Abbreviation Key

1RGR — 1st Royal Gurkhas Regiment

ANZAC — Australian and New Zealand Army Corps

BCT — Brigade Combat Team

CAG — Commander, Air Group

CIWS — Close-In Weapon System

CMC–Central Military Commission

CO — Commanding Officer

COP — Combat Outpost

CP — Command Post

CVC–Combat Vehicle Control

DARPA — Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

DDoS — Distributed Denial of Service

DIA — Defense Intelligence Agency

DoD — Department of Defense

DZ — Drop Zone

FOB — Forward Operating Base

GDP — Gross Domestic Product

GEO — Geostationary Orbit

GP — General Purpose

GPS — Global Positioning System

HE — High-Explosive

HEAT — High-Explosive Antitank Munition

HIMARS — High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System

HQ — Headquarters

HTS — High-Throughput Satellite

IBA — Individual Body Armor

IFV–Infantry Fighting Vehicle

JLTV — Joint Light Tactical Vehicle

JWICS — A Top Secret/SCI network run by the Defense Intelligence Agency

LAV–Light Amphibious Vehicle (Hovercraft)

LCU — Landing Craft Utility

LP/OP — Listening Post/Observation Post

LZ — Landing Zone

MCD — Missile Countermeasure Device

MP — Member of Parliament

NDA — Nondisclosure Agreement

NSA — National Security Advisor OR National Security Agency

PEOC — Presidential Emergency Operational Center

PLA — People’s Liberation Army (Chinese Army)

PM — Prime Minister

PRC — People’s Republic of China

QRF — Quick Reaction Force

ROK — Republic of Korea (South Korea)

Ro-Ro — Roll-On, Roll-Off

RPA — Russian Provisional Authority

RPG — Rocket-Propelled grenade

RTO — Radio Telephone Operator

S3 — Operations Officer

SAM — Surface-to-Air Missile

SAP — Special Access Program

SINCGARS — Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System

SNCO — Senior Noncommissioned Officer

TACP — Tactical Air Control Party

UAV — Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (drone)

XO — Executive Officer
