THERE WERE A LOT OF PEOPLE standing around on Arrow Street as we rode into town. There was a crowd in front of Pike’s Palace, looking at the shattered front windows in the swinging doors.
Pike came out of the saloon and stood on the porch.
“Pony,” he said. “Where the fuck were you?”
Pony grinned and made a big circular motion with his hand.
“Round and round,” he said.
“And you fucking deputies,” Pike said. “Where the fuck you been?”
With no expression on his face, Virgil looked at Pike for a long silent moment.
Then he said, “Round and round.”
“Fucking Indian rode in here, dozen people saw him, big as life,” Pike said. “Like he’s the fucking mayor or something. Rides right up Arrow Street. Hauls out a shotgun and unloads both barrels through my windows. You know how much those cocksuckers cost me? They come all the way from fucking Saint Louis, and that fucking red nigger blows them apart and rides out.”
“Anybody hurt?” I said.
“Couple of drunks got nicked,” Pike said. “They’ll live.”
Virgil was looking at the street in front of the saloon.
“Left him an arrow,” Virgil said.
I nodded.
“I don’t give a fuck what he left. What are you gonna do about it.”
“We’ll probably chase him again,” Virgil said.
“Don’t bother,” Pike said. “I sent Kirby and J.D. after him.”
“Anybody else?” Virgil said.
“J.D. and Kirby’s usually enough,” Pike said.
Virgil nodded.
“You know why this fella shot up your saloon,” he said.
“ ’Cause he’s a fucking prairie coon, and he don’t know what else to do,” Pike said.
Virgil nodded.
“Figured there’d be a reason,” he said. “Pony, come on down to the office with us.”
“I want Pony here,” Pike said.
“None of us cares much what you want, at this here moment,” Virgil said. “Me and Everett are deputy sheriffs, and we’re planning to question Pony.”
Pike looked at Virgil. Virgil looked back. The crowd began to open up a little. I stepped away from Virgil and rested the eight-gauge barrel up on my shoulder, and thumbed both hammers back. It was so quiet that I could hear the sound of cicadas singing.
They sang for a while.
Then Pike said, “Pony, when you’re through with the deputies, come on back here, if you would.”
Pony nodded, and turned and walked down to the office with me and Virgil. Behind us, Pike went back into his saloon, and the crowd began to thin out.