"No, no, don't… don't burn me, Billy! Oh God, don't…"

Sharon's voice trailed off into a whimper, her teeth biting into her upper lip until she could taste blood. Her nephew was laughing at her, moving that fire up her belly, burning the fine blonde hairs furring her skin. She felt the hot kiss of the cigarette lighter flame over the under swells of her tits.

Screaming, Sharon kicked forward, snapping her head back while she felt the cruel ropes cutting into her flesh even more. He was out of his mind, crazy to be doing something like this to her. And now he had the fire back over her cunt, the orange fire brushing back and forth over her pussy-hairs. The stench of burning cunt-fur filled her nostrils and made Sharon scream again. What could he be wanting from her? What more did he need to see?

She shrieked and kicked again, her muscles bulging, her voice shrilling while her tits danced and slapped together. Billy moved the fire up to the top of her cunt-mound, letting the flame burn away her pussy-hair, then tickle over her clit. Sharon shrieked louder than before, kicking her feet at him, growling at her nephew as if she were an animal.

The pain shot up from her cunt and into her brain. Twisting and turning on the ropes, the woman felt her flesh crawling with revulsion and a strange kind of excitement that had begun in the pit of her belly and now radiated throughout her body. Billy brushed the flame up and down her ridged inner thighs. He was humming a tune, not paying any attention to her pleas for mercy. He was quite happy torturing her in this way, degrading her while listening to her screams.

"No, no, I'll do anything. Please, anything… I'll fuck you! Anything, but – eaghhhh!" Billy had the flame back up to her nipples.

He burned one of them, letting the fire singe the pink tit tip to a dark red. Sharon thought she would pass out from the pain! How helpless she felt, unable even to slap her hands protectively around her body while this maniac injured her! The fire moved down to her belly button once more, burning her skin red there. She set her jaw firmly, whimpering, staring down at the moving flame.

"Don't wanna use you all up at once," Billy said, flipping the lid and extinguishing the flame.

Sharon breathed a sigh of relief, feeling her muscles relax and her body sag. She closed her eyes, letting out yet another breath and considering herself lucky he hadn't really ruined any part of her. Gradually Sharon came to her senses and dared to open her eyes.

That savaging had nearly killed her. What horrible things did he line planned for her? Why wouldn't he let her go? What was he doing rummaging around in the darkness there? Not seeing him made the woman nervous, rivulets of perspiration rolling down her tits and sides. Sharon squeezed her cunt muscles together, feeling an itchy kind of orgasm ripple through her swollen pussy-meat. How odd she should feel something like that when she had been victimized this way!

Billy came back, a small black box with wires trailing from behind it in both hands. He set it down on a nearby stool, untangling the wires. Small silver damps or pincers were attached to the cads. She studied the clamps with growing apprehension. Billy had returned, picking up two of the clamps and holding one in each hand. He reached up, opening the pincers and rubbing them against her sore nipples. Sharon knew immediately what was going to happen and wailed, kicking back at the young boy. Billy turned, laughing at her vain attempts to bit him. Opening the clamps wider, he pushed them onto her tit tips.

Sharon screamed and shrieked, choking on her own cries as the biting pain of those metal pincers tore through her nipples. It was as if someone were trying to tear her nipples away! The woman snapped her head from side to side, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks while her blonde hair swept over her face. Sharon was afraid to look down, terrified she would see blood streaming from her bitten, distended nipples. But Billy didn't give her a chance to think twice about her nipples. He was rubbing another clamp over her burned cunt, opening the pincer and letting it bite down just below her clit!

She let out a short scream, her body stiffening. No. No. She had to stay in control. Concentrating, Sharon knew she had to keep what wits she had about her. Fighting down the tearing agony in her curt and tits, she blinked her eyes clear, watching as her nephew took the final clamp and walk slowly behind her.

She could feel his thumbs spreading her plump ass-cheeks, could feel his fingers caressing the inner swells of her ass-cheeks until one of them poked offendingly against her asshole. Sharon opened her mouth wide, her eyes rounding as she felt the cold steel clamp being fed into her shitter. She felt it shaking up into her bowels, the steel quickly warming until it felt like a long skinny finger wriggling its way deep into her body.

Billy had finished. She hung there, wired to the black box sitting on the nearby stool.

"It's a transformer, Aunt Sharon. It's a little more sophisticated than the slut you get in a train set." He picked up the black box and sat on the stool. He grinned up at her, folding his legs one under the other while placing the transformer on his lap. "I worked on it so you won't get any fuckin' surges or that shit. Thought about doin' somethin' like this to a lota' of girls. But man, you're the first. Big time, huh?"

