Peggy and Laurie had run almost all the way to the nearest lifeguard station before they noticed that Tracy wasn't with them. Horrified, they stopped and looked around. There was no sign of Tracy or the three bikers. Peggy and Laurie sat down, gasping for breath.

"Oh, my gosh," Peggy moaned, "those guys must have caught up with Tracy. What are we going to do?"

"I don't know," Laurie panted. "But we better do something. We don't want them to hurt her." Peggy said grimly, "Well, look, Laurie, we left her behind, so I think it's up to us to go help her."

"You're right," Laurie said. "But, shit, I'm scared. Don't you think we should go find some people to come with us?"

"We don't have time," Peggy said. "Look around you."

They were alone on the beach. It was so late that even the lifeguard had gone home. They had two choices, running out on Tracy entirely, or going to her rescue by themselves. Trembling with fright, the two girls turned and walked back the way they'd come. No matter how scared they were, they agreed they couldn't abandon their friend.

"What do you think they're doing to her?" Laurie said.

"Raping her, of course," Peggy sighed.

"Oh, wow!" Laurie cried. "We better hurry." They picked up the pace. But they had to go a long way before they finally came up over a sand dune and saw Tracy and the three bikers. They stopped in their tracks, stifling gasps of horror. Tracy, stark naked, was getting it from all three guys at once. Peggy and Laurie gawked hardly able to believe their eyes. Then Peggy dropped flat on her belly, pulling Laurie with her.

"We better watch for a minute and figure out just what's happening," she hissed. Laurie nodded agreement.

They saw Tracy sitting on one guy who was slamming his cock in and out of her cunt, while another one knelt behind her and fucked her in the asshole. A third guy was apparently forcing her to suck his prick. Yet Tracy made no attempt to escape. She seemed to be rocking and writhing in the rythym of her attackers, almost as if she were enjoying the triple rape. They could, hear her muffled moans – pain or excitement?

"Oh, my gosh," Laurie gasped, "do you think she might be getting off on it?"

"I don't know," Peggy said. "Could you get off on something like that?"

The moment she said it, both girls felt a shiver of lusty excitement. They imagined taking three pricks at once, like Tracy was doing, and suddenly their pussies were swelling up and getting very hot and wet. Knowing their friend Tracy, it was just possible that she was digging every second of that kinky scene. Still, the hikers had carried her off by force. There was no telling what she was feeling – not till they marched down there and demanded an explanation.

Just then one of the bikers started to howl. It was the one getting the blow-job from Tracy. "Awwwww. I'm coming!" he roared. "Eat my come, baby, eat it!"

Tracy threw her head back as if she deliberately wanted to catch a mouthful of his come. Her throat worked greedily as the biker whined and jerked his exploding cock in her mouth. Her petite body rocked and writhed just as if she were coming, too. The two guys fucking her cunt and ass bellowed and started shooting their loads.

"Aaarrrggghhh!" Joe yelled. "Take my come!"

"Awwwww, fuck, awwwww!" Mike bawled.

Peggy and Laurie watched wide-eyed as the howling quartet writhed and came together. When the bikers finally rolled away from her, Tracy flopped down on the blanket, grinning. She gave a big sigh of satisfaction.

"Oh, wow," she exclaimed. "That was fantastic!"

Peggy and Laurie exchanged wondering looks, theft rose to their feet and started down the dune. "Tracy," Peggy called, "what in hell are you doiing?"

Tracy and the bikers looked up. "Oh, hi, you guys," Tracy said mildly.

"Hi?" Laurie snapped. "Is that all you can say? We risked our lives to come back looking for you."

The bikers started to laugh. "She ain't in any danger, honey," Joe said, "and neither are you. Why don't you join the party?"

"Well, I don't know," Laurie said.

But Peggy had grabbed her arm and was propelling her along down the dune. "Let's go," she whispered. "This looks like it could be really fun."

"You're just in time to join us for a swim, girls," Mike said. "Only we don't allow bathing suits."

"I guess we can handle that," Peggy grinned.

