on the couch, his sinewy hand by instinct searching for and closing on the hilt of his broadsword. Glancing idly at the stars framed in the barred windows, with the murmur of the breeze through the palms in his ears, he sank into slumber with a vague consciousness of the muttering drum, out on the desert — the low rumble and mutter of a leather-covered drum, beaten with soft, rhythmic strokes of an open black hand …

2. The Night Skulkers (Ночные крадуны = кто крадется в ночи)

It was the stealthy opening of a door which awakened the Cimmerian (это /было/ скрытное открывание двери, /которое/ разбудило Конана = Конана разбудил звук осторожно открываемой двери). He did not awake as civilized men do, drowsy and drugged and stupid (он не проснулся как /это/ делают цивилизованные люди, вялые, затороможенные и бестолковые; to drug — оказывать воздействие, подобное наркотическому, на кого-л.; притуплять (чувства, эмоции и т. д.); drug — медикамент(ы), снадобье, лекарственный препарат). He awoke instantly, with a clear mind (он проснулся мгновенно, с чистым разумом), recognizing the sound that had interruped his sleep (узнав звук, который прервал его сон). Lying there tensely in the dark he saw the outer door slowly open (лежа там напряженно в темноте, он увидел, /как/ медленно открывается наружная дверь). In a widening crack of starlit sky he saw framed a great black bulk, broad, stooping shoulders (в расширяющейся трещине освещенного звездами неба он увидел, заключенную в рамку /дверного проема/ огромную черную тушу с широкими покатыми плечами), and a misshapen head blocked out against the stars (и бесформенной головой, грубо набросанной против звезд = грубое очертание на фоне звезд; to block out — набрасывать вчерне).

stealthy [ˈstelƟɪ], stupid [ˈstju: pɪd], open [ˈəupən]

It was the stealthy opening of a door which awakened the Cimmerian. He did not awake as civilized men do, drowsy and drugged and stupid. He awoke instantly, with a clear mind, recognizing the sound that had interruped his sleep. Lying there tensely in the dark he saw the outer door slowly open. In a widening crack of starlit sky he saw framed a great black bulk, broad, stooping shoulders, and a misshapen head blocked out against the stars.

Conan felt the skin crawl between his shoulders (Конан почувствовал, /как/ по коже между лопаток[51] поползли мурашки; to crawl — бежать (о мурашках)). He had bolted that door securely (он надежно закрыл ту дверь на засов). How could it be opening now, save by supernatural agency (как могла бы она открываться сейчас, кроме как сверхъестественным действием = воздействием сверхъестественных сил)? And how could a human being possess a head like that outlined against the stars (и как мог человек обладать такой головой, очерченной на фоне звезд)? All the tales he had heard in the Zuagir tents of devils and goblins came back (все легенды, /которые/ он слышал в зуагирских палатках о демонах и гоблинах, вернулись) to bead his flesh with clammy sweat (/чтобы/ покрыть его тело капельками липкого пота; to bead — покрывать капельками; bead — шарик (с просверленным сквозным отверстием), бусина, бисерина; капля (расплавленного металла, пота на лице и т. п.)). Now the monster slid noiselessly into the room, with a crouching posture and a shambling gait (теперь монстр проскользнул бесшумно в комнату с согнутой осанкой = ссутулившись и с неуклюжей шаркающей походкой); and a familiar scent assailed the Cimmerian's nostrils (и знакомый запах атаковал ноздри киммерийца), but did not reassure him (но не успокоил / утешил его), since Zuagir legendry represented demons as smelling like that (так как зуагирские легенды представляли демонов, как пахнущих так = пахнущими так).

between [bɪˈtwi: n], securely [sɪˈkjuəlɪ], agency [ˈeɪʤənsɪ]

Conan felt the skin crawl between his shoulders. He had bolted that door securely. How could it be opening now, save by supernatural agency? And how could a human being possess a head like that outlined against the stars? All the tales he had heard in the Zuagir tents of devils and goblins came back to bead his flesh with clammy sweat. Now the monster slid noiselessly into the room, with a crouching posture and a shambling gait; and a familiar scent assailed the Cimmerian's nostrils, but did not reassure him, since Zuagir legendry represented demons as smelling like that.

Noiselessly Conan coiled his long legs under him (бесшумно Конан подобрал свои длинные ноги под себя); his naked sword was in his right hand (его обнаженный меч был в его правой руке), and when he struck it was as suddenly and murderously as a tiger lunging out of the dark (и когда он ударил, это было так внезапно и смертельно, как тигр, набрасывающийся из темноты). Not even a demon could have avoided that catapulting charge (даже демон /не/ мог бы избежать этой катапультирующей = стремительной атаки). His sword met and clove through flesh and bone, and something went heavily to the floor with a strangling cry (его меч встретил и рассек плоть и кость, и что-то пошло = упало на пол с захлебывающимся криком; to cleave — рассекать, расколоть, разрезать). Conan crouched in the dark above it, sword dripping in his hand (Конан согнулся в темноте над ним /с/ мечом, /с которого капала кровь/ в его руке; to drip — капать, стекать). Devil or beast or man, the thing was dead there on the floor (демон или зверь или человек, существо было мертвым там на полу). He sensed death as any wild thing senses it (он чувствовал смерть, как любой дикое существо чувствует ее). He glared through the half-open door into the starlit court beyond (он посмотрел через полуоткрытую дверь в освещенный звездами двор снаружи). The gate stood open, but the court was empty (ворота стояли открытые, но двор был пуст).

clove [kləuv], beyond [bɪˈjɔnd], empty [ˈemptɪ]

Noiselessly Conan coiled his long legs under him; his naked sword was in his right hand, and when he struck it was as suddenly and murderously as a tiger lunging out of the dark. Not even a demon could have avoided that catapulting charge. His sword met and clove through flesh and bone, and something went heavily to the floor with a strangling cry. Conan crouched in the dark above it, sword dripping in his hand. Devil or beast or man, the thing was dead there on the floor. He sensed death as any wild thing senses it. He glared through the half-open door into the starlit court beyond. The gate stood open, but the court was empty.

Conan shut the door but did not bolt it (Конан запер дверь, но не закрыл ее на засов). Groping in the darkness he found the lamp and lighted it (пошарив в темноте, он нашел лампу и зажег ее). There was enough oil in it to burn for a minute or so (в ней было достаточно масла /чтобы гореть/ на минуту или около того). An instant later he was bending over the figure that sprawled on the floor in a pool of blood (мгновение спустя он склонялся над фигурой, которая растянулась на полу в луже крови).

minute [ˈmɪnɪt], figure [ˈfɪɡə], blood [blʌd]

Conan shut the door but did not bolt it. Groping in the darkness he found the lamp and lighted it. There was enough oil in it to burn for a minute or so. An instant later he was bending over the figure that sprawled on the floor in a pool of blood.

It was a gigantic black man, naked but for a loin cloth (это был гигантский чернокожий, обнаженный за исключением набедренной повязки). One hand still grasped a knotty-headed bludgeon (одна рука все еще сжимала сучковатую дубинку). The fellow's kinky wool was built up into hornlike spindles with twigs and dried mud (курчавые волосы парня были выстроены в роговидные стержни с = с помощью прутиков и высушенной глины). This barbaric coiffure had given the head its misshapen appearance in the starlight (эта варварская прическа придала /его/ голове ее бесформенный вид в звездном свете). Provided with a clue to the riddle, Conan pushed back the thick red lips and grunted as he stared down at teeth filed to points (обеспеченный ключом к загадке = разгадке, Конан раздвинул толстые красные губы и ругнулся, когда он посмотрел на зубы, заточенные до острия).

bludgeon [ˈblʌʤən], appearance [əˈpɪərəns], clue [klu:]

It was a gigantic black man, naked but for a loin cloth. One hand still grasped a knotty-headed bludgeon. The fellow's kinky wool was built up into hornlike spindles with twigs and dried mud. This barbaric coiffure had given the head its misshapen appearance in the starlight. Provided with a clue to the riddle, Conan pushed back the thick red lips and grunted as he stared down at teeth filed to points.

He understood now the mystery of the strangers who had disappeared from the house of Aram Baksh (он понял теперь тайну чужеземцев, которые пропадали из дома Арама Бахша; to understand — понимать); the riddle of the black drum thrumming out there beyond the palm groves (загадку черного барабана, бубнящего там за пальмовыми рощами), and of that pit of charred bones — that pit where strange meat might be roasted under the stars (и той ямы с обугленными костями — той ямы, где, возможно, жарили под звездами необычное мясо; might — возможно, вероятно — обозначает в сочетании с инфинитивом вероятность), while black beasts squatted about to glut a hideous hunger (когда черные звери сидели на корточках вокруг, /чтобы/ утолить мерзкий голод). The man on the floor was a cannibal slave from Darfar (мужчина на полу был рабом-людоедом из Дарфара).

mystery [ˈmɪstərɪ], might [maɪt], star [stɑ:]

He understood now the mystery of the strangers who had disappeared from the house of Aram Baksh; the riddle of the black drum thrumming out there beyond the palm groves, and of that pit of charred bones — that pit where strange meat might be roasted under the stars, while black beasts squatted about to glut a hideous hunger. The man on the floor was a cannibal slave from Darfar.

There were many of his kind in the city (в городе было много его типа = его брата). Cannibalism was not tolerated openly in Zamboula (каннибализм не был разрешен: «терпим» открыто в Замбуле). But Conan knew now why people locked themselves in so securely at night (но Конан знал теперь, почему люди запирались на замки внутри = в домах так надежно ночью), and why even beggars shunned the open alley and doorless ruins (и почему даже нищие опасались открытой аллеи и развалин без дверей). He grunted in disgust as he visualized brutish black shadows skulking up and down the nighted streets (он выругался в отвращении, когда он мысленно увидел зверские черные тени, крадущиеся там и сям по ночным улицам), seeking human prey (ищущих человеческую добычу = в качестве добычи людей) — and such men as Aram Baksh to open the doors to them (и такие люди, как Арам Бахш, открывают им двери). The innkeeper was not a demon; he was worse (содержатель гостиницы был не демон, он был хуже). The slaves from Darfar were notorious thieves (рабы из Дарфара были известными ворами; notorious — пользующийся дурной славой; печально известный; отъявленный); there was no doubt that some of their pilfered loot found its way into the hands of Aram Baksh (не было сомнения, что некоторая из их добычи попадала в руки Арама Бахша; to find its way — попасть). And in return he sold them human flesh (а в обмен он продавал им человеческое мясо).

were [wə: ], ruin [ˈru: ɪn], notorious [nəuˈtɔ: rɪəs]

There were many of his kind in the city. Cannibalism was not tolerated openly in Zamboula. But Conan knew now why people locked themselves in so securely at night, and why even beggars shunned the open alley and doorless ruins. He grunted in disgust as he visualized brutish black shadows skulking up and down the nighted streets, seeking human prey — and such men as Aram Baksh to open the doors to them. The innkeeper was not a demon; he was worse. The slaves from Darfar were notorious thieves; there was no doubt that some of their pilfered loot found its way into the hands of Aram Baksh. And in return he sold them human flesh.

Conan blew out the light, stepped to the door and opened it (Конан задул свет, шагнул к двери и открыл ее), and ran his hand over the ornaments on the outer side (и провел своей рукой по украшениям на внешней стороне). One of them was movable and worked the bolt inside (одно из них было подвижным и втягивало засов = открывало внутренний засов). The room was a trap to catch human prey like rabbits (комната была западней, /чтобы/ ловить человеческую добычу как кроликов). But this time, instead of a rabbit, it had caught a saber- toothed tiger (но /на/ этот раз вместо кролика она поймала саблезубого тигра; to catch — ловить, поймать).

outer [ˈautə], movable [ˈmu: vəbl], human [ˈhju: mən]

Conan blew out the light, stepped to the door and opened it, and ran his hand over the ornaments on the outer side. One of them was movable and worked the bolt inside. The room was a trap to catch human prey like rabbits. But this time, instead of a rabbit, it had caught a saber-toothed tiger.

Conan returned to the other door, lifted the bolt, and pressed against it (Конан вернулся к другой двери, поднял засов и надавил на нее). It was immovable, and he remembered the bolt on the other side (она была неподвижна, и он вспомнил засов на другой стороне). Aram was taking no chances either with his victims or the men with whom he dealt (Арам не рисковал ни со своими жертвами, ни с людьми, с которыми он имел дела). Buckling on his sword belt, the Cimmerian strode out into the court, closing the door behind him (застегнув свой пояс с мечом, киммериец вышел во двор, закрывая дверь за собой). He had no intention of delaying the settlement of his reckoning with Aram Baksh (он не имел намерения = не намеревался откладывать сведение /своих/ счетов с Арамом Бахшем). He wondered how many poor devils had been bludgeoned in their sleep (он удивился, сколько бедных парней были ударены дубинкой = получили удар дубинкой в /их/ сне) and dragged out of that room and down the road that ran through the shadowed palm groves to the roasting pit (и были вытащены = их вытащили из той комнаты и /потянули/ по дороге, которая бежала через тенистые пальмовые рощи к яме для /изготовления/ жаркого; to roast — жарить(ся); печь(ся) (особ. в духовке или на открытом огне)).

other [ˈʌðə], press [pres], against [əˈɡenst]

Conan returned to the other door, lifted the bolt, and pressed against it. It was immovable, and he remembered the bolt on the other side. Aram was taking no chances either with his victims or the men with whom he dealt. Buckling on his sword belt, the Cimmerian strode out into the court, closing the door behind him. He had no intention of delaying the settlement of his reckoning with Aram Baksh. He wondered how many poor devils had been bludgeoned in their sleep and dragged out of that room and down the road that ran through the shadowed palm groves to the roasting pit.

He halted in the court (он остановился во дворе). The drum was still muttering (барабан все еще бубнил), and he caught the reflection of a leaping red glare through the groves (и он поймал отражение скачущего красного зарева сквозь рощи). Cannibalism was more than a perverted appetite with the black men of Darfar (каннибализм был более, чем извращенная склонность у черных людей Дарфара); it was an integral element of their ghastly cult (это был неотъемлемый элемент их отвратительного культа). The black vultures were already in conclave (черные стервятники были уже на сборище). But whatever flesh filled their bellies that night, it would not be his (но какая бы плоть /ни/ наполнила их животы в эту ночь, /но/ это будет не его /мясо/).

reflection [rɪˈflekʃn], element [ˈelɪmənt], ghastly [ˈɡɑ:stlɪ]

He halted in the court. The drum was still muttering, and he caught the reflection of a leaping red glare through the groves. Cannibalism was more than a perverted appetite with the black men of Darfar; it was an integral element of their ghastly cult. The black vultures were already in conclave. But whatever flesh filled their bellies that night, it would not be his.

To reach Aram Baksh, he must climb one of the walls which separated the small enclosure from the main compound (/чтобы/ добраться до Арама Бахша, он должен взобраться по одной из стен, которые отделяли небольшое огороженное место от главного строения). They were high, meant to keep out the man-eaters (они были высокие, предназначенные для того, чтобы удержать снаружи = не впустить людоедов); but Conan was no swamp-bred black man (но Конан был не выросшим на болотах чернокожим); his thews had been steeled in boyhood on the sheer cliffs of his native hills (его мышцы были закалены = закалились в отрочестве на отвесных утесах его родных холмов). He was standing at the foot of the nearer wall when a cry echoed under the trees (он стоял у подножия ближней стены, когда крик отдался эхом под деревьями).

climb [klaɪm], meant [ment], sheer [ʃɪə]

To reach Aram Baksh, he must climb one of the walls which separated the small enclosure from the main compound. They were high, meant to keep out the man-eaters; but Conan was no swamp-bred black man; his thews had been steeled in boyhood on the sheer cliffs of his native hills. He was standing at the foot of the nearer wall when a cry echoed under the trees.

In an instant Conan was crouching at the gate, glaring down the road (через миг Конан пригнулся = стоял пригнувшись у ворот, глядя на дорогу). The sound had come from the shadows of the huts across the road (звук донесся из теней от хижин через дорогу). He heard a frantic choking and gurgling such as might result from a desperate attempt to shriek (он услышал яростное удушье и бульканье = звуки неистового удушья и бульканья, такие, которые могли бы возникнуть от отчаянной попытки закричать), with a black hand fastened over the victim's mouth (с черной рукой, перехватившей горло жертвы). A close-knit clump of figures emerged from the shadows beyond the huts (тесно сбившаяся группа фигур появилась из теней за хижинами) and started down the road — three huge black men carrying a slender, struggling figure between them (и отправилась по дороге — три огромных негра, несущие тонкую, отбивающуюся фигурку между ними). Conan caught the glimmer of pale limbs writhing in the starlight (Конан уловил = разглядел мерцание бледных конечностей, извивающихся в звездном свете), even as, with a convulsive wrench, the captive slipped from the grasp of the brutal fingers and came flying up the road (как раз когда судорожным рывком пленник выскользнул из хватки жестоких пальцев и полетел по дороге), a supple young woman, naked as the day she was born (гибкая молодая женщина, нагая как /в тот/ день, /когда/ она родилась; to be born — родиться, быть рожденным). Conan saw her plainly before she ran out of the road and into the shadows between the huts (Конан видел ее отчетливо, прежде чем он убежала с дороги /и/ в тень между хижинами). The blacks were at her heels, and back in the shadows the figures merged and an intolerable scream of anguish and horror rang out (черные были = шли по /ее/ пятам, и позади в тенях фигуры исчезли, и раздался невыносимый визг боли и ужаса; to ring out — прозвучать, раздаться).

sound [saund], come [kʌm], fasten [fɑ:sn]

In an instant Conan was crouching at the gate, glaring down the road. The sound had come from the shadows of the huts across the road. He heard a frantic choking and gurgling such as might result from a desperate attempt to shriek, with a black hand fastened over the victim's mouth. A close-knit clump of figures emerged from the shadows beyond the huts and started down the road — three huge black men carrying a slender, struggling figure between them. Conan caught the glimmer of pale limbs writhing in the starlight, even as, with a convulsive wrench, the captive slipped from the grasp of the brutal fingers and came flying up the road, a supple young woman, naked as the day she was born. Conan saw her plainly before she ran out of the road and into the shadows between the huts. The blacks were at her heels, and back in the shadows the figures merged and an intolerable scream of anguish and horror rang out.

Stirred to red rage by the ghoulishness of the episode, Conan raced across the road (вызванный до красного гнева = доведенный до белого каления мерзостью эпизода, Конан помчался через дорогу; to stir (up) smb’s rage — вызывать (чей-л.) гнев).

Neither victim nor abductors were aware of his presence (ни жертва, ни похитители /не/ заметили его присутствия) until the soft swish of the dust about his feet brought them about (пока мягкое шуршание пыли у его ног /не/ вызвало их = не заставило их обратить внимание /на его присутствие/); and then he was almost upon them, coming with the gusty fury of a hill wind (а потом он был почти на них = почти нагнал их, придя = налетев с бурной яростью ветра холмов = горного ветра; to be aware of — знать, сознавать, отдавать себе полный отчет в). Two of the blacks turned to meet him, lifting their bludgeons (двое /из/ черных повернулись, /чтобы/ встретить его, поднимая своих дубинки). But they failed to estimate properly the speed at which he was coming (но им не удалось оценить надлежащим образом скорости, с которой он шел = несся). One of them was down, disemboweled, before he could strike (один из них был внизу = упал, выпотрошенный, прежде чем он смог ударить), and wheeling catlike, Conan evaded the stroke of the other's cudgel and lashed in a whistling counter-cut (и, извернувшись по-кошачьи, Конан избежал удара дубины другого = второго, и хлестнул свистящим контрударом). The black's head flew into the air (голова черного = негра взлетела в воздух; to fly — летать); the headless body took three staggering steps, spurting blood and clawing horribly at the air with groping hands (безголовое тело взяло = сделало три нетвердых шага, брызгая кровью и цепляясь жутко за воздух шарящими руками), and then slumped to the dust (а потом рухнуло в пыль).

presence [ˈprezəns], about [əˈbaut], properly [ˈprɔpəlɪ]

Stirred to red rage by the ghoulishness of the episode, Conan raced across the road.

Neither victim nor abductors were aware of his presence until the soft swish of the dust about his feet brought them about; and then he was almost upon them, coming with the gusty fury of a hill wind. Two of the blacks turned to meet him, lifting their bludgeons. But they failed to estimate properly the speed at which he was coming. One of them was down, disemboweled, before he could strike, and wheeling catlike, Conan evaded the stroke of the other's cudgel and lashed in a whistling counter-cut. The black's head flew into the air; the headless body took three staggering steps, spurting blood and clawing horribly at the air with groping hands, and then slumped to the dust.

