The mud once again was washed away, leaving her squeaky clean for the moment as she slithered through the filth toward the opening in the fence she had spotted earlier.

"Ohhh, God, give me strength," she whispered.

Diane gasped, her body sliding a little closer to the opening. Perhaps she would be able to catch her footing and run for it, hiding in the woods until dark. Her flesh reddened as the roaring water massaged her skin. Billy stepped around a little farther, keeping her in line with the spray. Diane tried to keep her face and tits away. But there was no chance in escaping from her cousin. She was being mired in the mud, twisting against the filthy and finding it more and more difficult to move. All the muscles in her shapely body were working, but to little avail.


Billy was up next to her, blasting the water against her tits. Her nipples stiffened, driving into the firm flesh. She could feel the whole heavy mass of each round tit aching with lust. Ohhh, what that filthy pig was doing to her with water! Diane shook her head violently as it she could push out those lascivious feelings in her crotch. It was impossible. Her mind exploded again and again with lust.

She panted as much from excitement as from the bottle with the rushing water. Pushing back, Diane braced her spine against the fence pole. She turned her head to one side at breathed in long, raspy breaths. The spray cleaned the shit and mud from her once again, bringing her tits up against her chin. Billy laughed loudly, letting her know he was enjoying her filthy humiliation immensely. Again the girl tried to muster the strength and courage to spit at him. But the water blasted against her cheek, sending her crashing back into the filth.

"Billy, no more! God, no more!" Diane shrieked, kicking her heels into the mud.

The metal bands cut into her wrists, drawing blood from her flesh. The girl sobbed, rolling onto her back in defeat. The shame of feeling herself crawl around naked in the mad and shit made her want to give up. Her defiance of her cousin and his power faded under her rising sexual heat. She lay on her back, weeping while Billy played the water from her tits to her aunt.

She jerks her knees up at times, letting them fall slowly back to the filth while the incredibly heavy rush of hot water on her clit and cunthole made the girl's hips rise and fall in a fucking movement. Diane cried out in a mixture of pain and shame, letting her upraised knees spread more widely apart. She was a whore. Look at what she was doing, lying in a bed of murky filth, letting her own cousin fuck her with a garden hose! The thought made her let out a sharp, hysterical laugh.

"Funny, eh, babe? Yeah, that's the way, laugh it off!"

She rolled her hips from side to side, feeling the warm mud oozing into her ass-crack. She wanted to put her hands over her cunt. But the bands remained firm, working against the blood oozing from her wounds. Billy played the water now over her tits, while the nipples ached and throbbed in time with the beating of her clit. The water filled her nostrils and mouth, making Diane cough and gag.

She couldn't bide the lascivious heat rising in her pussy from her cousin. She gnawed on her lower lip, feeling herself rushing up to climax. Yes, rutting there in that open pool of filth, she was going to cum, cum right there in front of her cousin. Again Diane laughed, feeling the mud and slit working its way into her asshole as she rolled her ass and hips up against the water.

No, it wouldn't be long before the climax building in her cunt went off like a firecracker. She could feel the unmistakable tension building in her crotch, that hot, itchy ache sharpening to a pinpoint of delight. Diane closed her eyes and lay there flat, hoping Billy would stop when she started to cum. God only knows what would happen to her if those sensations were to continue while she hit her climax.


It was whorish to do what she was doing, but Diane couldn't help herself. She twisted her hips, actually looking for the center of the stream. The lascivious feelings between her legs grew, sharpening as the water beat at her clit. Diane rolled onto her belly, then rolled back onto her spine, her legs striking the wooden poles. The girl was weak with her own arousal.

Lying there in the bed of shitty mud, Diane wallowed like a pig in rut, wanting to have that stream fuck her all the way. Yes, yes, it was a good if not better than a good hard cock fucking her. She gritted her teeth, trying to force the peak to sweep over her.

Knowing what she was about, Billy swept the water across her tits, then back to her cunt. Billy was taking careful aim with the hose, his movements adding to the lusty rush of feelings all through the girl's body.


Diane let out another sharp cry, feeling the water blast across her rippling belly and back onto her tits. Diane felt the stream toying with her nipples longer this time, forcing the rubbery tips up against her chin. The full under swells of her tits throbbed against the onslaught while her cunt throbbed on the brink of climax.


He moved back down to her cunt again, this time the blast of scalding water opening the flesh around her clit. Ohhh, how good that felt! It felt like a huge mouth sucking and licking at the top of her cunt-mound. She felt the tiny muscles knotting up in tension as she hunched hard back against the fucking water.

She could have cried with frustration. Billy played the hose now between her spread thighs. Only the softer, reflected drops hit her cunt. The water bounced from the filthy mud to slick down the undersides of her white, shivering thighs, then slashed back and forth across her ass-cheeks. Diane levered her ass up, putting her fingers into the mud and pushing her ass up. She was spreading herself for the water, feeling the thrill of the splashing streams against her shitter. Oh yes, yes, it was there, just out of reach. Her hips rolled and circled, looking for that last tiny bit of hot delight that would push her over the edge.

It was the surprise of her life. Now Diane knew what that other hose was for. Billy had dropped the hot water for the moment, picking up the other and turning on the second spigot. Now a blast of icy water hit her cunt dead center, the hot stream blasting into her face.

The girl felt her cunt clinch like a fist. She could almost hear the slapping of her pussywalls as they clamped down on thin air. The girl screamed, wallowing her shoulder blades against the filthy mud while her legs beat in frustration. She had nearly cum! She had nearly brought herself off when Billy had done this to her!

"Like that, baby? Just a little surprise, something to keep you goin'."

"No, no, noooo!"