She and Laurie quickly stripped off their bikinis and were just as naked as Tracy and the bikers. The whole troop ran to the surf and waded in, whooping and laughing and splashing each other. Without their jeans and leather, the young bikers looked a lot more pleasant and friendly. The girls admired their lean hard bodies, while the bikers admired the girls.

After their swim, when they stretched out on the blanket to let the hot sun dry them, Peggy said with a mischievous look, "Well, Tracy, did you get raped?"

"I sure did," Tracy said with a satisfied sigh.

"And I bet you enjoyed every minute of it," Laurie added with a giggle.

"Hey, these guys are good," Tracy said. "You oughta give them a try."

"That's the best idea. I've heard all day," Doug said with a leer. "Come here, baby, and try me out."

He grabbed Laurie and rolled her onto her back and started fondling her large melon-shaped tits. She didn't put up much resistance. As Doug's hot hands kneaded and squeezed her sensitive tits, she sighed and flushed with arousal. The others watched with growing excitement. Joe pulled Tracy onto his lap and began fondling her hot silky-skinned tits. Mike looked hungrily at Peggy.

"Whaddya say, baby?" Mike leered. "You wanta try me out?"

"Sure," Peggy grinned. "What did you have in mind?"

"Just let me show you," he said, rolling her onto her back. His hands closed over her small high riding tits.

The tit fondling didn't last very long, however. The young people were too excited. Soon Doug was spreading Laurie's legs and crawling between them to bury his face in her lush copper-colored muff. He made a greedy gobbling sound and he found her clit and started to lick it. Laurie gave a shrill squeal of pleasure.

"Ooooooo, yeah, lick my pussy!" she cried. "Mmmmmm, that feels so good."

Everybody heard her, and they paused to watch. Doug was belly down between her widely stretched legs, and his head was bobbing, his black hair meeting her red bush. Each time his head bobbed up, they could see his gleaming wet tongue lashing the erect pink lump of Laurie's clit. It wasn't long before his black whiskers glistened with her helplessly oozing cunt cream.

"Ooooo, this is so good," Laurie squealed. "Peggy, you really oughta try it."

Tracy gawked. "You mean you two never had your pussies eaten before?" she exclaimed.

"Nooooooo," Laurie moaned, "but, shit, it's GREAT!" Her eyes were rolling crazily, and she was clawing the blanket as Doug noisily slurped and gobbled around in her steaming wet pussy pulp.

"Well, if it's that good, I'll have to try it," Peggy said, grinning. "How about it, Mike? You wanta eat my pussy?"

"Let me at it," Mike leered.

Peggy had very long lovely legs, and she opened them very wide, displaying a luscious wet red slit fringed with dainty black curls. Mike dove for it, landing smack between her thighs and snaking out his gleaming thick tongue. He started tongue-lashing the swollen bud of her clit, and Peggy gasped loudly. Her eyes widened and her face grew flushed.

"Oh, my gosh!" she cried. "I never felt anything so good in my life. Wow, yeah, eat me!"

Tracy was still sitting on Joe's lap watching all the action while he fooled with her tits. He felt her squirming with lust, and then her aroused pussy creamed hot juice onto his thigh. He could feel her lovely round tits swelling in his hands, while her big nipples stiffened. Obviously she wasn't going to be content with spectator sports much longer.

"How about it, baby?" Joe grinned. "You wanta get your pussy eaten, too?"

"Oh, would you, please, Joe?" Tracy said eagerly. "I feel sooooo horny."

"You got it, honey," he said. "Just lie down and get ready."

Tracy instantly slid off his lap and onto her back, bending her legs and opening them wantonly wide. Joe saw her luscious red slit, puffed and moist and fringed with golden curls. He crawled between her legs and pressed his face to her soft warm muff, inhaling the musky fragrance of her hot slit. Parting the furry lips of her bush, he exposed the fat little button of her clit. He began to lash it with his tongue, hard and fast, and Tracy shrieked with excitement.

"Aaahhhhh, yeah!" she gasped. "Lick my clit, Joe. Lick it good and hard."

