Wallace, created on a noble plan

To show us that a Judge can be a Man;

Through moral mire exhaling mortal stench

God-guided sweet and foot-clean to the Bench;

In salutation here and sign I lift

A hand as free as yours from lawless thrift,

A heart—ah, would I truly could proclaim

My bosom lighted with so pure a flame!

Alas, not love of justice moves my pen

To praise, or to condemn, my fellow men.

Good will and ill its busy point incite:

I do but gratify them when I write.

In palliation, though, I'd humbly state,

I love the righteous and the wicked hate.

So, sir, although we differ we agree,

Our work alike from persecution free,

And Heaven, approving you, consents to me.

Take, therefore, from this not all useless hand

The crown of honor—not in all the land

One honest man dissenting from the choice,

Nor in approval one Fred. Crocker's voice!