The icy stream seemed to spray oven harder than the hot one. Both of them played over her twisting body, the cold one always going back to her cunt. Diane couldn't believe how much her climax had increased, how long the clenching of all her muscles lasted. The freezing water immobilized her cunt for a while, holding it at the unbearable height of each pulse for seconds at a time.

When the water blasted across her tits, Diane thought the cold would strangle her. She fought with all her strength to grab short breaths. Her chest spasmed, tightening against the chill of the second hose. She could hear Billy laughing once more. But now she didn't care what he did. She only needed that climax, that wonderful cum that was slowly tearing her body apart. AU the girl wanted was to have those powerful streams.

"Come on, baby, come on and fuck it out, come on and fuck it out against the water, Diane," Billy shouted.

She wanted to shout back at him. But her voice was gone. She could barely grunt while the water sprayed and sucked against her. The water and gut wrenching burst of her climax wouldn't let her do anything else. She writhed in the filth, agonized by the onslaught against her nerves. The sound of the water drowned out his laughter and cursing. She rolled ever, feeling the twin streams blasting against the spasming ring of her shitter.

Diane strangled on her own sobs, her breath driven out by her cum. The bright air around her darkened, and she dragging herself forward, trying to get away from the terrifying power of her own climax. Mud caked her tits and her pussy as she struggled back to the fence pole.

"Come on, baby, come on!"

She opened her lids wide, looking around her while her heart began to beat wildly. Moving her arms, the girl realized she could hardly raise them. It was impossible to push them away from her sides. When the girl tried to jerk her head up, she felt her chin bang against a wooden wall. Buried alive! Billy had buried her alive!


Diane whispered out the word, trying to regain control of herself. Even Billy wouldn't have done such a sick, deadly thing. He wanted pleasure from her, and he couldn't get much from a dirty corpse. Still, Diane had to realize she was in some sort of box, some sort of coffin and there was no light and little air. She had to calm down or she would surely use up what little oxygen there was.

Perspiration broke out over her flesh, slicking down her skin. She tried raising her knees and found them rubbing up against the same wooden barrier her head had. She had been dropped into a pine box, the lid sealed tight. About to scream out for help, Diane heard movement to one side of the box. She lay still, minimizing her breaths, curling and uncurling her fingers as she waited for the next move.

The needle against her windpipe for a moment, twisting against the spasming flesh before withdrawing. Diane sank back in a pool of cold sweat, breathing heavily, her eyes round with fear and pain.

There was coughing outside. Then another scraping sound caught Diane's attention. This time two needles were inching their way over her tits, sliding down. She could see the faint blue/white electrical glow over the length of the silver probes as they worked their way toward her nipples. Diane gasped, her breathing growing hard and raspy, her chest rising and falling as she looked at the approaching needles.

No! No! This was horrid, beyond what she could have possibly imagined! She watched the steady advance of the probes. She tried to flatten herself against the coffin. But that was impossible. In a moment the probes were pushing against her nipples, the current sparking into the nubs and making her body jerk and twitch against the restraining sides of the coffin. Again and again Diane yammered, screams tearing from her throat while her nipples seemed to be frying!

The needles twisted around and around, bluish sparks singeing the pink injured flesh.

Diane shrieked, smashing her whitened knuckles against the coffin's sides.

Once again the needles retreated. The girl sank into a stupor, but with her senses still alive to the slightest sound outside the sealed coffin. There was muffled laughter. Then the scraping sounds began once more, this time between her legs. Diane knew instinctively this would be the last assault on her.

She screamed even before the needles touched her, jerking and rolling from side to side while the probes slipped up against her clit. Three of them picked her cunt. It was as if someone had charged her entire body with current.

Her bones throbbed, her spine arching while her shoulderblades beat wildly against the coffin's back. Every muscle in Diane's body tensed and bulged against her sweaty flesh while she shivered as if in a fit. The current was burning into her cunt, making the tiny muscles knot up and itch while the pointy end of the needles poked and pricked continually at her musky, swollen cunt-meat.

Again and again Diane was assaulted by mini orgasms, one rushing atop the other, each one making her catch her breath. She thought she would surely die gasping for oxygen in the fetid coffin as her climaxes exploded.

More needles! They punctured her cunt-lips, one of the sharp probes lancing her clit. The searing, dizzying delight and agony made her body twist and shiver even more than before. Her entire mind was focused on her cunt, on the way her pussy was tightening, opening, then tightening again while the needles poked and pricked their way up and down her jagged fuck-slit.

Billy was digging them deeper, pushing the needles harder into her flesh while Diane gnashed her teeth. She bawled and begged for the agony to stop, yet she prayed at the same time for this to keep going on forever. She couldn't believe anything like this could be so awful, or so wonderful. Oh, oh, oh, if only he would fuck her! The pig pen, the spraying, and now the coffin had only worked the teen up more and more. She had to have something human, something warm and thick and stiff rushing through her pussy to make her feel whole once more.

And while another climax rushed through her body, Diane heard the top of the coffin being pried off. A rush of cool air washed over her sweaty, hot flesh while light blinded the teen.

Billy stood there, watching her roll her hips lasciviously from side to side. If only she could control herself. If only she could defy her cousin once, just once! But that was impossible.

Billy watched her, looking back at the small generator that had electrified the needles. He switched off the machine, then reached down and lifted her from the coffin. Diane sagged heavily against him. Clinging to him, and sobbed, so hot she thought she would burn up.

"What do you want?" she cried, hugging him, and yet wanting to run from him.

"To see you and your old lady in action together. A mother/daughter team," Billy said, carrying her away from the coffin. "And you know what? I'm gonna get it."
