“The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.”
That’s my favorite quote from Ernest Hemingway, and it perfectly sums up why I’m writing this series.
The older I get, the more it seems that everyone in the world is broken in some way, whether it is from divorce, death, drugs, etc. I wanted to write stories that people could relate to, stories where my characters were far from perfect, but had readers rooting for them to succeed, to overcome their personal demons.
While my characters’ problems are sometimes more exaggerated than real-life problems for the sake of fictional entertainment, the roots of their issues are firmly planted in real life.
The fact of the matter is, real life can be a bitch sometimes. It can slap you, shove you around, and then kick you while you’re down.
But the important thing to remember is always this:
Life is hard sometimes, but it can only break you if you let it.
No matter what, you have to always stick your chin out and keep going. You have to keep going through the motions even if you don’t feel like it. Flip your problems the bird and keep fighting to make your life how you want it.
Your life is your own. If you don’t like it, if it makes you sad, if it makes you discouraged on a daily basis, change it. Change everything about it until you’re in love with your life and it’s exactly how you want it.
If Dominic, Jacey, Madison, Gabriel, Pax, and Mila have shown you anything, I hope it is that. That you can be dealt a really crappy hand in life, but the power to change everything rests within you. You hold the key to your own happiness.
We’ve each got one life. Live the heck out of yours.