Saturday seemed endless. Tracy had no baby-sitting job lined up, and Freddie had had to go out of town with his parents. She couldn't stand just hanging around the house and feeling horny, so she finally phoned two of her girlfriends, Peggy and Laurie, and arranged a trip to the beach. Maybe, she hoped, they'd run across some interesting boys.

As they strolled down the beach in their bikinis, the three teenage girls were an enticing sight. In contrast to petite blonde Tracy, Peggy was tall, leggy and dark-haired, while Laurie was a redhead of average height and bigger-than-average tits. They got plenty of stares, whistles and smart remarks from boys, but none of them offered to join the girls. Probably they were too shy – much to Tracy's disappointment.

They found a clear space that looked good for sunbathing, and they stretched out their beach towels and lay down to soak up the hot June sun. Tracy's horny little pussy seethed with need. It was puffed up, wet and scalding hot. She would have given anything for a good stiff fucking, but the prospect seemed remote. It was late afternoon already, and most of the boys were gathering up their gear ad heading home.

"Damn it all," Tracy sighed.

"What's bugging you?" Peggy grinned.

"I'm horny!" Tracy complained.

"Yeah, I know the feeling," Peggy said. "Too bad there aren't more guys around."

"You'd think we had the plague or something," Laurie chimed in. "I mean we're not exactly dogs."

Tracy was picking up on the vibes from her friends – maybe she wasn't the only girl in town with her peculiar problem. "Hey, you two," she said eagerly. "We can tell each other everything, can't we? We've been friends since grade school, after all."

"Sure," Peggy said. "What'd you wanta knew, Tracy?"

"I just wondered if you've ever fucked a boy before," Tracy said. "I have."

"Well, so have I," Peggy admitted. "Met too," Laurie giggled.

"It's super fun, isn't it?" Tracy sighed.

"It sure is," Laurie giggled.

"Oh, cut it out, you guys," Peggy moaned. "You're making me horny."

"Well, we can do something about that," Tracy said.

She placed her hand inside her bikini panties and touched the warm soft fur of her muff. Her friends watched what she was doing and quickly imitated her. They lay on their backs, hands working busily inside their swimsuits, parting the furry lips of their muffs and rubbing their hot horny clits. It wasn't as good as fucking but it beat doing nothing at all.

"Mmmmmm," Laurie sighed, "it sure feels good."

"Yeah," Peggy panted, "I'm gonna come in no time."

"It's kid stuff," Tracy complained, all the while feverishly frigging her juicy little clit. "I'd rather be fucking."

"So would we," Peggy moaned, "but do we have a choice?"

On that note they stopped talking and got down to serious business. Each girl seized her slick throbbing clit between thumb and forefinger and began kneading it roughly. There was no sound but the gentle splash of the waves and the girls' soft sighing and moaning. They were so absorbed in bringing themselves off that they didn't notice they were no longer alone.

Coming over a nearby dune were dozen young bikers, all dressed in leather and blue denim. The long-haired bearded men were in their mid twenties, trim and muscular and aggressive-looking. They were strolling along drinking beer when they came over the sandy rise and saw the three girls. The bikers stepped short, gawked, and then exchanged broad grins.

It was quite a tantalizing sight. Oblivious of the bikers' presence, eyes screwed shut in ecstasy, the three pretty teenage girls were furiously working their hands under their bikini panties, panting and moaning, obviously frigging themselves. After watching silently for a few moments, the bikers held a whispered conversation and then started down the dune toward the girls.

"Hey, girls," one of the bikers called out, "can we help you out?"

Tracy, Peggy and Laurie gasped at opened their eyes. Their immediate reaction was fright. The approaching bikers looked mean and dangerous. The girls sprang to their feet and started running as fast as they could. The bikers laughed and started after them. The girls were in a panic, knowing the young men could ultimately outrun them. It was a matter of reaching the nearest lifeguard before the bikers caught up with them.

Pew and Laurie made it, but Tracy didn't. Her legs were shorter, she couldn't move as fast and to make matters worse, she tripped and fell, sprawling face down on the sand. When she looked up, Peggy and Laurie were far off in the distance and the bikers were right behind her! She scrambled to her feet and started to run again, but the three young men caught up with her and grabbed her.

"Oh, please don't hurt me," Tracy sobbed.

"Baby, we ain't gonna hurt you," one of them said. "You're too pretty for that. We just want you to take a little walk with us, share a beer, have a little fun. Okay?"

