For their editorial advice, insults, and friendship, I want to thank Jess Walter, Shann Ferch, and Kevin Taylor.
I also send loving trash talk out to the Thursday and Sunday night basketball boys. You know who you are.
I certainly thank Elisabeth, Deb, Judy, and Morgan for twenty years of joy.
For their support and patience, I extend special thanks to Reagan Arthur and Megan Tinley.
To my agent hero, Nancy Stauffer, I send all the love and respect in the world.
With her brilliant legal mind, Susan Grode has always been way ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to a rapidly changing publishing world. I am lucky to call her my friend and colleague.
To Rosalie Swedlin, I sing an honor song for her guidance.
And, of course, to my mother and siblings for loving my stories even when they probably reveal too many family secrets.
And most of all, I want to thank my wife, Diane, and my sons, Joseph and David. It’s hard to live with a writer but they manage to survive me with beauty and grace. I cherish them.