
First of all, I want to thank the amazing authors who contributed to this anthology. I am thrilled to present the fantastic stories in this book.

My thanks also go to the many folks who collaborated in putting this volume together…

Julie Dillon, two-time Hugo Award-winning artist, who made the glorious art for our cover, front and back. This is her third cover for us, and the illustrations she creates continue to amaze and inspire.

Kendall Roderick, who designed the cover, and who was as resourceful and professional as always.

Therin Knite, who formatted the digital and print editions of this collection. Thanks for your dedication and patience, Therin.

David Gatewood, who edited the first of these anthologies, Dark Beyond the Stars, which stands as a powerful foundation for the ongoing series.

Ellen Campbell, our editor, who keeps us all on track and helps herd the occasional roaming author cat.

Samuel Peralta, whose Future Chronicles anthologies inspired the Beyond the Stars series and whose entrepreneurial vision continues to create new opportunities for indie writers.

I am also grateful to the ever-growing indie author community, which remains an amazing resource for writers of any level of experience.

And of course, I thank Richard.

Patrice Fitzgerald

Series Editor, Beyond the Stars