Tracy figured it would be better to cooperate till she saw a chance to escape. "Okay," she said.

"Great," he said. "Let's go beck this way that's where we left our bikes and the beer."

Two of the bikers took her arms and trotted her along at a fast pace. As they walked, Tracy began to relax. She was pretty sure she knew what they wanted. They weren't going to hurt her – they just wanted to fuck her. Was that so bad? She was beginning to find the three muscular young men very attractive, and she didn't mind the prospect of taking three stiff cocks, either.

Presently they came to a small hidden cove where the bikes were parked. The young men made Tracy sit down on a blanket, and they gave her a beer. She'd never had alcohol before, and she was tipsy before she knew it. It felt good – relaxed and kind of funny. She was still a little nervous around the bikers though. She couldn't be absolutely sure of their intention. One sat down beside her and ran his eyes hungrily over her curvy little body.

"My name's Joe," he grinned, "what's yours?"

"Tracy," she said meekly.

"Well, Tracy," he said, "these are my buddies Mike and Doug and I think what we'd like you to do is take off your top so we can see those pretty tits."

Tracy blushed hotly, but at the same time she felt a rush of lusty excitement. She hadn't been mistaken – they wanted to fuck her, all of them!

"Go ahead, honey, take it off," Joe leered, "or do I have to take it off for you?"

Mike and Doug sat down on the blanket, too, grinning evilly. Tracy knew there was no way out of stripping, and she wasn't even sure she wanted a way out. Her pussy was getting hotter and hornier by the second. Shyly she untied her skimpy bikini bra and dropped it on the blanket. The bikers gawked hungrily at her luscious round, firm tits and big pink nipples.

"Nice," Joe sighed, "real nice. Now I want you to just lie back, honey, and let me play with those pretty tits."

Again Tracy blushed. The bikers had a way of making her feel shy and horny at the same time. She lay down on her back, and Joe knelt along side her, leering at her perfectly firm pointed tits. He reached for them, and his hot moist hands closed over the sensitive tits. She almost shivered with arousal. Grinning, Joe molded and squeezed big fistfuls of hot silky tit-flesh.

Tracy sneaked a glance at Mike and Doug, who were sitting close by on the blanket. They were leering as they watched Joe squeezing her naked tits. She was sure now that all three bikers would be fucking her. Could she take it? Why not? She'd fucked her other lovers for hours on end. The only difference now was that she'd be fucking three guys instead of one.

Joe was amusing himself by teasing her large nipples into stiffness. In her state of hot arousal, that wasn't hard to do. He grasped the soft cones between hid fingers and kneaded them, and they soon swelled into rigid rosy-pink buds that stood up stiffly from her swollen pale tits. Joe leaned down and flicked the pointed nipples with his tongue. The hot wet feeling made Tracy want to moan with excitement.

But she was still shy with these menacing-looking young men. They didn't ask her for her reactions, and she didn't tell them anything. She lay perfectly still and expressionless as Joe tongued her stiff-nippled tits and Mike and Doug watched the action. With wicked leers, Joe finally tired of fooling around with her tits, and he eyed the tiny panties of her bikini bathing suit.

"Why don't you take off them panties, honey?" he grinned.

He said it softly, even pleasantly, but Tracy knew she'd damned well better cooperate. The three bikers could easily overpower her, and they all wore sheath knives on their belts. Blushing, she began to untie the little bows that held her bikini panties together. Mike and Doug crawled even closer to watch. The bows undone, she slipped the panties off and tossed them aside, then blushed even harder as the three lusty young men eyed her totally naked body.

"Sheeeet," Mike chuckled. "We sure lucked out today."

"Yeah, ain't she nice?" Doug leered.

"Shit, she looks like jail bait," Joe groaned. "Think we oughta take a chance?"

"Oh, man, we gotta," Mike sighed. "Just look at that pretty little pussy."

"Yeah, man, let's do it," Doug said eagerly. "She ain't gonnal call a cop on us, are you sugar?"

"Oh, no, of course not," Tracy said quickly.

"Well, I don't know," Joe said doubtfully.

Mike pushed him aside. "Well, you do what you want, man," he said, "but I'm getting me some of this sweet stuff. Open your legs, baby."

Tracy blushed again and opened her thighs just a crack, so the young men were tantalized by a faint glimpse of moist red slit. That wasn't enough for Mike. Leering down at her, he pushed her legs wide open and bent them, completely exposing her golden-fringed gash. He eyed the gleaming scarlet flesh and licked his lips.

