Theo clapped his hands together in a genteel manner. “Sadie you amaze me. I didn't think you'd ask the right question. I should repent for my erroneous first impression, but I'm not going to."

"I don't understand why everyone thinks I'm such an odd duck,” Sadie said.

Theo shook his head. “Do you really not understand? Do you think everyone is wrong?"

"They're wrong if they form an opinion and refuse to change it.” Frustrated with Theo's high view of himself, Sadie blurted, “My first impression of you was dreadful. Your attitude stinks."

"My attitude? What about Rodney's attitude? That man's dangerous and you're questioning my attitude?"

"Rodney doesn't hide his feelings like you do. We may fear him, but we know exactly what he thinks."

Theo's scowl indicated disagreement as he placed the briefcase back on his lap. He thrust his chin in the air and turned to stare at the barefoot children running along the beach.

"I think people form first impressions with their eyes instead of their brains,” Sadie said. “When I don't understand something, I don't trust it. But at least I talk about it. You're hiding something. That means turmoil."

Theo's indifference irritated Sadie and she kicked at the edge of his seat until the tip of her sandal connected. “It's fear, you know. It's fear that makes you put on that macho mask. You're afraid of what lies ahead, but you won't admit it. I can wait. I've got enough patience for both of us."

Sadie scooted back across the van seat and leaned her head against the window. “It's too bad patience hasn't put an end to my concerns about Aanders seeing a rainbow at midnight."

With mouth agape, Theo let out a sharp breath. “My dear woman, what on earth are you talking about?” When Sadie didn't answer, he said, “I shouldn't have to clarify myself. I don't have the faintest idea what rainbows have to do with Aanders or patience."

"Aanders is a death-coach-in-training. They aren't allowed to counsel their own crossers until they've seen a rainbow at midnight.” She watched Theo's head shake in disbelief, his chin swiveling against his fist. “Trainees have to work under the guidance of another death coach. They train until they're deemed worthy. A rainbow at midnight is a sign the trainee has earned the right to counsel their own crossers."

"Absurd,” Theo said.

"Skeptic,” Sadie said, wagging her finger back and forth in front of her face. “I learned this when I was in training. I haven't made anything up. It's the way it is."

"Maybe you should rewrite the book."

"There is no book."

"Then how do you know you're doing it right?"

"Quit asking questions.” Sadie stood and moved back into the driver's seat. Turning to look at Theo she said, “Tell me what's in the briefcase."

Theo ran his hand across the leather. He placed his finger on the gold numbers and rotated three dials in sequence to complete the combination. The clasps snapped open.

Sadie rose and stood on her tiptoes. She peered over his shoulder. Theo unfastened another clasp and slid his hand into a silk pocket lining the lid.

He removed his hand and held up a small, four-inch-square black bag. He grasped it gingerly between his thumb and forefinger before cupping it in his other hand.

"You've been protecting your briefcase because of a little black bag? What's in it?"

"Diamonds,” Theo closed the lid. “Diamonds worth a fortune."

Sadie dropped into the seat across from him. “My Lord,” she gasped. “Are you sure?"

"Would I protect this briefcase if I weren't sure? Of course I'm sure."

Sadie reached for the bag. “What will you do with it?"

"I'm not giving it to you, if that's what you think. This bag is going with me.” He placed the velvet bag back in the case. His tone oozed bitterness as his resentful glare settled on Sadie.

No wonder the man wore black. It matched his disposition. “You can't do that. Give it to your family. We'll make up a story and I'll make sure they get it."

"That's out of the question. I refuse to let them benefit from my hard work."

"Do they know about the diamonds?"

"They do. But they'll never get their hands on them. That's the good thing about my death. I was upset when my wife found out a client left me an inheritance. That was supposed to be my secret. My private bankroll. After I claimed the inheritance and had the diamonds valued, I hung on to them for several days trying to decide what to do.” Theo spun the combination and checked the clasps to see if they had locked.

"If you remember, I told you I couldn't divorce my wife. Because I received the inheritance while we were married, she's protected under the fifty-fifty divorce statutes. My wife gets half. There's no way to fight it. She and those self-seeking ingrates of hers would drain me financially all over again."

Theo set the case on the floor. “Then I had a change of plan. I decided to cash in the diamonds and file for divorce. They could have their half and I'd enjoy what was left after taxes. I'd be rid of those egotistical leeches and have funds left to live out the rest of my life. That decision was like a last-minute reprieve from the death penalty."

"Give it to charity. Give it to a church,” Sadie said. “At least you'd know your life was worth something."

"Like I said before, that's out of the question. I clawed my way to the top by sheer determination and I'll be damned if I'm going to share it with anyone."

"But Theo…"

"I don't want to hear it. People have taken advantage of me all my life. I'm sick of it. My wife and her children lived beyond our means and expected me to cover their debts. I was forced to do it so I wouldn't become the joke of the judicial system.” Stabbing the air with his finger Theo said, “I lived nine years of pure hell because of those bastards."

"Can't you draw up another will and back date it? I'll take it to your attorney. He won't know the difference. As long as your signature's on it, it's valid."

"Sadie. Shame on you.” Theo grinned. “I could do that, but I won't."

"You can't cash them in the parallel world."

"Do you know that for a fact?” Theo asked. “Nevertheless, my satisfaction lies in the knowledge my wife won't get her hands on the money. My will stipulates I bequeath the balance of my holdings to my wife. When she finds out there are no holdings left, my revenge will be complete. All that spending will come back and bite her in her greedy Gucci pocketbook."

A crooked smile formed on Theo's lips before he broke into a broad grin. “I think I'll compose a letter telling her I've hidden the money in one of my law books. I'm gambling she got rid of them. She hated that library. We had many a squabble over the hours I spent in there."

"That's downright mean,” Sadie said.

"It is, isn't it? Let them pine over the missing money.” Patting his briefcase he said, “These gems are going with me."
