Acronym Key

AAV — Amphibious Assault Vehicle

AG — Attorney General

ASAP — As Soon As Possible

ASROC — Anti-Submarine Rocket

ASW — Anti-submarine Warfare

AWACs — Airborne Warning and Control System

BMP — Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty (Russian infantry fighting vehicle)

BTR — Bronetransportyor (Russian armored personnel carrier)

CAG — Commander Air Group

CIA — Central Intelligence Agency

CIC — Combat Information Center

CIWS — Close-in Weapons System

CJC — Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

CMC — Central Military Commission

COG — Continuity of Government

C-RAM — Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar systems

CSM — Command Sergeant Major

CW4 — Chief Warrant Officer Four

DCM — Deputy Chief of Mission

DDos — Distributed Denial of Service

DEFCON — Defense Readiness Condition

DF-5B — Dongfeng-5B

DIA — Defense Intelligence Agency

DoD — Department of Defense

DMZ — Demilitarized Zone

DPRK — Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)

EAM — Emergency Alert Message

FSB — Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti (Russian intelligence agency that came after the KGB)

GDF — Global Defense Force

GDP — Gross Domestic Product

GM — General Major

G3 — Head of Operations Staff

HALO — High Altitude-Low Opening (military free fall)

HEAT — High-explosive Anti-tank

IBA — Individual Body Armor

ICBM — Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles

IoT — Internet of Things (all network-enabled devices)

JCET — Joint Combined Exchange Training

JDAM — Joint Direct Attack Munition

KPA — Korean People’s Army (North Korea’s Army)

LCAC — Landing Craft Air Cushion (hovercraft)

LCDR — Lieutenant Commander

LNO — Liaison Officer

LT — Lieutenant

LTC — Lieutenant Colonel

LtGen — Lieutenant General

LZ — Landing Zone

MAD — Mutually Assured Destruction

MANPAD — Man Portable Air Defense System (shoulder-launched surface-to-air-missiles)

MIRV — Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle

MG — Major General

NATO — North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NORAD — North American Aerospace Defense Command

NSA — National Security Advisor OR National Security Agency

ODA — Operational Detachment Alpha

ODC — Office of Defense Cooperation

OP — Observation Post

PACOM — Pacific Command

PLA — People’s Liberation Army

PLAAF — People’s Liberation Army Air Force

PLAN — People’s Liberation Army Navy

POTUS — President of the United States

PSI — Pounds Per Square Inch

QRF — Quick Reaction Force

ROK — Republic of Korea (South Korea)

RORSAT — Radar Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite

RSO — Regional Security Officer

SAM — Surface-to-Air Missile

SCIF — Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility

SDO — Senior Defense Official

SecDef — Secretary of Defense

SF — Special Forces

SFC — Sergeant First Class

SSGN — Ship, Submersible, Guided Missile, Nuclear

S2 — Intelligence Officer

TACP — Tactical Air Control Party

THAAD — Thermal High-Altitude Area Defense

XO — Executive Officer
