For the Veterans

The following story about PTSD has been shared from many platforms, and since the author is unknown, it is unclear who the original source was. However, it echoed my own experience so much that I felt it would be important to share. We did make small grammatical changes to the original content as we first found it:

A soldier with PTSD fell into a hole and couldn’t get out. When a SNCO walked by, the soldier called out for help, but the SNCO yelled back, "Suck it up son, dig deep and drive on," then threw him a shovel. The Soldier did as he was told and dug that hole deeper.

A senior officer went by and the soldier called out for help again. The officer told him, "Use the tools your SNCO has given you." Then he threw him a bucket. The soldier used the tools and he dug the hole deeper still and filled the bucket.

A psychiatrist walked by. The soldier called, “Help! I can’t get out!”

So the psychiatrist gave him some drugs and said, "Take this. It will relieve the pain and you will forget about the hole.”

The soldier said, "Thanks," and followed his advice, but when the pills ran out, he was still in the hole.

A well-known psychologist rode by and heard the soldier's cries for help. He stopped and asked, “How did you get there? Were you born there? Did your parents put you there? Tell me about yourself, it will alleviate your sense of loneliness.”

So the Soldier talked with him for an hour. Then the psychologist had to leave, but he said he’d be back next week. The soldier thanked him, but he was still in the hole.

Another soldier, just like him, happened to be passing by. The soldier with PTSD cried out, “Hey, help me. I’m stuck in this hole!”

Right away, the other Soldier jumped down in there with him. The soldier with PTSD started to panic and said, “What are you doing? Now we’re both stuck down here!”

But the other Soldier just smiled and replied, “It’s Ok. Calm down, brother. I’ve been here before….. I know how to get out.”

* * *

Please know, that no matter what you are going through, you are never alone. If you are struggling with PTSD, there is a whole community of military brothers and sisters who is ready to help support you and help you find a way to pull yourself out of the hole. Please don’t give up; keep going until you find the help that is right for you.

I have been pretty open with our fans about the fact that PTSD has had a tremendous direct impact on our lives; it affected my relationship with my wife, job opportunities, finances, parenting — everything. It is also no secret that for me, the help from the VA was not the most ideal form of treatment. Although I am still on this journey, I did find one organization that did assist the healing process for me, and I would like to share that information.

Welcome Home Initiative is a ministry of By His Wounds Ministry, and they run seminars for veterans and their spouses for free. The weekends are a combination of prayer and more traditional counseling and left us with resources to aid in moving forward. The entire cost of the retreat — hotel costs, food, and sessions — are completely free from the moment the veteran and their spouse arrive at the location.

If you feel that you or someone you love might benefit from one of Welcome Home Initiative’s sessions, please visit their website to learn more:

We have decided to donate a portion of our profits to this organization, because it made such an impact in our lives and we believe in what they are doing. If you would also like to donate to Welcome Home Initiative and help to keep these weekend retreats going, you can do so by following this link:
