T HE DISARRAY of the queendom didn’t lend itself to pomp and circumstance, so Alyss kept her coronation ceremony short and to the point. Her one concession to fanfare was to broadcast the event on the government-sponsored billboards and poster crystals of Wondertropolis. She wanted the populace to understand that they had a new queen. None of the billboards and posters would ever again feature reward offers for Wonderlanders who betrayed followers of White Imagination, or advertisements for Redd’s numerous products and inventions.

The new queen and her retinue-Dodge, Bibwit, Hatter, Molly, General Doppelganger, the rook, and the knight-retired to Mount Isolation’s Observation Dome after the coronation.

“What’s that?” Homburg Molly asked, making a face at the big, hairy thing taking up space near a telescopic panel.

The walrus was waddling around the room, offering goblets of wine from a tray. “Oh yes, that’s the

Wig-Beast,” he said, “a plaything of Jack of Diamonds. Haven’t you ever seen a Wig-Beast before?” “It’s ugly and I don’t like it,” Molly said.

The walrus quite agreed. It was ugly.

In time, a new Heart Palace would stand in place of the old, its garden featuring the grave of Sir Justice Anders as well as memorials to Queen Genevieve, King Nolan, and the numerous brave Alyssians who lost their lives during Redd’s tyrannical rule. But Wonderland’s recovery would require vigilance. Glass Eyes and soldiers from The Cut would have to be hunted down and destroyed. The principles of White Imagination might once again be foremost in the land but, as in Genevieve’s era, problems would remain. Followers of Black Imagination would have to be monitored; members of the population addicted to artificial crystal or imagination stimulants rehabilitated; those thriving by corrupt business practices would comply with more ethical modes of professional conduct or be shut down.

“Queen Alyss?” “Yes?”

It was Hatter Madigan. He seemed to have trouble finding his words. “I have given…devoted my life to the protection of you and your mother. I’ve done everything within my power and if ever I didn’t meet the requirements of my duty…”

“You’ve done more than any queen could reasonably ask.”

The Milliner bowed in thanks. “And I wish to continue in service, but I have an unorthodox request. I

would like…to take a temporary leave.”

Alyss thought of him sitting near the fire that night when she first exercised control over her imaginative power-how he had looked so ordinary without his weapons. He is not consumed by duty after all, has interests and loves outside of it.

“I had hoped you would rebuild the Millinery,” she said.

“And I will, my queen. Upon my return to active duty.” He thought to tell her of his reason-the loss of a certain Wonderlander whom he hadn’t yet had a chance to mourn. But words failed him. Sorrow momentarily swelled his tongue.

“Who will look after me in the meantime?” Alyss asked.

Hatter focused his gaze on Homburg Molly. “All the protection you need is right there.” Molly beamed, surprised, then tipped her hat.

“Hatter, if you need time for personal matters, you may certainly have it. Your leave is granted.” “Thank you, Queen Alyss.”

He excused himself from Alyss’ company, and Molly, almost bouncing with pleasure, followed him across the room. The youngest personal guard to a queen ever! The girl bombarded Hatter with questions as Alyss cast a look at Bibwit Harte and General Doppelganger, who were involved in a debate about the health benefits of squig berry juice. The white knight egged on the tutor while the rook took the general’s side, neither chessman caring about the subject but doing it for the enjoyment of watching the two celebrated Wonderlanders argue. Then Alyss’ eyes fell on Dodge standing alone at a telescopic panel, looking out at the rubble of Heart Palace. She approached him.

“It will be rebuilt,” she said. Dodge nodded.

“No one will be forgotten, Dodge. Not Sir Justice, not the lowliest card soldier, no one.” Again, he nodded. “I owe you a thanks.” He patted the AD52 strapped to his thigh.

“I’m only glad you weren’t too proud to use it.” “I should have used it more.”

She understood. He had killed The Cat but, in essence, The Cat had escaped. Whether or not Dodge’s confrontation with the beast had been enough to loosen the noose of Black Imagination around his throat, to pluck free the barb of hatred that had given his life purpose for so long, only the future would show. But Alyss hoped he could put his anger behind him. She longed for the boy she once knew to take up the body of the man.

We might get to know each other again, refresh the love we once had-a love that although we were young was by no means childish. The jabberwock tooth he’d given her…I’ll wear it around my neck to show that I’ve not forgotten and I still care for him, a talisman against his darker urges.

She turned from Dodge Anders and glimpsed her reflection in a looking glass. She remembered her time in the maze when she stood in this very room and saw, in place of her own reflection, Redd’s face staring back at her from that same glass. But now her image rippled and faded, and there stood Genevieve and Nolan with their arms around each other, smiling with pride. The progress of the queendom, the Alyssians’ victorious coup, whatever successes and failures awaited them in the future-it all began with her, Genevieve and Nolan’s presence seemed to say, the power and wisdom that resided within her, the most powerful queen ever to lead Wonderland.

“It’s all in your head,” Genevieve said.

“I know,” said Alyss, and despite the traumas of the past, the uncertainty of the future, she wouldn’t have given up this moment for anything. “Isn’t it wonderful?”
