“Where is he?” Daphne demanded.

Ben’s eye was trained to the peephole in Emily’s kitchen wall, but he couldn’t see the front door, where Emily had just gone to answer the doorbell.

He recognized Daphne’s voice. His heart sank and he felt desperate. Why was it that, no matter what he did, he disappointed someone?

“Ben? He’s not here,” Emily said defiantly. “You’re supposed to have him!”

“I didn’t hear that,” Daphne said. “Let’s try again, and before we do let me remind you that to shelter him is to harbor a witness. Think carefully. Have you seen Benjamin today?”

“Get out.”

Daphne informed her, “I have enough probable cause to search this property, and that is exactly what I intend to do.”

That was enough for Ben. He had stepped toward the back door before he remembered Daphne nabbing him there once before.

He used the bathroom window. It was on the side of the house away from the driveway, facing the neighbors.

He hit the ground with his feet running, thinking ahead. They were sure to check his house as well-unless they had already. He could get the sleeping bag from his room and head up to the tree fort. He could spend the night there and come back to Emily’s in the morning.

It was raining out, but he barely felt it. He felt as if he ran faster than he had ever run. He splashed along sidewalks, down alleys, and through familiar back yards. He ran as if his life depended on it. He ran for his freedom.

Nothing so sweet.