Now all three couples were stretched out side by side on the blanket, only inches apart, the young men noisily gobbling, their partners' pussies, the girls squealing and moaning with pleasure. Tracy was quickly discovering the advantages of group sex. Not only did she have all the usual fun, there was the added excitement of watching and listening to other people getting it on. She found it wildly arousing.

"Oooooo, lick meeeee," Laurie squealed.

"Shit, yeah, baby, eat my pussy," Peggy moaned.

"I'm sure glad your friends decided to join the party," Joe chuckled.

"Ummmmm-hmmmmmm," Tracy sighed. "Please keep licking my clit, Joe. It feels so fuckin' good!"

He did better than that. He clamped his lips around the erect throbbing shaft of her clit and began to suck. Tracy gasped, groaned, and felt hot jolts of pleasure ripping through her belly. Her scalding cunt-cream flooded out and soaked his bobbing chin. The pleasure was intense, almost unbearable, and she began to scream with it, her cries drowning out all the others.

"Unnnggghhh," she groaned. "Eeeee!"

"Jesus, Tracy, you're noisy," Peggy laughed. "What's he doing to you?"

"S-Sucking my clit," Tracy whined. "Ohbhhh, fuck, that's good. Ohhhhh!"

"Hmmmmmm," Peggy said. "How about giving me a sample of that, Mike?"

"I wanta try it, too," Laurie said eagerly.

Mike and Doug quickly obliged their ladies, jamming their mouths onto juicy swollen clits and sucking greedily and loudly. Peggy and Laurie began screaming and moaning just as loud as Tracy. Those hotly sucking lips sent violent jolts of pleasure through their pussies, and they creamed helplessly and kicked and clawed the blanket.

"Holy shit, this is fantastic!" Peggy howled. "Suck me, baby, suck!"

"Oooooooo, I love it!" Laurie shrieked. "Suck my clit, Doug, suck me off."

The three bikers were having a field day. It wasn't often that they met three girls so young, pretty and lusty. Now they were having a sucking contest, seeing who could get his girl off first. They sucked hot juicy clits into their mouths as far as they could, tugging, lashing, and kneading, while the girls screeched with pleasure.

"U-h-h-h-h," Tracy cried, "you're sucking me so good, Joe. I'm gonna come. Unngghhh, YEAH, NOW – AAAWWWWW!"

Tracy had hardly started coming before Peggy gave a piercing shriek and began to climax, her tall leggy body rocking and convulsing. Laurie was right behind her, wailing hoarsely and throwing her legs high in the air as a powerful climax tore through her body. The bikers felt their faces and beards splashed with gushing come-juice. They sucked hungrily on spasming clits.

"Oh, wow, that was terrific," Peggy sighed. "How'd you ever learn about pussy eating, Tracy?"

"From this guy I baby sit for," Tracy grinned.

"No sbit?" Laurie giggled. "Did you fuck him, to?"

"Yeah," Tracy said, "and he's a super fuck."

"Hey, never mind him," Joe said. "You got us to fuck you. And I don't know about my buddies, but I'm ready."

He rose to his knees and displayed an achingly stiff cock. It hugged his belly, blue-veined and bloated, the big knobby head oozing bright blobs of cream. His hairy nut sac was hugely swollen, crowding the space between his thighs. Tracy eyed his magnificent hard-on and felt her pussy getting all hot and horny again.

"How about it, Tracy?" he leered. "You wanta take care of this hard-on for me?"

"I sure do, Joe," she said. "And the sooner the better."

Doug looked hungrily at Laurie and said, "Let's fuck, baby, okay?"

"Right in front of everybody else?" Laurie squeaked, blushing hotly.

"Aw, come on, Laurie," Peggy said. "Don't chicken out on us now. This could be the most fun of all."

Laurie still looked hesitant, but Doug didn't give her a chance to protest. He'd been lying between her legs, resting his cheek on her springy flame-colored muff, but suddenly he was on his knees and cramming his bloated rock-hard prick between her swollen cunt-lips. He shoved the stiff cock home, stuffing her completely, and Laurie gasped with surprise. Then her pretty face twisted in a big pleasure-grimace.