The remaining cannibal gave back with a strangled yell, hurling his captive from him (оставшийся каннибал подался назад с подавленным воплем, отшвырнув свою пленницу от себя). She tripped and rolled in the dust (она упала и покатилась в пыль), and the black fled in panic toward the city (а негр побежал в панике к городу; to flee — убегать, спасаться бегством). Conan was at his heels (Конан последовал за ним; to be at one’s heels — следовать за кем-либо). Fear winged the black feet (страх подгонял черные ноги), but before they reached the easternmost hut (но прежде чем он достиг самой восточной хижины), he sensed death at his back, and bellowed like an ox in the slaughter yards (он ощутил смерть спиной и заревел, как бык на скотобойне; to wing — окрылять, ускорять, подгонять; to slaughter — забивать, резать (скот)).

captive [ˈkæptɪv], death [deƟ], slaughter [ˈslɔ: tə]

The remaining cannibal gave back with a strangled yell, hurling his captive from him. She tripped and rolled in the dust, and the black fled in panic toward the city. Conan was at his heels. Fear winged the black feet, but before they reached the easternmost hut, he sensed death at his back, and bellowed like an ox in the slaughter yards.

"Black dog of Hell (черная собака ада = проклятая черная собака)!" Conan drove his sword between the dusky shoulders with such vengeful fury (Конан вогнал свой меч между темных лопаток с такой мстительной яростью) that the broad blade stood out half its length from the black breast (что широкий клинок вышел на половину своей длины из черной груди; to stand — стоять). With a choking cry the black stumbled headlong (с давящимся криком черный рухнул головой вперед), and Conan braced his feet and dragged out his sword as his victim fell (а Конан напряг /свои/ ноги и вытащил свой меч, когда его жертва упала = при падении жертвы).

half [hɑ:f], length [leŋƟ], sword [sɔ: d]

"Black dog of Hell!" Conan drove his sword between the dusky shoulders with such vengeful fury that the broad blade stood out half its length from the black breast. With a choking cry the black stumbled headlong, and Conan braced his feet and dragged out his sword as his victim fell.

Only the breeze disturbed the leaves (только бриз тревожил листья). Conan shook his head as a lion shakes its mane (Конан тряхнул /своей/ головой, как лев трясет своей гривой) and growled his unsatiated blood lust (и зарычал от неутоленной жажды крови). But no more shapes slunk from the shadows, and before the huts the starlit road stretched empty (однако из теней больше не крались фигуры, и перед хижинами освещенная звездами дорога тянулась пустая = тянулась пустая, освещенная звездами дорога; to slink — красться). He whirled at the quick patter of feet behind him (он обернулся при быстром топоте ног позади него), but it was only the girl, rushing to throw herself on him and clasp his neck in a desperate grasp (но это была лишь девушка, несшаяся, /чтобы/ броситься на него и сжать его шею в отчаянных объятиях), frantic from terror of the abominable fate she had just escaped (неистовых от ужаса /перед/ гнусной участью, которой она только что избежала).

"Easy, girl," he grunted (полегче, девушка, — проворчал он). "You're all right (с тобой все в порядке). How did they catch you (как они тебя поймали)?"

lion [ˈlaɪən], girl [ɡə: l], throw [Ɵrəu]

Only the breeze disturbed the leaves. Conan shook his head as a lion shakes its mane and growled his unsatiated blood lust. But no more shapes slunk from the shadows, and before the huts the starlit road stretched empty. He whirled at the quick patter of feet behind him, but it was only the girl, rushing to throw herself on him and clasp his neck in a desperate grasp, frantic from terror of the abominable fate she had just escaped.

"Easy, girl," he grunted. "You're all right. How did they catch you?"

She sobbed something unintelligible (она прорыдала что-то неразборчивое). He forgot all about Aram Baksh as he scrutinized her by the light of the stars (он забыл все об Араме Бахше, когда он рассмотрел ее при свете звезд). She was white, though a very definite brunette (она была белая, хотя ярко выраженная брюнетка), obviously one of Zamboula's many mixed breeds (очевидно одна из многих смешанных рас Замбулы). She was tall, with a slender, supple form, as he was in a good position to observe (она была высокая, со стройными гибкими формами, так как он был в удобном положении для наблюдения). Admiration burned in his fierce eyes as he looked down on her splendid bosom and her lithe limbs (восхищение загорелось в его страстных глазах, когда он посмотрел сверху на ее роскошную грудь и ее гибкие конечности = руки), which still quivered from fright and exertion (которые еще дрожали от страха и напряжения / усилия). He passed an arm around her flexible waist and said, reassuringly: "Stop shaking, wench; you're safe enough (он просунул руку вокруг ее гибкой талии = он обнял ее рукой за талию и сказал обнадеживающе: перестань трястись, девушка, ты в достаточной безопасности)."

though [ðəu], observe [əbˈzə: v], waist [weɪst]

She sobbed something unintelligible. He forgot all about Aram Baksh as he scrutinized her by the light of the stars. She was white, though a very definite brunette, obviously one of Zamboula's many mixed breeds. She was tall, with a slender, supple form, as he was in a good position to observe. Admiration burned in his fierce eyes as he looked down on her splendid bosom and her lithe limbs, which still quivered from fright and exertion. He passed an arm around her flexible waist and said, reassuringly: "Stop shaking, wench; you're safe enough."

His touch seemed to restore her shaken sanity (его касание, казалось, восстановил ее потрясенный рассудок). She tossed back her thick, glossy locks and cast a fearful glance over her shoulder (она отбросила назад ее густые блестящие пряди и бросила испуганный взгляд через его плечо), while she pressed closer to the Cimmerian as if seeking security in the contact (в то время как она прижалась ближе к киммерийцу, как будто ища безопасности в соприкосновении).

"They caught me in the streets," she muttered, shuddering (они поймали меня на улице, — тихо сказала она, содрогнувшись). "Lying in wait, beneath a dark arch — black men, like great, hulking apes (лежащие = поджидающие в засаде, под темной аркой — черные люди = негры, как огромные массивные обезьяны)! Set have mercy on me (пощади меня Сет;[52] to have mercy on — щадить, жалеть кого-л.; mercy — пощада, милосердие)! I shall dream of it (мне будет сниться это)!"

"What were you doing out on the streets this time of night (что ты делала снаружи на улице /в/ это время ночи = ночное время)?" he inquired, fascinated by the satiny feel of her sleek skin under his questing fingers (спросил он, очарованный атласным ощущением /от прикосновения к/ ее гладкой коже под его ищущими пальцами).

She raked back her hair and stared blankly up into his face (она расчесала назад /рукой/ /свои/ волосы = провела рукой по волосам, отбрасывая их назад и посмотрела ему прямо в лицо). She did not seem aware of his caresses (она, казалось, не замечала его ласк).

touch [tʌʧ], sanity [ˈsænɪtɪ], closer [kləusə]

His touch seemed to restore her shaken sanity. She tossed back her thick, glossy locks and cast a fearful glance over her shoulder, while she pressed closer to the Cimmerian as if seeking security in the contact.

"They caught me in the streets," she muttered, shuddering. "Lying in wait, beneath a dark arch — black men, like great, hulking apes! Set have mercy on me! I shall dream of it!"

"What were you doing out on the streets this time of night?" he inquired, fascinated by the satiny feel of her sleek skin under his questing fingers.

She raked back her hair and stared blankly up into his face. She did not seem aware of his caresses.

"My lover," she said (мой любовник, — сказала она; to say — сказать). "My lover drove me into the streets (мой любовник выгнал меня на улицу; to drive — гнать). He went mad and tried to kill me (он сошел с ума и пытался убить меня; to go mad — сойти с ума). As I fled from him I was seized by those beasts (когда я убежала от него, я была схвачена теми тварями; to flee — бежать, спасаться бегством)."

"Beauty like yours might drive a man mad (/такая/ красота, как твоя могла бы свести мужчину с ума)," quoth Conan, running his fingers experimentally through the glossy tresses (промолвил Конан, пробегая /своими/ пальцами в порядке опыта по блестящим распущенным волосам; quoth — промолвил, сказал — употребляется в 1-м и 3-м лице прош. вр. с постпозитивным субъектом).

She shook her head, like one emerging from a daze (она тряхнула /своей/ головой, как человек, отходящий от изумления). She no longer trembled, and her voice was steady (она больше не дрожала, а ее голос был ровным).

"It was the spite of a priest — of Totrasmek, the high priest of Hanuman, who desires me for himself — the dog (это была озлобленность жреца — Тотрасмека, верховного жреца Ханумана, который желает меня для себя — собака)!"

"No need to curse him for that," grinned Conan (нет нужды проклинать его за это, — ухмыльнулся Конан). "The old hyena has better taste than I thought (старая гиена имеет = у старой гиены вкус лучше, чем я думал)."

She ignored the bluff compliment (она проигнорировала грубоватый комплимент; to ignore — игнорировать, пренебрегать, не придавать значения). She was regaining her poise swiftly (она быстро восстанавливала /свое/ самообладание).

said [sed], beast [bi: st], taste [teɪst]

"My lover," she said. "My lover drove me into the streets. He went mad and tried to kill me. As I fled from him I was seized by those beasts."

"Beauty like yours might drive a man mad," quoth Conan, running his fingers experimentally through the glossy tresses.

She shook her head, like one emerging from a daze. She no longer trembled, and her voice was steady.

"It was the spite of a priest — of Totrasmek, the high priest of Hanuman, who desires me for himself — the dog!"

"No need to curse him for that," grinned Conan. "The old hyena has better taste than I thought."

She ignored the bluff compliment. She was regaining her poise swiftly.

"My lover is a — a young Turanian soldier (мой любовник — молодой туранский солдат). To spite me, Totrasmek gave him a drug that drove him mad (/чтобы/ досадить мне, Тотрасмек дал ему снадобье, которое свело его с ума). Tonight he snatched up a sword and came at me to slay me in his madness (сегодня вечером он схватил меч и набросился на меня, чтобы убить меня в своем безумии), but I fled from him into the streets (но я убежала от него на улицу). The Negroes seized me and brought me to this — what was that (негры схватили меня и привели меня к этому — что это было; to bring — приносить, приводить)?"

Conan had already moved (Конан уже двигался). Soundlessly as a shadow he drew her behind the nearest hut (бесшумно, как тень, он затащил ее за ближайшую хижину), beneath the straggling palms (под растущие беспорядочно пальмы). They stood in tense stillness (они стояли в напряженной тишине), while the low muttering both had heard grew louder until voices were distinguishable (в то время как низкое бормотание, /которое/ оба услышали, становилось громче, пока не были = стали различимы голоса). A group of Negroes, some nine or ten, were coming along the road from the direction of the city (группа негров, около девяти-десяти, шли по дороге от направления города = от города). The girl clutched Conan's arm and he felt the terrified quivering of her supple body against his (девушка схватила руку Конана, и он почувствовал испуганную дрожь ее гибкого тела /прижавшегося/ к нему).

drew [dru: ], both [bəuƟ], already [ɔ: lˈredɪ]

"My lover is a — a young Turanian soldier. To spite me, Totrasmek gave him a drug that drove him mad. Tonight he snatched up a sword and came at me to slay me in his madness, but I fled from him into the streets. The Negroes seized me and brought me to this — what was that?"

Conan had already moved. Soundlessly as a shadow he drew her behind the nearest hut, beneath the straggling palms. They stood in tense stillness, while the low muttering both had heard grew louder until voices were distinguishable. A group of Negroes, some nine or ten, were coming along the road from the direction of the city. The girl clutched Conan's arm and he felt the terrified quivering of her supple body against his.

Now they could understand the gutturals of the black men (теперь они могли понять гортанные звуки черных).

"Our brothers are already assembled at the pit," said one (наши братья уже собрались у ямы, — сказал один). "We have had no luck (нам не повезло: «мы имели никакой удачи»). I hope they have enough for us (я надеюсь, они имеют достаточно для нас = у них хватит для нас)."

"Aram promised us a man," muttered another, and Conan mentally promised Aram something (Арам обещал нам мужчину, — проворчал другой, и Конан мысленно пообещал Араму кое-что).

"Aram keeps his word," grunted yet another (Арам держит свое слово, — пробурчал еще один). "Many a man we have taken from his tavern (много людей мы взяли из его таверны). But we pay him well (но мы платим ему хорошо). I myself have given him ten bales of silk I stole from my master (я сам дал ему десять тюков шелка, /которые/ я украл у моего хозяина). It was good silk, by Set (это был хороший шелк, /клянусь/ Сетом)!"

luck [lʌk], could [kʋd], word [wə: d]

Now they could understand the gutturals of the black men.

"Our brothers are already assembled at the pit," said one. "We have had no luck. I hope they have enough for us."

"Aram promised us a man," muttered another, and Conan mentally promised Aram something.

"Aram keeps his word," grunted yet another. "Many a man we have taken from his tavern. But we pay him well. I myself have given him ten bales of silk I stole from my master. It was good silk, by Set!"

The blacks shuffled past (черные прошаркали мимо), bare splay feet scuffing up the dust (поднимая пыль босыми косолапыми ногами), and their voices dwindled down the road (и их голоса замирали дальше по дороге; to dwindle — сокращаться, уменьшаться, убывать, истощаться).

"Well for us those corpses are lying behind these huts," muttered Conan (хорошо для нас, /что/ те трупы лежат за этими хижинами, — пробормотал Конан). "If they look in Aram's death room they'll find another (если они заглянут в комнату смерти Арама, они найдут еще одного). Let's begone (давай убираться; begone — прочь! убирайся!)."

"Yes, let us hasten!" begged the girl, almost hysterical again (да, давай поспешим! — умоляла девушка, почти в истерике снова). "My lover is wandering somewhere in the streets alone (мой любовник бродит где-то по улицам один). The Negroes may take him (негры могут взять его)."

"A devil of a custom this is (хорошенький обычай /это/)!" growled Conan, as he led the way toward the city (взревел Конан, когда он возглавил путь к городу), paralleling the road but keeping behind the huts and straggling trees (идя параллельно дороге, но держась за хижинами и беспорядочно растущими деревьями; to straggle — быть беспорядочно разбросанным). "Why don't the citizens clean out these black dogs (почему горожане не устранят этих черных собак)?"

past [pɑ:st], find [faɪnd], room [ru: m]

The blacks shuffled past, bare splay feet scuffing up the dust, and their voices dwindled down the road.

"Well for us those corpses are lying behind these huts," muttered Conan. "If they look in Aram's death room they'll find another. Let's begone."

"Yes, let us hasten!" begged the girl, almost hysterical again. "My lover is wandering somewhere in the streets alone. The Negroes may take him."

"A devil of a custom this is!" growled Conan, as he led the way toward the city, paralleling the road but keeping behind the huts and straggling trees. "Why don't the citizens clean out these black dogs?"

"They are valuable slaves," murmured the girl (они ценные рабы; value — стоимость, ценность). "There are so many of them that might revolt if they were denied the flesh for which they lust (есть так много их них, которые, возможно, восстали, если бы им отказали в мясе, которого они сильно желают). The people of Zamboula know they skulk the streets at night (люди Замбулы знаю, /что/ они крадутся по улицам ночами), and all are careful to remain within locked doors (и все осторожны, /чтобы/ оставаться = и остаются за запертыми дверями), except when something unforseen happens, as it did to me (за исключением /того/, когда случается нечто непредвиденное, как это делало = случилось со мной). The blacks prey on anything they can catch, but they seldom catch anybody but strangers (черные охотятся на все, /что/ они могут поймать, но они редко ловят кого-нибудь кроме иноземцев).

The people of Zamboula are not concerned with the strangers that pass through the city (людям Замбулы нет дела до чужеземцев, которые проезжают через город; to be concerned with — беспокоиться о чем-л., быть озабоченными чем-л.).

valuable [ˈvæljuəbl], careful [ˈkɛəfʋl], skulk [skʌlk]

"They are valuable slaves," murmured the girl. "There are so many of them that might revolt if they were denied the flesh for which they lust. The people of Zamboula know they skulk the streets at night, and all are careful to remain within locked doors, except when something unforseen happens, as it did to me. The blacks prey on anything they can catch, but they seldom catch anybody but strangers. The people of Zamboula are not concerned with the strangers that pass through the city.

"Such men as Aram Baksh sell these strangers to the blacks (такие люди, как Арам Бахш, продают чужеземцев черным). He would not dare attempt such a thing with a citizen (он бы не осмелился попробовать /сотворить/ такую вещь = такое с горожанином)."

Conan spat in disgust (Конан сплюнул в отвращении; to spit), and a moment later led his companion out into the road which was becoming a street (а секунду спустя вывел свою спутницу на дорогу, которая становилась улицей), with still, unlighted houses on each side (с тихими неосвещенными домами на каждой стороне = по обеим сторонам). Slinking in the shadows was not congenial to his nature (красться в тени было неподобающим его натуре).

"Where did you want to go?" he asked (куда ты хотела идти? — спросил он). The girl did not seem to object to his arm around her waist (девушка, казалась, не возражает его руке вокруг ее талии = чтобы его рука обнимала ее за талию).

would [wʋd], citizen [ˈsɪtɪzn], congenial [kənˈʤi: njəl]

"Such men as Aram Baksh sell these strangers to the blacks. He would not dare attempt such a thing with a citizen."

Conan spat in disgust, and a moment later led his companion out into the road which was becoming a street, with still, unlighted houses on each side. Slinking in the shadows was not congenial to his nature.

"Where did you want to go?" he asked. The girl did not seem to object to his arm around her waist.

"To my house, to rouse my servants," she answered (в мой дом, поднять моих слуг, — ответила она). "To bid them search for my lover (приказать им разыскать моего любовника). I do not wish the city — the priests — anyone — to know of his madness (я не желаю, /чтобы/ город — жрецы — кто-либо — знал о его безумстве). He — he is a young officer with a promising future (он молодой офицер с многообещающим будущим; to promise — обещать). Perhaps we can drive this madness from him if we can find him (возможно, мы сможем вывести это сумасшествие из него, если /мы/ сможем найти его)."

"If we find him?" rumbled Conan (если мы найдем его? — прогремел Конан). "What makes you think I want to spend the night scouring the streets for a lunatic (что заставляет тебя думать = с чего ты взяла, /что/ я хочу провести ночь, обыскивая улицы ради лунатика)?"

servant [ˈsə: vənt], answer [ɑ:nsə], search [sə: ʧ]

"To my house, to rouse my servants," she answered. "To bid them search for my lover. I do not wish the city — the priests — anyone — to know of his madness. He — he is a young officer with a promising future. Perhaps we can drive this madness from him if we can find him."

"If we find him?" rumbled Conan. "What makes you think I want to spend the night scouring the streets for a lunatic?"

She cast a quick glance into his face, and properly interpreted the gleam in his blue eyes (она бросила быстрый взгляд на его лицо и надлежащим образом истолковала огонь в его голубых глазах; to cast — бросать). Any woman could have known that he would follow her wherever she led — for a while, at least (любая женщина могла бы узнать, что он будет следовать за ней, куда бы она ни повела — по крайней мере, некоторое время; to lead — вести). But being a woman, she concealed her knowledge of that fact (но будучи женщиной, она скрыла /ее/ знание этого факта).

"Please," she began with a hint of tears in her voice, "I have no one else to ask for help — you have been kind — (пожалуйста, — начала она с намеком слез = со слезами в /ее/ голосе, — я имею никого больше, /чтобы/ попросить о помощи = мне некого больше просить о помощи — ты был добр)"

"All right!" he grunted (хорошо! — пробурчал он). "All right (хорошо)! What's the young reprobate's name (какое есть имя = как зовут молодого шельмеца; reprobate — негодяй, подлец, распутник)?"

glance [ɡlɑ:ns], interpret [ɪnˈtə: prɪt], tear [tɪə]

She cast a quick glance into his face, and properly interpreted the gleam in his blue eyes. Any woman could have known that he would follow her wherever she led — for a while, at least. But being a woman, she concealed her knowledge of that fact.

"Please," she began with a hint of tears in her voice, "I have no one else to ask for help — you have been kind —»

"All right!" he grunted. "All right! What's the young reprobate's name?"

"Why — Alafdhal (ну, Алафдал). I am Zabibi, a dancing-girl (я Забиби, танцовщица). I have danced often before the satrap, Jungir Khan, and his mistress Nafertari, and before all the lords and royal ladies of Zamboula (я танцевала часто перед сатрапом Джунгир Ханом и его госпожой Нафертари, и перед всеми властителями и дамами королевской крови Замбулы). Totrasmek desired me and, because I repulsed him, he made me the innocent tool of his vengeance against Alafdhal (Тотрасмек возжелал меня, и так как я оттолкнула его, он сделал меня невинным орудием его мести Алафдалу). I asked a love potion of Totrasmek, not suspecting the depth of his guile and hate (я попросила любовный напиток у Тотрасмека, не подозревая о глубине его коварства и ненависти). He gave me a drug to mix with my lover's wine (он дал мне снадобье, /чтобы/ подмешать его к вину моего любовника), and he swore that when Alafdhal drank it, he would love me even more madly than ever and grant my every wish (и он поклялся, что когда Алафдал выпьет его, он полюбит меня еще более безумно, чем когда-либо и удовлетворит мое каждое желание). I mixed the drug secretly with my lover's wine (я тайно подмешала снадобье к вину моего любовника). But having drunk, my lover went raving mad and things came about as I have told you (но выпив, мой любовник впал в бредовое безумие, и дела произошли = все произошло /так/, как я рассказала тебе). Curse Totrasmek, the hybrid snake — ahhh (будь проклят Тотрасмек, помесь змеи — аххх)!"

often [ɔfn], because [bɪˈkɔz], grant [ɡrɑ:nt]

"Why — Alafdhal. I am Zabibi, a dancing-girl. I have danced often before the satrap, Jungir Khan, and his mistress Nafertari, and before all the lords and royal ladies of Zamboula. Totrasmek desired me and, because I repulsed him, he made me the innocent tool of his vengeance against Alafdhal. I asked a love potion of Totrasmek, not suspecting the depth of his guile and hate. He gave me a drug to mix with my lover's wine, and he swore that when Alafdhal drank it, he would love me even more madly than ever and grant my every wish. I mixed the drug secretly with my lover's wine. But having drunk, my lover went raving mad and things came about as I have told you. Curse Totrasmek, the hybrid snake — ahhh!"

