ADCAP: Advanced Capability (a variant of the Mark 48 torpedo)
ADM: Admiral
ARDM: Auxiliary Repair Medium Dry Dock
ASAP: As Soon As Possible
ASW: Antisubmarine Warfare
BND: Bundesnachrichtendienst, Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service
BZ: Bravo Zulu, U.S. Navy shorthand for “Well Done”
CAPT: Captain
CDR: Commander
CIA: Central Intelligence Agency
CINC: Commander-in-Chief
CO: Commanding Officer
COB: Chief of the Boat
COMINT: Communications Intelligence
CPA: Closest Point of Approach
CSO: Chief Staff Officer (of a submarine squadron staff)
CTML: Conventional Twelve-Mile Limit (the edge of a nation’s territorial waters)
Datum: Last known location of a submarine
DCI: Director of Central Intelligence (Agency)
DEVRON: Submarine Development Squadron
DNI: Director of National Intelligence
EAB: Emergency Air Breathing system
EB: Electric Boat
EDT: Eastern Daylight Savings Time
ENS: Ensign
EPM: Emergency Propulsion Motor
ESM: Electronic Support Measures (detecting radar transmissions)
ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
EU: European Union
Fortify: Code name for the plan to reinforce Europe
GRU: Russian Military Intelligence
HUD: Heads Up Display
HUMINT: Human Intelligence (spies)
JCS: Joint Chiefs of Staff
Ka-27M: Helix antisubmarine warfare helicopter
LCDR: Lieutenant Commander
LT: Lieutenant
LTJG: Lieutenant, junior grade
MAD: Magnetic Anomaly Detector
MGK-608M: Modernized Sever fixed acoustic array
NAE: Naval Acoustic Electromechanical (a type of acoustic countermeasure)
NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NSA: National Security Advisor (position)
NSA: National Security Administration (organization)
NSC: National Security Council
OOD: Officer of the Deck
Overcharge: Code name for the plan to destroy the Russian launch facility
PBXN-103: A powerful high explosive
PMK-2: Russian propelled-warhead mine (MPT-1UM torpedo)
RADM: Rear Admiral
RGB: Radiogidrakustichesky buoy, Russian designation for a sonobuoy
SCI: Sensitive Compartmented Information (a special type of classified information/data)
SCIF: Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility
SIGINT: Signals Intelligence
SSAN: Nuclear-powered auxiliary submarine
SSBN: Nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine
SSN: Nuclear-powered attack submarine
SSTG: Ship’s Service Turbine Generator
SUBFOR: Submarine Forces Commander
SUBRON: Submarine Squadron
SVR: Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki, Russian intelligence agency, successor to the Cold War KGB
Tensor: Code name for information related to the Russian Drakon weapon
UCC: UUV Control Center
UKSK: Universal’nyy Korabel’nyy Strel’bovoy Kompleks, Universal Shipboard Firing Complex UMGT-1: Russian 40cm electric torpedo
UUV: Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
VADM: Vice Admiral
XO: Executive Officer