На самом деле о влиянии Петровских реформ на представительниц русской аристократии написано мало. Три исключения составляют статьи: Hughes L. Peter the Great's Two Weddings: Changing Images of Women in a Transitional Age // Women in Russia and Ukraine / Ed. R. Marsh. Cambridge, 1996. P. 31—44; Idem. Between Two Worlds: Tsarevna Natal'ia Alekseevna and the «Emancipation» of Petrine Women // A Window on Russia: Papers from the Fifth International Conference of the Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Gargnano, 1994 / Ed. M. di Salvo and L. Hughes. Rome, 1996. P. 29-36; Marrese M. L. Women and Westernization in Petrine Russia // Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia Newsletter. Cambridge, 1998. P. 105—117.
