Standing as still as a Grecian marble, Edie surreptitiously watched as Boyd Braxton threw back the canvas tarp on the military-style truck and swung open the tailgate. She assumed that he was about to unload something. Or else he was getting the truck ready to be loaded. Whichever scenario it was, it had to have something to do the Ark. Of that she was certain.

Taking deep measured breaths, she continued to watch Braxton, curious as to why he suddenly pressed a finger to his ear. Just before he pulled his gun out of its shoulder holster, turned on his heel, and took off running.

Something had spooked the man. But what could possibly have—

Oh, God! They’d found Caedmon.

Swiveling her head back and forth, squinting to better see in the murky shadows, she searched the rocky promontory.

It was like searching the dark side of the moon.

Belatedly realizing that it really was a whole lot like being on the moon in that there was no place to hide, she began to shiver.

A few moments later, four men emerged from the tower, carrying what looked to be a large shipping container. Two other men, stubby machine guns at the ready, followed in their wake.

Without being told, Edie knew that the Ark of the Covenant was inside the shipping container.

Her heart painfully thudding against her breastbone, she watched as it was loaded into the back of the truck. That done, the two armed guards took up a position on either side of the vehicle, the four load bearers returning to the tower.

Slowly, she backed away from her observation post.

She’d taken no more than three tentative steps when a large hand was slapped over her mouth, an unseen assailant bodily lifting her off the ground.