"Ooooooo!" she squealed. "YES. Ummmmmm, fuck me, Doug, fuck me with that nice hard cock. Ooooooo – that feels so good."

Grinning triumphantly, Doug let himself down on her, his hairy chest meeting her stiff red nipples. His small taut ass knotted and jerked as he fucked his steely rod into her juicy little cunt. Laurie moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist, forcing his big thick cock even deeper into the scorching pulp of her hungry pussy.

"Eeeeeee, fuck it to meeee!" she squealed.

"You got it, baby," Doug panted. "You got my whole cock. Shit, your pussy's tight."

The others had been watching with barely restrained lust, and now Peggy rolled onto her hands and knees and raised her pert little ass up in the air, pointing her naked wet slit at Mike. Her ass wriggled impatiently, and glistening hot pussy juice ran down her thighs.

"Stick it to me, Mike," she panted. "I want your cock right NOW!"

"I guess I can handle that," Mike leered.

He crawled up behind her and grasped her impatiently writhing hips. Grinning lustily, he slammed his rigid blue-veined cock deep into the mushy hot depths of her aroused cunt. His bloated fur-thatched balls slapped her ass. Peggy's eyes widened hugely as she took the thick hard prick all the way to her womb. She shuddered and clawed the blanket as Mike began to fuck her in hard fast lunges.

"How about it, baby, is this good?" he snorted. "This the way you want it?"

"Fuck, yes!" Peggy howled. "Fuck it to me good and hard, Mike, fuck me crazy."

Mike grinned and drilled his throbbing hard cock deep into the velvety wet hole of her cunt. Tracy and Joe, who'd been watching avidly, moaned with excitement and pawed each other's naked bodies.

"What are we waiting for?" Joe said hoarsely. "Right," Tracy grinned. "I was just getting off on watching the others."

"You really get turned on by that, huh?" he grinned.

"Ooooo, yeah," she said. "It makes me so horny. Let's fuck now, Joe. Can I be on top?"

"Honey, I'd fuck you upside-down if I had to," Joe laughed.

He rolled onto his back, his handsome thick cock sticking up rigidly, his piss-hole drooling big blobs of hot cream. Tracy eagerly straddled him and slid down the thick spike of his dick, squealing lustily as she took it to her womb in one greedy thrust. Joe held her by the waist and began fucking into her so hard and fast that her swollen ripe tits wobbled and jiggled.

"Ohhhhh," Tracy moaned. "That's it, honey, that's how I love to be fucked. Give it to me HARD!"

Joe obliged her with a good stiff fucking, and she creamed and squealed with pleasure as his thick, stiff cock stuffed her greedy little cunt again and again. Joe was a terrific fuck, and she would have been happy even if they'd been alone together. But now she had the added wicked thrill of watching her girl friends get fucked, too.

"Ahhhhh, shove it to me," Peggy was moaning.

"Fuck that big cock into meeeee."

With her ass raised high in the air; she whimpered with pleasure each time Mike slammed his hot throbbing prick into her seething horny pussy hole. Tracy could see the thick prick spreading her swollen red cunt-lips and vanishing deep into her cunt, then coming back again dripping with her thick pussy syrup. Peggy dug her nails into the blanket and sobbed with ecstasy.

"Qooooo, fuck it to me, fuck it to meeeeee!" Laurie was screeching.

The big-titted redhead, normally the shyest of the three girlfriends, was going out of her mind with pleasure as Doug gave her a hard fast fucking. Their bellies smacked loudly together, and her heels were beating against his sweaty back. Tracy could even hear the obscene sucking noise his cock was making as it reamed the hot cream from her friend's tight hungry pussy hole.

Watching her friends fucking made Tracy even more hotly aroused than usual. She began slamming her scorching cunt up and down the thick hard spike of Joe's cock, her wet slit spanking loudly against his flat belly. As she started fucking him, Joe looked up at her with a mixture of surprise and pleasure.

"Hey, baby, who's fucking who?" he said, grinning.

"I'm fucking you, you sexy bastard," Tracy panted. "No, you're fucking me. Ahhhh, shit, let's fuck each other."

