Your baby will learn to walk and talk, but that’s nothing. The major development is that your baby will learn how to scream for no good reason in shopping malls.
First of all, forget about reason. You can’t reason with a one-year-old. In fact, reasoning with children of any age has been greatly overrated. There is no documented case of any child being successfully reasoned with before the second year of graduate school.
Also you can’t hit a one-year-old. It will just cry harder, and women the age of your mother will walk right up and whap you with their handbags. So what do you do when your child decides to scream in public? Here are several practical, time-tested techniques:
Explain your side to the other shoppers. As they go by, pull them aside, show them the pizza crust, and talk it over with them, adult to adult (“Look! The little cretin wants to eat this! Ha ha! Isn’t that CRAZY?”).
Threaten to take your child to see Santa Claus if it doesn’t shut up. All children are born with an instinctive terror of Santa Claus.
Let your child have the damn pizza crust. I mean, there’s always a chance the previous owner wasn’t diseased. It could have been a clergyman or something.
Most babies learn to walk at about 12 months, although nobody has ever figured out why they bother, because for the next 12 months all they do is stagger off in random directions until they trip over dust molecules and fall on their butts. You cannot catch them before they fall. They fall so quickly that the naked adult eye cannot even see them. This is why diapers are made so thick.
During this phase, your job, as parent, is to trail along behind your child everywhere, holding your arms out in the Standard Toddler-Following Posture made popular by Boris Karloff in the excellent parent-education film The Mummy, only with a degree of hunch approaching that of Neanderthal Man, so you’ll be able to pick your child up quickly after it falls, because the longer it stays on the ground the more likely it is to find something to put in its mouth.
There are two distinct phases in the baby’s language development. The second phase is when the baby actually starts talking, which is at about 18
months. The first phase is when the parents imagine that the baby is talking, which is somewhere around 12 months, or even earlier if it’s their first baby.
What happens is that one day the baby is holding a little plastic car, trying to get it all the way into his mouth, and he makes some typical random baby sound such as “gawanoo,” and the parents, their brains softened from inhaling Johnson’s Baby Oil fumes, say to each other: “Did you hear that? Teddy said ‘car’!!!!!” If you’ve ever been around young parents going through this kind of self-delusion, you know how deranged they can get:
YOU: So! How’s little Jason?
PARENT: Talking up a storm! Listen!
JASON: Poomwah arrrr grah.
PARENT: Isn’t that incredible!
YOU: Ah. Yes. Hmmm.
PARENT: I mean, 13 months old, and already he’s concerned about restrictions on imported steel!
YOU: Ah.
JASON: Brrrrroooooooooooooooooper.
PARENT: No, Jason, I believe that was during the Kennedy administration.
Eventually, your child will start to learn some real words, which means you’ll finally find out what he’s thinking. Not much, as it turns out. The first words our son, Robert, said were “dog” and “hot,” and after that he didn’t seem the least bit interested in learning any more. For the longest time, our conversations went like this:
ME: Look, Robert. See the birds?
ME: No, Robert. Those are birds.
ROBERT: Dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog.
ME: Those are birds, Robert. Can you say “bird?”
ROBERT (emphatically): Dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog.
ME (giving up): Okay. Those are dogs.
Sometimes we’d think we were making real progress on the language front. I remember once my wife called me into the living room, all excited. “Watch this,” she said. “Robert, where’s your head?” And by God, Robert pointed to his head. I was stunned. I couldn’t believe what a genius we had on our hands. Then my wife, bursting with pride, said, “Now watch this. Robert, where’s your foot?” Robert flashed us a brilliant smile of comprehension, pointed to his head, and said, “dog.”
The trouble with books for small children is that they all have titles like, Ted the Raccoon Visits a Condiments Factory and are so boring that you doze off after two or three pages and run the risk that your child will slide off your lap and sustain a head injury. So what you want to do is get a book that has more appeal for adults, such as, Passionate Teenage Periodontal Assistants, then cut out the pages and paste them over the words in your child’s book. This way you can maintain your interest while the child looks at the pictures:
YOU (pretending to read out loud): “My, my,” said Ted the Raccoon. “These pickles taste good!” Just look at all those pickles, Johnny! (While Johnny looks at the pickles, you read: “Brad looked up from U.S. News and World Report as a blond, full-breasted periodontal assistant swayed into the waiting room on shapely, nylon-sheathed legs. ‘My name is Desiree,’she breathed through luscious, pouting lips, ‘and if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you how to operate the Water Pik oral hygiene appliance.’”)
Children are capable of learning to read much earlier than we give them credit for. Why, Mozart was only two years old when he wrote Moby Dick!
When our son was about 18 months old, my wife, who has purchased every baby-improvement book ever published, got one called How to Teach Your Baby to Read. The chapter headings started out with “Can Babies Learn to Read?” and worked up to “Babies Definitely Can Learn to Read” and finally got around to “If You Don’t Teach Your Baby to Read Right Now, You Are Vermin.”