She caught his arm convulsively and both stopped short (она судорожно поймала его руку, и оба резко остановились). They had come into a district of shops and stalls, all deserted and unlighted (они вошли в район лавок и ларьков, совершенно пустой и неосвещенный = темный; all — весь, совсем, совершенно), for the hour was late (потому что час был поздний). They were passing an alley, and in its mouth a man was standing, motionless and silent (они проходили через аллею, а в ее входе = в начале ее стоял мужчина, неподвижный и безмолвный). His head was lowered (его голова была опущена), but Conan caught the weird gleam of eery eyes regarding them unblinkingly (но Конан заметил странный блеск жутких глаз, разглядывающих их, не мигая). His skin crawled, not with fear of the sword in the man's hand (у него по коже побежали мурашки не от страха перед мечом в руке мужчины), but because of the uncanny suggestion of his posture and silence (а из-за зловещего предположения в отношении его позы и молчания). They suggested madness (они предполагали безумие). Conan pushed the girl aside and drew his sword (Конан оттолкнул девушку в сторону и вытащил свой меч).

caught [kɔ: t], hour [ˈauə], silent [ˈsaɪlənt]

She caught his arm convulsively and both stopped short. They had come into a district of shops and stalls, all deserted and unlighted, for the hour was late. They were passing an alley, and in its mouth a man was standing, motionless and silent. His head was lowered, but Conan caught the wierd gleam of eery eyes regarding them unblinkingly. His skin crawled, not with fear of the sword in the man's hand, but because of the uncanny suggestion of his posture and silence. They suggested madness. Conan pushed the girl aside and drew his sword.

"Don't kill him!" she begged (не убивай его! — умоляла она). "In the name of Set, do not slay him (во имя Сета не убивай его)! You are strong — overpower him (ты сильный — одолей его)!"

"We'll see," he muttered, grasping his sword in his right hand and clenching his left into a mallet-like fist (/мы/ посмотрим, — проворчал он, зажимая свой меч в /его/ правой руке и сжимая свою левую в молотоподобный кулак = кулак- молот).

He took a wary step toward the alley — and with a horrible moaning laugh the Tauranian charged (он сделал осторожный шаг в сторону аллеи — и со страшным стонущим смехом тауранец напал). As he came he swung his sword, rising on his toes (когда он подходил, он размахивал своим мечом, поднимаясь на носки) as he put all the power of his body behind the blows (когда он вкладывал = вкладывая всю силу своего тела за = в удары; to put — класть, вкладывать). Sparks flashed blue (искры вспыхнули голубым = вспыхнули голубые искры) as Conan parried the blade (когда Конан парировал клинок), and the next instant the madman was stretched senseless in the dust from a thundering buffet of Conan's left fist (и в следующее мгновение безумец распростерся без чувств в пыли от оглушающего удара левого кулака Конана).

grasp [ɡrɑ:sp], toe [təu], power [ˈpauə]

"Don't kill him!" she begged. "In the name of Set, do not slay him! You are strong — overpower him!"

"We'll see," he muttered, grasping his sword in his right hand and clenching his left into a mallet-like fist.

He took a wary step toward the alley — and with a horrible moaning laugh the Tauranian charged. As he came he swung his sword, rising on his toes as he put all the power of his body behind the blows. Sparks flashed blue as Conan parried the blade, and the next instant the madman was stretched senseless in the dust from a thundering buffet of Conan's left fist.

The girl ran forward (девушка выбежала вперед; to run forward — выбежать вперед).

"Oh, he is not — he is not — (о, он не — он не…)"

Conan bent swiftly, turned the man on his side (Конан быстро наклонился, перевернул мужчину на /его/ бок), and ran quick fingers over him (и пробежал быстрыми пальцами по нему = быстро ощупал его пальцами).

"He's not hurt much," he grunted (он не очень ушиблен, — пробормотал он). "Bleeding at the nose, but anybody's likely to do that (кровотечение у = из носа, но у любого пойдет: «кто угодно будет вероятно делать это»), after a clout on the jaw (после затрещины в челюсть; clout — сильный удар, затрещина). He'll come to after a bit, and maybe his mind will be right (он придет в себя через некоторое время, и, возможно, его разум будет в порядке). In the meantime I'll tie his wrists with his sword belt — so (тем временем я свяжу его запястья его поясом для меча — вот так). Now where do you wnt me to take him (теперь куда ты хочешь, чтобы я отнес его: «куда ты хочешь меня отнести его»)?"

forward [ˈfɔ: wəd], hurt [hə: t], jaw [ʤɔ:]

The girl ran forward.

"Oh, he is not — he is not —»

Conan bent swiftly, turned the man on his side, and ran quick fingers over him. "He's not hurt much," he grunted. "Bleeding at the nose, but anybody's likely to do that, after a clout on the jaw. He'll come to after a bit, and maybe his mind will be right. In the meantime I'll tie his wrists with his sword belt — so. Now where do you want me to take him?"

"Wait (подожди)!" She knelt beside the senseless figure, seized the bound hands, and scanned them avidly (она встала на колени возле бесчувственной фигуры, схватила связанные руки и жадно осмотрела их). Then, shaking her head as if in baffled disappointment, she rose (затем тряхнув /своей/ головой, словно в недоуменном разочаровании, она поднялась). She came close to the giant Cimmerian and laid her slender hands on his arching breast (она подошла близко к гигантскому киммерийцу и положила свои тонкие руки на его аркоподобную = выпуклую грудь). Her dark eyes, like wet black jewels in the starlight, gazed up into his (ее темные глаза, как сырые черные драгоценные камни в свете звезд, пристально всмотрелись /вверх/ в его /глаза/).

"You are a man (ты мужчина)! Help me (помоги мне)! Totrasmek must die Тотрасмек должен умереть)! Slay him for me (убей его ради меня)!"

"And put my neck into a Turanian noose?" he grunted (и сунуть мою шею в туранскую петлю? — проворчал он).

knelt [nelt], seize [si: z], jewel [ˈʤu: əl]

"Wait!" She knelt beside the senseless figure, seized the bound hands, and scanned them avidly. Then, shaking her head as if in baffled disappointment, she rose. She came close to the giant Cimmerian and laid her slender hands on his arching breast. Her dark eyes, like wet black jewels in the starlight, gazed up into his.

"You are a man! Help me! Totrasmek must die! Slay him for me!" "And put my neck into a Turanian noose?" he grunted.

"Nay!" The slender arms, strong as pliant steel, were around his corded neck (нет! — тонкие руки, сильные как гибкая сталь, были вокруг его узловатой шеи). Her supple body throbbed against his (ее податливое тело пульсировало рядом с его = прижавшись к его телу). "The Hyrkanians have no love for Totrasmek (гирканийцы не имеют = не испытывают любви к Тотрасмеку).

The priests of Set fear him (жрецы Сета боятся его). He is a mongrel, who rules men by fear and superstition (он полукровка, который правит людьми с помощью страха и суеверия). I worship Set, and the Turanians bow to Erlik, but Totrasmek sacrifices to Hanuman the accursed (я поклоняюсь Сету, а тауранцы кланяются Эрлику, однако Тотрасмек приносит жертвы Хануману проклятому)! The Turanian lords fear his black arts and his power over the hybrid popularion, and they hate him (туранская знать боится его черной магии и его власти над разноплеменным населением). Even Jungir Khan and his mistress Nafertari fear and hate him (даже Джунгир Хан и его госпожа Нафертари боятся и ненавидят его). If he were slain in his temple at night, they would not seek his slayer very closely (если бы он был убит в своем храме ночью, они бы не искали его убийцу очень тщательно; to slay — убивать, уничтожать, лишать жизни)."

love [lʌv], rule [ru: l], hybrid [ˈhaɪbrɪd]

"Nay!" The slender arms, strong as pliant steel, were around his corded neck. Her supple body throbbed against his. "The Hyrkanians have no love for Totrasmek. The priests of Set fear him. He is a mongrel, who rules men by fear and superstition. I worship Set, and the Turanians bow to Erlik, but Totrasmek sacrifices to Hanuman the accursed! The Turanian lords fear his black arts and his power over the hybrid popularion, and they hate him. Even Jungir Khan and his mistress Nafertari fear and hate him. If he were slain in his temple at night, they would not seek his slayer very closely."

"And what of his magic?" rumbled the Cimmerian (а что насчет его магии? -

прогрохотал киммериец).

"You are a fighting man," she answered (ты боец, — ответила она; to fight — сражаться, драться). "To risk your life is part of your profession (рисковать своей жизнью /есть/ часть твоей профессии)."

"For a price," he admitted (за цену = плату, — признал он).

"There will be a price!" she breathed, rising on tiptoes, to gaze into his eyes (будет плата! — прошептала она, поднимаясь на цыпочки, /чтобы/ заглянуть в его глаза).

The nearness of her vibrant body drove a flame through his veins (близость ее трепещущего тела, погнала огонь по его венам). The perfume of her breath mounted to his brain (аромат ее дыхания ударил в /его/ голову). But as his arms closed about her supple figure she avoided them with a lithe movement (но когда его руки сомкнулись на ее гибкой фигурке, она ускользнула /от/ них гибким движением), saying: "Wait! First serve me in this matter (сказав: погоди! Сначала послужи мне в этом деле)."

"Name your price (назови свою цену)." He spoke with some difficulty (он говорил с /неким/ трудом).

breath [breƟ], mount [maunt], spoke [spəuk]

"And what of his magic?" rumbled the Cimmerian.

"You are a fighting man," she answered. "To risk your life is part of your profession."

"For a price," he admitted.

"There will be a price!" she breathed, rising on tiptoes, to gaze into his eyes.

The nearness of her vibrant body drove a flame through his veins. The perfume of her breath mounted to his brain. But as his arms closed about her supple figure she avoided them with a lithe movement, saying: "Wait! First serve me in this matter."

"Name your price." He spoke with some difficulty.

"Pick up my lover," she directed, and the Cimmerian stooped and swung the tall form easily to his broad shoulder (подними моего любовника, — приказала она, и киммериец нагнулся и забросил высокую фигуру легко на свое широкое плечо). At the moment he felt as if he could have toppled over Jungir Khan's palace with equal ease (в этот момент он почувствовал себя /так/, словно /он/ мог бы опрокинуть дворец Джунгир Хана с равной легкостью). The girl murmured an endearment to the unconscious man (девушка прошептала нежность бессознательному мужчине), and there was no hypocrisy in her attitude (и /не/ было никакого лицемерия в ее отношении). She obviously loved Alafdhal sincerely (она очевидно любила Алафдала искренне). Whatever business arrangement she made with Conan would have no bearing on her relationship with Alafdhal (какое бы деловое соглашение она не заключила с Конаном, /оно/ бы никак не повлияло на ее отношения с Алафдалом; to have a bearing on — влиять на, иметь отношение к). Women are more practical about these things than men (женщины более практичны в этих делах, чем мужчины).

tall [tɔ: l], easily [ˈi: zɪlɪ], equal [ˈi: kwəl]

"Pick up my lover," she directed, and the Cimmerian stooped and swung the tall form easily to his broad shoulder. At the moment he felt as if he could have toppled over Jungir Khan's palace with equal ease. The girl murmured an endearment to the unconscious man, and there was no hypocrisy in her attitude. She obviously loved Alafdhal sincerely. Whatever business arrangement she made with Conan would have no bearing on her relationship with Alafdhal. Women are more practical about these things than men.

"Follow me (иди за мной)!" She hurried along the street, while the Cimmerian strode easily after her (она поспешила по улице, в то время как киммериец шагал легко за ней), in no way discomforted by his limp burden (никоим образом не стесненный своей безвольной ношей). He kept a wary eye out for black shadows skulking under arches but saw nothing suspicious (он осторожно высматривал черные тени, крадущиеся под арками, но /не/ увидел ничего подозрительного; to keep an eye — присматривать, следить). Doubtless the men of Darfar were all gathered at the roasting pit (несомненно, все люди из Дарфара собрались у ямы для поджаривания; doubt — сомнение). The girl turned down a narrow side street and presently knocked cautiously at an arched door (девушка свернула в боковую улочку и теперь постучала осторожно в дверь под аркой).

wary [ˈwɛərɪ], doubtless [ˈdautlɪs], saw [sɔ:]

"Follow me!" She hurried along the street, while the Cimmerian strode easily after her, in no way discomforted by his limp burden. He kept a wary eye out for black shadows skulking under arches but saw nothing suspicious. Doubtless the men of Darfar were all gathered at the roasting pit. The girl turned down a narrow side street and presently knocked cautiously at an arched door.

Almost instantly a wicket opened in the upper panel and a black face glanced out (почти мгновенно открылось окошечко в верхней секции /двери/, и черное лицо выглянуло наружу). She bent close to the opening, whispering swiftly (она склонилась близко к отверстию, быстро прошептав /что-то/). Bolts creaked in their sockets, and the door opened (засовы скрипнули в их гнездах, и дверь открылась). A giant black man stood framed against the soft glow of a copper lamp (гигантский негр стоял /в рамке/ на фоне мягкого света медной лампы). A quick glance showed Conan the man was not from Darfar (быстрый взгляд показал Конану, /что/ мужчина был не из Дарфара). His teeth were unfiled and his kinky hair was cropped close to his skull (его зубы не были обточены, а его курчавые волосы были пострижены коротко: «близко к его черепу»). He was from the Wadai (он был из Вадая).

giant [ˈʤaɪənt], teeth [ti: Ɵ], was [wɔz]

Almost instantly a wicket opened in the upper panel and a black face glanced out. She bent close to the opening, whispering swiftly. Bolts creaked in their sockets, and the door opened. A giant black man stood framed against the soft glow of a copper lamp. A quick glance showed Conan the man was not from Darfar. His teeth were unfiled and his kinky hair was cropped close to his skull. He was from the Wadai.

At a word from Zabibi, Conan gave the limp body into the black's arms (при слове /от/ Забиби = по указанию Забиби Конан отдал безвольное тело в руки черного) and saw the young officer laid on a velvet divan (и увидел, /как/ молодого офицера положили на бархатный диван). He showed no signs of returning consciousness (он /не/ проявлял никаких признаков возвращения в сознание). The blow that had rendered him senseless might have felled an ox (удар, который сделал его бессознательным = лишил его чувств, вероятно, свалил бы быка). Zabibi bent over him for an instant, her fingers nervously twining and twisting (Забиби склонилась над ним на мгновение, ее пальцы нервно переплетались и изгибались). Then she straightened and beckoned the Cimmerian (затем он выпрямилась и поманила киммерийца).

officer [ˈɔfɪsə], straighten [ˈstreɪtn], took [tʋk]

At a word from Zabibi, Conan gave the limp body into the black's arms and saw the young officer laid on a velvet divan. He showed no signs of returning consciousness. The blow that had rendered him senseless might have felled an ox. Zabibi bent over him for an instant, her fingers nervously twining and twisting. Then she straightened and beckoned the Cimmerian.

The door closed softly (дверь мягко закрылась), the locks clicked behind them (замки защелкнулись за ними), and the closing wicket shut off the glow of the lamps (и смотровое окошко закрыло свет ламп). In the starlight of the street Zabibi took Conan's hand (в звездном свете улицы Забиби взяла руку Конана). Her own hand trembled a little (ее собственная рука немного дрожала).

"You will not fail me (ты не подведешь меня)?"

He shook his maned head, massive against the stars (он тряхнул своей патлатой головой, массивной на фоне звезд).

"Then follow me to Hanuman's shrine, and the gods have mercy on our souls (тогда следуй за мной в храм Ханумана, и /да/ смилостивятся боги над нашими душами)."

own [əun], head [hed], soul [səul]

The door closed softly, the locks clicked behind them, and the closing wicket shut off the glow of the lamps. In the starlight of the street Zabibi took Conan's hand. Her own hand trembled a little.

"You will not fail me?"

He shook his maned head, massive against the stars.

"Then follow me to Hanuman's shrine, and the gods have mercy on our souls."

Among the silent streets they moved like phantoms of antiquity (среди безмолвных улиц они двигались, как призраки древности). They went in silence (они шли молча: «в безмолвии»). Perhaps the girl was thinking of her lover lying senseless on the divan under the copper lamps (возможно, девушка думала о своем любовнике, лежащим бесчувственным на диване под медными лампами) or was shrinking with fear of what lay ahead of them in the demon-haunted shrine of Hanuman (или сжималась от страха перед тем, что предстояло им в населенном демонами храме Ханумана). The barbarian was thinking only of the woman moving so supplely beside him (варвар думал лишь о женщине, двигающейся так гибко возле него). The perfume of her scented hair was in his nostrils (аромат ее надушенных волос был в его ноздрях), the sensuous aura of her presence filled his brain and left room for no other thoughts (чувственная аура ее присутствия заполняла его мозг и не оставляла места для других мыслей).

demon [ˈdi: mən], perfume [ˈpə: fju: m], thought [Ɵɔ: t]

Among the silent streets they moved like phantoms of antiquity. They went in silence. Perhaps the girl was thinking of her lover lying senseless on the divan under the copper lamps or was shrinking with fear of what lay ahead of them in the demon-haunted shrine of Hanuman. The barbarian was thinking only of the woman moving so supplely beside him. The perfume of her scented hair was in his nostrils, the sensuous aura of her presence filled his brain and left room for no other thoughts.

Once they heard the clank of brass-shod feet (один раз они услышали лязг ног, обутых в подкованную медью обувь; brass — медь), and drew into the shadows of a gloomy arch (и втянулись в тени мрачной арки) while a squad of Pelishti watchmen swung past в то время как отряд пелиштинских стражников прошагал мимо). There were fifteen of them (их было пятнадцать); they marched in close formation (они маршировали тесным строем), pikes at the ready (пики наготове), and the rearmost men had their broad, brass shields slung on their backs (а самые задние солдаты имели /свои/ широкие медные щиты, подвешенные на их спинах = а у самых задних солдат были повешены на спины медные щиты), to protect them from a knife stroke from behind (/чтобы/ защитить их от удара ножом сзади). The skulking menace of the black maneaters was a threat even to armed men (крадущаяся угроза черных людоедов была угрозой даже для вооруженных людей).

gloomy [ˈɡlu: mɪ], protect [prəˈtekt], threat [Ɵret]

Once they heard the clank of brass-shod feet, and drew into the shadows of a gloomy arch while a squad of Pelishti watchmen swung past. There were fifteen of them; they marched in close formation, pikes at the ready, and the rearmost men had their broad, brass shields slung on their backs, to protect them from a knife stroke from behind. The skulking menace of the black maneaters was a threat even to armed men.

As soon as the clang of their sandals had receded up the street (как только лязг их сандалий утих), Conan and the girl emerged from their hiding place and hurried on (Конан и девушка появились из убежища и поспешили дальше). A few moments later, they saw the squat, flat-topped edifice they sought looming ahead of them (несколько секунд спустя они увидели маячившее перед ними низкое и широкое здание с плоской крышей, которое они искали).

The temple of Hanuman stood alone in the midst of a broad square (храм Ханумана стояло одиноко в середине широкой площади), which lay silent and deserted beneath the stars (которая лежала безмолвная и пустынная под звездами). A marble wall surrounded the shrine (мраморная стена окружала храм), with a broad opening directly before the portico (с широким входом прямо перед портиком). This opening had no gate nor any sort of barrier (этот вход /не/ имел ни ворот, ни какого-либо ограждения).

soon [su: n], recede [rɪˈsi: d], few [fju:]

As soon as the clang of their sandals had receded up the street, Conan and the girl emerged from their hiding place and hurried on. A few moments later, they saw the squat, flat-topped edifice they sought looming ahead of them.

The temple of Hanuman stood alone in the midst of a broad square, which lay silent and deserted beneath the stars. A marble wall surrounded the shrine, with a broad opening directly before the portico. This opening had no gate nor any sort of barrier.

"Why don't the blacks seek their prey here?" muttered Conan (почему черные не ищут свою добычу здесь? — пробормотал Конан). "There's nothing to keep them out of the temple (/там/ /нет/ ничего удержать их снаружи храма = нет ничего, что помешало бы им войти в храм)."

He could feel the trembling of Zabibi's body as she pressed close to him (он мог ощущать трепет тела Забиби, когда она прижалась тесно к нему).