"I'll buy that," Joe laughed.

They matched their strokes, Tracy slamming her fever-hot cunt down on his cock just as he plowed upward, and the results left her stuffed breathless and groaning with pleasure. She heard Peggy, then Laurie, scream and start to come, but she was so carried any in her own pleasure that she didn't watch. She whined, stiffened, and felt a bomb blast of sensation deep in her cunt.

"Unnnggchhh, I'm coming!" she gasped.

"Me, too, baby," Joe howled. "Take my come!"

"DO it to me, Joe – cream me good!" Tracy wailed.

It was time for a rest. The sun was setting, so the young people gathered driftwood and built a good hot fire. They all had a beer, which made the girls tipsy and giggly not to mention more lusty than ever. Soon they crawling all over the young bikers, petting, licking and sucking their cocks. Naturally the delighted young men didn't protest.

"I got a feeling these chicks wanta get laid again," Mike grinned.

"I never would have guessed." Joe laughed.

"Let's change partners this time." Doug suggested.

The girls eagerly agreed, and Tracy found herself being rolled onto her back by Doug who quickly flattened himself on her and nudged her juicy little cunt mouth with the rock-hard knob of his prick-head. He looked at her a little sheepishly, for they were both remembering his sadistic roughness with her that afternoon.

"I'll do it to you right this time, honey," he said, "any way you want it."

"Okay," Tracy purred. "I want you to start out real slow and gentle and then in about two seconds start fucking the shit out of me."

She wrapped her legs around his waist and groaned with pleasure as he stuffed her greedy little cunt full of bloated throbbing cock. Meanwhile Laurie was getting it dog-style from Mike, and Peggy was sitting on top of Joe and humping his big hard cock like crazy. Tracy and her friends were enjoying hell out of their unexpected orgy with the bikers.

"Aaahhhhh, give it to me!" Laurie wailed.

"Awwwww shit, your big cock feels great!" Peggy panted.

"Fuck it to me, Doug," Tracy squealed. "Fuck my pussy good and hard!"

The lusty young people ended up in a howling mutual climax, and they'd hardly rested before they changed partners again. Mike, feeling no pain from the beer, suggested that he and Tracy fuck standing up, but with nothing to lean against they soon found themselves sprawling in the sand and laughing helplessly.

"So much for that idea," Mike said. "Now what?"

"Now this," Tracy grinned, presenting him with her upturned ass. "If it's variety you're looking for, Mike, how about fucking me in the ass?"

"Okay," Tracy purred. "I want you to start out real slow and gentle and then in about two seconds start fucking the shit out of me."

She wrapped her legs around his waist and groaned with pleasure as he stuffed her greedy little cunt full of bloated throbbing cock. Meanwhile Laurie was getting it dog-style from Mike, and Peggy was sitting on top of Joe and humping his big hard cock like crazy. Tracy and her friends were enjoying hell out of their unexpected orgy with the bikers.

"Aaahhhhh, give it to me!" Laurie wailed.

"Awwwww shit, your big cock feels great!" Peggy panted.

"Fuck it to me, Doug," Tracy squealed. "Fuck my pussy good and hard!"

The lusty young people ended up in a howling mutual climax, and they'd hardly rested before they changed partners again. Mike, feeling no pain from the beer, suggested that he and Tracy fuck standing up, but with nothing to lean against they soon found themselves sprawling in the sand and laughing helplessly.

"So much for that idea," Mike said. "Now what?"

"Now this," Tracy grinned, presenting him with her upturned ass. "If it's variety you're looking for, Mike, how about fucking me in the ass?"

Peggy and Laurie wanted some of that, too, and the evening ended with a hot round of ass-fucking. After arranging to meet their biker friends the following Saturday, the girls trudged home exhausted and deliciously satisfied. Peggy was already worrying about the future, however.

"Gee," she sighed, "It's a whole week before we see those guys again. What are we gonna do for fun in the meantime?"

"You mean, how are we gonna get laid?" Laurie said. "I don't know."

"It's easy," Tracy grinned. "Just get a job babysitting…"