Me, I was dubious. I thought it was better to teach our child not to pull boogers out of his nose and hand them to us as if they were party favors. But my wife gave it the old college try. She did what the book said, which was to write words like DOG in big letters on pieces of cardboard, then show them to Robert and say the words out loud as if she were having a peck of fun. She did this conscientiously for a couple of weeks, three times a day, and then she realized that Robert was paying no attention whatsoever, and her I.Q. was starting to drop, so she stopped.
My theory is that there is a finite amount of intelligence in a family, and you’re supposed to gradually transfer it to your children over a period of many years. This is why your parents started to get so stupid just at the time in your life when you were getting really smart.
Children at this age move around a lot while they sleep. If we didn’t keep them in cribs, they’d be hundreds of miles away by dawn. So the trick is to put the blankets as far as possible from the child, on the theory that eventually the child will crawl under them.
I advise against “Rock-a-Bye Baby,” because it’s really sick, what with the baby getting blown out of the tree and crashing down with the cradle. Some of those cradles weigh over 50 pounds. A much better song is “Go to Sleep”:
Go to sleep
Go to sleep
Go right straight to sleep
And stay asleep until at least 6:30 A.M.
Child psychologists all agree that bodily functions are a source of great anxiety for children, so we can safely assume this isn’t true. It certainly wasn’t true for our son. He was never happier than when he had a full diaper. We once took him to a department store photographer for baby pictures, and just before we went into the studio, when it was too late to change his diaper, he eliminated an immense quantity of waste, far more than could be explained by any of the known laws of physics. The photographer kept remarking on what a happy baby we had, which was easy for him to say, because he was standing 15 feet away. The pictures all came out swell. In every one, Robert is grinning the insanely happy grin of a baby emitting an aroma that would stun a buffalo. So much for the child’s anxiety.
I’ll tell you who gets anxious: the parents, that’s who. Young parents spend much of their time thinking and talking about their children’s bodily functions. You can take an educated, sophisticated couple who, before their child was born, talked about great literature and the true meaning of life, and for the first two years after they become parents, their conversations will center on the consistency of their child’s stool, to the point where nobody invites them over for dinner.
Around the child’s second birthday, the parents get tired of waiting for the child to become anxious about his bodily functions, and they decide to give him some anxiety in the form of potty training. This is probably a good thing. A child can go only so far in life without potty training. It is not mere coincidence that six of the last seven presidents were potty trained, not to mention nearly half of the nation’s state legislators.
The traditional potty training technique is to buy a book written by somebody who was out getting graduate school degrees when his own children were actually being potty trained. My wife bought a book that claimed we could potty train our child in one day, using a special potty that (I swear this is true) played “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” when the child went in it. She also got a little book for our son that explained potty training in terms that a small child could understand, such as “poo-poo.
Now there may well be some parents, somewhere, who managed to potty train their child in one day, but I am willing to bet they used a cattle prod. My wife read that book all the way through, and she did exactly what it said, which was that you should feed your child a lot of salty snacks so that it would drink a lot of liquids and consequently would have to pee about every 20
minutes, which would give it lots of opportunities to practice going in the musical potty, so that it would have the whole procedure nailed down solid by the end of the day. That was the theory.
When I left home that morning, my wife was reading the poo-poo book to Robert. She had a cheerful, determined look on her face. When I got home that evening, more than ten hours later, there were cracker crumbs everywhere, and piles of soiled child’s underpants, seemingly hundreds of them, as if the entire junior class of St. Swithan’s School for Incontinent Children had been there on a field trip. My wife was still in her nightgown. I don’t think she had even brushed her teeth. It is extremely fortunate for the man who wrote the potty training book that he did not walk in the door with me, because the police would have found his lifeless body lying in the bushes with an enormous bulge in his throat playing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.”
We did, in the end, get Robert potty trained. We did it the same way everybody does, the same way you will, by a lot of nagging and false alarms and about 30,000 accidents and endless wildly extravagant praise for bowel movements (“Honey! Come and see what Robert did!” “Oh Robert, that’s wonderful!” etc.).
The big drawback to potty training is that, for a while, children assume that all adults are as fascinated with it as their parents seem to be. Robert would walk up to strangers in restaurants and announce, “I went pee-pee.” And the strangers would say, “Ah.” And Robert would say, “I didn’t do poop.” And the strangers would say, “No?” And Robert would say, “I’m gonna do poop later.” And so on.
By the middle of the second year, your baby’s Food-Return Loop has disappeared, so its mouth is connected directly to its stomach. At this point, you want to adjust its diet to see that each day it gets food from all three Basic Baby Food Nutrition Groups (see chart). You also should encourage your baby to feed itself, so that you won’t have to be in the room.
• Anything from jars with babies on the labels
• Anything the baby ate the day before, so you went out and bought $30 worth of it
• Anything in a weighty container
• Taffy
• Zwieback (NOTE: Zwieback has sharp edges, so the dog should wear protective clothing)
• Anything from vending machines
• Caulking
• Anything with dead ants on it
• Sand