"They fear Totrasmek, as all in Zamboula fear him, even Jungir Khan and Nafertari (они боятся Тотрасмека, как все в Замбуле боятся его, даже Джунгир Хан и Нафертари). Come (идем)! Come quickly, before my courage flows from me like water (идем, пока моя храбрость не вытекла из меня, как вода)!"

here [hɪə], feel [fi: l], courage [ˈkʌrɪʤ]

"Why don't the blacks seek their prey here?" muttered Conan. "There's nothing to keep them out of the temple."

He could feel the trembling of Zabibi's body as she pressed close to him.

"They fear Totrasmek, as all in Zamboula fear him, even Jungir Khan and Nafertari. Come! Come quickly, before my courage flows from me like water!"

The girl's fear was evident, but she did not falter (страх девушки был очевиден, но она не колебалась). Conan drew his sword and strode ahead of her as they advanced through the open gateway (Конан вытащил свой меч и широко шагнул перед ней, когда они двинулись вперед через открытый проем / вход). He knew the hideous habits of the priests of the East and was aware (он знал мерзкие привычки жрецов Востока и сознавал) that an invader of Hanuman's shrine might expect to encounter almost any sort of nightmare horror (что вторгающегося в храм Ханумана может ожидать встреча почти с любым видом = порождением кошмарного ужаса). He knew there was a good chance that neither he nor the girl would ever leave the shrine alive (он знал, /что/ /там/ есть большой риск, что ни он, ни девушка никогда /не/ выйдут из храма живыми), but he had risked his life too many times before to devote much thought to that consideration (но он /уже/ рисковал своей жизнью слишком много раз прежде, /чтобы/ посвящать слишком много мыслей этим соображениям).

advance [ədˈvɑ:ns], encounter [ɪnˈkauntə], devote [dɪˈvəut]

The girl's fear was evident, but she did not falter. Conan drew his sword and strode ahead of her as they advanced through the open gateway. He knew the hideous habits of the priests of the East and was aware that an invader of Hanuman's shrine might expect to encounter almost any sort of nightmare horror. He knew there was a good chance that neither he nor the girl would ever leave the shrine alive, but he had risked his life too many times before to devote much thought to that consideration.

They entered a court paved with marble (они вошли во двор, вымощенный мрамором) which gleamed whitely in the starlight (который светился белым цветом в звездном свете). A short flight of broad marble steps led up to the pillared portico (короткий пролет широких мраморных ступеней вел к портику с колоннами). The great bronze doors stood wide open as they had stood for centuries (огромные бронзовые двери стояли широко открытыми, как они стояли уже века). But no worshippers burnt incense within (но никакие поклонники /не/ воскуряли фимиам внутри). In the day men and women might come timidly into the shrine (днем мужчины и женщины могли войти робко в храм) and place offerings to the ape-god on the black altar (и разместить приношения богу-обезьяне на черном алтаре). At night the people shunned the temple of Hanuman as hares shun the lair of the serpent (ночью люди избегали храм Ханумана, как зайцы избегают логово змеи).

marble [mɑ:bl], gleam [ɡli: m], hare [hɛə]

They entered a court paved with marble which gleamed whitely in the starlight. A short flight of broad marble steps led up to the pillared portico. The great bronze doors stood wide open as they had stood for centuries. But no worshippers burnt incense within. In the day men and women might come timidly into the shrine and place offerings to the ape-god on the black altar. At night the people shunned the temple of Hanuman as hares shun the lair of the serpent.

Burning censers bathed the interior in a soft, weird glow (кадящие курильницы омывали внутреннюю часть мягким причудливым светом) that created an illusion of unreality (который создавал иллюзию нереальности). Near the rear wall, behind the black stone altar (возле задней стены за черным каменным алтарем), sat the god with his gaze fixed for ever on the open door (сидел бог со взглядом, застывшим навсегда на открытой двери), through which for centuries his victims had come, dragged by chains of roses (через которую уже века поступали его жертвы, влекомые цепями из роз). A faint groove ran from the sill to the altar (тусклый желоб бежал = тянулся от порога к алтарю), and when Conan's foot felt it, he stepped away as quickly as if he had trodden upon a snake (и когда нога Конана ощутила его, он шагнул прочь так быстро, как будто /он/ наступил на змею; to tread — наступать, топтать; шагать). That groove had been worn by the faltering feet of the multitude of those who had died screaming on that grim altar (этот желоб был изношен = истерт запинающимися ступнями множества тех, кто умер крича = с криками на этом мрачном алтаре; to wear (out) — изнашивать).

rear [rɪə], create [krɪˈeɪt], ever [ˈevə]

Burning censers bathed the interior in a soft, weird glow that created an illusion of unreality. Near the rear wall, behind the black stone altar, sat the god with his gaze fixed for ever on the open door, through which for centuries his victims had come, dragged by chains of roses. A faint groove ran from the sill to the altar, and when Conan's foot felt it, he stepped away as quickly as if he had trodden upon a snake. That groove had been worn by the faltering feet of the multitude of those who had died screaming on that grim altar.

Bestial in the uncertain light, Hanuman leered with his carven mask (жестокий в неверном свете, Хануман смотрел злобно своей высеченной маской). He sat, not as an ape would crouch (он сидел, не /так/, как согнулась бы обезьяна), but cross-legged as a man would sit (но скрестив ноги, ак сидел бы человек), but his aspect was no less simian for that reason (но его вид был не менее обезьяноподобным по этой причине). He was carved from black marble (он был вырублен из черного мрамора), but his eyes were rubies, which glowed red and lustful as the coals of hell's deepest pits (но его глаза были рубины, которые горели красным и похотью, как угли самых глубоких ям ада). His great hands lay upon his lap (его огромные руки лежали на его подоле = коленях), palms upward, taloned fingers spread and grasping (ладонями вверх, когтистые пальцы расставленные и хваткие; to grasp — схватывать, хватать, зажимать (в руке); захватывать). In the gross emphasis of his attributes (в грубой выразительности его черт), in the leer of his satyr-countenance (в плотоядном взгляде его сатироподобного лица), was reflected the abominable cynicism of the degenerate cult which deified him (был отражен гнусный цинизм вырождающегося культа, который обожествлял его).

mask [mɑ:sk], coal [kəul], spread [spred]

Bestial in the uncertain light, Hanuman leered with his carven mask. He sat, not as an ape would crouch, but cross-legged as a man would sit, but his aspect was no less simian for that reason. He was carved from black marble, but his eyes were rubies, which glowed red and lustful as the coals of hell's deepest pits. His great hands lay upon his lap, palms upward, taloned fingers spread and grasping. In the gross emphasis of his attributes, in the leer of his satyr-countenance, was reflected the abominable cynicism of the degererate cult which deified him.

The girl moved around the image, making toward the back wall (девушка двинулась вокруг идола: «изображения», направляясь к задней стене), and when her sleek flank brushed against a carven knee (и, когда ее округлый бок задел о высеченное колено), she shrank aside and shuddered as if a reptile had touched her (она отпрянула в сторону и содрогнулась, как будто рептилия коснулась ее). There was a space of several feet between the broad back of the idol and the marble wall with its frieze of gold leaves (между широкой спиной идола и мраморной стеной с ее фризом из золотых листьев было пространство в несколько футов). On either hand, flanking the idol, an ivory door under a gold arch was set in the wall (по обе руки = стороны сбоку от идола в стене были установлены двери из слоновой кости под золотыми арками; to set — установить, поставить).

image [ˈɪmɪʤ], around [əˈraund], wall [wɔ: l]

The girl moved around the image, making toward the back wall, and when her sleek flank brushed against a carven knee, she shrank aside and shuddered as if a reptile had touched her. There was a space of several feet between the broad back of the idol and the marble wall with its frieze of gold leaves. On either hand, flanking the idol, an ivory door under a gold arch was set in the wall.

"Those doors open into each end of a hairpin-shaped corridor," she said hurriedly (эти двери открываются в каждый конец = в оба конца шпилькоподобного коридора, — сказала она торопливо; shape — форма; to shape — придавать форму). "Once I was in the interior of the shrine — once (однажды я была внутри храма — однажды)!" She shivered and twitched her slim shoulders at a memory both terrifying and obscene (она задрожала и дернула своими тонкими плечами при воспоминании как ужасающем, так и непристойном). "The corridor is bent like a horseshoe, with each horn opening into this room (коридор изогнут, как подкова, с каждым выступом, открывающимся в это помещение = причем каждый выступ открывается в это помещение). Totrasmek's chambers are enclosed within the curve of the corridor and open into it (покои Тотрасмека заключены = находятся внутри изгиба коридора и открываются в него). But there is a secret door in this wall which opens directly into an inner chamber (но есть секретная дверь в этой стене, которая открывается непосредственно во внутреннюю комнату) —»

each [i: ʧ], once [wʌns], obscene [ɔbˈsi: n]

"Those doors open into each end of a hairpin-shaped corridor," she said hurriedly. "Once I was in the interior of the shrine — once!" She shivered and twitched her slim shoulders at a memory both terrifying and obscene. "The corridor is bent like a horseshoe, with each horn opening into this room. Totrasmek's chambers are enclosed within the curve of the corridor and open into it. But there is a secret door in this wall which opens directly into an inner chamber —»

She began to run her hands over the smooth surface (она начала прощупывать /своими/ руками гладкую поверхность), where no crack or crevice showed (где /не/ видно было ни трещины, ни расселины; to show — быть видным, появляться). Conan stood beside her, sword in hand, glancing warily about him (Конан стоял возле нее, /с/ мечом в руке, осторожно смотря вокруг него = оглядываясь). The silence, the emptiness of the shrine (тишина, пустота храма), with imagination picturing what might lie behind that wall (с фантазией, рисующей, что могло лежать за этой стеной), made him feel like a wild beast nosing a trap (заставило его почувствовать себя /как/ диким зверем, вынюхивающим западню).

crevice [ˈkrevɪs], surface [ˈsə: fɪs], smooth [smu: ð]

She began to run her hands over the smooth surface, where no crack or crevice showed. Conan stood beside her, sword in hand, glancing warily about him. The silence, the emptiness of the shrine, with imagination picturing what might lie behind that wall, made him feel like a wild beast nosing a trap.

"Ah!" The girl had found a hidden spring at last; a square opening gaped blackly in the wall (ах! — девушка наконец нашла скрытую пружину, квадратный вход зазиял черным цветом в стене). Then: "Set!" she screamed (потом — Сет! — вскрикнула она), and even as Conan leaped toward her (и как раз когда Конан прыгнул к ней), he saw that a great misshapen hand has fastened itself in her hair (он увидел, что огромная уродливая рука вцепилась в ее волосы). She was snatched off her feet and jerked headfirst through the opening (она была сдернута с /ее/ ног = сбита с ног и втянута головой вперед через проем). Conan, grabbing ineffectually at her (Конан, попытавшись безрезультатно схватить ее), felt his fingers slip from a naked limb (почувствовал, /как/ его пальцы соскользнули с обнаженной конечности), and in an instant she had vanished and the wall showed black as before (и через миг она исчезла, а стена казалась черной, как прежде). Only from beyond it came the muffled sounds of a struggle, a scream, faintly heard (лишь извне донеслись приглушенные звуки борьбы, визг, слабо слышимый), and a low laugh that made Conan's blood congeal in his veins (и низкий смех, который заставил кровь Конана застыть в его венах = от которого застыла кровь в жилах Конана).

square [skwɛə], struggle [strʌɡl], congeal [kənˈʤi: l]

"Ah!" The girl had found a hidden spring at last; a square opening gaped blackly in the wall. Then: "Set!" she screamed, and even as Conan leaped toward her, he saw that a great misshapen hand has fastened itself in her hair. She was snatched off her feet and jerked headfirst through the opening. Conan, grabbing ineffectually at her, felt his fingers slip from a naked limb, and in an instant she had vanished and the wall showed black as before. Only from beyond it came the muffled sounds of a struggle, a scream, faintly heard, and a low laugh that made Conan's blood congeal in his veins.

3. Black Hands Gripping (Хватка черных рук)

With an oath the Cimmerian smote the wall a terrible blow with the pommel of his sword (с проклятием киммериец наказал стену страшным ударом эфеса своего меча; pommel — головка (эфеса шпаги)), and the marble cracked and chipped (и мрамор треснул и раскололся). But the hidden door did not give way (но скрытая дверь не поддалась), and reason told him that doubtless it had been bolted on the other side of the wall (и разум сказал ему, что, несомненно, она была заперта на засов с другой стороны стены). Turning, he sprang across the chamber to one of the ivory doors (повернувшись, он прыгнул через комнату к одной из дверей из слоновой кости; to spring — прыгать).

oath [əuƟ], been [bi: n], ivory [ˈaɪvərɪ]

With an oath the Cimmerian smote the wall a terrible blow with the pommel of his sword, and the marble cracked and chipped. But the hidden door did not give way, and reason told him that doubtless it had been bolted on the other side of the wall. Turning, he sprang across the chamber to one of the ivory doors.

He lifted his sword to shatter the panels (он поднял свой меч, /чтобы/ разбить панели), but on a venture tried the door first with his left hand (но наудачу попробовал /открыть/ дверь сначала /своей/ левой рукой). It swung open easily (она легко распахнулась), and he glared into a long corridor (и он заглянул в длинный коридор) that curved away into dimness under the weird light of censers similar to those in the shrine (который изгибался /уходя/ в сумрак под причудливым светом кадильниц, похожих на те = кадильницы в храме). A heavy gold bolt showed on the jamb of the door, and he touched it lightly with his fingertips (тяжелый золотой засов виднелся на косяке двери, и он коснулся его легко кончиками пальцев). The faint warmness of the metal could have been detected only by a man whose faculties were akin to those of a wolf (слабое тепло металла можно было определить /различить /только/ человеку, способности которого были сродни таковым = способностям волка). That bolt had been touched — and therefore drawn — within the last few seconds (этого засова касались — и таким образом задвигали — в пределах последних нескольких секунд). The affair was taking on more and more of the aspect of a baited trap (дело принимало все больше и больше вид ловушки с наживкой). He might have known Totrasmek would know when anyone entered the temple (он мог знать /раньше/ = ему следовало догадаться, /что/ Тотрасмек узнает, когда кто-то войдет в храм).

venture [ˈvenʧə], similar [ˈsɪmɪlə], lightly [ˈlaɪtlɪ]

He lifted his sword to shatter the panels, but on a venture tried the door first with his left hand. It swung open easily, and he glared into a long corridor that curved away into dimness under the weird light of censers similar to those in the shrine. A heavy gold bolt showed on the jamb of the door, and he touched it lightly with his fingertips. The faint warmness of the metal could have been detected only by a man whose faculties were akin to those of a wolf. That bolt had been touched — and therefore drawn — within the last few seconds. The affair was taking on more and more of the aspect of a baited trap. He might have known Totrasmek would know when anyone entered the temple.

To enter the corridor would undoubtedly be to walk into whatever trap the priest had set for him (войти в коридор несомненно было бы = означало бы войти в какую бы то ни было ловушку, /которую/ жрец поставил на него). But Conan did not hesitate (но Конан не колебался). Somewhere in that dim-lit interior Zabibi was a captive (где-то в этой неясно освещенной внутренней части Забиби была пленницей), and, from what he knew of the characteristics of Hanuman's priests (а из того, что он знал о характеристиках жрецов Ханумана), he was sure that she needed help badly (он был уверен, что ей очень нужна помощь). Conan stalked into the corridor with a pantherish tread, poised to strike right or left (Конан прокрался в коридор шагом пантеры, приготовился бить / наносить удары вправо и влево).

enter [ˈentə], need [ni: d], stalk [stɔ: k]

To enter the corridor would undoubtedly be to walk into whatever trap the priest had set for him. But Conan did not hesitate. Somewhere in that dim-lit interior Zabibi was a captive, and, from what he knew of the characteristics of Hanuman's priests, he was sure that she needed help badly. Conan stalked into the corridor with a pantherish tread, poised to strike right or left.

On his left (слева от него: «на его левой»), ivory, arched doors opened into the corridor (двери из слоновой кости с арками открывались в коридор), and he tried each in turn (и он попробовал /открыть/ каждую по очереди). All were locked (все были закрыты на замок). He had gone perhaps seventy-five feet when the corridor bent sharply to the left, describing the curve the girl had mentioned (он прошел, возможно, семьдесят пять футов, когда коридор резко изогнулся влево, описывая дугу, /которую/ упоминала девушка). A door opened into this curve, and it gave under his hand (в эту дугу открывалась дверь, и она подалась под его рукой).

turn [tə: n], perhaps [pəˈhæps], curve [kə: v]

On his left, ivory, arched doors opened into the corridor, and he tried each in turn. All were locked. He had gone perhaps seventy-five feet when the corridor bent sharply to the left, describing the curve the girl had mentioned. A door opened into this curve, and it gave under his hand.

He was looking into a broad, square chamber, somewhat more clearly lighted than the corridor (он смотрел в широкую, квадратную комнату, немного более четко освещенную, чем коридор). Its walls were of white marble, the floor of ivory (ее стены были из белого мрамора, пол из слоновой кости), the ceiling of fretted silver (потолок из украшенного резьбой серебра). He saw divans of rich satin (он увидел диваны из богатого атласа), gold-worked footstools of ivory (украшенные золотом скамеечки для ног из слоновой кости), a disk-shaped table of some massive, metal-like substance (дисковидный стол из какого-то массивного похожего на металл вещества). On one of the divans a man was reclining, looking toward the door (на одном из диванов полулежал человек, смотревший в сторону двери; to recline — облокачиваться; склоняться, прислоняться; полулежать, лежать, развалившись (on, upon)). He laughed as he met the Cimmerian's startled glare (он засмеялся, когда /он/ встретил пораженный взгляд Конана).

corridor [ˈkɔrɪdɔ: ], substance [ˈsʌbstəns], toward [təˈwɔ: d]

He was looking into a broad, square chamber, somewhat more clearly lighted fretted silver. He saw divans of rich satin, gold-worked footstools of ivory, a disk- shaped table of some massive, metal-like substance. On one of the divans a man was reclining, looking toward the door. He laughed as he met the Cimmerian's startled glare.

This man was naked except for a loin cloth and high-strapped sandals (этот мужчина был обнажен за исключением набедренной повязки и сандалий с высокой шнуровкой). He was brown-skinned (он был коричневокожий), with close-cropped black hair (с коротко остриженными черными волосами) and restless black eyes that set off a broad, arrogant face (и бегающими черными глазами, которые выделялись на широком высокомерном лице). In girth and breadth he was enormous (в обхвате и по ширине он был огромен), with huge limbs on which the great muscles swelled and rippled at each slightest movement (с огромными конечностями, на которых раздувались и перекатывались при каждом малейшем движении огромные мускулы). His hands were the largest Conan had ever seen (его кисти были самые большие, /которые/ когда-нибудь видел Конан). The assurance of gigantic physical strength colored his every action and inflection (уверенность в гигантской физической силе окрашивала его каждое действие и интонацию = проявлялась в каждом его действии и интонации).

breadth [bredƟ], enormous [ɪˈnɔ: məs], seen [si: n]

This man was naked except for a loin cloth and high-strapped sandals. He was brown-skinned, with close-cropped black hair and restless black eyes that set off a broad, arrogant face. In girth and breadth he was enormous, with huge limbs on which the great muscles swelled and rippled at each slightest movement. His hands were the largest Conan had ever seen. The assurance of gigantic physical strength colored his every action and inflection.

"Why not enter, barbarian?" he called mockingly, with an exaggerated gesture of invitation (почему /бы/ не войти, варвар? — позвал он насмешливо, с преувеличенным жестом приглашения = с преувеличенно радушным приглашающим жестом).

Conan's eyes began to smolder ominously (глаза Конана начали гореть угрожающе = запылали угрожающим огнем), but he trod warily into the chamber, his sword ready (но он вошел осторожно в комнату /с/ мечом наготове).

"Who the devil are you?" he growled (что ты за демон = фрукт? — прорычал он).

"I am Baal-pteor," the man answered (я Баал-птеор, — ответил мужчина). "Once, long ago and in another land, I had another name (когда-то, давным-давно в другой стране, я имел = у меня было другое имя). But this is a good name, and why Totrasmek gave it to me, any temple wench can tell you (но это хорошее имя, и почему Тотрасмек дал его мне, тебе может сказать любая храмовая девица)."[53]

call [kɔ: l], invitation [ɪnvɪˈteɪʃn], ready [ˈredɪ]

"Why not enter, barbarian?" he called mockingly, with an exaggerated gesture of invitation.

Conan's eyes began to smolder ominously, but he trod warily into the chamber, his sword ready.

"Who the devil are you?" he growled.

"I am Baal-pteor," the man answered. "Once, long ago and in another land, I had another name. But this is a good name, and why Totrasmek gave it to me, any temple wench can tell you."

"So you're his dog!" grunted Conan (так ты его пес! — пробурчал Конан). "Well, curse your brown hide, Baal-pteor, where's the wench you jerked through the wall (ну, будь проклята твоя коричневая шкура, Баал-птеор, где девица, /которую/ ты втащил сквозь стену)?"

"My master entertains her!" laughed Baal-pteor (мой хозяин развлекает ее! — засмеялся Баал-птеор). "Listen (послушай)!"