Electricity? He was going to electrocute her! Sharon shook her head violently from side to side, her eyes begging him not to touch her with that current. She felt the weight of the heavy black wires pulling on her nipples, distending her tits now. The clamp biting into her moist pink cunt-flesh seemed to nibble closer and closer to her stiffening clit. The wire in her ass seemed alive, a snake working its way along her bowels into her belly!

Un muscles stiffened again, her cheeks trembling while her eyes focused hard on that little black box. Sharon noticed every move Billy made, every motion his fingers played over the tiny dial at the top of the transformer. Any moment he could twist it and said a surg of amperage into her flesh! She pound her teeth, readying herself for the assault.

"I guess we'll start off real slow. That's the best way," Billy said, tightening his grip on the dial and turning it up one notch.

Sharon stiffened. And when the first tingly pulse erupted from the pincers, she let out a tiny gasp, her fingers curling against the restraining pole while her legs shivered. The sensation wasn't unpleasant. She closed her eyes, her head falling back, her long hair sweeping over her jutting shoulderblades. Images of her daughter flashed through her mind as the faint pulse dug at her tits and cunt.

The wire in her ass became more and more alive, making her shitter open and shut. Sharon bit her lower lips, hoping against hope she wouldn't disgrace herself by shitting on the floor. Her belly tightened while a hot, itchy tingle grew like a blossoming flower in her cunt. She didn't want Billy to see what was happening to her. She would be calm, presenting a facade of indifference while he tried to torture her. That would infuriate him and perhaps frustrate him.

Another notch! She felt the increase, the pulse turning into something with a far sharper edge. Her body jiggled against the ropes holding her above the floor. Sharon could feel the clamps more severely now. The teeth seemed to come alive on her nipples, cutting into the sore, burned flesh, biting into her tits. And the electricity surging through her cunt made it ache so from the tension of desire.

Lust? Could she feel something like that while enduring this kind of honor? Sharon knew she could. She could feel her own hot juice bubbling from her jagged cunt-crack, oozing down her thighs. The clamp was sending more and more voltage into her darkening cunt-flesh, opening the woman's cunt as if she were getting ready to receive a lover's prick.

Sharon groaned, her head lolling. The wire in her ass seemed to be sparking, sending showers of electricity into her belly. Her asshole burned, spasming in time with her clit. She was amazed that the electricity was doing this to her, turning her into a rutting slut right in front of her nephew! She couldn't deny the thrilling spasms starting up in her cunt, making her clit shiver. Sharon found herself shamelessly grinding her thighs together, rubbing one leg against the other as she tried to pinch off another orgasm.

"Like it, Aunt Sharon? Man, you got juice commin' outta you! You gotta be real hot if you've got that shit squirtin' out that much!"

Billy remarked, his fingers twisting the dial another notch.

Sharon bounced like a puppet, her body jerking from side to side, then bobbing up and down. The pulley assembly overhead groaned from the woman's maniacal movements. She felt her flesh blushing from the added current. Her tits swayed and slapped violently against one another, the banging nearly dislodging the pincers that continued to bite into her nipples. Spit frothed from the corners of her lips, drooling down her chin while her cunt itched maddeningly.

Sharon thought her belly was going to explode, the current making it swell so. She was certain her asshole was burning, on fire, melting from the voltage searing her bowels. Weak and dizzy, she tried once more to call out for mercy. But Sharon found her vocal chords paralyzed by the increased electricity. All she could do was make guttural grunting sounds, sounds made more unintelligible by the spit frothing from her mouth.

Agony soared through her body now. Billy had turned the transformer on nearly all the way, sending surge after surge of flesh-melting voltage into her body. Sharon bobbed up and down, her legs kicking from side to side. She went mad for a moment, yowling and shrieking while her body thrashed against its bonds.

Every organ in her body seemed to be exploding or melting under the onslaught while her cunt was cumming with a ferocity that took Sharon's breath away. She hung there, suspended between agony and delight.

More electricity! She kit her heart thudding violently against her chest, expecting it to burst from the increased voltage. Sharon shrieked, writhing while her lips turned purple. Surely this was going to kill her. Surely she would die like this, dangling from the ceiling, her body ripped to pieces by the burning voltage. She laughed and shrieked, her head whipping from side to side. Spit stood on her lips, poised, about to spit while the cunt-juice speckled and dried on her ridging thighs.

The agony inside her was awful. She could feel her cunt erupting into climax again and again. She was helpless to control the jerking in her pussy and the ripping in her clit. Her climax showered her thighs while the smell of burning flesh was an overpowering aroma.