"Ummmmmmm – hmmmmm!" he said. "Looks good enough to eat. Think that's just what I'll do."

He flattened himself between Tracy's widely spread legs and nuzzled into her pussy, making a loud lewd snuffling and gobbling sound that set his friends to laughing. Tracy felt embarrassed until his scalding slick tongue touched her naked pussy and began to lash roughly up and down, stimulating her deliciously from clit to asshole.

"Ohhhh," she squeaked.

Mike's thick tongue wriggled deep into her cunt, probing and stuffing, and she gasped with pleasure. His tongue seemed to be everywhere at once, dipping into her horny little twat, lashing her swollen clit, rimming the sensitive mouth of her shitter. She couldn't control her responses any longer. She felt her clit gush a big thick flood of juice that soaked Mike's face.

He lifted his head, grinning triumphantly. "Hell, there ain't no problem balling this chick," he announced. "She wants it. She creamed all over my face."

Tracy reddened, while the bikers chuckled. Rising, Mike kicked off his boots and quickly lowered his skin-tight jeans. He wasn't wearing shorts. Tracy's eyes widened hugely when she saw his cock. It was a nice one, seven inches of thick meat that hugged his hairy belly in a rigid hard-on. Her pussy responded to the enticing sight with another hot rush of juice that overflowed and dribbled down her ass crack.

"How about it, honey," Mike leered, looming over her with his steely hard-on. "You wanta take this good stiff cock in your pussy?"

"Do I have a choice?" Tracy moaned.

"Now there's a smart girl," Mike grinned. "No, honey, you don't have a choice. But I bet you're gonna love it."

He dropped to his knees between her widely splayed thighs and wedged the hard swollen head of his cock into the moist little hollow of her cunt hole. He remained on his knees as he pushed into her, so his buddies could watch all the action. Joe and Doug sat on either side of Tracy, watching with wicked leers. Mike shoved hard, plowing his rigid boner right to her womb.

"Uhhhhhhhh!" Tracy gasped.

Her tiny cunt was fully stuffed with thick throbbingg cock meat. He'd pushed into her so hard that it hurt, but already the pain was gone as her greedy cunt responded to the presence of a big hot cock. Shs creamed around the fat fleshy spike, and her eager twat squeezed and released his deeply lodged dick. Mike pushed, his cock deep inside her, to savor the delicious sensations.

"Awwwww, real good," he sighed. "She's got the tightest box I ever been into. It's hot, too, and real wet. Yeah, you guys are sure missing out."

Tracy wished he'd keep his commentary to himself. It was so embarrassing having an audience. Or was it? As Mike stopped talking and started fucking, Doug and Joe leaned very close to watch his thick cock plowing in and out of her widely splayed cunt lips, and Tracy began to feel a wicked excitement. Mike fucked her hard and fast, just the way she liked it.

"Take my meat, baby," he panted. "Take it in your hot little pussy."

Tracy gave a little gurgle of pleasure, and her head lolled back in ecstasy. Mike's long thick cock gave her jolt after jolt of hot pleasure as it plowed ruthlessly into the fiery wet depths of her twat. Her shyness was fading rapidly as the delicious sensations melted her hungry pussy. So what if others were watching? All that mattered was the wonderful release of fucking.

"Uh-h-h-h-h," Tracy whined. "Unnnggghhh!"

"Yeah, baby, relax and dig it," Mike panted. "I know you love it."

His thick blue-veined cock split and splayed her swollen red cunt lips, forcing the sizzling juice from her cunt; the thick cream splattered on his belly and balls and ran down the tight crack of her ass. He fucked into her without restraint, ramming his prick so deep and hard into her seething fuck hole that her body shuddered and her creamy-pale tits wobbled. She loved his brutal force. It was just what she needed to satisfy her pent-up lust.

Now their audience was joining in. "Give it her, man," Doug said excitedly. "Fuck that little bitch silly."

Joe didn't say anything, just reached out and cupped one hot wobbling tit. He squeezed and fondled it while Mike wet on fucking her. Tracy felt his scalding palm on her tit, and she looked up in surprise. Joe's face was a study in horny agony. He'd called her jail-bait and said it wasn't safe to fuck her, but obviously he wanted her urgently. His horny need excited Tracy even more.

"Awwwwww, Christ, her cunt's hot," Mike whined.