From beyond a door opposite the one by which Conan had entered (из-за двери напротив той, через которую вошел Конан) there sounded a woman's scream, faint and muffled in the distance (раздавался женский визг, слабый и приглушенный на расстоянии).

you [ju: ], entertain [entəˈteɪn], distance [ˈdɪstəns]

"So you're his dog!" grunted Conan. "Well, curse your brown hide, Baal-pteor, where's the wench you jerked through the wall?"

"My master entertains her!" laughed Baal-pteor. "Listen!"

From beyond a door opposite the one by which Conan had entered there sounded a woman's scream, faint and muffled in the distance.

"Blast your soul (проклятье на твою душу)!" Conan took a stride toward the door, then wheeled with his skin tingling (Конан сделал шаг к двери, потом повернулся от покалывания /его/ кожи), Baal-pteor was laughing at him (Баал- птеор смеялся над ним), and that laugh was edged with menace that made the hackles rise on Conan's neck (и этот смех был усилен угрозой, которая вызвала гнев Конана: «заставила подняться волоски на шее Конана»; to make smb’s hackles rise = to raise smb’s hackles — ощетиниться, вызвать гнев) and sent a red wave of murder-lust driving across his vision (и красная волна жажды убийства застила его взор: «послала красную волну жажды убийства, проходящую через его взор»).

He started toward Baal-pteor, the knuckles on his swordhand showing white (он бросился к Баал-птеору, суставы пальцев на рукоятке его меча побелели). With a swift motion the brown man threw something at him — a shining crystal sphere that glistened in the weird light (быстрым движением коричневый человек бросил что-то в него — светящийся хрустальный шар, который искрился сверхъестественным светом).

menace [ˈmenəs], knuckle [nʌkl], threw [Ɵru:]

"Blast your soul!" Conan took a stride toward the door, then wheeled with his skin tingling, Baal-pteor was laughing at him, and that laugh was edged with menace that made the hackles rise on Conan's neck and sent a red wave of murder- lust driving across his vision.

He started toward Baal-pteor, the knuckles on his swordhand showing white. With a swift motion the brown man threw something at him — a shining crystal sphere that glistened in the weird light.

Conan dodged instinctively (Конан инстинктивно увернулся), but, miraculously (но, чудесным образом), the globe stopped short in midair, a few feet from his face (шар резко остановился в воздухе, в нескольких футах от его лица). It did not fall to the floor (он не упал на пол). It hung suspended (он висел, подвешенный), as if by invisible filaments (словно на невидимых нитях), some five feet above the floor (футах в пяти над полом). And as he glared in amazement (и когда он смотрел /на него/ в изумлении), it began to rotate with growing speed (он начал вращаться с возрастающей скоростью). And as it revolved it grew (и по мере того, как он вращался, он рос; to grow), expanded, became nebulous (увеличивался, становился расплывчатым). It filled the chamber (он заполнил комнату). It enveloped him (он окутал его). It blotted out furniture, walls, the smiling countenance of Baal-pteor (он закрыл мебель, стены, улыбающееся лицо Баал-птеора). He was lost in the midst of a blinding bluish blur of whirling speed (он потерялся посреди слепящего голубоватого пятна, расплывшегося от скорости вращения; to be lost — потеряться; to whirl — вертеть(ся); кружить(ся); вращать(ся)). Terrific winds screamed past Conan (страшные ветры проревели = проносились с ревом мимо Конана), tugging at him, striving to wrench him from his feet (дергая его, стремясь сбить его с /его/ ног), to drag him into the vortex that spun madly before him (затащить его в воронку, которая кружилась бешено перед ним; to spin — крутить(ся), вертеть(ся), выписывать круги).

suspend [səsˈpend], furniture [ˈfə: nɪʧə], vortex [ˈvɔ: teks]

Conan dodged instinctively, but, miraculously, the globe stopped short in midair, a few feet from his face. It did not fall to the floor. It hung suspended, as if by invisible filaments, some five feet above the floor. And as he glared in amazement, it began to rotate with growing speed. And as it revolved it grew, expanded, became nebulous. It filled the chamber. It enveloped him. It blotted out furniture, walls, the smiling countenance of Baal-pteor. He was lost in the midst of a blinding bluish blur of whirling speed. Terrific winds screamed past Conan, tugging at him, striving to wrench him from his feet, to drag him into the vortex that spun madly before him.

With a choking cry Conan lurched backward, reeled (с задыхающимся криком Конан накренился назад, пошатнулся), felt the solid wall against his back (почувствовал твердую стену против = за спиной). At the contact the illusion ceased to be (при контакте иллюзия прекратила быть = прекратилась). The whirling, titanic sphere vanished like a bursting bubble (вращающийся титанический шар исчез как лопнувший пузырь). Conan reeled upright in the silver-ceilinged room, with a gray mist coiling about his feet (Конан выпрямился в комнате с серебряным потолком с серым туманом, струящимся у его ног), and saw Baal-pteor lolling on the divan, shaking with silent laughter (и увидел Баал-птеора, развалившегося на диване, трясущимся от беззвучного смеха).

sphere [sfɪə], bubble [bʌbl], laughter [ˈlɑ:ftə]

With a choking cry Conan lurched backward, reeled, felt the solid wall against his back. At the contact the illusion ceased to be. The whirling, titanic sphere vanished like a bursting bubble. Conan reeled upright in the silver-ceilinged room, with a gray mist coiling about his feet, and saw Baal-pteor lolling on the divan, shaking with silent laughter.

"Son of a slut!" Conan lunged at him (сукин сын, — Конан бросился на него). But the mist swirled up from the floor, blotting out that giant brown form (но туман кружился = кругами поднимался от пола, закрывая эту гигантскую коричневую фигуру; blot — пятно; клякса; to blot — загрязнять, пачкать, марать, ставить кляксы; затемнять, заслонять). Groping in a rolling cloud that blinded him шаря /руками/ в кружащемся облаке, которое ослепило его), Conan felt a rending sensation of dislocation — and then room and mist and brown man were gone together (Конан почувствовал рвущее ощущение смещения — и потом комната и туман и коричневый мужчина пропали /все/ вместе). He was standing alone among the high reeds of a marshy fen, and a buffalo was lunging at him, head down (он стоял один среди высоких камышей болотной топи, и на него несся буйвол, опустив голову). He leaped aside from the ripping scimitar-curved horns (он прыгнул в сторону от рвущих, изогнутых в форме симитара (т. е. кривой сабли) рогов) and drove his sword in behind the foreleg, through ribs and heart (и воткнул: «вогнал» свой меч позади передней ноги, сквозь ребра и сердца; to drive — гнать). And then it was not a buffalo dying there in the mud, but the brown-skinned Baal-pteor (и тогда это оказался не буйвол, умирающий там в грязи, а коричневокожий Баал-птеор). With a curse Conan struck off his head (с проклятием Конан отсек его голову); and the head soared from the ground and snapped beastlike tusks into his throat (а голова воспарила с земли и впилась звероподобными клыками в его горло). For all his mighty strength he could not tear it loose (несмотря на всю его могучую силу он не мог оторвать ее) — he was choking — strangling (он давился — задыхался); then there was a rush and roar through space (затем был бросок и хохот сквозь пространство), the dislocating shock of an immeasurable impact (шок смещения от неизмеримого толчка), and he was back in the chamber with Baal-pteor (и он был снова в комнате с Баал-птеором), whose head was once more set firmly on his shoulders (чья голова опять сидела прочно на его плечах), and who laughed silently at him from the divan (и который смеялся беззвучно над ним с дивана).

floor [flɔ: ], sensation [senˈseɪʃn], curse [kə: s]

"Son of a slut!" Conan lunged at him. But the mist swirled up from the floor, blotting out that giant brown form. Groping in a rolling cloud that blinded him, Conan felt a rending sensation of dislocation — and then room and mist and brown man were gone together. He was standing alone among the high reeds of a marshy fen, and a buffalo was lunging at him, head down. He leaped aside from the ripping scimitar-curved horns and drove his sword in behind the foreleg, through ribs and heart. And then it was not a buffalo dying there in the mud, but the brown- skinned Baal-pteor. With a curse Conan struck off his head; and the head soared from the ground and snapped beastlike tusks into his throat. For all his mighty strength he could not tear it loose — he was choking — strangling; then there was a rush and roar through space, the dislocating shock of an immeasurable impact, and he was back in the chamber with Baal-pteor, whose head was once more set firmly on his shoulders, and who laughed silently at him from the divan.

"Mesmerism!" muttered Conan, crouching and digging his toes hard against the marble (гипноз! — пробормотал Конан, пригибаясь и занимая твердую позицию на мраморе; to dig one’s toes — укрепиться, утвердиться, укрепить своё положение, занять твёрдую позицию: «вкопать свои пальцы ног»).

His eyes blazed (его глаза пылали). This brown dog was playing with him, making sport of him (эта коричневая псина играла с ним, делая из него посмешище; to make sport of — делать посмешище из; sport — отдых, приятное времяпрепровождение; забава, развлечение; шутка)! But this mummery, this child's play of mists and shadows of thought, it could not harm him (но этот маскарад, эта детская игра из туманов и мнимых теней, она не могла повредить ему). He had but to leap and strike and the brown acolyte would be a mangled corpse under his heel (ему нужно было лишь прыгнуть и ударить, и коричневый прислужник станет изувеченным трупом под его пятой). This time he would not be fooled by shadows of illusion — but he was (в этот раз он не будет одурачен тенями иллюзии = его не одурачат иллюзорные тени — но он был /одурачен/ = но его одурачили).

hard [hɑ:d], mummery [ˈmʌmərɪ], fool [fu: l]

"Mesmerism!" muttered Conan, crouching and digging his toes hard against the marble.

His eyes blazed. This brown dog was playing with him, making sport of him! But this mummery, this child's play of mists and shadows of thought, it could not harm him. He had but to leap and strike and the brown acolyte would be a mangled corpse under his heel. This time he would not be fooled by shadows of illusion — but he was.

A blood-curdling snarl sounded behind him (чудовищное рычание раздалось позади него), and he wheeled and struck in a flash at the panther crouching to spring on him from the metal-colored table (и он обернулся и ударил молниеносно по пантере, припавшей к земле, /чтобы/ прыгнуть на него со стола с металлическим цветом). Even as he struck, the apparition vanished (как раз, когда он ударил, видение исчезло) and his blade clashed deafeningly on the adamantine surface (и его клинок оглушительно лязгнул по несокрушимой поверхности). Instantly he sensed something abnormal (мгновенно он почувствовал нечто ненормальное). The blade stuck to the table (клинок прилип к столу)! He wrenched at it savagely (он дико дернул за него). It did not give (он не поддался). This was no mesmeristic trick (это был не гипнотический трюк). The table was a giant magnet (стол был гигантским магнитом). He gripped the hilt with both hands (он схватил рукоять обеими руками), when a voice at his shoulder brought him about, to face the brown man, who had at last risen from the divan (когда голос у его плеча привел его в себя, /чтобы/ оказаться лицом к коричневому человеку, который наконец поднялся с дивана; to face — стоять лицом к, быть повернутым в сторону чего-л., смотреть в лицо, в глаза).

abnormal [æbˈnɔ: məl], give [ɡɪv], risen [rɪzn]

A blood-curdling snarl sounded behind him, and he wheeled and struck in a flash at the panther crouching to spring on him from the metal-colored table. Even as he struck, the apparition vanished and his blade clashed deafeningly on the adamantine surface. Instantly he sensed something abnormal. The blade stuck to the table! He wrenched at it savagely. It did not give. This was no mesmeristic trick. The table was a giant magnet. He gripped the hilt with both hands, when a voice at his shoulder brought him about, to face the brown man, who had at last risen from the divan.

Slightly taller than Conan and much heavier, Baal-pteor loomed before him, a daunting image of muscular development (чуть выше, чем Конан, и гораздо тяжелее, Баал-птеор разросся перед ним — устрашающий образ мускульного развития). His mighty arms were unnaturally long, and his great hands opened and closed, twitching convulsively (его могучие руки были неестественно длинные, а его огромные кисти открывались и закрывались, судорожно подергиваясь). Conan released the hilt of his imprisoned sword and fell silent, watching his enemy through slitted lids (Конан отпустил рукоять своего захваченного меча и молчал, наблюдая за своим врагом сквозь прищуренные веки; to fall silent — замолчать, умолкнуть).

release [rɪˈli: s], mighty [ˈmaɪtɪ], loom [lu: m]

Slightly taller than Conan and much heavier, Baal-pteor loomed before him, a daunting image of muscular development. His mighty arms were unnaturally long, and his great hands opened and closed, twitching convulsively. Conan released the hilt of his imprisoned sword and fell silent, watching his enemy thorugh slitted lids.

"Your head, Cimmerian!" taunted Baal-pteor (твоя голова, киммериец! — дразнил Баал-птеор). "I shall take it with my bare hands (я возьму ее /моими/ голыми руками), twisting it from your shoulders as the head of a fowl is twisted (сверну ее с твоих плеч, как сворачивают голову птице)! Thus the sons of Kosala offer sacrifice to Yajur (так сыны Косалы приносят жертвы Яджуру). Barbarian, you look upon a strangler of Yota-pong (варвар, ты смотришь на душителя Йота-понга). I was chosen by the priests of Yajur in my infancy (я был избран жрецами Яджура в /моем/ детстве), and throughout childhood, boyhood, and youth I was trained in the art of slaying with the naked hands (и на протяжении детства, отрочества и юношества меня учили искусству убивать голыми руками) — for only thus are the sacrifices enacted (ибо только так предписано приносить жертвы = проводится церемония жертвоприношения). Yajur loves blood, and we waste not a drop from the victim's veins (Яджур любит кровь, и мы не тратим понапрасну ни одной капли крови из вен жертвы). When I was a child they gave me infants to throttle (когда я был ребенком, /они/ мне давали душить детей); when I was a boy I strangled young girls (когда я был мальчиком, я душил юных девочек); as a youth, women, old men, and young boys (/когда я был/ юношей — женщин, стариков и юных мальчиков). Not until I reached my full manhood was I given a strong man to slay on the altar of Yota-pong (лишь когда я достиг моей полной мужественности = полностью возмужал, мне дали: «я был дан» убить на алтаре Йота-понга сильного мужчину).

bare [bɛə],fowl [faul],sacrifice [ˈsækɪrfaɪs]

"Your head, Cimmerian!" taunted Baal-pteor. "I shall take it with my bare hands, twisting it from your shoulders as the head of a fowl is twisted! Thus the sons of Kosala offer sacrifice to Yajur. Barbarian, you look upon a strangler of Yota-pong. I was chosen by the priests of Yajur in my infancy, and throughout childhood, boyhood, and youth I was trained in the art of slaying with the naked hands — for only thus are the sacrifices enacted. Yajur loves blood, and we waste not a drop from the victim's veins. When I was a child they gave me infants to throttle; when I was a boy I strangled young girls; as a youth, women, old men, and young boys. Not until I reached my full manhood was I given a strong man to slay on the altar of Yota-pong.

"For years I offered the sacrifices to Yajur (годы я приносил жертвы Яджуру). Hundreds of necks have snapped between these fingers (сотни шей хрустнули между этих пальцев) — " he worked them before the Cimmerian's angry eyes (он пошевелил ими перед сердитыми глазами киммерийца)."Why I fled from Yota-pong to become Totrasmek's servant is no concern of yours (почему я убежал от Йота-понга, /чтобы/ стать слугой Тотрасмека — не твоего ума дело: «никакое отношение твое»). In a moment you will be beyond curiosity (через миг ты будешь вне любопытства = станешь нелюбопытен). The priests of Kosala, the stranglers of Yajur, are strong beyond the belief of men (жрецы Косалы, душители Яджура, сильны за пределами веры людей = сильнее, чем могут представить люди). And I was stronger than any (а я был сильнее, чем любой = любого). With my hands, barbarian, I shall break your neck (моими руками, варвар, я сломаю твою шею)!"

angry [ˈæŋɡrɪ], concern [kənˈsə: n], break [breɪk]

"For years I offered the sacrifices to Yajur. Hundreds of necks have snapped between these fingers — " he worked them before the Cimmerian's angry eyes. "Why I fled from Yota-pong to become Totrasmek's servant is no concern of yours. In a moment you will be beyond curiosity. The priests of Kosala, the stranglers of Yajur, are strong beyond the belief of men. And I was stronger than any. With my hands, barbarian, I shall break your neck!"

And like the stroke of twin cobras, the great hands closed on Conan's throat (и словно бросок кобр-близнецов огромные кисти сомкнулись на горле Кована). The Cimmerian made no attempt to dodge or fend them away (киммериец не сделал попытки увернуться или парировать их), but his own hands darted to the Kosalan's bull-neck (но его собственные руки ринулись к бычьей шее косалинца). Baal-pteor's black eyes widened as he felt the thick cords of muscles that protected the barbarian's throat (черные глаза Баал-птеора расширились, когда он почувствовал толстые канаты мускулов, которые защищали горло варвара). With a snarl he exerted his inhuman strength, and knots and lumps and ropes of thews rose along his massive arms (с рычанием он напряг свою нечеловеческую силу, и узлы и бугры и канаты мускулов поднялись вдоль = на его массивных руках; along — вдоль, по). And then a choking gasp burst from him as Conan's fingers locked on his throat (а затем затрудненное от удушья дыхание вырвалось из него, когда пальцы Конана сомкнулись на его горле). For an instant they stood there like statues (мгновение они стояли там как статуи), their faces masks of effort (их лица — напряженные маски: «маски усилия»), veins beginning to stand out purply on their temples (вены начинали выпирать багровым цветом на их висках). Conan's thin lips drew back from his teeth in a grinning snarl (тонкие губы Конана оттянулись назад с зубов = открывая зубы в скалящемся рычании). Baal-pteor's eyes were distended and in them grew an awful surprise and the glimmer of fear (глаза Баал-птеора были выпучены = выпучились, и в них росло страшное удивление и проблеск страха). Both men stood motionless as images (оба мужчины стояли неподвижные, как изваяния), except for the expanding of their muscles on rigid arms and braced legs (за исключением увеличения их мускулов на непоколебимых руках и упертых ногах; rigid — жесткий, негнущийся, негибкий; несгибаемый, твердый, неподатливый; to brace — охватывать, окружать, опоясывать; собирать себя в кулак; усиливать, напрягать), but strength beyond common conception was warring there (но сила за пределами обычного представления сражалась там) — strength that might have uprooted trees and crushed the skulls of bullocks (сила, которая могла бы вырвать с корнем деревья и раздробить черепа волов).

thews [Ɵju: z], purply [ˈpə: plɪ], awful [ˈɔ: fʋl]

And like the stroke of twin cobras, the great hands closed on Conan's throat. The Cimmerian made no attempt to dodge or fend them away, but his own hands darted to the Kosalan's bull-neck. Baal-pteor's black eyes widened as he felt the thick cords of muscles that protected the barbarian's throat. With a snarl he exerted his inhuman strength, and knots and lumps and ropes of thews rose along his massive arms. And then a choking gasp burst from him as Conan's fingers locked on his throat. For an instant they stood there like statues, their faces masks of effort, veins beginning to stand out purply on their temples. Conan's thin lips drew back from his teeth in a grinning snarl. Baal-pteor's eyes were distended and in them grew an awful surprise and the glimmer of fear. Both men stood motionless as images, except for the expanding of their muscles on rigid arms and braced legs, but strength beyond common conception was warring there — strength that might have uprooted trees and crushed the skulls of bullocks.

The wind whistled suddenly from between Baal-pteor's parted teeth (ветер = поток воздуха вдруг засвистел из разжатых зубов Баал-птеора). His face was growing purple (его лицо становилось багровым = багровело). Fear flooded his eyes (страх залил его глаза). His thews seemed ready to burst from his arms and shoulders (его мускулы с = на /его/ руках и плечах, казалось, готовы лопнуть), yet the muscles of the Cimmerian's thick neck did not give (тем не менее мускулы толстой шеи киммерийца не поддались); they felt like masses of woven iron cords under his desperate fingers (они были на ощупь, как сгустки переплетеных железных канатов под его отчаявшимися пальцами; to feel — быть на ощупь; to weave — плести). But his own flesh was giving way under the iron fingers of the Cimmerian (однако его собственная плоть поддавалась под железными пальцами киммерийца) which ground deeper and deeper into the yielding throat muscles (которые вдавливались глубже и глубже в сдающиеся горловые мышцы), crushing them in upon jugular and windpipe (вдавливая их в яремную вену и дыхательное горло; to give way — уступать, поддаваться).

whistle [wɪsl], yield [ji: ld], jugular [ˈʤʌɡjulə]

The wind whistled suddenly from between Baal-pteor's parted teeth. His face was growing purple. Fear flooded his eyes. His thews seemed ready to burst from his arms and shoulders, yet the muscles of the Cimmerian's thick neck did not give; they felt like masses of woven iron cords under his desperate fingers. But his own flesh was giving way under the iron fingers of the Cimmerian which ground deeper and deeper into the yielding throat muscles, crushing them in upon jugular and windpipe.

