As she stepped onto the hotel room balcony, Edie pulled the two halves of her terry-cloth robe closer together and tightened the belt; there was a damp, but invigorating chill in the air. Overhead, a few stars were still visible, shimmering specks of light flung haphazardly across the predawn sky. Glancing heavenward, she sighed, always amazed by the breathless expectancy that heralded the arrival of each new day.
“Enchanting, isn’t it?” Caedmon said as he joined her on the balcony. Having just gotten out of the shower, he was attired in an identical fluffy white robe. He handed her a teacup and saucer.
Catching a heady whiff of bergamot, Edie smiled. “The Earl Grey is much needed and much appreciated. And, yes, it is enchanting,” she agreed as she seated herself at the small bistro table set up in the corner of the balcony.
So enchanting, she wasn’t altogether certain she wanted to leave. At least not yet. After the violence of the night just passed, she needed some downtime. Some stress-free, kick-off-your-shoes, sleep-till-noon, I’m-not-answering-the-telephone downtime. She didn’t know, however, whether Caedmon would be joining her. Other than a brief discussion regarding what time the hotel breakfast buffet opened, no mention of the future had been made.
Caedmon seated himself next to her. Suddenly nervous, Edie stared at the horizon, the sky now tinted a soft pink. Like the inside of a seashell. On the wharf, a few industrious fishermen were already out and about, tossing huge nets onto whimsically painted skiffs.
“When I was little, I used to think that the stars went into hiding once the sun came up. Of course, being older and wiser—well, actually, I’m not exactly certain what happens to the stars come daybreak, so just forget I even brought it up,” she said, waving away the silly thought, belatedly realizing that she was rambling.
“When I was a young lad, I used to wonder what alchemical mix created the rainbow,” Caedmon remarked, his English accent sounding more clipped than usual; Edie wondered if he wasn’t a little bit nervous himself.
“The mysteries of the universe. Seems we were both intrigued at an early age.”
“By the by, I sent an e-mail to my old group leader at MI5,” Caedmon said, changing the subject. “Told him that I caught wind of a plot to destroy the Dome of the Rock on the upcoming Muslim holy day. Trent is a good man. He’ll see to it that Mossad and the Israeli public security minister are contacted.”
“You don’t think that—”
“No, no,” he quickly assured her. “I’m just dotting my i’s, as they say. The possibility that MacFarlane had a contingency plan is rather remote. He seemed very much the micromanager.”
Edie fiddled with the delicate handle on her teacup, hesitant to broach the next topic. “You haven’t said anything, but . . . I know you’re disappointed. That it wasn’t the Ark of the Covenant.”
For several long moments, Caedmon stared at the early-morning activity on the bay; Edie was unable to gauge his thoughts. Or his mood; the small pucker on his brow made her think that he was wrangling his way out of a quandary.
Finally, taking a deep I’ve-come-to-a-decision kind of breath, he redirected his gaze toward her. “You wrongly assume that I no longer aspire to find the Ark.”
“But I just thought that—” At a sudden loss for words, she stared at him.
“It’s still out there. I’m certain of it. Still waiting to be discovered. Still waiting to bear holy witness to an eternal truth that is beyond mortal man’s comprehension.”
“‘Thou, silent form, dost tease us out of thought as doth eternity.’”
Smiling, Caedmon took a sip of tea. “How did you know that Keats is my favorite poet?”
She shrugged. “I didn’t. It just seemed”—again she shrugged—“apropos. So, gosh, this is—wow. Guess you can tell I’m kind of speechless, huh?” Crestfallen, she had a sudden urge to glug down one of those tiny bottles of scotch from the room’s minibar.
“The Knights Templar believed that Ethiopia was the secret resting place of the Ark of the Covenant, the holy relic having been spirited out of Jerusalem by Menelik.”
“Yes, Solomon’s illegitimate son by the Queen of Sheba. There are several passages in Wolfram’s Parsifal that intimate as much. The stuff of legends, eh?”
“As I understand it, the Ethiopian highlands are quite lovely.” She wondered if she should wish him luck with his life now or wait until the taxi pulled up to take him to the airport. “And, of course, it would make an interesting topic. You know, for your next book.”
“My thoughts exactly. Although . . .” One side of his mouth quirked; the man was clearly amused by something. “I will have need of a photographer. You wouldn’t happen to know anyone who would be interested in the assignment?”
“Well, now that you mention it, I do know a photographer who’s currently available. Would this be, you know, a strictly professional relationship or . . . ?” She very purposefully crossed her legs at the knee, her robe gaping open to reveal a bare leg well-toned from Pilates.
Caedmon openly stared, proving what she already knew—that under the English veneer lurked a man of deep passions.
“You do know that I’ve always been fascinated by valiant women.”
“A valiant woman and an adventuresome man. We make quite the pair, don’t we?”
“Quite.” Then, his jaw tightening, Caedmon figuratively locked horns with her. “And given your valiant behavior with that green laser light, you should be bent over and given a thorough whacking. You came damned close to getting yourself killed.”
“Funny, but you don’t strike me as an S-and-M type of guy.”
“Just find me a man who doesn’t enjoy being spanked by a beautiful woman.”
Edie burst out laughing, having to slap a hand over her mouth to keep a mouthful of tea from spewing onto the bistro table.
Balancing his elbows on his thighs, Caedmon leaned toward her. “What is it that you want from your life, Edie?”
The question, unexpected and to the point, surprised her. “Well, like most people, I want security, happiness, a sense of belonging.”
“I can give those to you.”
“Are you sure? I mean, we sorta got flung together.”
Blue eyes twinkling, Caedmon grinned. “I am quite certain.”
Hearing that, Edie decided to dive in, as well. “Since we’re on the subject, I suppose the time has come for me to confess that I’m absolutely crazy about you. You’re intelligent, witty, well mannered, and considerate. Everything a woman could possibly want in a man.”
“Might I point out that you didn’t include handsome in your litany of attributes.”
“I was saving the best for last.” Edie raised her teacup. Holding it aloft, she clinked rims with him. “Here’s to finding the Ark.”
“And if not the Ark, then the secret of the Knights Templar.”
“And if not the secret of the Templars, then—” She pointedly glanced at the oversized bed in the middle of their hotel suite.
Caedmon also glanced at the bed, its coverlet invitingly turned down. Getting up from the table, he placed a hand on her elbow, urging her to her feet.
“Let the adventure begin.”