He pistoned his thick rock-hard cock deep into the starving depths of her cunt, whining with pleasure each time he sheathed his swollen meat in the juicy hot pulp. His big knobby cock-head battered her womb, and his bristly-haired balls scraped her clit. The friction between cock and cunt was red-hot, and Tracy felt herself whining out of control with pleasure.

"Unh, unh, UNH," she panted.

"Yeah, go with it, baby," Mike gasped. "Let me get you off. You know you love it."

She loved it, all right, but she still felt nervous about letting go completely in front of these strange and dangerous young bikers. She creamed furiously around Mike's spiking cock, and she couldn't help gurgling and whining with pleasure as his thick hard prick reamed her thirsty pussy hole. Yet part of her held back, not ready for the ultimate release.

"Come on, baby, relax," Mike moaned. "Shit, you know you wanta get off."

"Hey, to hell with her, man," Doug said, "Why don't you just get yours?" He was aching to have his own turn with the pretty little blonde teenager.

"Uh-uh," Mike panted. "I'm gonna make her come. I don't care if it takes all fuckin' night."

He caught his breath and fucked into her even harder, making her little body rock with the force of his fucking. Sweat began to drip from his forehead, and his face was red with effort. His thick pounding cock made a loud sucking noise as it reamed the cream from her tiny cunt. She'd never been fucked so hard in her life. It was half pain, half pleasure – and she loved it.

"Uhhhhh," she moaned. "Unnnggghhh!" Mike felt her cunt getting hot as a blast furnace around his pile-driving prick. She was creaming so heavily that his whole lower belly was drenched with the splattering stuff. Her cunt began to tighten around his hammering dick, greedily gripping and squeezing. He knew the girl was very close to coming, yet for some reason she wouldn't let herself go all the way. He had a solution for that.

"Okay, sugar, you're gonna come now," he growled. "You're gonna come. You can't stop it."

Still fucking her with all his strength, he reached down and seized her erect swollen clit between his fingers. He gave the hot lump one good squeeze, and Tracy saw stars. Her whole body seemed to explode with pleasure. His kneading fingers triggered an orgasm so powerful that she couldn't stop it. She screamed and her heels beat furiously on the blanket.

"Aaahhhw!" she wailed. "Whaaahhh!"

"Jesus, look at her come," Doug said in awe. Mike, too, wasn't prepared for the violence of her climax. Kneeling between her thrashing legs, his prick buried deep in her spuming cunt, he watched her petite body rock and convulse. Her eyes rolled back in her head, her tits wobbled crazily, and he felt his belly and balls flooded with her scalding come ream. She screamed and screamed with release.

"Eeeeeee – fuck – shit – aaawww!" Tracy screeched.

The body-racking orgasm went on and on. At some paint Mike recovered from his surprise and started reaming his cock into her again, but not for long. Her convulsing cunt squeezed his prick so hard that he gasped and started to come. His balls spasmed and released their sizzling load, and Tracy felt her womb spattered with steaming jizz.

"Awwwwww!" Mike bawled. "Take my load, baby. Aaarrrggghhhh!"

Tracy gurgled with pleasure as she felt her cunt deliciously flooded with his thick hot come-juice.

He hammered into her, whining and moaning, till he'd shot the last drop. Then he pulled out abruptly and sank dawn on the blanket, gasping loudly for breath, flushed and sweaty. Tracy was still quivering with the pleasant after-spasms of her come.

"Holy shit," Mike panted.

"Pretty good, huh?" Doug grinned.

"Fantastic," Mike sighed. "Hey, somebody hand me a cold beer. That was hard work."

"I'll get it," Joe said.

So he still wasn't ready to fuck her. In going for the beer, he gave up his place to Doug, who was already eagerly stripping. This Joe seemed older, more level-headed than the others. Maybe that was why Tracy wanted him so badly. But she wouldn't mind having Doug, either. She watched him undress, admiring his hard-muscled hairy body. As he dropped his jeans, her eyes darted to his crotch.

His cock wasn't quite as big as Mike's, maybe six inches, but it was enormously thick, and it hugged his belly in a fierce hard-on. The knobby purple head was leaking fat globs of juice. Though Tracy had just had a bomb-blast of come, she felt horny again at the sight of that magnificent hard-on.

Doug approached her, leering, his swollen prick wagging stiffly and dripping hot juice. His balls, thickly furred with dark hairs, were so swollen that they didn't even quiver as he moved. To Tracy, his agonizingly bloated cock was like a loaded cannon, ready to plow deep into her and fire its heavy load. She quivered with hasty excitement as he loomed over her, hands on hips.