The statuesque immobility of the group gave way to sudden, frenzied motion (скульптурная неподвижность группы уступила неожиданному бешеному движению), as the Kosalan began to wrench and heave, seeking to throw himself backward (когда косаланец начал вырываться и поворачиваться, пытаясь откинуться назад). He let go of Conan's throat and grasped his wrists, trying to tear away those inexorable fingers (он отпустил горло Конана и схватил его запястья, стараясь оторвать эти неумолимые пальцы).

With a sudden lunge Conan bore him backward until the small of his back crashed against the table (внезапным броском Конан оттолкнул его назад, пока = так что /его/ поясница ударилась о стол; small of one’s back — поясница). And still farther over its edge Conan bent him, back and back, until his spine was ready to snap (и еще дальше через /его/ край Конан изгибал его, назад и назад, пока его позвоночник /не/ был готов сломаться).

statuesque [stæʧuˈesk], inexorable [ɪˈneksərəbl], farther [ˈfɑ:ðə]

The statuesque immobility of the group gave way to sudden, frenzied motion, as the Kosalan began to wrench and heave, seeking to throw himself backward. He let go of Conan's throat and grasped his wrists, trying to tear away those inexorable fingers.

With a sudden lunge Conan bore him backward until the small of his back crashed against the table. And still farther over its edge Conan bent him, back and back, until his spine was ready to snap.

Conan's low laugh was merciless as the ring of steel (низкий смех Конана был безжалостным, как кольцо из стали = стальное кольцо).[54] "You fool!" he all but whispered (ты дурак! — он лишь шептал). "I think you never saw a man from the West before (я думаю, ты никогда /не/ видел человека с Запада раньше). Did you deem yourself strong, because you were able to twist the heads off civilized folk (ты считал себя сильным, потому что ты мог сворачивать головы цивилизованных людей), poor weaklings with muscles like rotten string (бедных слабаков с мускулами как гнилая веревка; to rot — гнить)? Hell (ад = проклятие)! Break the neck of a wild Cimmerian bull before you call yourself strong (сломай шею дикого киммерийского быка, прежде чем ты назовешь себя сильным = прежде чем назвать себя сильным). I did that, before I was a full-grown man — like this (я сделал это до того, как я стал взрослым мужчиной — вот так)!"

merciless [ˈmə: sɪlɪs], never [ˈnevə], bull [bʋl]

Conan's low laugh was merciless as the ring of steel.

"You fool!" he all but whispered. "I think you never saw a man from the West before. Did you deem yourself strong, because you were able to twist the heads off civilized folk, poor weaklings with muscles like rotten string? Hell! Break the neck of a wild Cimmerian bull before you call yourself strong. I did that, before I was a full-grown man — like this!"

And with a savage wrench he twisted Baal-pteor's head around until the ghastly face leered over the left shoulder (и диким рывком он провернул голову Баал- птеора и выкручивал, пока мерзкое лицо /не/ стало смотреть искоса через левое плечо), and the vertebrae snapped like a rotten branch (а позвоночник /не/ треснул, как гнилая ветка).

Conan hurled the flopping corpse to the floor (Конан швырнул обвисшее тело на пол), turned to the sword again, and gripped the hilt with both hands, bracing his feet against the floor (повернулся снова к мечу и схватил рукоять обеими руками, уперев /свои/ ноги в пол). Blood trickled down his broad breast from the wounds Baal-pteor's finger nails had torn in the skin of his neck (кровь сочилась по его широкой груди из ран, /которые/ нанесли ногти пальцев Баал-птеора в коже его шеи). His black hair was damp, sweat ran down his face (его черные волосы были влажные, пот стекал по /его/ лицу), and his chest heaved (а его грудь вздымалась). For all his vocal scorn of Baal-pteor's strength, he had almost met his match in the inhuman Kosalan (несмотря на все его словесное пренебрежение силой Баал-птеора, он встретил почти равного себе в бесчеловечном косаланце; match — равный по силам противник, достойный соперник). But without pausing to catch his breath clung (но не останавливаясь, /чтобы/ перевести /свое/ дыхание), he exerted all his strength in a mighty wrench that tore the sword from the magnet where it (он напряг всю свою силу в могучем рывке, который оторвал меч от магнита, где = к которому он прилип; to cling — цепляться, прилипать, крепко держаться).

vertebra [ˈvə: tɪbrə], exert [ɪɡˈzə: t], magnet [ˈmæɡnɪt]

And with a savage wrench he twisted Baal-pteor's head around until the ghastly face leered over the left shoulder, and the vertebrae snapped like a rotten branch.

Conan hurled the flopping corpse to the floor, turned to the sword again, and gripped the hilt with both hands, bracing his feet against the floor. Blood trickled down his broad breast from the wounds Baal-pteor's finger nails had torn in the skin of his neck. His black hair was damp, sweat ran down his face, and his chest heaved. For all his vocal scorn of Baal-pteor's strength, he had almost met his match in the inhuman Kosalan. But without pausing to catch his breath, he exerted all his strength in a mighty wrench that tore the sword from the magnet where it clung.

Another instant and he had pushed open the door from behind which the scream had sounded (еще одно мгновение — и он распахнул дверь: «толкнул открытой дверь», из-за которой раздавался крик), and was looking down a long straight corridor, lined with ivory doors (и смотрел в длинный прямой коридор с рядом дверей из слоновой кости). The other end was masked by a rich velvet curtain другой конец был скрыт богатым бархатным занавесом), and from beyond that curtain came the devilish strains of such music as Conan had never heard, not even in nightmares (и из-за этого занавеса доносились адские мелодии такой музыки, какой Конан никогда /не/ слышал, даже в кошмарах). It made the short hairs bristle on the back of his neck (она заставила короткие волоски встать дыбом на задней части его шеи = от нее волосы у него на загривке встали дыбом). Mingled with it was the panting, hysterical sobbing of a woman (с ней смешивалось = к ней примешивалось тяжелое дыхание: «смешанное с ней было тяжелое дыхание», истеричные всхлипывания женщины). Grasping his sword firmly, he glided down the corridor (сжимая крепко свой меч, он скользнул по коридору).

straight [streɪt], curtain [kə: tn], bristle [brɪsl]

Another instant and he had pushed open the door from behind which the scream had sounded, and was looking down a long straight corridor, lined with ivory doors. The other end was masked by a rich velvet curtain, and from beyond that curtain came the devilish strains of such music as Conan had never heard, not even in nightmares. It made the short hairs bristle on the back of his neck. Mingled with it was the panting, hysterical sobbing of a woman. Grasping his sword firmly, he glided down the corridor.

4. Dance, Girl, Dance! (Танцуй, девочка, танцуй!)

When Zabibi was jerked head-first through the aperture which opened in the wall behind the idol (когда Забиби была втянута головой вперед через отверстие, которое открылось в стене за идолом), her first, dizzy, disconnected thought was that her time had come (ее первой головокружительной обрывочной мыслью было, что пришло ее время). She instinctively shut her eyes and waited for the blow to fall (она инстинктивно закрыла /свои/ глаза и стала ждать удара, /который/ падет /на нее/). But instead she felt herself dumped unceremoniously onto the smooth marble floor (но вместо /этого/ она почувствовала себя сваленной = почувствовала, как ее свалили бесцеремонно на гладкий мраморный пол), which bruised her knees and hip (от чего /она/ ушибла /свои/ колени и бедро). Opening her eyes, she stared fearfully around her (открыв /свои/ глаза, она испуганно осмотрелась), just as a muffled impact sounded from beyond the wall (как раз когда приглушенный удар раздался из- за стены). She saw a brown-skinned giant in a loin cloth standing over her (она увидела коричневокожего гиганта в набедренной повязке, стоящего над ней), and, across the chamber into which she had come, a man sat on a divan (и через комнату = на другом конце комнаты, в которую она попала, на диване сидел мужчина), with his back to a rich black velvet curtain (спиной к богатому черному бархатному занавесу), a broad, fleshy man, with fat white hands and snaky eyes (широкий, тучный мужчина с толстыми белыми руками и злобными глазами; snake — змея, гадюка). And her flesh crawled (и у нее по телу побежали мурашки), for this man was Totrasmek, the priest of Hanuman (ибо этот мужчина была Тотрасмек, жрец Ханумана), who for years had spun his slimy webs of power throughout the city of Zamboula (который уже годы плел свою липкую паутину власти по всему городу Замбуле; to spin — плести, прясть, сучить).

aperture [ˈæpəʧə], smooth [smu: ð], throughout [Ɵru:ˈaut]

When Zabibi was jerked head-first through the aperture which opened in the wall behind the idol, her first, dizzy, disconnected thought was that her time had come. She instinctively shut her eyes and waited for the blow to fall. But instead she felt herself dumped unceremoniously onto the smooth marble floor, which bruised her knees and hip. Opening her eyes, she stared fearfully around her, just as a muffled impact sounded from beyond the wall. She saw a brown-skinned giant in a loin cloth standing over her, and, across the chamber into which she had come, a man sat on a divan, with his back to a rich black velvet curtain, a broad, fleshy man, with fat white hands and snaky eyes. And her flesh crawled, for this man was Totrasmek, the priest of Hanuman, who for years had spun his slimy webs of power throughout the city of Zamboula.

"The barbarian seeks to batter his way through the wall," said Totrasmek sardonically, "but the bolt will hold (варвар пытается пробить /свою/ дорогу сквозь стену, — сказал сардонически Тотрасмек, — но засов выдержит)."

The girl saw that a heavy golden bolt had been shot across the hidden door (девушка увидела, что тяжелый золотой засов был переброшен поперек спрятанной двери), which was plainly discernible from this side of the wall (которая была ясно видима с этой стороны стены). The bolt and its sockets would have resisted the charge of an elephant (засов и его скобы выдержали бы атаку слона).

hold [həuld], discernible [dɪˈsə: nəbl], resist [rɪˈzɪst]

"The barbarian seeks to batter his way through the wall," said Totrasmek sardonically, "but the bolt will hold."

The girl saw that a heavy golden bolt had been shot across the hidden door, which was plainly discernible from this side of the wall. The bolt and its sockets would have resisted the charge of an elephant.

"Go open one of the doors for him, Baal-pteor," ordered Totrasmek (пойди открой ему одну из дверей, Баал-птеор, — приказал Тотрасмек). "Slay him in the square chamber at the other end of the corridor (убей его в квадратной комнате в другом конце коридора)."

The Kosalan salaamed (косаланец низко поклонился с правой ладонью на лбу; to salaam — низко поклониться, приложив правую ладонь ко лбу: «сделать селям») and departed by the way of a door in the side wall of the chamber (и ушел через дверь в боковой стене комнаты). Zabibi rose, staring fearfully at the priest (Забиби поднялась, глядя со страхом на жреца), whose eyes ran avidly over her splendid figure (чьи глаза = глаза которого жадно пробежали по ее великолепной фигуре). To this she was indifferent (к этому она была равнодушна). A dancer of Zamboula was accustomed to nakedness (танцовщица Замбулы была привыкшей = привыкла к наготе). But the cruelty in his eyes started her limbs to quivering (но жестокость в его глазах бросило ее конечности в дрожь = вызвало дрожь в ее конечностях).

order [ˈɔ: də], square [skwɛə], avidly [ˈævɪdlɪ]

"Go open one of the doors for him, Baal-pteor," ordered Totrasmek. "Slay him in the square chamber at the other end of the corridor."

The Kosalan salaamed and departed by the way of a door in the side wall of the chamber. Zabibi rose, staring fearfully at the priest, whose eyes ran avidly over her splendid figure. To this she was indifferent. A dancer of Zamboula was accustomed to nakedness. But the cruelty in his eyes started her limbs to quivering.

"Again you come to me in my retreat, beautiful one," he purred with cynical hypocrisy (опять ты приходишь = пришла ко мне в мое пристанище, красавица: «красивая одна», — промурлыкал он с циничным лицемерием). "It is an unexpected honor (это неожиданная честь). You seemed to enjoy your former visit so little (ты, кажется, так мало получила удовольствия от своего прежнего визита), that I dared not hope for you to repeat it (что я не смел надеяться, /что/ ты повторишь его; to enjoy — получать удовольствие, наслаждаться). Yet I did all in my power to provide you with an interesting experience (однако я сделал все /что было/ в моих силах, /чтобы/ обеспечить тебя = доставить тебе интересные впечатления: «интересный опыт»; to provide smb. with smth. — обеспечить кого-л. чем-л.)."

dilate [daɪˈleɪt], dancer [ˈdɑ:nsə], impossibility [ɪmˌ pɔsəˈbɪlɪtɪ]

For a Zamboulan dancer to blush would be an impossibility (для замбульской танцовщицы покраснеть от стыда было бы невозможностью = невероятно), but a smolder of anger mingled with the fear in Zabibi's dilated eyes (но огонь гнева смешался со страхом в расширенных глазах Забиби).

"Fat pig (жирная свинья)! You know I did not come here for love of you (ты знаешь, /что/ я пришла сюда не ради любви к тебе)."

"Again you come to me in my retreat, beautiful one," he purred with cynical hypocrisy. "It is an unexpected honor. You seemed to enjoy your former visit so little, that I dared not hope for you to repeat it. Yet I did all in my power to provide you with an interesting experience."

For a Zamboulan dancer to blush would be an impossibility, but a smolder of anger mingled with the fear in Zabibi's dilated eyes.

"Fat pig! You know I did not come here for love of you."

"No," laughed Totrasmek, "you came like a fool, creeping through the night with a stupid barbarian to cut my throat (нет, — засмеялся Тотрасмек, — ты пришла, как дурочка, прокравшись в ночи с тупым варваром, /чтобы/ перерезать мое горло = мне горло). Why should you seek my life (зачем ты должна искать мою жизнь = зачем ты покушаешься на мою жизнь; to seek smb.'s life — покушаться на чью-л. жизнь)?"

"You know why!" she cried, knowing the futility of trying to dissemble (ты знаешь зачем! — крикнула она, зная тщетность попыток притворяться).

"You are thinking of your lover," he laughed (ты думаешь о твоем любовнике, — засмеялся он). "The fact that you are here seeking my life shows that he quaffed the drug I gave you (тот факт = то, что ты находишься здесь, покушаясь на мою жизнь, показывает = свидетельствует, что он выпил снадобье, /которое/ я дал тебе). Well, did you not ask for it (ну, /разве/ ты не просила его)? And did I not send what you asked for, out of the love I bear you (и /разве/ я не послал то, чего ты просила, из любви, /которую/ я питаю к тебе)?"

should [ʃʋd], futility [fju:ˈtɪlɪtɪ], quaff [kwɑ:f]

"No," laughed Totrasmek, "you came like a fool, creeping through the night with a stupid barbarian to cut my throat. Why should you seek my life?"

"You know why!" she cried, knowing the futility of trying to dissemble.

"You are thinking of your lover," he laughed. "The fact that you are here seeking my life shows that he quaffed the drug I gave you. Well, did you not ask for it? And did I not send what you asked for, out of the love I bear you?"

"I asked you for a drug that would make him slumber harmlessly for a few hours," she said bitterly (я просила у тебя снадобье, которое бы усыпило его: «заставило его спать» без вреда на несколько часов, — сказала она горестно; bitter — горький). "And you — you sent your servant with a drug that drove him mad (а ты — ты послал своего слугу со снадобьем, которое свело его с ума)! I was a fool ever to trust you (я была дурой, /что/ вообще поверила тебе: «когда- либо поверить тебе»). I might have known your protestations of friendship were lies, to disguise your hate and spite (я могла бы знать = догадаться, /что/ твои заверения в дружбе были ложью, /чтобы/ скрыть твою ненависть и злобу)."

ask [ɑ:sk], friendship [ˈfrendʃɪp], disguise [dɪsˈɡaɪz]

"I asked you for a drug that would make him slumber harmlessly for a few hours," she said bitterly. "And you — you sent your servant with a drug that drove him mad! I was a fool ever to trust you. I might have known your protestations of friendship were lies, to disguise your hate and spite."

"Why did you wish your lover to sleep?" he retorted (для чего ты хотела, /чтобы/ твой любовник спал? — отпарировал он). "So you could steal from him the only thing he would never give you (так бы ты смогла украсть у него единственную вещь, /которую/ он никогда бы не подарил тебе) — the ring with the jewel men call the Star of Khorala (кольцо с драгоценным камнем, /который/ люди называют Звездой Хорала) — the star stolen from the queen of Ophir, who would pay a roomful of gold for its return (звездой, похищенной у королевы Офира, которая заплатила бы полную комнату золота за его возврат = чтобы вернуть его; to steal — украсть, похитить). He would not give it to you willingly (он не отдал бы его тебе добровольно), because he knew that it holds a magic which, when properly controlled (потому что он знал, что оно держит волшебство = обладает волшебной силой, которая, при надлежащем управлении: «когда надлежащим образом управляемая»), will enslave the hearts of any of the opposite sex (поработит сердце любого /человека/ противоположного пола). You wished to steal it from him (ты хотела стащить его (камень) у него (любовника)), fearing that his magicians would discover the key to that magic (боясь, что его волшебники найдут ключ к этому волшебству) and he would forget you in his conquests of the queens of the world (и он забудет тебя в завоевании цариц мира = завоевывая / покоряя цариц мира). You would sell it back to the queen of Ophir, who understands its power and would use it to enslave me (ты бы продала его обратно королеве Офира, которая понимает его силу и использовала бы его, /чтобы/ покорить меня), as she did before it was stolen (как она сделала до того, как он был украден; to steal — красть)."

queen [kwi: n], magician [məˈʤɪʃən], forget [fəˈɡet]

"Why did you wish your lover to sleep?" he retorted. "So you could steal from him the only thing he would never give you — the ring with the jewel men call the Star of Khorala — the star stolen from the queen of Ophir, who would pay a roomful of gold for its return. He would not give it to you willingly, because he knew that it holds a magic which, when properly controlled, will enslave the hearts of any of the opposite sex. You wished to steal it from him, fearing that his magicians would discover the key to that magic and he would forget you in his conquests of the queens of the world. You would sell it back to the queen of Ophir, who understands its power and would use it to enslave me, as she did before it was stolen."

"And why do you want it?" she demanded sulkily (а почему ты хочешь его = а зачем он тебе? — спросила она мрачно).

"I understand its powers (я понимаю его силы). It would increase the power of my arts (он бы увеличил мощь моих искусств = моих чар)."

"Well," she snapped, "you have it now (ну, — сказала она раздраженно, — ты имеешь его теперь = он теперь у тебя)!"

"I have the Star of Khorala (у меня Звезда Хорала)? Nay, you err (нет, ты заблуждаешься)."

demand [dɪˈmɑ:nd], increase [ɪnˈkri: s], err [ə:]

"And why do you want it?" she demanded sulkily.

"I understand its powers. It would increase the power of my arts." "Well," she snapped, "you have it now!"

"I have the Star of Khorala? Nay, you err."

"Why bother to lie?" she retorted bitterly (к чему утруждать себя ложью? — отпарировала она горько). "He had it on his finger when he drove me into the streets (он имел ее на его пальце = она была у него на пальце, когда он вывел меня на улицу). He did not have it when I found him again (ее не было у него, когда я нашла его снова). Your servant must have been watching the house, and have taken it from him, after I escaped him (твой слуга, наверное, наблюдал за домом и забрал ее у него, после того как я убежала от него). To the devil with it (к черту с ней = ну и шут с ней)! I want my lover back sane and whole (я хочу = мне нужен мой любовник назад в здравом уме и невредимый). You have the ring; you have punished us both (у тебя есть кольцо, ты наказал нас обоих). Why do you not restore his mind to him (почему тебе не вернуть ему разум)? Can you (ты можешь)?"

bother [ˈbɔðə], retort [rɪˈtɔ: t], punish [ˈpʌnɪʃ]

"Why bother to lie?" she retorted bitterly. "He had it on his finger when he drove me into the streets. He did not have it when I found him again. Your servant must have been watching the house, and have taken it from him, after I escaped him. To the devil with it! I want my lover back sane and whole. You have the ring; you have punished us both. Why do you not restore his mind to him? Can you?"

"I could," he assured her, in evident enjoyment of her distress (я мог бы, — уверил он ее в очевидном наслаждении от ее горя). He drew a phial from among his robes (он вытащил пузырек из /среди/ своих одеяний). "This contains the juice of the golden lotus (это содержит сок золотого лотоса). If your lover drank it, he would be sane again (если бы твой любовник выпил это, он был бы снова в здравом уме). Yes, I will be merciful (да, я буду милостив). You have both thwarted and flouted me, not once but many times вы оба мешали мне и попирали меня, не раз, а много раз; to flout — презирать; попирать; не подчиняться); he has constantly opposed my wishes (он постоянно препятствовал моим желаниям). But I will be merciful (однако я буду милостив). Come and take the phial from my hand (подойди и возьми склянку из моей руки)."

assure [əˈʃuə], phial [ˈfaɪəl], thwart [Ɵwɔ: t]

"I could," he assured her, in evident enjoyment of her distress. He drew a phial from among his robes. "This contains the juice of the golden lotus. If your lover drank it, he would be sane again. Yes, I will be merciful. You have both thwarted and flouted me, not once but many times; he has constantly opposed my wishes. But I will be merciful. Come and take the phial from my hand."

