Contributor Biographies

Aaron Polson currently lives in Lawrence, Kansas with his wife, two sons, and a tattooed rabbit. To pay the bills, Aaron attempts to teach high school students the difference between irony and coincidence while cultivating a healthy relationship with the works of William Shakespeare. His stories appear in Necrotic Tissue, Albedo One, Space and Time, and other venues, and have featured magic goldfish, monstrous beetles, and a book of lullabies for baby vampires. You can visit Aaron on the web at

Natalie L. Sin is a horror writer living in the Midwest. Her stories have appeared in numerous print and online publications. When not writing Sin enjoys B-horror movies, abusing Youtube, and large amounts of coffee.

Gina Ranalli is a New Englander by birth, and currently resides in the emerald green heart of Washington State, where she enjoys consuming copious amounts of caffeine, playing with her animals and generally acting like a hyper seven-year-old.

David Dunwoody is the author of Empire as well as the collections Unbound & Other Tales and Dark Entities. His zombie tale Nevermore appears alongside Kim Paffenroth’s Orpheus and the Pearl in Belfire’s first “Duel” Novella. Dave currently lives in Utah and can be visited on the Web at

Benjamin Kane Ethridge’s fiction has appeared in Doorways Magazine, Dark Recesses, FearZone, and others. His dark fantasy novel Black & Orange was released on Halloween 2010 and has gotten an excellent reception. Ben lives in Southern California with his wife and daughter, both adorable and both worthy of better. When he isn’t writing, reading, video-gaming, he’s defending California’s waterways and sewers from industrial waste… and Nightlids.

K.V. Taylor hails from the foothills of West Virginia, but currently lives in the DC Metro area with her husband and mutant cat. Her short fiction can be found at, and her first novel, Scripped, is forthcoming from Belfire Press in June 2011. She edits for Morrigan Books and collects The Red Penny Papers in her dining room.

Myrrym Davies is an up-and-coming horror author from northwest Georgia, and serves as the senior editor for Graveside Tales Publishing. Her short fiction has been published in various magazines and anthologies, including Necrotic Tissue, Best New Zombie Tales vol. 2 from Books of the Dead Press, Horrorology from Library of Horror, and Ladies & Gentlemen of Horror, 2010 from Sonar 4. For more information, please visit her website:

David Chrisom never missed Creature Features as a child–even when the Mushroom People or the Giant Leeches attacked. Collecting ghost stories and living in a haunted castle one day are his greatest passions. He is thrilled to be a part of this anthology. He has also written stories about vampires, fetches, banshees and zombies. The first of these, titled So Fair and Foul a Day was published in the 2009 anthology Northern Haunts. He blames the Bigfoot episodes of The Six Million Dollar Man/Bionic Woman for his fear today of the legendary beast.

John Grover is a dark fiction author residing in Massachusetts. He completed a creative writing course at Boston’s Fisher College and is a member of the New England Horror Writers, a chapter of the Horror Writers Association. He is the author of several collections, including the recently released Feminine Wiles, Sixteen Tales of Wicked Women as well as various chapbooks, anthologies, and more. Please visit his website for more information.

Kelly M. Hudson was born in Kentucky and currently resides in California. He loves horror and has over two dozen stories published in various anthologies, as well as a novel called The Turning published by Living Dead Press. If you wish to know more about Kelly, please visit his website for links to other stories and news.

Jeff Parish is a 30-something native Texan. He and his wife have a girl and two boys. He started writing in middle school, where he concentrated mostly on (bad) fantasy tales and (even worse) poetry. His writing skills developed over time, much to his delight and the relief of everyone he forced to read his work, and he gravitated to prose over poetry.

Jodi Lee is an editor and occasional writer living in her own creation, New Bedlam. She’s often found slicing and dicing prose in her editorial work, or mucking about with book covers, graphics and websites in her design freelancing. She’s currently editor in chief/publisher of Belfire Press, and an associate editor with Necrotic Tissue.