"Let's have a little variety here, baby," he grinned. "Let's play doggie. You know how to do that?"

Tracy nodded shyly and rolled over onto her hands and knees, her pert round ass sticking up in the air. She heard Doug chuckle, then drop to his knees behind her, breathing loudly and harshly. His hot moist hands grasped her hips. She felt him rolling the big hot bulb of his cock head around in her steaming pussy juice, oiling it for the first big plunge. Then he drew back.

"Uhhhhhhh!" Tracy gasped.

He'd plowed into her suddenly, savagely. In one greedy violent thrust he'd plunged his cock clear to her womb, battering it painfully. His super-thick cock reamed every bit of juice from her tiny twat, and his bristly-haired balls scratched painfully against her tender pussy. She gave a little sob and finally got the courage to speak.

"P-Please," she whimpered, "don't fuck me so hard. Don't hurt me."

"Hey, knock it off, bitch," Doug snarled. "You took it good and hard from Mike, and you loved it."

How to explain? Mike had fucked her hard to excite her and bring her off, and he'd succeeded. Doug was fucking her hard to hurt her. He gripped her hips painfully and started cramming his thick steel-hard cock into her with menacing force. Tracy sobbed and clawed the blanket.

"Nooooo," she cried.

"Listen, cunt," Doug began.

Then Joe's voice, calm but forceful. "Take it easy on her, man. There's no need to hurt her. She'll dig it if you give her a chance."

Doug didn't reply, but immediately his fucking got slower and more sensuous. He sawed his thick throbbing boner around in the seething slick pulp of her pussy, stretching and stimulating the mouth of her cunt, giving her long drawn-out buzzes of pleasure. He stuffed his bloated prick deep into her and held it there a moment letting her savor the delicious sensation. Tracy gave a helpless gurgle of pleasure.

"Mmmmmmmm," she moaned, "Mmmmmm!"

He fucked her a little faster, building slowly toward the hard-hitting pace she'd soon be craving. Tracy whined and jerked her creamy hot fuck hole around his pistoning cock, getting more turned on by the second. Soon her thick hot cream was overflowing her crammed pussy and running down her thighs. Her cunt tightened and grew scorching hot. Doug felt all these changes and speeded up his fucking again.

"Okay?" he panted. "You digging it now, baby?"

"Yesssss," Tracy hissed. "Yes, I like it now, you big bastard. Now you can really give it to me. Fuck me, FUCK!"

Doug gave a lusty snort and started fucking her like a stallion. It was the same way he'd started out, only now she wanted it. Now she could take his brutality, even crave it. Her little body racked with the force of his fucking, her tits wobbling and jiggling. She pawed the blanket and began jerking her hips in time to his lusty strokes, fucking him as hard as he fucked her.

"Give it to me – fuck!" she wailed. "Fuck my pussy hard, you big mother fucker – GO!"

"Jesus, kid, whaddya want?" Doug whined. "I'm doing it as hard as I can."

Her furiously jerking pussy kept him up to the savage pace she craved. Doug hung on, plowing his cock into her fiery pussy pulp so hard and fast that his teeth rattled. Sweat dripped from his face, which was flushed red with effort. Now the tables were turned, Tracy thought wickedly. She was going to fuck the socks off this guy. She was going to use him just like he'd tried to use her.

"Faster, harder," she moaned. "Come on, Doug, are you some kind of wimp? FUCK ME, DAMMIT!"

Joe and Mike had caught on to the little game she was playing, and they chuckled appreciatively as poor panting Doug tried to give her what she wanted. His whole body glistened with sweat, and his breath came in ragged gasps. Just when he looked ready to drop, Tracy gave a piercing shriek and began to come, her little body rocking violently.

"Ahhhhh, I'm coming!" she wailed.

"Thank God," Doug groaned.

But she wasn't through with him yet. She'd teach him to hurt, all right. Before her delicious spasms had even ended, she wriggled off his cock and left him high and dry, his prick still achingly swollen, his balls ready to burst with their hot load of jizz. She crawled right over to Joe and leered at him.

"How about it, Joe?" she purred. "You wanta fuck some jail bait?"

He liked her spirit, liked the way she'd taught Doug a lesson. Even more, he liked her luscious young body. He grinned broadly and said, "Sure, why not? Hop aboard, honey."