Billy played with the transformer, turning down the voltage and watching his aunt's body sag toward the floor, then switching it back up to full power and seeing her dance and jiggle against the ropes.

"No more!"

Suddenly the pain was gone. Sharon kept screaming, her body dancing obscenely on the wire while Billy ripped the pincers from her tits, her cunt, her asshole. She felt the ropes, the pulleys groan as he lowered her back to the floor. Still she couldn't keep herself from thrashing like a mad woman. She sobbed and screamed. Her tits still spumed while her cunt came again and again.

Without saying another word, Billy threw the transformer back into the darkness, slapping his aunt several times until she came around. Her arms were still stretched above her head, the wrists bound to the pole. At least, Sharon sighed to herself, her ass was on the ground. For the first time in nearly an hour she felt relief in her throbbing shoulders.

"Around we go."

Billy grabbed her thighs, twisting her around until she lay belly-down on the barn floor. Her cunt still itched and throbbed, the tiny pieces of hay pricking her clit back into life again and again. Her thighs rippled while Sharon bit down once more into her lip, trying to control her reaction. It was painful now hanging this way, her arms jerked back behind her while her tits hung down from her chest. What was Billy doing?


She heard him pushing his pants down over his legs, then felt him crouching behind her. In a moment she could feel something very hot and very stiff brushing up against her ass-crack. He was going to fuck her in the ass! Sharon could feel him holding her hipbones while his knees were knocking hers apart. It was too awful for words! Gulping in another lungful of air, she protested as violently as she could, shaking her thighs from side to side, trying to draw her knees protectively together, clenching her ass-cheeks together. But Billy wouldn't be put off.


Sharon screamed, feeling the hot, hard cockhead pressing against her shitter. The tiny muscles protested, aching painfully while Billy huffed behind her. His fingers scraped over her flesh, his nails digging into her skin while his cock-head pressed harder, more firmly against her shitter.

Sharon felt the tight ring of her asshole being driven up into her guts. She felt the tearing, stretching agony increase more and more, her humiliation growing when she felt Billy's fingers grip her convulsing quit. He knew, he could tell just how hot she was while his cock was threatening to plow into her ass!

The pressure let clown on her asshole for an instant. Sharon let down her guard for a moment, relaxing while she strained outward as if she were taking a shit. Billy slapped her ass several times, bringing down now both hands and spreading her cheeks like two halves of hot bread. She felt his thumbs stretching her asshole, tearing open the wrinkled gray/pink flesh while his cock-head lay back just a few inches, ready to ram down.

"You're gonna take it, you damned bitch! You're nothin' but shit, and you're gonna feel my cock plowin' down into your shit," Billy growled, creaming her bowels with his jagged thumbnail and drawing yet another shrill shriek from the offended woman.

Billy moved his hands back. She felt his fingers reaching up to her bruised tits. She squirmed, moving her ass back against the haired belly rubbing against her. Then once more the head was up against her shitter, this time making progress. Sharon let out another cry, her body stiffening as if Billy had seat n)on electricity shooting through her flesh.

He was shoving his cock in now, inch by excruciating inch, the wide-flared head burrowing deep into her ass! It was splitting her wide open, tearing her in half as if she were a piece of tissue. Sharon let out more yelping cries, her body jerking and twisting under hers while her shoulders ached from the awkward roped position he had bound her in. The woman screamed for him to at least untie her from the overhead pole.

But Billy liked his aunt bound that way. He pinched her sore nipples, twisting the aching nubs round until her brain was nearly numb with the agony. Sharon finally felt her small sphincters easing as half of her nephew's cock eased into her ass. Her legs and arms spumed as Billy pushed in the remaining few inches, rubbing his crotch against her ass while his balls dragged over her cunt.

Sharon bit her lip. She couldn't even sob now, not with the insistent movements of that bar of cock-meat in her ass. She pushed her ass toward him, looking for some relief from the obscene sucking in her shit-chute. Billy stopped for a moment, then pulled out. Sharon shook her head from side to side, not believing how her body was reacting. She squeaked, her cunt going into itchy tremors of need.

Billy massaged her tits, then pulled his fingers down until he was rubbing the tips against her cunt-lips. He knew how hot she was, how much juice oozed from her cunt. The woman was groaning now, feeling the hot sliding of his cock as it chugged deeper in her guts sending hot, shivery thrills through her body.


"That's it! That's it! Move that ass around so I can really feel you steamin' my cock!"

There weren't any more thoughts of her daughter, or of the fact that it was her own nephew fucking her in the ass. All that mattered now for Sharon was the hot, sliding feeling in her ass, a feeling spreading to her clit.