She stared at Totrasmek, trembling with eagerness to seize it, but fearing it was but some cruel jest (она уставилась на Тотрасмека, дрожа от нетерпения схватить ее, но опасаясь, /что/ это была лишь какая жестокая шутка). She advanced timidly, with a hand extended (она робко двинулась вперед с протянутой рукой), and he laughed heartlessly and drew back out of her reach (а он бессердечно засмеялся и отступил за пределы /ее/ досягаемости). Even as her lips parted to curse him, some instinct snatched her eyes upward (как раз когда ее губы разжались, /чтобы/ проклясть его, какой-то инстинкт поднял ее глаза вверх). From the gilded ceiling four jade-hued vessels were falling (с позолоченного потолка падали четыре желтовато-зеленых сосуда; jade — жадеит; нефрит; желтовато-зеленый цвет; hue — краска, оттенок, тон, цвет). She dodged, but they did not strike her (она увернулась, но = и они не ударили ее). They crashed to the floor about her, forming the four corners of a square (они разбились о пол вокруг нее, образуя четыре угла квадрата). And she screamed, and screamed again (а она визжала и визжала снова). For out of each ruin reared the hooded head of a cobra, and one struck at her bare leg (так как из каждого осколка поднималась голова кобры с капюшоном, и одна напала на ее обнаженную ногу). Her convulsive movement to evade it brought her within reach of the one on the other side (ее судорожное движение, /чтобы/ избежать ее, привела ее в пределы досягаемости одной = кобры с другой стороны) and again she had to shift like lightning to avoid the flash of its hideous head (и снова ей пришлось, как молния = молниеносно перекатиться, /чтобы/ избежать броска ее мерзкой головы).

timidly [ˈtɪmɪdlɪ], ceiling [ˈsi: lɪŋ], hideous [ˈhɪdɪəs]

She stared at Totrasmek, trembling with eagerness to seize it, but fearing it was but some cruel jest. She advanced timidly, with a hand extended, and he laughed heartlessly and drew back out of her reach. Even as her lips parted to curse him, some instinct snatched her eyes upward. From the gilded ceiling four jade-hued vessels were falling. She dodged, but they did not strike her. They crashed to the floor about her, forming the four corners of a square. And she screamed, and screamed again. For out of each ruin reared the hooded head of a cobra, and one struck at her bare leg. Her convulsive movement to evade it brought her within reach of the one on the other side and again she had to shift like lightning to avoid the flash of its hideous head.

She was caught in a frightful trap (она была поймана = попалась в страшную ловушку). All four serpents were swaying and striking at foot, ankle, calf, knee, thigh, hip (все четыре змеи качались и нападали на ступню, лодыжку, икру, колено, бедро (ногу от колена до бедра), бедро (таз)), whatever portion of her voluptuous body chanced to be nearest to them (какая бы часть ее роскошного тела не оказалась ближе всего к ним), and she could not spring over them or pass between them to safety (и она не могла перепрыгнуть их или пройти между ними в безопасное место). She could only whirl and spring aside and twist her body to avoid the strokes (она могла только кружиться, отпрыгивать и изгибать свое тело, /чтобы/ избежать атак), and each time she moved to dodge one snake (и каждый раз, как она передвигалась, /чтобы/ увернуться от одной змеи), the motion brought her within range of another (движение приводило ее в пределы досягаемости другой), so that she had to keep shifting with the speed of light (так что ей приходилось постоянно перемещаться со скоростью света; to spring aside — отпрыгивать (в сторону)). She could move only a short space in any direction (она могла передвигаться лишь в небольшом пространстве в любом направлении), and the fearful hooded crests were menacing her every second (и страшные гребни в капюшонах угрожали ее каждую секунду). Only a dancer of Zamboula could have lived in that grisly square (только танцовщица из Замбулы могла выжить в этом ужасном квадрате).

frightful [ˈfraɪtfʋl], calf [kɑ:f], voluptuous [vəˈlʌpʧʋəs]

She was caught in a frightful trap. All four serpents were swaying and striking at foot, ankle, calf, knee, thigh, hip, whatever portion of her voluptuous body chanced to be nearest to them, and she could not spring over them or pass between them to safety. She could only whirl and spring aside and twist her body to avoid the strokes, and each time she moved to dodge one snake, the motion brought her within range of another, so that she had to keep shifting with the speed of light. She could move only a short space in any direction, and the fearful hooded crests were menacing her every second. Only a dancer of Zamboula could have lived in that grisly square.

She became, herself, a blur of bewildering motion (она стала сама неясным пятном головокружительного движения). The heads missed her by hair's breadths, but they missed (головы промахивались по ней на толщину волоса, но они промахивались), as she pitted her twinkling feet (так как она противопоставляла свои мелькающие ступни), flickering limbs (быстро проносящиеся конечности), and perfect eye (и совершенный глазомер) against the blinding speed of the scaly demons (против ослепительной скорости чешуйчатых демонов) her enemy had conjured out of thin air (/которых/ ее враг вызвал из разреженного воздуха = вакуума).

motion [ˈməuʃn], enemy [ˈenɪmɪ], conjure [ˈkʌnʤə]

She became, herself, a blur of bewildering motion. The heads missed her by hair's breadths, but they missed, as she pitted her twinkling feet, flickering limbs, and perfect eye against the blinding speed of the scaly demons her enemy had conjured out of thin air.

Somewhere a thin, whining music struck up (где-то заиграла тонкая завывающая музыка), mingling with the hissing of the serpents (смешиваясь с шипением змей), like an evil night wind blowing through the empty sockets of a skull (как злой ночной ветер, дующий через пустые впадины = глазницы черепа). Even in the flying speed of her urgent haste she realized that the darting of the serpents was no longer at random (даже при стремительной скорости ее неотложной спешки она осознала, что броски змей больше не были наобум = беспорядочными; at random — наобум, наугад). They obeyed the grisly piping of the eery music (они повиновались вызывающему ужас писку = писклявому звучанию жуткой музыки; piping — игра (на дудке), писк, насвистывание). They struck with a horrible rhythm (они нападали в ужасном ритме), and perforce her swaying, writhing, spinning body attuned itself to their rhythm (и по необходимости ее качающееся, извивающееся, кружащееся тело настроилось на их ритм; tune — мелодия; напев). Her frantic motions melted into the measures of a dance compared to which the most obscene tarantella of Zamora would have seemed sane and restrained (ее неистовые движения незаметно перешли в па танца, по сравнению с которым самая вульгарная тарантелла Заморы показалась бы благопристойной и сдержанной). Sick with shame and terror Zabibi heard the hateful mirth of her merciless tormenter (испытывающая тошноту от стыда и ужаса Забиби услышала злобную радость ее безжалостного мучителя).

eery [ˈɪərɪ], rhythm [rɪðm], measure [ˈmeʒə]

Somewhere a thin, whining music struck up, mingling with the hissing of the serpents, like an evil night wind blowing through the empty sockets of a skull. Even in the flying speed of her urgent haste she realized that the darting of the serpents was no longer at random. They obeyed the grisly piping of the eery music. They struck with a horrible rhythm, and perforce her swaying, writhing, spinning body attuned itself to their rhythm. Her frantic motions melted into the measures of a dance compared to which the most obscene tarantella of Zamora would have seemed sane and restrained. Sick with shame and terror Zabibi heard the hateful mirth of her merciless tormenter.

"The Dance of the Cobras, my lovely one!" laughed Totrasmek (танец Кобр, моя красивая! — засмеялся Тотрасмек). "So maidens danced in the sacrifice to Hanuman centuries ago (так танцевали девы /приносимые/ в жертву Хануману века назад) — but never with such beauty and suppleness (но никогда с такой красотой и гибкостью). Dance, girl, dance (танцуй, девочка, танцуй)! How long can you avoid the fangs of the Poison People (сколько можешь ты избегать клыков Ядовитого Народа)? Minutes (минуты)? Hours (часы)? You will weary at last (ты устанешь в конце концов). Your swift, sure feet will stumble (твои быстрые уверенные ступни споткнутся = начнут спотыкаться), your legs falter, your hips slow in their rotations (твои ноги начнут заплетаться, твои бедра замедлят свое вращение). Then the fangs will begin to sink deep into your ivory flesh (тогда клыки начнут погружаться = погрузятся глубоко в твою плоть /цвета/ слоновой кости) —»

beauty [ˈbju: tɪ], weary [ˈwɪərɪ], falter [ˈfɔ: ltə]

"The Dance of the Cobras, my lovely one!" laughed Totrasmek. "So maidens danced in the sacrifice to Hanuman centuries ago — but never with such beauty and suppleness. Dance, girl, dance! How long can you avoid the fangs of the Poison People? Minutes? Hours? You will weary at last. Your swift, sure feet will stumble, your legs falter, your hips slow in their rotations. Then the fangs will begin to sink deep into your ivory flesh —»

Behind him the curtain shook as if struck by a gust of wind, and Totrasmek screamed (позади него занавес дернулся, как будто ударенный = поднятый порывом ветра, и Тотрасмек завизжал). His eyes dilated (его глаза расширились) and his hands caught convulsively at the length of bright steel which jutted suddenly from his breast (а его руки судорожно схватились за отрезок блестящей стали, который вдруг выступил из его груди).

The music broke off short (музыка резко прервалась; to break off — внезапно прекращаться, обрываться). The girl swayed dizzily in her dance, crying out in dreadful anticipation of the flickering fangs (девушка качалась головокружительно в ее танце, крича в ужасном ожидании мелькающих клыков) — and then only four wisps of harmless blue smoke curled up from the floor about her (и затем лишь четыре клочка безвредного голубого дыма, скручиваясь, поднялись с пола вокруг нее), as Totrasmek sprawled headlong from the divan (когда Тотрасмек растянулся = свесился головой вперед с дивана; headlong — вниз головой, головой вперед; to sprawl — растянуть(ся); развалиться (о человеке)).

dreadful [ˈdredfʋl], anticipation [ænˌ tɪsɪˈpeɪʃən], headlong [ˈhedlɔŋ]

Behind him the curtain shook as if struck by a gust of wind, and Totrasmek screamed. His eyes dilated and his hands caught convulsively at the length of bright steel which jutted suddenly from his breast.

The music broke off short. The girl swayed dizzily in her dance, crying out in dreadful anticipation of the flickering fangs — and then only four wisps of harmless blue smoke curled up from the floor about her, as Totrasmek sprawled headlong from the divan.

Conan came from behind the curtain, wiping his broad blade (Конан вышел из-за занавеса, вытирая свой широкий клинок). Looking through the hangings he had seen the girl dancing desperately between four swaying spirals of smoke (глядя сквозь драпировку, он увидел девушку, танцевавшую отчаянно между четырьмя качающимися спиралями дыма), but he had guessed that their appearance was very different to her (но он угадал, что их вид был очень отличным для нее = был совсем иным для нее). He knew he had killed Totrasmek (он знал, /что/ он убил Тотрасмека).

Zabibi sank down on the floor, panting Забиби опустилась на пол, тяжело дыша), but even as Conan started toward her, she staggered up again (но как раз когда Конан бросился к ней, она снова поднялась, пошатываясь), though her legs trembled with exhaustion (хотя ее ноги дрожали от изнеможения).

"The phial!" she gasped (склянка! — выдохнула она). "The phial (склянка)!"

broad [brɔ: d], spiral [ˈspaɪərəl], exhaustion [ɪɡˈzɔ: sʧən]

Conan came from behind the curtain, wiping his broad blade. Looking through the hangings he had seen the girl dancing desperately between four swaying spirals of smoke, but he had guessed that their appearance was very different to her. He knew he had killed Totrasmek.

Zabibi sank down on the floor, panting, but even as Conan started toward her, she staggered up again, though her legs trembled with exhaustion.

"The phial!" she gasped. "The phial!"

Totrasmek still grasped it in his stiffening hand (Тотрасмек все еще сжимал ее в своей застывающей руке; stiff — тугой, негибкий, неэластичный, жесткий; to stiffen — застывать; затвердевать). Ruthlessly she tore it from his locked fingers (безжалостно она вырвала ее из его стиснутых пальцев) and then began frantically to ransack his garments (и потом начала неистово обыскивать его одежду).

"What the devil are you looking for?" Conan demanded (какого …[55] ты ищещь? — спросил Конан).

"A ring — he stole it from Alafdhal (кольцо — он украл его у Алафдала). He must have, while my lover walked in madness through the streets (он, должно быть, /украл его/, пока мой любовник бродил в безумии по улицам). Set's devils (демоны Сета)!"

stiffen [stɪfn], frantically [ˈfræntɪklɪ], while [waɪl]

Totrasmek still grasped it in his stiffening hand. Ruthlessly she tore it from his locked fingers and then began frantically to ransack his garments.

"What the devil are you looking for?" Conan demanded.

"A ring — he stole it from Alafdhal. He must have, while my lover walked in madness through the streets. Set's devils!"

She had convinced herself that it was not on the person of Totrasmek (она убедилась, что его не было на = у человека Тотрасмека). She began to cast about the chamber, tearing up divan covers and hangings (она начала метаться по комнате, разрывая обивку дивана и драпировку) and upsetting vessels (и переворачивать сосуды).

She paused and raked a damp lock of hair out of her eyes (она остановилась и откинула мокрую прядь волос с глаз). "I forgot Baal-pteor (я забыла Баал-птеора)!"

"He's in Hell with his neck broken," Conan assured her (он в аду со сломанной шеей, — заверил ее Конан).

person [pə: sn], vessel [vesl], cast [kɑ:st]

She had convinced herself that it was not on the person of Totrasmek. She began to cast about the chamber, tearing up divan covers and hangings and upsetting vessels.

She paused and raked a damp lock of hair out of her eyes. "I forgot Baal-pteor!"

"He's in Hell with his neck broken," Conan assured her.

She expressed vindictive gratification at the news, but an instant later swore expressively (она выразила мстительную радость по поводу новости, но мгновение спустя выразительно ругнулась).

"We can't stay here (мы не можем оставаться здесь). It's not many hours until dawn (до зари не много = мало часов). Lesser priests are likely to visit the temple at any hour of the night (младшие жрецы могут посетить храм в любой час ночи), and if we're discovered here with his corpse, the people will tear us to pieces (и если мы будем обнаружены здесь с его трупом, люди разорвут нас на куски). The Turanians could not save us (туранцы не смогли бы спасти нас)." She lifted the bolt on the secret door (она подняла засов на секретной двери), and a few moments later they were in the streets and hurrying away from the silent square (и несколько секунд спустя они были на улицах и спешили прочь от безмолвной площади) where brooded the age-old shrine of Hanuman (где высился древний храм Ханумана).

vindictive [vɪnˈdɪktɪv], swore [swɔ: ], piece [pi: s]

She expressed vindictive gratification at the news, but an instant later swore expressively.

"We can't stay here. It's not many hours until dawn. Lesser priests are likely to visit the temple at any hour of the night, and if we're discovered here with his corpse, the people will tear us to pieces. The Turanians could not save us."

She lifted the bolt on the secret door, and a few moments later they were in the streets and hurrying away from the silent square where brooded the age-old shrine of Hanuman.

In a winding street a short distance away, Conan halted (на извивающейся улице, на небольшом расстоянии /от храма/ Конан остановился) and checked his companion with a heavy hand on her naked shoulder (и сдержал свою спутницу тяжелой рукой на = за ее обнаженное плечо).

"Don't forget there was a price — (не забудь, /что/ была /назначена/ цена)"

"I have not forgotten!" She twisted free (я не забыла! — она вывернулась свободной = она освободилась, извернувшись). "But we must go to — to Alafdhal first (но мы должны идти — сначала к Алафдалу)!"

A few minutes later the black slave let them through the wicket door (несколько минут спустя черный раб впустил их через дверь с окошком). The young Turanian lay upon the divan, his arms and legs bound with heavy velvet ropes (молодой туранец лежал на диване, его руки и ноги /были/ связаны тяжелыми бархатными канатами). His eyes were open, but they were like those of a mad dog, and foam was thick on his lips (его глаза были открыты, но они были, как те = глаза бешеной собаки, и пена была = лежала густо на его губах). Zabibi shuddered (Забиби содрогнулась).

there [ðɛə], forgotten [fəˈɡɔtn], thick [Ɵɪk]

In a winding street a short distance away, Conan halted and checked his companion with a heavy hand on her naked shoulder.

"Don't forget there was a price —»

"I have not forgotten!" She twisted free. "But we must go to — to Alafdhal first!"

A few minutes later the black slave let them through the wicket door. The young Turanian lay upon the divan, his arms and legs bound with heavy velvet ropes. His eyes were open, but they were like those of a mad dog, and foam was thick on his lips. Zabibi shuddered.

"Force his jaws open!" she commanded, and Conan's iron fingers accomplished the task (разожми его челюсти! — скомандовала она, и железные пальцы Конана выполнили задание; to force open — разжать, силой раскрыть).

Zabibi emptied the phial down the maniac's gullet (Забиби опорожнила склянку в глотку маньяка = безумца). The effect was like magic (эффект был словно чудо). Instantly he became quiet (мгновенно он стал спокойным). The glare faded from his eyes (блеск ушел из его глаз); he stared up at the girl in a puzzled way (он уставился на девушку ошеломленно), but with recognition and intelligence (но осознанно и разумно: «с осознанием и разумом»). Then he fell into a normal slumber (затем он провалился в нормальный сон; to fall — падать).

"When he awakes he will be quite sane," she whispered, motioning to the silent slave (когда он проснется, он будет совершенно здоров, — прошептала она, делая жест молчаливому слуге).

accomplish [əˈkɔmplɪʃ], quiet [kwaɪət], quite [kwaɪt]

"Force his jaws open!" she commanded, and Conan's iron fingers accomplished the task.

Zabibi emptied the phial down the maniac's gullet. The effect was like magic. Instantly he became quiet. The glare faded from his eyes; he stared up at the girl in a puzzled way, but with recognition and intelligence. Then he fell into a normal slumber.

"When he awakes he will be quite sane," she whispered, motioning to the silent slave.

With a deep bow he gave into her hands a small leather bag and drew about her shoulders a silken cloak (с глубоким поклоном он дал в ее руки маленький кожаный мешочек и набросил на ее плечи шелковый плащ). Her manner had subtly changed when she beckoned Conan to follow her out of the chamber (ее манера неуловимо изменилась, когда она сделала знак Конану следовать за ней из комнаты).

In an arch that opened on the street, she turned to him, drawing herself up with a new regality (в арке, которая открывалась на улицу, она повернулась к нему, выпрямляясь с новой царственностью).

"I must now tell you the truth," she said (я должна теперь сказать тебе правду, — сказала она). "I am not Zabibi (я не Забиби). I am Nafertari (я Нафертари). And he is not Alafdhal, a poor captain of the guardsmen (а он не Алафдал, бедный капитан гвардейцев). He is Jungir Khan, satrap of Zamboula (он Джангир Хан, сатрап Замбулы)."

leather [ˈleðə], change [ʧeɪnʤ], truth [tru: Ɵ]

With a deep bow he gave into her hands a small leather bag and drew about her shoulders a silken cloak. Her manner had subtly changed when she beckoned Conan to follow her out of the chamber.

In an arch that opened on the street, she turned to him, drawing herself up with a new regality.

"I must now tell you the truth," she said. "I am not Zabibi. I am Nafertari. And he is not Alafdhal, a poor captain of the guardsmen. He is Jungir Khan, satrap of Zamboula."

Conan made no comment; his scarred dark countenance was immobile (Конан не делал комментариев, его темное лицо в шрамах было неподвижно).

"I lied to you because I dared not divulge the truth to anyone," she said (я солгала тебе, потому что я не смела раскрыть правду никому). "We were alone when Jungir Khan went mad (мы были одни, когда Джангир Хан сошел с ума; to go mad — сойти с ума). None knew of it but myself (никто /не/ знал об этом, кроме меня). Had it been known that the satrap of Zamboula was a madman (если бы стало известно, что сатрап Замбулы /был/ безумец), there would have been instant revolt and rioting (был бы = произошел бы сразу же бунт и беспорядки; to riot — бунтовать, поднимать бунт; принимать участие в бунте, мятеже), even as Totrasmek planned, who plotted our destruction (как раз как планировал Тотрасмек, который замышлял наше уничтожение).

divulge [daɪˈvʌlʤ], known [nəun], destruction [dɪˈstrʌkʃn]

Conan made no comment; his scarred dark countenance was immobile.

"I lied to you because I dared not divulge the truth to anyone," she said. "We were alone when Jungir Khan went mad. None knew of it but myself. Had it been known that the satrap of Zamboula was a madman, there would have been instant revolt and rioting, even as Totrasmek planned, who plotted our destruction.

"You see now how impossible is the reward for which you hoped (ты видишь теперь, как невозможна награда, на которую ты надеялся). The satrap's mistress is not — cannot be for you (госпожа сатрапа не /для тебя/ — не может быть для тебя). But you shall not go unrewarded (но ты не уйдешь ненагражденным = без награды). Here is a sack of gold (вот мешочек[56] золота)." She gave him the bag she had received from the slave (она дала ему мешочек, /который/ она получила от раба).

