“WORKED A TOWN in Oklahoma once,” Virgil said as we walked along Arrow Street toward The Church of the Brotherhood. “Had one of them Indian schools. Everybody working their ass off to teach these kids to be what they weren’t.”
“Buffalo Calf wasn’t a quitter,” I said. “Musta taken him ten years to find Pike.”
“Then he wanted to stretch it out,” I said. “So it wouldn’t be over too quick.”
“All he had,” Virgil said.
He paused and looked at a dress hanging in the window of a shop.
“You a pretty smart fella, Everett.”
“Sure,” I said.
“Went to the Academy and all.”
“Think she’ll ever change?” he said.
I knew he meant Allie.
“Folks generally don’t,” I said.
“No,” Virgil said.
He kept looking at the dress.
“You?” I said.
“Change?” he said. “ ’Bout Allie?”
“Maybe,” he said. “This time I think I could haze her off.”
“But,” I said.
“Got that girl to take care of.”
“There’s other women in the world,” I said.
“Not right at the moment,” Virgil said.
“You love Allie?” I said.
“I might.”
“And maybe Laurel’s a good excuse,” I said.
“Maybe,” Virgil said.
He turned from the window and looked at me. “And maybe I’m glad I got an excuse,” he said. “Either way, we gonna keep her for now.”
“Take care of Laurel,” I said.
I nodded.
“Wasn’t planning on no daughter,” I said.
We walked on toward the church. It was a warm day, with some wind that kicked up the dust in the street in little swirls and bothered the parasols that some of the ladies carried.
“Laurel might change her,” Virgil said.
“Maybe,” I said.
“I think she will,” Virgil said.
I didn’t say anything.
“I’ll only say this to you, Everett,” Virgil said. “ ’Cause I don’t mind so much looking like a fool to you. But I believe her this time.”
“And them other men?” I said.
“Got nothing to do with me,” Virgil said.
I nodded. We walked on. We could see The Church of the Brotherhood ahead of us. There were several deacons standing around outside wearing Colts.
“ ’ Less it keeps happening,” Virgil said. “Can’t take that no more.”
“Good,” I said.
Virgil nodded and stopped outside the church.
“Howdy, boys,” he said. “We come to see Brother Percival.”