Very quickly he tugged down his jeans and flopped onto his back, his handsome seven-inch prick standing up rigid and ready. Eagerly Tracy straddled him and pushed the slick hole of her cunt down around the big knob of his cock head. Whining with lust, she shoved hard and impaled herself on the hot throbbing spike of his dick. Joe moaned blissfully as he felt his bloated prick being plunged into that scorching velvety hole.

"Awwwww, Christ, YEAH," he moaned. "Baby, I'm gonna fuck you crazy."

"Do it," Tracy leered. "Fuck it to me good and hard, Joe. Mmmmmmm, your big cock feels so good in meeeee."

All of this was not exactly music to Doug's ears. The sweating biker was still kneeling where Tracy had left him, his mouth hanging open in surprise, his cock still stiff and aching for release. He watched in an agony of envy as Tracy and Joe greedily fucked each other. He could even hear the lewd sucking noise that Joe's big cock made in her cream-filled fuck hole.

"Awwwww,Goddamit!" Doug whined.

Tracy was beginning to feel sorry for him. She knew his cock must be painfully stiff. If only there was some way she could take care of two guys at once! The thought had no sooner entered her head than she saw the solution. It was a wicked and kinky idea, but very exciting. While Joe eagerly plowed his cock in her hot slick fuck hole, she turned to Doug and leered.

"Doug," she said huskily, "why don't you come over here and let me suck your cock?"

His mouth dropped open, but his recovery was fast. With a big lusty grin he hurried over and straddled Joe's body, standing with his rigid cock right in front of Tracy's mouth. She opened her mouth greedily and let him ease the big throbbing boner onto her tongue. She clamped her lips around the fat stalk of his prick and began to suck him hard and fast. Doug whined, and a joyful expression came over his face.

"Holy sheeeee-it!" he howled. "Yeah, baby, suck my cock, SUCK!"

Tracy felt wild excitement as she enjoyed two big stiff cocks at once. Why hadn't she thought of this before? One big hard boner plowed deliciously in her hungry little cunt, while the other throbbed in her sucking mouth and dripped tasty cock juice onto her tongue. She'd never had such wild and kinky fun before. Her pussy creamed heavily around Joe's jerking prick, and her hot spit drenched Doug's cock.

"Mmmmmmxm," she moaned.

All the while this was going on, Mike had been lounging nearby on the blanket, watching with wicked interest and getting more aroused by the second. He'd never seen such a horny chick as Tracy, and it just blew his mind hen she wanted to take two cocks at once. His prick soon lurched into stiffness again, and he wished there was some way he could get in on the action.

Then he grinned. There was a way. He came up quietly behind Tracy, signaling Doug not to say anything. He knelt, straddling Joe's legs, and eyed the tiny puckered mouth of Tracy's asshole. Spitting on his fingers, he rubbed and oiled his big hard cock-head, then pressed it against the little clenched opening. He grunted and shoved.

"Uuuuuummmm!" Tracy cried.

She would have said more, if she hadn't had Doug's thick cock stuffing her mouth, it took her totally by surprise to feel a third stiff cock entering the action, plowing swiftly up her asshole and stuffing her almost breathless. Mike whined and began ass-fucking her. She felt his cock and Joe's plowing in the same rhythm, separated only by a thin wall of flesh. Her belly felt deliciously stuffed.

"Ummmmm – hmmmmm!" she moaned.

Her hot little shitter was just as greedy and responsive as her cunt. She gurgled with ecstasy and jerked her hips up and down, taking the two rigid cocks deep and fast in her cunt and asshole. In her wild excitement she sucked harder and harder on Doug's tasty drooling hard-on. Never in her wildest fantasies had she imagined taking three cocks at once!

"Suck me, baby, suck!" Doug whined.

"Take my cock, baby, take it," Joe moaned. "Awwww, shit, your cunt's tight."

"So's her asshole," Mike panted. "Holy shit, I never fucked anything this tight."

Tracy gurgled, moaned, and humped her pussy furiously aroused the two spiking cocks, all the while sucking like crazy on Doug's big hot prick. She just happened to glance up at a nearby sand dune and saw two figures appearing over the rise. She blinked and looked again. It was Peggy and Laurie. They caught sight of her and clapped their hands to their mouths.

Tracy felt wicked glee. She couldn't imagine what her pals were thinking, but it must be blowing their minds to see her fucking three guys at once. She just went right on enjoying herself while Peggy and Laurie stared…