"Go now, and when the sun is up come to the palace (сейчас уходи, а когда солнце взойдет, приходи во дворец). I will have Jungir Khan make you captain of his guard (я заставлю Джангир Хана сделать тебя капитаном его охраны). But you will take your orders from me, secretly (но ты будешь исполнять /твои/ приказы от меня = исполнять мои приказы, тайно). Your first duty will be to march a squad to the shrine of Hanuman (твоя первая обязанность будет повести отряд к храму Ханумана), ostensibly to search for clues of the priest's slayer; in reality to search for the Star of Khorala (якобы для поиска улик /для поимки/ убийцы жреца, на самом деле для поиска Звезды Хорала; ostensibly — якобы: «по видимости»). It must be hidden there somewhere (она должна быть спрятана где-то там). When you find it, bring it to me (когда ты найдешь ее, принеси ее мне). You have my leave to go now (ты имеешь мое позволение уйти сейчас = теперь я позволяю тебе идти)."

reward [rɪˈwɔ: d], guard [ɡɑ:d], squad [skwɔd]

"You see now how impossible is the reward for which you hoped. The satrap's mistress is not — cannot be for you. But you shall not go unrewarded. Here is a sack of gold."

She gave him the bag she had received from the slave.

"Go now, and when the sun is up come to the palace. I will have Jungir Khan make you captain of his guard. But you will take your orders from me, secretly. Your first duty will be to march a squad to the shrine of Hanuman, ostensibly to search for clues of the priest's slayer; in reality to search for the Star of Khorala. It must be hidden there somewhere. When you find it, bring it to me. You have my leave to go now."

He nodded, still silent, and strode away (он кивнул, все еще молча, и пошел прочь; to stride away — шагать прочь, уйти). The girl, watching the swing of his broad shoulders (девушка, наблюдавшая за покачиванием его широких плеч), was piqued to note that there was nothing in his bearing to show that he was in any way chagrined or abashed (была уязвлена заметить = заметив, что не было ничего в его поведение, /чтобы/ показать = что показало бы, что он был каким-то образом огорчен или растерян).

When he had rounded a corner, he glanced back, and then changed his direction and quickened his pace (когда он зашел за угол, он обернулся, а потом изменил /его/ направление и ускорил свой шаг). A few moments later he was in the quarter of the city containing the Horse Market (несколько минут спустя он был в квартале города, содержавшем Конный Базар). There he smote on a door (там он заколотил в дверь; to smite — ударять, бить) until from the window above a bearded head was thrust to demand the reason for the disturbance (пока из окна выше /не/ высунулась бородатая голова, /чтобы/ спросить причину /для/ беспокойства).

pique [pi: k], bear [bɛə], disturbance [dɪsˈtə: bəns]

He nodded, still silent, and strode away. The girl, watching the swing of his broad shoulders, was piqued to note that there was nothing in his bearing to show that he was in any way chagrined or abashed.

When he had rounded a corner, he glanced back, and then changed his direction and quickened his pace. A few moments later he was in the quarter of the city containing the Horse Market. There he smote on a door until from the window above a bearded head was thrust to demand the reason for the disturbance.

"A horse," demanded Conan (лошадь, — потребовал Конан). "The swiftest steed you have (самого быстрого коня, /который/ у тебя есть)."

"I open no gates at this time of night," grumbled the horse trader (я не открываю ворот в этом время ночи, — проворчал торговец лошадьми).

Conan rattled his coins (Конан побренчал /своими/ монетами).

"Dog's son knave (сукин сын, плут)! Don't you see I'm white, and alone (/разве/ ты не видишь, /что/ я белый и один)? Come down, before I smash your door (спускайся, пока я /не/ разнес твою дверь)!"

Presently, on a bay stallion, Conan was riding toward the house of Aram Baksh (теперь на гнедом жеребце Конан скакал к дому Арама Бахша).

knave [neɪv], presently [ˈprezntlɪ], stallion [ˈstæljən]

"A horse," demanded Conan. "The swiftest steed you have."

"I open no gates at this time of night," grumbled the horse trader. Conan rattled his coins.

"Dog's son knave! Don't you see I'm white, and alone? Come down, before I smash your door!"

Presently, on a bay stallion, Conan was riding toward the house of Aram Baksh.

He turned off the road into the alley (он свернул с дороги в аллею / переулок) that lay between the tavern compound and the date-palm garden (который лежал между строения таверны и садом финиковых пальм), but he did not pause at the gate (но он не остановился у ворот). He rode on to the northeast corner of the wall (он поскакал дальше к северо-восточному углу стены), then turned and rode along the north wall (затем повернул и поехал вдоль северной стены), to halt within a few paces of the northwest angle (/чтобы/ остановиться в нескольких шагах от северо-западного угла). No trees grew near the wall, but there were some low bushes (никаких деревьев /не/ росло возле стены, но /там/ было несколько низких кустарников). To one of these he tied his horse (к одному из них он привязал свою лошадь) and was about to climb into the saddle again (и собирался забраться снова в седло), when he heard a low muttering of voices beyond the corner of the wall (когда он услышал низкое бормотание голосов за углом стены).

tavern [ˈtævən], garden [ɡɑ:dn], these [ði: z]

He turned off the road into the alley that lay between the tavern compound and the date-palm garden, but he did not pause at the gate. He rode on to the northeast corner of the wall, then turned and rode along the north wall, to halt within a few paces of the northwest angle. No trees grew near the wall, but there were some low bushes. To one of these he tied his horse and was about to climb into the saddle again, when he heard a low muttering of voices beyond the corner of the wall.

Drawing his foot from the stirrup he stole to the angle and peered around it (вытащив /свою/ ногу из стремени, он прокрался к углу и заглянул за него; to steal — красть(ся)). Three men were moving down the road toward the palm groves (три мужчины двигались вниз по дороге к пальмовым рощам), and from their slouching gait he knew they were Negroes (и от = по их сутулящейся походке он узнал, /что/ они были негры). They halted at his low call, bunching themselves as he strode toward them, his sword in his hand (они остановились при его тихом зове, сбившись в кучу, когда он зашагал к ним /с/ мечом в руке). Their eyes gleamed whitely in the starlight (их глаза блестели белым в звездном свете). Their brutish lust shone in their ebony faces (их звериная похоть / жажда (зд.: убийства) светилась на их эбеновых лицах), but they knew their three cudgels could not prevail against his sword, just as he knew it (но они знали, что их три дубинки не могли одержать победу против меча, как и он знал это).

Negro [ˈni: ɡrəu], brutish [ˈbru: tɪʃ], prevail [prɪˈveɪl]

Drawing his foot from the stirrup he stole to the angle and peered around it. Three men were moving down the road toward the palm groves, and from their slouching gait he knew they were Negroes. They halted at his low call, bunching themselves as he strode toward them, his sword in his hand. Their eyes gleamed whitely in the starlight. Their brutish lust shone in their ebony faces, but they knew their three cudgels could not prevail against his sword, just as he knew it.

"Where are you going?" he challenged (куда вы идете? — спросил он).

"To bid our brothers put out the fire in the pit beyond the groves," was the sullen gutteral reply (велеть нашим братьям потушить костер в яме за рощами, — был угрюмый гортанный ответ; to bid — приказывать, просить). "Aram Baksh promised us a man, but he lied (Арам Бахш обещал нам человека, но он солгал). We found one of our brothers dead in the trap-chamber (мы нашли одного из наших братьев мертвым в комнате-ловушке). We go hungry this night (мы будем голодать этой ночью)."

"I think not," smiled Conan (/я/ не думаю, — улыбнулся Конан). "Aram Baksh will give you a man (Арам Бахш даст вам человека). Do you see that door (видите ту дверь)?"

He pointed to a small, iron-bound portal set in the midst of the western wall (он показал на маленькую, обитую железом дверь, установленную в середине западной стены).

"Wait there (подождите там). Aram Baksh will give you a man (Арам Бахш даст вам человека)."

challenge [ˈʧælɪnʤ], dead [ded], portal [pɔ: tl]

"Where are you going?" he challenged.

"To bid our brothers put out the fire in the pit beyond the groves," was the sullen gutteral reply. "Aram Baksh promised us a man, but he lied. We found one of our brothers dead in the trap-chamber. We go hungry this night."

"I think not," smiled Conan. "Aram Baksh will give you a man. Do you see that door?"

He pointed to a small, iron-bound portal set in the midst of the western wall. "Wait there. Aram Baksh will give you a man."

Backing warily away until he was out of reach of a sudden bludgeon blow (пятясь осторожно, пока он /не/ оказался вне досягаемости неожиданного удара дубиной), he turned and melted around the northwest angle of the wall (он повернулся и исчез за северо-западным углом стены). Reaching his horse he paused to ascertain that the blacks were not sneaking after him (добравшись до своей лошади, он остановился, /чтобы/ убедиться, что черные не крадутся за ним), and then he climbed into the saddle and stood upright on it (и затем он забрался в седло и стал вверх на него = и забрался на него ногами; upright — вертикально, прямо, стоймя), quieting the uneasy steed with a low word (успокаивая беспокойного коня тихим словом). He reached up, grasped the coping of the wall over (он потянулся вверх, схватился за карниз стены) and drew himself up and and over (подтянулся вверх и /перебрался/ через /него/; to draw up — подтянуться; to draw over — перебраться). There he studied the grounds for an instant (там он изучил участок = окрестности за минуту). The tavern was built in the southwest corner of the enclosure (таверна была построена в юго-западном углу огороженного участка), the remaining space of which was occupied by groves and gardens (оставшееся пространство которого было занято рощами и садами). He saw no one in the grounds (он не увидел никого на участке). The tavern was dark and silent (таверна была темной и безмолвной), and he knew all the doors and windows were barred and bolted (и он знал, /что/ все двери и окна были закрыты решетками и засовами; to bar — запирать на засов, закрывать решетками; to bolt — запирать на засов).

study [ˈstʌdɪ], enclosure [ɪnˈkləuʒə], window [ˈwɪndəu]

Backing warily away until he was out of reach of a sudden bludgeon blow, he turned and melted around the northwest angle of the wall. Reaching his horse he paused to ascertain that the blacks were not sneaking after him, and then he climbed into the saddle and stood upright on it, quieting the uneasy steed with a low word. He reached up, grasped the coping of the wall and drew himself up and over. There he studied the grounds for an instant. The tavern was built in the southwest corner of the enclosure, the remaining space of which was occupied by groves and gardens. He saw no one in the grounds. The tavern was dark and silent, and he knew all the doors and windows were barred and bolted.

Conan knew that Aram Baksh slept in a chamber that opened into a cypress- bordered path (Конан знал, что Арам Бахш спит в комнате, которая открывалась в тропинку, обсаженную кипарисами) that led to the door in the western wall (которая вела к двери в западной стене). Like a shadow he glided among the trees (словно тень, он проскользнул между деревьями), and a few moments later he rapped lightly on the chamber door (и несколько секунд спустя он легонько постучал в дверь комнаты).

"What is it?" asked a rumbling, sleepy voice from within (что такое? — спросил гремящий, сонный голос изнутри; to rumble — громыхать, грохотать, греметь; громко говорить).

western [ˈwestən], sleepy [ˈsli: pɪ], voice [vɔɪs]

Conan knew that Aram Baksh slept in a chamber that opened into a cypress- bordered path that led to the door in the western wall. Like a shadow he glided among the trees, and a few moments later he rapped lightly on the chamber door.

"What is it?" asked a rumbling, sleepy voice from within.

"Aram Baksh!" hissed Conan (Арам Бахш! — прошипел Конан). "The blacks are stealing over the wall (черные крадутся через стену)!"

Almost instantly the door opened, framing the tavern-keeper (почти тотчас дверь открылась, обрамляя хозяина: «держателя» таверны = в проеме появился хозяин таверны), naked but for his shirt (голый за исключением его рубахи = в одной рубахе), with a dagger in his hand (с кинжалом в его руке).

He craned his neck to stare into the Cimmerian's face (он вытянул /свою/ шею, /чтобы/ всмотреться в лицо киммерийца; to stare into — всмотреться). "What tale is this — you! (что за басни /это/ — ты!)"

keeper [ˈki: pə], shirt [ʃə: t], neck [nek]

"Aram Baksh!" hissed Conan. "The blacks are stealing over the wall!"

Almost instantly the door opened, framing the tavern-keeper, naked but for his shirt, with a dagger in his hand.

He craned his neck to stare into the Cimmerian's face. "What tale is this — you!"

Conan's vengeful fingers strangled the yell in his throat (мстительные пальцы Конана сдавили крик в его горле). They went to the floor together and Conan wrenched the dagger from his enemy's hand (они пошли на пол = упали на пол вместе, и Конан выкрутил кинжал из руки своего врага). The blade glinted in the starlight, and blood spurted (клинок сверкнул в звездном свете, и хлынула кровь). Aram Baksh made hideous noises, gasping and gagging on a mouthful of blood (Арам Бахш производил отвратительные звуки, задыхаясь и давясь глотками крови; mouthful — полный рот (чего-л.), кусок, глоток). Conan dragged him to his feet and again the dagger slashed (Конан поднял его на /его/ ноги и снова кинжал рубанул), and most of the curly beard fell to the floor (и большая часть курчавой бороды упала на пол).

vengeful [ˈvenʤfʋl], mouthful [ˈmauƟfʋl], most [məʋst]

Conan's vengeful fingers strangled the yell in his throat. They went to the floor together and Conan wrenched the dagger from his enemy's hand. The blade glinted in the starlight, and blood spurted. Aram Baksh made hideous noises, gasping and gagging on a mouthful of blood. Conan dragged him to his feet and again the dagger slashed, and most of the curly beard fell to the floor.

Still gripping his captive's throat (все еще сжимая горло своего пленника) — for a man can scream incoherently even with his throat slit (так как человек может кричать бессвязно даже с /его/ перерезанным горлом; to slit — делать длинный узкий разрез, разрезать в длину, разрезать, рвать) — Conan dragged him out of the dark chamber and down the cypress-shadowed path (Конан вытащил его из темной комнаты /и/ вниз по дорожке, обсаженной кипарисами), to the iron-bound door in the outer wall (к обитой железом дверце во внешней стене). With one hand he lifted the bolt and threw the door open (одной рукой он поднял засов и распахнул дверь; to throw — бросать), disclosing the three shadowy figures which waited like black vultures outside (обнаружив три призрачных фигуры, которые ждали, как черные грифы, снаружи). Into their eager arms Conan thrust the innkeeper (в их жаждущие руки Конан швырнул хозяина гостиницы).

incoherently [ˌɪnkəuˈhɪərəntlɪ], cypress [ˈsaɪprɪs], vulture [ˈvʌlʧə]

Still gripping his captive's throat — for a man can scream incoherently even with his throat slit — Conan dragged him out of the dark chamber and down the cypress-shadowed path, to the iron-bound door in the outer wall. With one hand he lifted the bolt and threw the door open, disclosing the three shadowy figures which waited like black vultures outside. Into their eager arms Conan thrust the innkeeper.

A horrible, blood-choked scream rose from the Zamboulan's throat, but there was no response from the silent tavern (ужасный, давящийся кровью крик раздался из горла замбулийца, но из безмолвной таверны не было ответа; to rise — подниматься). The people there were used to screams outside the wall (люди там привыкли к крикам из-за стены). Aram Baksh fought like a wild man (Арам Бахш сражался, как дикарь), his distended eyes turned frantically on the Cimmerian's face (его расширенные глаза неистово повернулись к лицу киммерийца). He found no mercy there (он нашел никакой пощады там = он не нашел там пощады; to find — находить). Conan was thinking of the scores of wretches who owed their bloody doom to this man's greed (Конан думал о множестве несчастных, которые были обязаны своей кровавой участью жадности этого человека; to owe — быть должным, быть обязанным).

used [ju: st], wretch [reʧ], greed [ɡri: d]

A horrible, blood-choked scream rose from the Zamboulan's throat, but there was no response from the silent tavern. The people there were used to screams outside the wall. Aram Baksh fought like a wild man, his distended eyes turned frantically on the Cimmerian's face. He found no mercy there. Conan was thinking of the scores of wretches who owed their bloody doom to this man's greed.

In glee the Negroes dragged him down the road, mocking his frenzied gibberings (в ликовании негры потащили его по дороге, насмехаясь над его бешеной бессвязной речью). How could they recognize Aram Baksh in this half- naked, bloodstained figure (как они могли узнать Арама Бахша в этой полураздетой, окровавленной фигуре), with the grotesquely shorn beard and unintelligible babblings (с гротескно остриженной бородой и нечленораздельным лепетом; to shear — стричь; обрезать)? The sounds of the struggle came back to Conan, standing beside the gate (звуки борьбы доносились до Конана, стоявшего возле ворот), even after the clump of figures had vanished among the palms (даже после того, как кучка фигур исчезла среди пальм).

gibbering [ˈʤɪbərɪŋ], grotesquely [ɡrəuˈtesklɪ], unintelligible [ˈʌnɪnˈtelɪʤɪbl]

In glee the Negroes dragged him down the road, mocking his frenzied gibberings. How could they recognize Aram Baksh in this half-naked, bloodstained figure, with the grotesquely shorn beard and unintelligible babblings? The sounds of the struggle came back to Conan, standing beside the gate, even after the clump of figures had vanished among the palms.

Closing the door behind him, Conan returned to his horse (закрыв дверь за собой, Конан вернулся к своей лошади), mounted, and turned westward (вскочил в седло и повернул на запад; to mount — садиться на лошадь), toward the open desert (в сторону открытой пустыни), swinging wide (делая широкий круг) to skirt the sinister belt of palm groves (чтобы миновать зловещий пояс пальмовых рощ; to skirt — обходить кругом, идти вдоль края). As he rode, he drew from his belt a ring (когда он скакал = на скаку он вытащил из своего пояса кольцо; to ride — скакать, ехать верхом) in which gleamed a jewel that snared the starlight in a shimmering iridescence (в котором сверкал драгоценный камень, который улавливал звездный свет игристыми переливами). He held it up to admire it, turning it this way and that (он поднял его, /чтобы/ полюбоваться, поворачивая его так и сяк). The compact bag of gold pieces clinked gently at his saddle bow (небольшой мешочек золотых монет звенел нежно / тихонько у луки его седла), like a promise of the greater riches to come (как обещание больших грядущих богатств: «больших богатств придти»).

iridescence [ɪrɪˈdesəns], admire [ədˈmaɪə], promise [ˈprɔmɪs]

Closing the door behind him, Conan returned to his horse, mounted, and turned westward, toward the open desert, swinging wide to skirt the sinister belt of palm groves. As he rode, he drew from his belt a ring in which gleamed a jewel that snared the starlight in a shimmering iridescence. He held it up to admire it, turning it this way and that. The compact bag of gold pieces clinked gently at his saddle bow, like a promise of the greater riches to come.

"I wonder what she'd say if she knew I recognized her as Nafetari and him as Jungir Khan the instant I saw them," he mused (я спрашиваю = интересно, что она сказала бы, если бы она знала, /что/ я узнал ее как Нафертари, а его как Джангир Хана в тот момент, /когда/ я увидел их, — размышлял он). "I knew the Star of Khorala, too (я знал = узнал и Звезду Хорала). There'll be a fine scene if she ever guesses (будет прекрасная сцена, если она когда-нибудь догадается) that I slipped it off his finger while I was tying him with his sword belt (что я снял ее с его пальца, когда я связывал его его поясом для меча). But they'll never catch me, with the start I'm getting (но они никогда /не/ поймают меня — с форой /преимуществом во времени/, /которая/ у меня есть)."

scene [si: n], guess [ɡes], start [stɑ:t]

"I wonder what she'd say if she knew I recognized her as Nafetari and him as Jungir Khan the instant I saw them," he mused. "I knew the Star of Khorala, too. There'll be a fine scene if she ever guesses that I slipped it off his finger while I was tying him with his sword belt. But they'll never catch me, with the start I'm getting."

He glanced back at the shadowy palm groves (он оглянулся на тенистые пальмовые рощи), among which a red glare was mounting (среди которых поднималось красное огнище). A chanting rose to the night, vibrating with savage exultation (пение поднялось к ночи, вибрируя диким ликованием). And another sound mingled with it, a mad incoherent screaming (и еще один звук смешался с ним, безумный неясный крик), a frenzied gibbering in which no words could be distinguished (бешеные нечленораздельные звуки, в которых невозможно было разобрать /никаких/ слов; to distinguish — различать, разбирать, распознавать). The noise followed Conan as he rode westward beneath the paling stars (шум преследовал Конан, пока он скакал на запад под бледнеющими звездами; to pale — бледнеть).

exultation [ˌeɡˈzʌlteɪʃn], distinguish [dɪsˈtɪŋɡwɪʃ], beneath [bɪˈni: Ɵ]

He glanced back at the shadowy palm groves, among which a red glare was mounting. A chanting rose to the night, vibrating with savage exultation. And another sound mingled with it, a mad incoherent screaming, a frenzied gibbering in which no words could be distinguished. The noise followed Conan as he rode westward beneath the paling stars.
