I am enormously indebted to many wonderful people who have assisted in the journey that is this novel.

Lindsay Davis, who believed in this book from the first page—you are my hero. Steven Malk, whose guidance and music brought me to Writers House. Rebecca Sherman, who assured me I could do it, and the incredible Ken Wright, who appeared on a white horse to make it all possible. I couldn’t ask for better mentors, representation, and friends.

My spectacular editor for this novel, Tamra Tuller, invested unfathomable time and effort. A deep bow to Michael Green, who was brave enough to pull the jar from the earth and finally bring this story to the world. The wonderful Liza Kaplan currently edits my books and prepared this special movie tie-in edition. Shanta Newlin, Jill Santopolo, Talia Benamy, Courtenay Palmer, Camilla Sanderson, Farah Géhy, Liz Moraz, Julia Johnson, Kim Ryan, Eileen Kreit, Ashley Fedor, Maria Fazio, and all of the wonderful people at Philomel and Penguin. Thank you for believing.

My writing group—Sharon Cameron, Amy Eytchison, Rachel Griffith, Linda Ragsdale, Howard Shirley, and Angelika Stegmann. Thank you for your dedication and, most of all, your friendship. I couldn’t have done it without you! Thanks to Laura Goering for her assistance with the Russian language.

Marius Markevicius, Zilvinas Naujokas, Ben York Jones, Ramunas Greicius, Jonathan Dillon, and the entire cast and crew of Ashes in the Snow—thank you for creating a gorgeous film and giving voice to a hidden part of history.

Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, whose Work-in-Progress grant and conferences helped me realize that I really could write a book. Special thanks to Genetta Adair and Tracy Barrett from SCBWI Midsouth.

Yvonne Seivertson, Niels Bye Nielsen, Fred and Lindsay Wilhelm, Mike Post, Mike Cortese, Jeroen Noordhuis, Louise Ardenfelt Ravnild, Laurence Harry, Heather Napier, Gerry Rosenblatt, JW Scott, Daniel Schmidt, John Wells, Gavin Mikhail, the Reids, the Tuckers, the Peales, and the Smiths have all assisted or supported my efforts on this book from day one.

I owe everything to Mom and Dad, who taught me to dream big and love even bigger. And John and Kristina—my inspiration, my best friends. My dream is to someday write as well as you.

And my husband, Michael, who suggested I begin writing in the first place. Your love gave me the courage and the wings. You are my everything.


Without Linas Zabaliunas, this book simply would not have been possible. Linas directed me to countless individuals for my research, provided translation, accompanied me throughout Lithuania, provided spurgos and cepelinai, and even arranged for me to be locked away in a former Soviet prison. Ačiū labai, my friend!

My sincere gratitude to the Lapteviečiai organization and the following survivors from the Lithuanian deportations for spending time and sharing their experiences with me: Mrs. Irena Špakauskienė, Mr. Jonas Markauskas, Dr. Jonas Puodžius, Mrs. Rytė Merkytė, and Mr. Antanas Stasiškis.

Special thanks to Ms. Agnieška Narkevič for translation in Vilnius; Mrs. Dalia Kazlauskiene for sharing her husband’s stunning photos of Siberia with me; Nemunas Tour and the Zabaliunas family; Dr. Danute Gailiene, head of the Department of Clinical Psychology at the University of Vilnius in Lithuania, for meeting with me to answer all of my questions; Gintare Jakuboniene, director of the Memorial Department of the Center of Genocide and Resistance; Vilma Juozevičiūtė at the Museum of Genocide Victims; the Genocide and Resistance Research Center; Lithuanian Parliament; the Lithuanian Foundation; Rumšiškės Museum, and Karosta Prison in Latvia.

I am indebted to the following books that helped fill in the blanks: A Stolen Youth, a Stolen Homeland by Dalia Grinkevivičiūtė, Sentence: Siberia by Ann Lehtmets and Douglas Hoile, Leave Your Tears in Moscow by Barbara Armonas, Lithuanians in the Arctic by the Lapteviečiai Organization, and The Psychology of Extreme Traumatization by Dr. Danute Gailiene.

And finally, to the extended family of Jonas Šepetys. Thank you for the continued love and support you have always shown our family. Your patriotism, loyalty, and sacrifice shall never be forgotten

Ačiū labai!
